IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

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Is Iran's nuclear capability a concern?

Hell Yes--it might cause WWIII!!!
Not at this point--just watch&see!
None at all--Ever!
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by NeonVomit » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:33 am

Kokordilos wrote:You know I couldn't believe it, but MSNBC just reported that Japan suspects North Korea may have very recently just tested a SECOND bomb!
I am not in the least bit surprised.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by NeonVomit » Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:34 pm

miditek wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:It's creepy that they're stuck 40 years in the past. That's what I'm worried about, what is the actual view of the population? How hard would they fight in a war? How many would die?
NeonVomit wrote:I think Kim would do it. He is crazy enough, I think there's no doubt. Saddam was not crazy. He might have been despotic, brutal and cruel, but certainly not crazy. He made a few critical tactical errors which cost him Gulf War I, he was actually very close to winning it at one point. Air power alone will never win a war (look at the whole Kosovo thing).
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary! :shock: What history book did that come out of? The al-Jazeera Revisionist Encyclopedia? U.S. forces lost less than 200 KIA (Killed in Action), while the Iraqis lost over 100,000 in a ground war that lasted all of 100 hours, during Gulf War I?

What tactical blunders were made by which units and where were these units supposed to have been located at? The notion that the Iraqis almost won defies documented historical facts, and not to mention military science itself. I'm quite sure that Clausewitz and Rommel would have considered Schwarzkopf to be a brilliant and highly competent field commander.

Remember when you said the camera doesn't lie? Well, the video camera doesn't lie either, especially when regular Iraqi forces are on film surrendering to an American news cameraman!

It would be less than objective to suggest that NATO airstrikes (which also included Luftwaffe combat sorties for the first time in almost 60 years) had little influence on the withdrawl of Serb/Yugoslav security forces from the Kosovo province. This allowed the ground forces in KFOR to be much more effective in their jobs to secure the area.

Moreover, Milosevic and his gang were indicted for war crimes, as well as crimes against humanity, and finally, he was removed from power. NATO military action certainly played a role in this.
NeonVomit wrote:The crux of the issue is, we're dealing with a madman who seems to be out of touch with reality. Far more so than Iran. And that madman has proved that he has nuclear weapons.
And Kim should not forget that while he does have a handful of small nuclear weapons at last, the United States has 30,000 thermonuclear weapons for deterrence in its own arsenal.
I've read a few sources, and no it wasn't the 'The al-Jazeera Revisionist Encyclopedia', please don't insult me in that manner, I never do. I also happened to be in Saudi Arabia when the war started, and my dad was there the whole time after me and my mum were evacuated. (That's the first of two wars which I was directly affected by, and I'd really rather not go into the second one).

Saddam had the upper hand in the beginning. Of course, the war turned against him very quickly, but he did have opportunities to advance much further and be in a position of strength. Perhaps 'victory' not the correct word to use, but he could have caused a lot more damage and held a lot more territory. Nor was I doubting Schwartzkopf's abilities, he wasn't a 4-star general for nothing, and it probably was his skill that prevented Saddam from doing a lot more than he did.

Milosevic was ousted from power by his own people, plain and simple. During the NATO campaign they rallied behind the regime like nothing else imaginable could have caused them to. The government organised parties on strategic bridges and buildings, and people showed up in their thousands, instead of hiding in their basements like they could have. Some friends of mine actually played a concert on one of those bridges at that time.

The widely-held view is that the bombing campaign was pretty much ineffective in terms of material damage. Many canvas tents with logs sticking out with a fire built inside (to look like tanks on infrared scanners) were destroyed. Its effect was mostly psychological, and Slobo knew when it was time to back down over Kosovo before the people got tired of supporting him. The point of the bombing campaign was to break Slobo's resolve, not destroy the armed forces. Many people in Serbia still regard it as a Serb victory over Nato however, because the armed forces of the country were actually not as badly affected as one might think, and (an important factor) they managed to get some concessions from Nato on the actual pull out. To think that the campaign had Serb forces fleeing out of the province is not correct. They did however, leave after the government had had enough of the pressure. This is one thing that I think air power is good for, it is a very powerful psychological weapon.

