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Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:39 am
by brought2ubyletterC
Here is part one of the reviews I have waited seven years to write...

No one could possibly know how long I had waited to see Strato, unless they had been waiting as long as me. And upon getting the news that they were touring the States, it seemed as if every day between the afternoon in May when I bought the tickets for the Santa Ana show and the fateful 3-day weekend in October when it would happen...well, it seemed that my wait felt longer instead of shorter!

So what does my buying tickets for Santa Ana have to do with the Key Club show? Funny you should ask.

I knew that I would be going to the Santa Ana show. The show was originally scheduled four days after my birthday, so it was my gift to myself. I would not really know until the eleventh hour whether I was to grace the Key Club with my presence as well. Image When the final two dates were switched---the Key Club show to October 9th and the Galaxy show to October 10th---I figured it was a good possibility I'd end up going to both. But I just didn't know.

A surprise would await me in my e-mail box---from none other than Mr. Timo Tolkki himself! He told me that he saw my post on the board inquiring about the Hollywood show, and said that if I wanted to come, there would be two tickets and passes waiting for me there! :shock: So I left the name of my friend who was going with me to Santa Ana---as she was driving us and had the license---and said a figurative prayer that she'd be able to make it to both shows. Image

I arrived in my hometown of L.A. on Thursday afternoon (October 6th, the day after my birthday), for a glorious 10-day vacation to not only see Strato, but to visit my family and friends, whom I hardly ever see at all now that I moved away. :( I won't bore you with details of the things I did during those first three days, but rest assured that the Strato gigs were never very far from my mind. Image

When the day came, it did not look very promising that I'd make it to the Key Club. My friend had to work that night, so I thought if worse came to worse, I could invite someone else and buy a ticket at the door or something. So I asked my best friend if she'd be free that night---everything was a go until the night before the show, when her son started running a fever and she was adamant about not leaving him. I tried asking a few other people, but no one could go with me. Image

It was a quarter to seven on Sunday night and I was pretty resigned to the idea that I would likely have to miss the Key Club show. :cry: Besides, I still didn't even know yet if we were on the list---the doors opened at 7 and the venue would know know that information until then. I had half a mind not to call, for fear that we would be on the list and I'd have to miss the show and look like a flake to Tolkki after all he did for me.

But my aunt, whom I was staying with, knew how much seeing Strato meant to me, and was determined to do whatever it took to make sure I didn't miss out. She urged me to call the venue to at least see if our names made it on the list---that way if we weren't, I wouldn't have to feel as bad about not going. So imagine how sad I got when I found out that Tolkki did indeed come through and I could not go! Image

However, my wonderful aunt would not be daunted. She seemed more driven to get me to Strato than I was at that point! She reminded me that my friend got off work at 9 o'clock---maybe she could meet me at the Key Club after work, and my aunt could drop me off there. It seemed like a long shot, but as hard as my aunt was trying, I felt I had to at least meet her halfway and give it a "college try" as well.

So at 7:30 I called my friend, and even though she was still at work, she was totally game for meeting me there! Score! Image I took the quickest shower of my life and was out the door by 8 o'clock. I had exactly an hour and a half before Strato hit the stage. Strato, here I come!!!

It wasn't a straight shot to the Key Club, I had to stop by the ATM and get some money. Can't go to a show and not buy a shirt! There was a bit of traffic on the way to Hollywood; the minutes towards 9:30 were ticking down. My uncle helped me out of the car once we got there, set me up in my wheelchair, and we raced to the front door. I explained to the guy at the door that my friend would be here shortly, and he let me in. No sooner than we opened the doors did the opening notes of "Maniac Dance" start in. We were escorted to an elevator and my uncle parked me in front of the balcony for a killer view of the show. He bid me goodbye and I was free to rock out! All I could say to myself at that point was---I made it!!! :rvd:

Strato would kick my ass for the rest of the night with the following songs (not in order):

"Maniac Dance"
"Speed of Light"
"Father Time"
"Twilight Symphony"
"Will the Sun Rise?"
"The Kiss of Judas"
"The Land of Ice and Snow"
"Against the Wind"
"Hunting High and Low"
"Black Diamond"
Bass solo

Strato's show literally left me speechless---I didn't feel that any words were enough to pay respect to something so awesome. Tolkki's guitar work was superb, Kotipelto's voice was downright perfect---not a single note where he held back. Jens was as crazy on the keyboards as I'd imagined, Jorg was a monster on the drums. And Lauri Porra! My God, is he talented! I figured he was anyway or he wouldn't be playing for Strato, but the phrase "it has to be seen to be believed" definitely applies here. He played a small part of the John Lennon song "Imagine" on this night, and it sounded beautiful. It would come as no surprise to me if one day many years from now, Lauri Porra is revered as a bass god, likened to Les Claypool or Cliff Burton. He is considered one now by all us metalheads, but I wouldn't be surprised if one day the rest of the world catches on. They will.

I cannot say enough about Strato's performance; they are as flawless onstage as they are in the studio. I would not be able to understand it if *anyone* came out of that show and dared to say they were not moved. I have seen many bands in my 27 years of living, and I can say without reservation that Strato is among the best, if not the best. Everyone in the Key Club was on their feet; even people who were in their seats were rocking out. I did not see a single face of dislike or indifference.

During the show, I ran into a friend of mine that works for Century Media, I had not seen her since the Nightwsh show last year so it was good seeing her again. My other friend, the one I was waiting for, did make it to the Key Club---but sadly, only long enough to catch the last song ("Black Diamond")! :cry: When the show was over, my friend from CM asked us to wait for her and told us a place to meet her in case we were shoved out of the club before she got back (we were).

