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The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:42 pm
by browneyedgirl
I am aware of whats going on, why, and who is responsible behind the scenes. I am neither paranoid, or delusional--but, I am smarter than a few give me credit for! ;) I also know how this sick game is being played, also! This game happened to a smaller degree when these Killfiles(with penalties) started.

I'm not giving up because I have done NOTHING wrong! This is a Forum where ideas are discused, expressed, and bantered about. I have pretty much confined myself to the Picture Topics the past couple months. Whats harmful about Pic topic you may ask? ??? Well, apparently a warped person(or two) got offended just because I called the StratoGuys cute&sexy&complimented&praised them.(Particularly one of them)Let me remind that the KATRIINA topic was going strong during that time&nothing was said about THAT! These same people that found my praisings to be disgusting :lol: are the SAME people who would sit through an R-rated, or even X-Rated movie with blatant sex scenes&enjoy it&find nothing wrong. Praisings VS.Sex scenes, and praising is found offensive?:shake: How hypocritical can you get? Something is skewed here, and it ain't me!
Maybe its just my USA openminded honesty about such things.???

Killfile itself is NOT a bad thing----you simply place a person there who is smartass, sarcatic, or simply annoys you.I'm on other Forums that use it, and no problem at all! Its the penalty thing that is being used as obvious revenge tools by sick individuals.
Talk enough people with an intelligent "silver tongue" into Killfiling someone(even if you have to recruit newbies) and that someone will become a troll! This can be done easily.

I am NOT a Troll! A "Spammer" maybe, like a large portion of Forumers, but NOT a Troll!

We have have almost complete Peace in this Forum Since after the Nazi crisis was resolved--about April? I think.......Then, an outsider got miffed over some trivial issue and is taking it out on me personally.(And, take my word ;) they will not be disciplined) Then, other things happened recently.....
And, so it goes!
It takes courage to point out things, and come forward. I may get banned completely over this, but its not my doing. I know whats happening here, why, &who is involved in the ongoing attempt to make a Troll outta me to keep me from posting Pictures&joking about them!:lol:

Thats All! This maybe my last post here so I made it a doozie! Go out with a BANG!No guts, no glory!
So, my few enemies, you may get your wish--but, I ain't crying over it! However, if I go down you may just be swallowed up in my misfortune because the same rope that hung me can very well choke you to death, too! ;)

Cheers!:beer: ;)

Remember Jimmy Hoffa? :D

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:32 pm
by browneyedfool
You are taking it too hard on yourself.

1). Those newbs are never gonna get your killcount up enough (remember what matters is the PERCENT).

2). Why do you think you will be banned for saying this?

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:39 pm
by Shurik
Killfile is a good feature, but IMO banning shouldn't be automatic (banning when certain number of people put you in their killfile). That's what are moderators made for - to monitor the board and to respond to trolls and such and ban them when needed.

What are we seeing in BEG's case is an excellent example of how this auto-ban ability is abused ... Hopefully it will be fixed as fast as possible.

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:59 pm
by khamael
What are we seeing in BEG's case is an excellent example of how this auto-ban ability is abused ... Hopefully it will be fixed as fast as possible.[/quote] lets hope...:buh:

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:01 pm
by scorp
Shurik wrote:
Killfile is a good feature, but IMO banning shouldn't be automatic (banning when certain number of people put you in their killfile). That's what are moderators made for - to monitor the board and to respond to trolls and such and ban them when needed.

What are we seeing in BEG's case is an excellent example of how this auto-ban ability is abused ... Hopefully it will be fixed as fast as possible.
I couldn't agree with you more!

Besides, even if there's "must" be an automatical ban it should be for statistics over 50%. Cause if it's lower than that then it means that the majority Wants to read the posts of this person. Why should the forum follow a minority of 3% and make the others read fewer posts by a memeber who is liked by the 97% :buh:
Moreover that 3% who doesn't like that person don't see his/her posts. It's only effecting to other members and the killfiled one. :buh:

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:22 pm
by StratoHeart
Cowards! Motherfucking cowards, whoever you are!!! What have she done wrong? Maybe you are jealous because she has much more time as a member, and has much more influence than you - yes, she has.

And BEG, I believe there is some justice here (wherever it comes from) and mods will not let you be banned. There are a lot of members which cause much more annoyance than you to people who just want to have some fun peacefully. They cannot be blind!!!