It would of course be naive to think that the bombing campaign had no effect on Slobo's eventual downfall, but to claim that it was responsible for it is deeply flawed.

Anyhow, that's not the issue now. I'm just glad that the people of Serbia finally had enough of Slobo and ousted him themselves without outside intervention, and that the casualties in the bombing campaign weren't as heavy as they could've been. A good example to other peoples in the world under an authoritarian ruler, a sign that for a country to overcome a despotic regime, they don't necessarily need another country to come in and do it for them.

The issue here is, I don't think Kim seems to realise or care that America could wipe his little kingdom out 300 times over. If anyone has any indicators or signs that he is actually in touch with reality, I'd like to see them. Even his traditional supporter China is fed up of his antics and has started hinting at sanctions (useless as they may be), but that hasn't deterred him in the least. Although I don't imagine it happening, it would be deeply satisfying to see China's army roll over their virtually unguarded northern border and tie up this Cold War loose end once and for all.

Of course, the N Korean army is probably not nearly as tactically sophisticated or well-trained as the Serbian army was (a few officers I knew in the army had done some cross training with Serb officers, and said they were the toughest, hardest, most experienced and most cunning ones they'd ever worked with) so perhaps it's concievable to envision their entire artillery being annihilated by focused B-52 strikes. But herein lies another issue... Kim's generals probably know this, and will strive to cause as much damage to Seoul (within easy reach) and the surrounding army installments as they possibly can, before a retaliatory strike can occurr. All this while about a million N Korean troops roll over the border. I'll try to look up what sort of artillery N Korea has, if it's towed-type then I imagine they'd get about 5-10 rounds off before being hit back, if it's self-propelled then considerably more. Basically, most of Seoul will be reduced to ruins, with sickening casualties, before the B-52's have a chance to get there. It would take roughly 40 or less seconds for an artillery shell to hit Seoul once fired (I served in the artillery, this is one aspect of military technology I am very familiar with). Again, the eventual outcome of the war is probably not in doubt, but just think of how many thousands upon thousands will die. Would it be worth it? And of course, once the war actually starts, what's to stop Kim from using his nukes properly? How many Korean civilians and US soldiers will die then? What's to stop him from launching a few at Japan for good measure? The potential catastrophe is mind-numbing. Just because the continental United States won't be affected doesn't mean that this isn't a problem.

And the saddest thing of all... why do you think S Korea has been persuing their 'Sunshine Policy' to the North? There are no ethnic or religious differences between the peoples of North and South Korea. It is all political. So the 'them v.s. us' mindset is not nearly as strong as it is in other places. They don't want a war, not just because of the terrible damage and horrendous casualties that will certainly ensue, but they don't want to fight against other Koreans.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by browneyedgirl » Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:17 pm

NK did test a second one&it was declared a success--whatever "Success" means in terms of nuclear testing. :err:

Understandably, Japan&China are very concerned!
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:16 pm

NeonVomit wrote:I've read a few sources, and no it wasn't the 'The al-Jazeera Revisionist Encyclopedia', please don't insult me in that manner, I never do.

Sorry if you took that as a personal insult, it wasn't intended to be, and I apologize if you interpreted it that way. It was ridicule for whatever publication or book of the notion about Saddam's military even having a chance appeared in, and not you personally...
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by NeonVomit » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:46 pm

Never mind, I didn't mean to put it in such hard terms, I was in a bad mood earlier (I'm actually very difficult to offend :D)

Now this is just plain funny. Iran blames the USA for N Korea's nuclear test. No, I'm not making this up.

I really don't understand what they're hoping to gain from all this sabre-rattling...
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by browneyedgirl » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:56 am

I hate to dig up an old topic, but it seems Russia is going to aid Iran in a missile defense program. ??? Is this something to be concerned with.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by NeonVomit » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:04 am

Not exactly the most impartial of sources.

