Please, help me spread the video!
You know, you don't have to actually like it hahahaha, I just have to get the most views, that's all

Thanks, guys!!!
Well...i think it's better than having 298690 posts of "I can't decide...I like 'em all!!!'re not a troo fan!"KilledByDETH wrote:you guys are lame you only like 20 songs of strato? and you call yourselve's fans??
Well...the thing is that one flames another one and then it becomes one big snowball of doom...TimoTolkki wrote:Simply to correct some of the most blatant and obvious lies.'ve already left, why don't you stop coming back to this atmosphere? I hope you see my point
icecab21 wrote:gammaray has to team up with sting and be stingray
JensJohansson wrote:[quote=
As an amusing aside.. I do have to say the Elvis Fan Club looks a little "less glorious and divine"
Yeah, that's the most probable thing...Jabi wrote:The final line of the chorus is probably "What you're gonna do with your last night on Earth?"