Finally, I only think that this forum survived for years without KillShits, and now this! I will never accept it! I believe that a more severe moderation from Liina would get us rid of this sickness called Killfile. That's what I have to say.

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:27 pm
by Messatsu
StratoHeart wrote:
Cowards! Motherfucking cowards, whoever you are!!! What have she done wrong? Maybe you are jealous because she has much more time as a member, and has much more influence than you - yes, she has.

And BEG, I believe there is some justice here (wherever it comes from) and mods will not let you be banned. There are a lot of members which cause much more annoyance than you to people who just want to have some fun peacefully. They cannot be blind!!!

Finally, I only think that this forum survived for years without KillShits, and now this! I will never accept it! I believe that a more severe moderation from Liina would get us rid of this sickness called Killfile. That's what I have to say.

I agree at 100%

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:48 am
by sammet
this is only jealousyyy
this is only jealousyyyyyyy

i'm singing it like Cherokee - europe

this is only jealousyyy
this is only jealousyyyyyyy

grow up guys..
we're just in a fucking forum

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:04 am
by antonio
sammet wrote:
grow up guys..
we're just in a fucking forum


Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:23 am
by browneyedgirl
You know whats weird?

I am at 36 K-filed, and my percentage is only 2.09% ???
Logically, I should have gotten banned hours ago! ???
WTF? :err:

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:27 am
by browneyedgirl
StratoHeart wrote:
Cowards! Motherfucking cowards, whoever you are!!! What have she done wrong? Maybe you are jealous because she has much more time as a member, and has much more influence than you - yes, she has.

And BEG, I believe there is some justice here (wherever it comes from) and mods will not let you be banned. There are a lot of members which cause much more annoyance than you to people who just want to have some fun peacefully. They cannot be blind!!!

Finally, I only think that this forum survived for years without KillShits, and now this! I will never accept it! I believe that a more severe moderation from Liina would get us rid of this sickness called Killfile. That's what I have to say.
I agree with all you say, but you have more faith in the goodness of humanity than I do.
There are other factors involved. ;)

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:04 am
by JensJohansson
Shurik wrote:
Killfile is a good feature, but IMO banning shouldn't be automatic (banning when certain number of people put you in their killfile). That's what are moderators made for - to monitor the board and to respond to trolls and such and ban them when needed.

What are we seeing in BEG's case is an excellent example of how this auto-ban ability is abused ... Hopefully it will be fixed as fast as possible.
I really doubt I will change it.. especially any time soon. I am basically up to my ass in alligators and what people think or don't think about some computed numbers from a database on a machine far far away is pretty far from what i feel is important in my life. :)

But OK, i checked.. in this case it was a pretty naive attack. In my book it takes a long time to register 25 separate accounts. And it goes rather more quickly to delete them.. :lol:

According to my back-of-not-even-an-envelope calculations, you'd have to register something like 100 more accounts before being able to throttle someone. I really have to respect the tenacity of this person, whoever he/she is. :)

Maybe I'll change the weighting equation at some point, to something like log(posts / 10). Now that's really annoying. Having to register 160 times and make 10 posts on each, before your kills get counted as a positivescore :lol:

And Shurik, note that BEG was never even close to be throttled.

And that the auto-imposed punishment is just throttling, not outright banning.

Now we have a moderator but this may not always be the case. Think about it. People do get tired of doing this. Some day this place might be like a djungle. It pays off to think ahead.

Please everyone, stop worrying about these stupid killfiles..... :) when the time comes that they will be useful, you will know what to do. Round up some old timers and throttle the bastard, just like what happened to Tjabo in the end.

So yes it's a bit of an experiment in self-government by mathematics. Sorry to make you all guinea pigs.. :)

Re: Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:07 am
by JensJohansson
scorp wrote:
Besides, even if there's "must" be an automatical ban it should be for statistics over 50%. Cause if it's lower than that then it means that the majority Wants to read the posts of this person. Why should the forum follow a minority of 3% and make the others read fewer posts by a memeber who is liked by the 97% :buh:
Moreover that 3% who doesn't like that person don't see his/her posts. It's only effecting to other members and the killfiled one. :buh:
Nobody got throttled....

BTW it's 3.5% at the moment but that could change too.

Note that it's 3.5 out of the _POSSIBLE SCORE_, not out of all the users.

It's logarithmically weighted. So if a user has 1000 posts and kills you, your score increases by 3. If the user only has 10 posts, it increases by 1.

That may change too. It was just a simple way to to sketch a sort of fairer mechanism than just using the post count..