However, I wouldn't be too surprised. It would give Russia bargining power... although they have their fair share of troubles with Islamic extremism, so why help Iran of all people?

I've long since given up trying to figure out what Russia is up to anyway.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:24 am

browneyedgirl wrote:I hate to dig up an old topic, but it seems Russia is going to aid Iran in a missile defense program. ??? Is this something to be concerned with.
It's a lot of money up front for the Kremlin, that's for sure, and not to mention the frequently lucrative spare parts, and preventative maintenance agreements. It's a nice addition to their growing oil revenues, as the world's number two petroleum exporter.

Moscow is probably in a hurry for the check to clear the bank, get the new users trained on this system, and to get their advisers out before the fireworks begin.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by Shurik » Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:34 pm

I've long since given up trying to figure out what Russia is up to anyway.
Money+the need to feel a superpower again. They will sell their own mothers if it can somehow hurt the americans and their allies, which is kinda dumb because Cold War ended 15 years ago. That's what happens when you have an ex-KGB agent as a president ...
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by stratohawk » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:14 pm

Strange things are going on in Russia nowadays. I don't want to judge, I simply have the impression that the country is politically heading back to some kind if "hidden totalitarianism". Critics of the government live in dangerous circumstances. And the behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya is one of the most disgusting examples for occupation and suppression by military. There are still reports from Amnesty International that people (especially young men) disappear during nights and are never seen again.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by NeonVomit » Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:37 pm

stratohawk wrote:Strange things are going on in Russia nowadays. I don't want to judge, I simply have the impression that the country is politically heading back to some kind if "hidden totalitarianism". Critics of the government live in dangerous circumstances. And the behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya is one of the most disgusting examples for occupation and suppression by military. There are still reports from Amnesty International that people (especially young men) disappear during nights and are never seen again.
So what's so strange about all that? It simply means that Russia is exactly how it's been for the last.... well... since forever.

At least there's some continuity there!
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:05 pm

NeonVomit wrote:Not exactly the most impartial of sources.
Several other sources have confirmed the story, though. It's a rather large deal, financially speaking, although the political and military implications of this are also far too large to escape notice of the general public. Syria has also been purchasing similar air defense systems from Russia as well.
NeonVomit wrote:However, I wouldn't be too surprised. It would give Russia bargining power... although they have their fair share of troubles with Islamic extremism, so why help Iran of all people?

Bargaining power? I think that Russia's thinking is along several fronts, particularly financial, as well as political, and not to mention that they are busy building the Bushrer nuclear plant. Traces of plutonium have been reported there by the IAEC.
NeonVomit wrote:although they have their fair share of troubles with Islamic extremism, so why help Iran of all people?

Like the House of Saud, the Kremlin is playing both sides of the fence in regards to radical Islam. It's a very dangerous game, and is one that will eventually prove to be the undoing of both nations.
NeonVomit wrote:I've long since given up trying to figure out what Russia is up to anyway.
Just a suggestion (don't get angry now, ok?), but what Russia (as well as Persia, for that matter) is up to is outlined pretty clearly in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.

For Russia to assist radical regimes such as Damascus and Tehran flies in the face of western logic to be sure, but the biblical perspective fits this scenario perfectly.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:12 pm

stratohawk wrote:Strange things are going on in Russia nowadays. I don't want to judge, I simply have the impression that the country is politically heading back to some kind if "hidden totalitarianism". Critics of the government live in dangerous circumstances.