So we waited outside, and during this time, both Tolkki and Kotipelto would exit the building, both headed for the Rainbow Bar & Grill, located next door. Everyone hounded them for autographs; as I was in my wheelchair, I was lost in the crowd and neither one of them saw me. We hung back and waited for my friend to return. She would, and only moments later, Kotipelto would come back just to talk to me! :D

Kotipelto was awesome, he was a complete gentleman and was cool enough to sign my Coldness CD. He also signed a Chosen Ones CD of my boyfriend's (whom I converted to Strato, btw); he was not abl to make it to etiher of the shows with me. We took a picture with him, asking the couple sitting across from us if they would like to get in the picture with us. They declined. A few moments later Kotipelto left, we hugged each other goodbye, he wished me a happy (belated) birthday, and said he'd see me in Santa Ana.

After he left, the couple across from us made conversation with us. The man asked me if I was C. from Stratoboard, and I said yes. He revealed that he was Dragon77 and we greeted each other like long-lost friends. My friend and Dragon's wife made friendly conversation, and Dragon proceeded to tell me that BurningReflection was here too and wanted to meet me. He would join our group a little later, he was very cool and we agreed to try and meet up again in Santa Ana. Even though Kotipelto had already been gone some time, we were making friends and were in no hurry to go anywhere.

Sometime during all this, the tour bus parked in front of the Key Club, and Jorg came out of the club. He walked past us, I said hi and told him that tonight had been a great show. By now, Dragon was over at the Rainbow trying to get autographs, so he missed Jorg. :cry:

Eventually the tour bus moved away so my friend was able to get to her car. We parted with our newfound friends and told BurningReflection we'd see him tomorrow night. Afterwards we grabbed a late dinner, and found ourselves home at 3 in the morning with only a few hours to sleep before starting on part 2 of our Strato adventure. :D

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:45 am
by Asterothe
Great story. I was there too. The show ruled. It has been
6 years since the last Strato show for me so it meant a lot
especially after the big crisis they have been theough. After
the show I got chance to hang out with them at the Rainbow
too. It was an amazing night. I went to Santa Ana show too.

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:55 am
by The Enigma
What a great story, C ! Thank you ! :elk:

Waiting for seven years and then almost missing a show... whoahhh!

But you made it and met Timo K ! :rvd:


Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:06 pm
by browneyedgirl
I think this rather limited venture into North America was sort of expeerimental--to see how they would be accepted. Now we know that it was a success, the next NA tour will be more vast. 2007.

One more thing--C is NOT the first&only person who has waited to see Strato......5 years for me, and many many more. Two more years is not so long to wait again.
7 is the divine number! ;)

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:02 pm
Wow, what a great story, C.! It really made me feel good hearing how much pleasure you got out of that show. How was the 2nd?

Hope you'll post that picture you took with Timo K. He truly is a very nice guy and patient with his fans. I got a couple after the show in Atlanta, but it was late and I look sloppy, so I'm not posting them. :lol: :oops:

(I wonder if your friend at CM is the same as mine?)

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:47 pm
by brought2ubyletterC
AMBR: I don't know, we'll talk on OSA forum about it later if you want.

Yeah, I know that there are a bunch of people here who waited nearly as long as I did, and I'm not taking anything away from them. But when you count seven years, it is really a long time! But as I said before, I would have waited twice as long to get the shows I got! I cannot stress enough how they were worth the wait.

I'm going to figure out how to work this computer of my uncle's; he said that I can put my memory card into the printer and bring my pictures up. Usually I have to wait for my card to fill up and then make a disc at the store, but if I do this right I can probably get the pictures up in the next day or so. I'll try my best; I'm leaving for San Diego tomorrow so I'll see what I can do.

Enigma: Thanks for the helpful e-mail, btw.

Part 2 coming right up!

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:34 am
by Asterothe

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:35 am
by Asterothe

Bad flash...

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:43 am
by Asterothe

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:50 pm
by brought2ubyletterC
Your pics are great; mine will not look so good in comparison as they were taken from the balcony. But I got 3 killer pictures of the entire band standing together at the end of the show. :D

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:51 am
by Burning Reflection

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:55 am
by brought2ubyletterC
Why, thanks! :D

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:37 pm
by brought2ubyletterC
Pics of both the L.A. and Orange County (a.k.a. Santa Ana; us Southern Californians just refer to that general area as Orange County or the OC) are FINALLY up and online!

Click on the link...I know you want to!

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:11 pm
by Fireblade
No way, those pics are great, C!

That balcony must have been pretty close to the stage, unless you have a huge zoom lens. :wink:

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:40 am
by browneyedgirl
C, Those Pics were so good and I know you had a well-deserved great time at those 2 shows! :headbang:

I will come back to this thread again to look at them more!

2007 will be here soon, and maybe it will be even bigger tour! :rvd:

Re: Stratovarius @ the Key Club; Hollywood, CA 10/9/05

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:16 am
by brought2ubyletterC
Fireblade: No, I didn't have a "huge" zoom lens; the Key Club is a pretty small place. My zoom only goes 2x, which is not that much considering most digital cameras can go an average of 4x these days.

Thanks everyone for taking a look at the pics, I was actually worried that they would not come out as my camera broke about a week later and the chip was still inside. But all is well and my Strato memories were preserved! :D