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:08 am
by JensJohansson
browneyedgirl wrote:
You know whats weird?

I am at 36 K-filed, and my percentage is only 2.09% ???
Logically, I should have gotten banned hours ago! ???
WTF? :err:
i guess nobody read my nice pseudocode :)

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:14 am
by theflyingfinn
No, she just doesn't understand it. :)

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:50 am
by Neorave
It's possible this KILLFILE is used only to get the assholes who were from the tolkki site. But that's just my opinion. In any case, your posts have been anything but crap. I think your posts are excellent!!! :D

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:07 am
by HymnToLife
I am glad now it is alright with you BEG

Re: Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:35 am
by Shurik
But ok, you're right, let's hope nobody on this Earth has too much free time and e-mail accounts to register 160 users here to killfile somebody ...:)

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:29 am
by antonio 12. ???
fake/masked users are falling?

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:13 am
by Reaper
JensJohansson wrote:

Code: Select all

total_votes = sum(log(num_of_posts)) for all users

for all users {
	if (you_were_killed_by_that_user) {
		your_score += log(user's_postcount)
		if (user_was_throttled) {
			your_score -= log(throttle_interval_in_minutes) / 3
your_score /= total_votes

if (your_score > 3.5%) {
	you can only post every 24 hours
So it's clear... newbies can't hurt you much.
No postcount no power.

Interesting how one can be a musician and a programmer...

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:45 pm
by browneyedgirl
Throttled? =P :err: That sounds kinda dirty.... 8) :D

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:31 pm
*Somebody alone on his/her own

*Somebody registers and starts picking the other up and down, chasing and hunting...
*Some people united, joking, and getting together for the fun, and the best of the forum

*Some jerk goes and throws shit to the sky, willing to take out as many as he can

Well...i can see who´s to be banned...can´t you?

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:33 pm
by StratoHeart
That's exactly what I thought. Some members register here with other nick countless times, post 2 or 3 messages and put BEG in his Killfiles. It could be anyone, it's the better way to make she turn a troll quickly. I guess they were unmasked and the false newbies was banned. Anyway, if the percentage is based on the number of Killer's posts, than it woul take much more newbies to make BEG be, as Jens said, throttled. The stupids didn't even think about it.

I think that any member to put someone in his killfile must have more than 50 or 100 posts. So we could avoid this kind of trouble.

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:00 pm
by browneyedgirl
I was told by reliable source that the same person Killfiled me 25 times! :eek:
How? ??? Who knows, but that is where 25 of those extra numbers came in. :err:

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:06 pm
by antonio
all the users can register with diffferent emails and nick infinite times...

probalby this user have 25 brothers and sister who want to post in this forum :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:39 pm
by scorp
JensJohansson wrote:
Nobody got throttled....
Hopefully :D
JensJohansson wrote:B
TW it's 3.5% at the moment but that could change too.
That's not the main point but thanks for the info :)
JensJohansson wrote:
Note that it's 3.5 out of the _POSSIBLE SCORE_, not out of all the users.

It's logarithmically weighted. So if a user has 1000 posts and kills you, your score increases by 3. If the user only has 10 posts, it increases by 1.

That may change too. It was just a simple way to to sketch a sort of fairer mechanism than just using the post count..
It still doesn't seem fair to me. I don't see why should a person's opinion is more important than another one's just because of the number of the posts. I see that members with very low post count shouldn't effect at the forum as the older members. However it still doesn't seem fair...

But I think that banning just because of the killfile number is wrong so I disagree in general.

Anyway, this is just a forum as someone said... :D

Re: Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:30 am
by browneyedgirl
antonio wrote:
all the users can register with diffferent emails and nick infinite times...

probalby this user have 25 brothers and sister who want to post in this forum :D
In other words, a person would have to have a very deep hatred(or fright)for a person to waste/use that much time it would take to register, then Killfile them, say, for instance--25 times! :eyes :eek: :err:


Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:31 am
by Stratobanger
Just remember...a Booga Knight won't let a partner down...ever ;)

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:38 am
by browneyedgirl
Now a jealous person is trying to ruin those Pic topics I am working on.

Its not gonna stop until a few mean, select people try to run me outta here!

Re: The Obvious Campaign to declare me a Troll! ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:34 am
by Diablos
ZZZZZzzz....uh...oh...huh!?.....Conspiracy....?......oh...nothing new then......zzzzZZZZZZZ