I would say that the totalitarianism in Russia is not so hidden anymore. No many people run afoul of the Kremlin (regardless of who is in power)and live to tell their tale. Solzhenitsyn offered some recent criticism of the oligarchy, but I assume his international status may have protected him.
stratohawk wrote:And the behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya is one of the most disgusting examples for occupation and suppression by military. There are still reports from Amnesty International that people (especially young men) disappear during nights and are never seen again.
I'm not excusing the Russian army's behavior at all, but where the hell where they (Amnesty International) during the Moscow theater siege, the apartment tenement bombings, or the attacks on the school at Beslan? What the Chechen terrorists have done is equally reprehensible, and one does have to wonder what they are thinking by launching attacks against Russians? Not the smartest career move for them, in my opinion. The Kremlin can be extremely vengeful towards its enemies, as history has shown.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by MetalPlatypus » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:41 pm

I have a very good solution for Miditek and other patriots. I hope that USA, Al Qaeda, Iran and North Korea all blow each other´s to smithereens. Then we will have peace in the world.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by MetalPlatypus » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:46 pm

It´s also very nice to see one of the terrorists Donald Rumsfeld, facing a courtcase with credible US evidence in Germany. I hope the next it is the monkey himself that will be "brought to justice" for starting an illegal war in Iraq without UN mandate and for starting the fascist US expansion in the world under the shroud of "war against terrorism". Everything is not at all how it looks like. Use your common sense.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by stratohawk » Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:30 pm

miditek wrote:
stratohawk wrote:And the behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya is one of the most disgusting examples for occupation and suppression by military. There are still reports from Amnesty International that people (especially young men) disappear during nights and are never seen again.
I'm not excusing the Russian army's behavior at all, but where the hell where they (Amnesty International) during the Moscow theater siege, the apartment tenement bombings, or the attacks on the school at Beslan?
Well I want to comment two things about that:
1.)One part of AIs work is to discover war crimes and cruelties which are NOT in the media, which are not available to the public. The theater siege and Beslan have been pictured in every bloody detail in TV and newspapers. The kidnappings of innocent civilians in Chechnya ar not.
In their statistics of course the victims of the barbarian act of Beslan is mentioned as war crimes of Russian soldiers or any other army.

2.)Don't mix together the terrorists of Beslan or the theatre drama with Chechnyan rebels. They often have nothing in common except one goal, the liberty of Chechnya. Their ways and methods are completely different. On the one hand you have armed rebels that fight the Russian army, on the other hand you have terrorists that would spill every single civilians blood to achieve their radical aims (often coupled with Islamistic views). IMO that's a great difference.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:18 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:I have a very good solution for Miditek and other patriots. I hope that USA, Al Qaeda, Iran and North Korea all blow each other´s to smithereens. Then we will have peace in the world.
A very Utopian notion, although not too realistic, in my opinion. The scope of the Islamic insurgency is in fact, a global one. The USA and its interests are hardly the only targets. There has also been lots of trouble in Asia, such as Indian members of Parliament being assassinated (not to mention the ongoing fighting over Kashmir), bombings in Bali, Islamic insurgencies in Thailand and the Philippines, etc. African, as well as European, targets have also been hit.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by browneyedgirl » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:29 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:I have a very good solution for Miditek and other patriots. I hope that USA, Al Qaeda, Iran and North Korea all blow each other´s to smithereens. Then we will have peace in the world.

This post shows so much love&tolerance it makes me weep. :~( But, not with sentimentality.
With pity--that this poster does ot realize that there are many targets in EUROPE, as well.
Man, you better wake up to reality, honey! :eek: When the USA falls, Europe will slip into oblivion as well, sweetie, so you better watch what you wish for!
And, before any of these caustic Anti-USA South Americans start their chest pounding, let me say that SA has many Nuclear Targets as well--most are in Brazil. :D I don't know what countries think is a threat there(probably communications stuff)but, SA won't escape the Destiny, either.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:29 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:It´s also very nice to see one of the terrorists Donald Rumsfeld, facing a courtcase with credible US evidence in Germany. I hope the next it is the monkey himself that will be "brought to justice" for starting an illegal war in Iraq without UN mandate and for starting the fascist US expansion in the world under the shroud of "war against terrorism". Everything is not at all how it looks like. Use your common sense.
Sorry, but political grandstanding disguised as German court decisions will have little or no effect on Mr. Rumsfeld or any other current or former official in the US government. German courts, as I'm sure that you are well aware, have absolutely no legal jurisdiction within the United States.

