Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

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Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by browneyedgirl » Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:49 am

The Beast has risen from the Sea!


"I will make him a great nation."

I think you will find this site fascinating! Awesome.
Click on all the links to get an ida of the size&sco[e of this City.

On 60 Minutes it was said construction crews(thousands of workers) were/are paid 3 dollars a DAY! That is disgusting considering what class of folks they are building this Megalopolis for... And lots of workers have been killed on the job, too.

A new playground for the Super Wealthy of the world which will put New York, Las Vegas, London, Paris, Amsterdam, etc. to shame!

Indeed Dubai is beautiful, but just think of how many truly needy people of the world might have been helped with the funds used to build this MonstroCity!

Nice place to go on a boring Saturday night. :buh:
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by htcdude » Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:24 pm

My wife has been a couple of times she said it's amazing, a lot of culture has been lost though...too many McDonalds etc
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by browneyedgirl » Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:55 am

What about the proposed tower with the "eye", ala "Lord of the Rings"? Something else! :D
I guess this is where Dubya the Dumbass will retire once Hillary or Barack take over. :) Then he can hold hands with those shiek guys all he wants to. :lol:
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by Equinox » Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:25 am

If a meteor ever crashes into earth, I hope is over there.
Sorry for the workers though.
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by NeonVomit » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:06 am

Terrible! A pleasure paradise totally unlike any other, built by workers getting almost nothing! Imagine that, a nation trying to diversify its economy! Whatever will we see next! Unthinkable, it could never happen in America... oh wait. Never mind.

How much does the average migrant worker make in America?

Just like in America, the workers are not being forced to work. They work out of their own choice. They are free to quit at any time.

And what was the US defence budget last year... exactly. Imagine how many hungry people could have been fed with all that.
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by Carcass » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:24 am

Equinox wrote:If a meteor ever crashes into earth, I hope is over there.
Sorry for the workers though.

Why on earth would somebody wish that?

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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by Lightyear » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:11 pm

Equinox wrote:If a meteor ever crashes into earth, I hope is over there.
Sorry for the workers though.
That's horrible, why would you wish a meteor strike anywhere, and if you did wish for one, there are lots of places in the world that deserve it more. (Although I don't think anyone actually "deserves" it).
Besides, I have lots of friends and family working there. They're not rich and work in humble jobs and they're not being mistreated.

No, you're just jealous because it will overshadow the finest architecture that you have in the US.
NYC will look like a small ranch compared to it..
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Re: Folks, HERE is where your gas money is probably going!!!

Post by Plisken » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:06 pm

browneyedgirl wrote:The Beast has risen from the Sea!


"I will make him a great nation."

I think you will find this site fascinating! Awesome.
Click on all the links to get an ida of the size&sco[e of this City.

On 60 Minutes it was said construction crews(thousands of workers) were/are paid 3 dollars a DAY! That is disgusting considering what class of folks they are building this Megalopolis for... And lots of workers have been killed on the job, too.

A new playground for the Super Wealthy of the world which will put New York, Las Vegas, London, Paris, Amsterdam, etc. to shame!

Indeed Dubai is beautiful, but just think of how many truly needy people of the world might have been helped with the funds used to build this MonstroCity!

Nice place to go on a boring Saturday night. :buh:
Yep dubai might be very nice to look at but trust me it not a place you want to live in anytime soon. I lived there for 10 years, I think I moved there in 93 or 94, cant remember and my last few years there have been horrible! The Government is terrible! its a Islamic monarchy do i have to say more then that(if yes then be prepare for a huge ass post lol)? oh and the thing with the constriction workers its pretty sicking, They get paid by the month. $138 Exactly a month no matter what company with are working with. Believe it or not Its there governments(Indian, Pakistani, Nepal, etc) that agree to these terms. The Only way for these Company' to get there workers is through the embassy's. But why would the governments and embassy let there people work for sooo low?! because in there own country they make even less or nothing at all! So dubai takes advantage of there situation.

Other then that Dubai is also the worst when it comes to its actual infrastructure like road, public transport,etc. Going in your car down a road at like 7pm it would take you almost 2 hours depending on how big the road is(i should also say walking would have take like 8 mins). Its also fucking HOT! In the summer it gets hot enough that if you leave plastic in your car it will most likely melt!

Its still a great place to visit though, they say Qatar to is following Dubai's Footsteps although they dont have much to show for it right now, they have quit a lot planned out for the future.

oh btw Dubai get american/british company/people and pay them extremely well to make designs,etc for the builds. I should point out though it did bit them in the ass though with Burj al arab. Burj al arab is the only 7 star hotel in the world and is also the Tallest Hotel in the world, it is also the Largest Cross in the world. here is a link to show you what i mean ... _islam.jpg

I dont know about you guys but I found it a bit funny how they could build this thing and not notice until is was finished that there was a huge ass cross on it lol.