So if anyone one were to think that we're simply going to extradite Rumsfeld to Germany (of all places) for a Nuremberg-like show trial in a loony leftist kangaroo quasi-court, then they are quite mistaken. This current court "case" simply shows how far removed from that the German judiciary is from reality.

Hazing and interrogating prisoners at Gitmo is a far cry from the "hospitality" that was dealt out to other prisoners, such as the German Gestapo or the Russian NKVD, KGB, or its successor, the FSB.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:37 pm

stratohawk wrote:
miditek wrote:
stratohawk wrote:And the behaviour of Russian troops in Chechnya is one of the most disgusting examples for occupation and suppression by military. There are still reports from Amnesty International that people (especially young men) disappear during nights and are never seen again.
I'm not excusing the Russian army's behavior at all, but where the hell where they (Amnesty International) during the Moscow theater siege, the apartment tenement bombings, or the attacks on the school at Beslan?
Well I want to comment two things about that:
1.)One part of AIs work is to discover war crimes and cruelties which are NOT in the media, which are not available to the public. The theater siege and Beslan have been pictured in every bloody detail in TV and newspapers. The kidnappings of innocent civilians in Chechnya ar not.
In their statistics of course the victims of the barbarian act of Beslan is mentioned as war crimes of Russian soldiers or any other army.

2.)Don't mix together the terrorists of Beslan or the theatre drama with Chechnyan rebels. They often have nothing in common except one goal, the liberty of Chechnya. Their ways and methods are completely different. On the one hand you have armed rebels that fight the Russian army, on the other hand you have terrorists that would spill every single civilians blood to achieve their radical aims (often coupled with Islamistic views). IMO that's a great difference.
Sorry, we will probably just have to agree to disagree on this issue. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, I suppose.

I guess that "liberty" in Chechnya is a remote possibility, after the Russians finish their scorched
earth tactics. Liberty is a great thing, but actually having any citizens left, and not to mention an infrastructure to support them, is also important.

To my mind, there are no distinguishable differences from Chechen "freedom fighters" from Chechen terrorists. One reason why the reporting from Chechnya has been sporadic at best, is due to the fact that Moscow has restricted outside access to the area.

The Kremlin is well aware that 50% of the fighting of any insurgency is done inside the news media, and Moscow is very shrewd to deny the enemy access to this outlet, in as much as it possibly can.

While we're on the subject of Chechnya, I wonder why the German court that wants to charge Rummy isn't sending out international arrest warrants for Putin or Ivanov? Or in the case of war crimes in Iraq, why not send out warrants for al-Sadr, after he ordered his thugs to begin burning Sunni Muslim civilians alive?
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by stratohawk » Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:18 pm

Sorry? I haven't heard of such a court yet. I'm reading the news every day, so this would be a suprise to me.

But concerning the terrorist / freedom fighter issue: Wouldn't you say that there is a difference between separatists hiding and attacking an "invasor" (despite the fact that Chechnya in fact is Russian territory) and a terrorist that bombs house blocks, takes and kills children as hostages?
Yes, Russia prevents every independent reporting from that crisis (just as the government supresses other critical media) because they are acting cruel, brutal and merciless in Chechnya. That's nothing the rest of the world should see. There is a saying in Germany, meaning "out of view is out of mind/meaning/attention". That's exactly what's happening there. Violence has not ended, but the world doesn't notice anymore.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:24 pm

stratohawk wrote:Sorry? I haven't heard of such a court yet. I'm reading the news every day, so this would be a suprise to me.
stratohawk wrote:But concerning the terrorist / freedom fighter issue: Wouldn't you say that there is a difference between separatists hiding and attacking an "invasor" (despite the fact that Chechnya in fact is Russian territory) and a terrorist that bombs house blocks, takes and kills children as hostages?
I would be inclined to believe that these are not separate groups, and that they are all one in the same. It is very likely that the majority of anti-Kremlin forces there were taking orders from both Maskhadov, as well as Basayev. Chechnya has been a thorn in Russia's side for well over a century, and this is unlikely to change.

In short, they will never learn that armed resistance and/or terror activities against the Kremlin will only bring about more suffering to their own people. 80% of the infrastructure there has been destroyed, and any new attacks on Russians will only bring more destruction upon them. I'm rather surprised that Russia has not launched chemical or tactical nuclear strikes at Grozny, as there are very few targets left for conventional weapons.
stratohawk wrote:Yes, Russia prevents every independent reporting from that crisis (just as the government supresses other critical media) because they are acting cruel, brutal and merciless in Chechnya.
And when you have an enemy, from within or without, military actions can often be classified as brutal.
Moscow does not wish to see western news organizations fanning the flames (a la Iraq) in an already bad situation.

From a military and political standpoint, what Moscow is doing makes perfect sense. I am not a supporter of the Kremlin or its policies, but at the very least, they are much better at controlling anti-government/anti-war activists than the Bush administration is.

Too many news organizations seem to consider themselves as policymakers or king makers (or breakers), as opposed to actually reporting the news. The Kremlin, to its credit, will not tolerate those types of propaganda games to be played out on CNN- who has recently been booted out of Russia. Too bad we can't do the same here in the States.

One can only imagine what would have happened if Ted Turner had been "embedded" with US forces at Normandy! (6,000 KIA in the first wave alone, so we'd better go home now.) "Oh my God! They just shot some SS or Fallschirmjager troops that were only trying to save France from the capitalist and imperialist warmongers! Let's stop the war so we can put these evil troops and their bosses on trial!" I suppose that the Vichy vermin in North Africa could also have been considered "freedom fighters" as well, I guess.
stratohawk wrote:That's nothing the rest of the world should see. There is a saying in Germany, meaning "out of view is out of mind/meaning/attention". That's exactly what's happening there. Violence has not ended, but the world doesn't notice anymore.
Well, the rest of the world is too busy frothing with it's favorite sentiment (anti-Americanism) and "rage" over Iraq. Bush is stupid for not putting al-Sadr's head on a pike as a message to the mullahs in Tehran that they could be next, if things continue to go the way that they are. If Iran wants things to spin out of control, then so be it, and perhaps the next target will be Iran itself.

So I suppose that other hotspots, such as Lebanon, Afghanistan, Darfur, Kashmir, Gaza, and Chechnya will simply have to take a back seat for now. Priorities.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by browneyedgirl » Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:45 pm

A news release from leader of Iran.

I guess we will know later today what he had to say entirely.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:30 am

browneyedgirl wrote:A news release from leader of Iran.

I guess we will know later today what he had to say entirely.
Ammadaboutjihad's announcement sounds like it was written either by DNC resident propagandist Howard Dean, or my favorite drunk driver, Teddy Kennedy.

This guy is not even in the same league as his hero, Dr. Goebbels. :wink:
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by MetalPlatypus » Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:31 pm

miditek wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:A news release from leader of Iran.

I guess we will know later today what he had to say entirely.
Ammadaboutjihad's announcement sounds like it was written either by DNC resident propagandist Howard Dean, or my favorite drunk driver, Teddy Kennedy.

This guy is not even in the same league as his hero, Dr. Goebbels. :wink:
Not to mention George Bush, whose fascist regime is spreading to the world like Adolf Hitler´s, but in a secretive, more clever way.Just see the amount of military bases USA has over the world and where and be surprised. And Rumsfeld will be brought to the court, if USA respects the international community. Of course it won´t, because it is itself a separated superpower that is controlling the entire world and considers its right to do whatever it wants without caring about international agreements. I am just happy to see their ass kicked big time in Irak daily. They are paying a high price for that oil they are pumping and from those rebuilding contracts. Are American people really that stupid that they let their kids to go to die to fucking Irak? For what?

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by Carcass » Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:17 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:I am just happy to see their ass kicked big time in Irak daily.
Oh c'mon! Even if you dislike the war in Iraq (like me) and think it's a means for US to get more influence, don't be so harsh on the people doing the dirty work. I really can't understand people who make such stupid comments and then whine about America's dislike for the rest of the world, cause your comments are one of the reasons for that disliking.

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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by miditek » Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:16 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:
miditek wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:A news release from leader of Iran.

I guess we will know later today what he had to say entirely.
Ammadaboutjihad's announcement sounds like it was written either by DNC resident propagandist Howard Dean, or my favorite drunk driver, Teddy Kennedy.

This guy is not even in the same league as his hero, Dr. Goebbels. :wink:
MetalPlatypus wrote:Not to mention George Bush, whose fascist regime is spreading to the world like Adolf Hitler´s, but in a secretive, more clever way.
America is a constitutional republic, not a fascist dictatorship. Bush is ineligible to run for the White House a third time, and even if he could, it's very unlikely that he would be reelected.

Moreover, if America's foreign policy were such a secretive, Machiavellian agenda, then how would an average citizen like yourself even be aware of this agenda, and what would you say specifically are the key points and goals of this plan?
MetalPlatypus wrote:Just see the amount of military bases USA has over the world and where and be surprised.
And there are many foreign localities, such as the cities and towns that these bases are in, that certainly benefit economically from having the US military as a tenant. Jobs are created, and moreover, the bases in Western Europe in particular were absolutely necessary for reconstruction, security, and on-going defense.

Bases were also necessary in the Middle East, in order for the US to defend its allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Israel, as well as to keep the strategically important Straits of Hormuz open, in the Persian Gulf. The US also assists another ally, Japan, in the Pacific region, as well as others such as Taiwan and Australia. Really, as the world's sole superpower, we have many responsibilities and agreements with many nations.

If Fascism was truly the goal of the United States, then there is really precious little that anyone would be able to do about it, but it should be fairly obvious to most people with reasonable levels of intelligence that the United States has been a good friend to its allies and friends.
MetalPlatypus wrote:And Rumsfeld will be brought to the court, if USA respects the international community.
Rumsfeld will never be tried by any foreign court, particularly a German one, with some crazy self-righteous judge that is seeking to further his own political career by unilaterally launching an investigation of a defense secretary of a government of which he has neither affiliation, nor jurisdiction. This was merely a political ploy, so the talk of the "international community" holds little weight, since the proposed legal action came from a German court, as opposed to the EU, UN, or the Hague's war crimes tribunal.

Implied comparisons of Rumsfeld to, let's say, Heydrich or Himmler, would hold very little weight in any court, with the possible exception of the German judge that is living in a political dreamworld.

MetalPlatypus wrote:Of course it won´t, because it is itself a separated superpower that is controlling the entire world and considers its right to do whatever it wants without caring about international agreements.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most governments in any country do as they please. If you know of any specific and verifiable exceptions, please let me know. ;)
MetalPlatypus wrote:I am just happy to see their ass kicked big time in Irak daily.
Snipers and roadside bombs by cowards that are afraid to fight out in the open do not constitute a victory for the insurgency. Still, if you prefer the al-Jazeera version of events about the capabilities of the US military, then that is your privilege.

Do you know what would happen if Bush gave the order to destroy al-Sadr and his "Mahdi army" by any means necessary? That's right, they would cease to exist, and I'm quite sure that the German judge would levy additional charges against the new incoming secretary of defense.

Moreover, if the US were truly fascist, we would have been adopting occupation and pacification tactics such as the ones that were used by the Wehrmacht and SS did in the Balkan campaign, as well as Russia, which included the Commissar Order, the Severity Order, as well as the Commando Order that was sent to Rommel in North Africa.

Please name any one major ground battle that US troops have lost in Iraq, with extreme numbers of casualties, and then I'll be convinced of your argument. Has our armored forces or air power been wiped out? What about the airborne? Special forces?
Or even the standard infantry, or the Marines? The Navy? The Airforce?

Does the insurgency actually have air or naval supremacy? Have they destroyed (or even damaged) any of the navy's capital ships in the region? How many B-1, B-2, or B-52's have been shot down?

Have they disrupted our supply lines to where the troops are starving or are out of ammunition? Where is the Stalingrad-like "der Kessel" that has all of our troops cut off, and waiting for certain annhiliation? Where are the big bags of POW's- and I don't mean one or two here and there- but where are the photos of hundreds or thousands of US troops being marched down the road at gunpoint to a POW cage in the rear areas of Sadr City?

If the President were truly a despot, he would have ordered massive bombing campaigns similar to the Berlin and Dresden bombing campaigns or Nixon's Operating Rolling Thunder (over Hanoi), which brought the NVA to the negotiation tables in Paris.

We've lost about 2,800 troops in nearly four years of operations in Iraq- and, we lost nearly 6,000 in one day at Omaha beach alone (the 29th Infantry was slaughtered there), and not to mention tens of thousands of killed in action, in one month, in the Ardennes.

My girlfriend's cousin just got back from a tour of duty (he is a combat veteran that was in Fallujah, no less), and has indicated that he would have no problem going back for a second tour.
MetalPlatypus wrote:They are paying a high price for that oil they are pumping and from those rebuilding contracts. Are American people really that stupid that they let their kids to go to die to fucking Irak? For what?
As if you give a rip about what happens to those kids that are over there? And for what, you ask? Thousands and thousands of al-Qaeda operatives have been utterly destroyed, and many more will also be either captured or, if they prefer, killed.

These people are doing their duty, carrying out their orders, and all of them are volunteers. These people actually do care about what happens in Iraq, and to its people, much more so than others that sit back, criticize, and do little else other than that.

Iraq's democracy may not be perfect, but I can say that if Syria and Iran wish to continue to with their contributions that are currently destabilizing the country, then they may get what they are wishing for-
an expansion of the war to their own neighborhoods.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by browneyedgirl » Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:04 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:
miditek wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:A news release from leader of Iran.

I guess we will know later today what he had to say entirely.
Ammadaboutjihad's announcement sounds like it was written either by DNC resident propagandist Howard Dean, or my favorite drunk driver, Teddy Kennedy.

This guy is not even in the same league as his hero, Dr. Goebbels. :wink:
Not to mention George Bush, whose fascist regime is spreading to the world like Adolf Hitler´s, but in a secretive, more clever way.Just see the amount of military bases USA has over the world and where and be surprised. And Rumsfeld will be brought to the court, if USA respects the international community. Of course it won´t, because it is itself a separated superpower that is controlling the entire world and considers its right to do whatever it wants without caring about international agreements. I am just happy to see their ass kicked big time in Irak daily. They are paying a high price for that oil they are pumping and from those rebuilding contracts. Are American people really that stupid that they let their kids to go to die to fucking Irak? For what?
:err: Man, Ouch! You must read those conspiracy theory websites like mad, don't you? Because thats where lots of that propaganda you mentioned is talked about. I hope you don't read those sites much because they are not to be taken seriously. Some stuff they espouse is actually laughable. However, scapegoating Jews is their main obsession&its disgusting. I mean, if they have a hangnail, some way Israel or the Jews caused it. Or, Bush. :lol:
But, if you truly believe what you posted no amount of being angry at USA is going to change anything.
And, the USA regime is not spreading like wildfire or controlling the world :lol: No president can do that---its not possible.

@Carcass, Who in USA hates the rest of the world? :roll: Just because some people in USA criticize a country, its policies, or point out its shortcomings(ALL countries have them) does not mean someone hates a country or the rest of the world.
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by Shurik » Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:30 pm

The Bush-bashing gets funnier and funnier ... No matter how hard Bush-bashers will try, they'll never surpass that Venezuelan ass-clown Chavez who said that there's still a smell of sulfur after Bush's speech in UN, implying that Bush is a Devil himself.

So please stop, further bashing is pointless ...
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Re: IRAN'S Nuclear Capability

Post by Carcass » Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:49 pm

Oh, I didn't say I believe Americans hate rest of the world. But we both know there are people who are ignorant enough to think like that.
