Search found 362 matches
- Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:16 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Stratovarius & Kotpelto keikat 2006-2007
- Replies: 217
- Views: 198547
Re: Stratovarius & Kotpelto keikat 2006-2007
kertokaas keikka tunnelmat viipymättä..! :wink: No kerrotaanpa! Tulin juuri paikan päältä, lähdin himaan heti Stratojen jälkeen kun ei sikstarit kiinnostanu kummemmin.. keikka loppui tuossa 1½h sitten. Sitten siirrynkin itse keikkaan. Lyhyesti: Setti oli suoraan sanottuna loistava. Bändi oli alusta...
- Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:51 am
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Stratovarius & Kotpelto keikat 2006-2007
- Replies: 217
- Views: 198547
Re: Stratovarius & Kotpelto keikat 2006-2007
Jep, tänään sinne.Shadow_man wrote:Myötätuulirockkiin on kyllä pakko mennä...Näillä näppäimillä meinaan ainoa johon pääsen.

- Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:31 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Epic songs
- Replies: 52
- Views: 32857
Re: Epic songs
Visions gives me perhaps the biggest "feeling" out of all the stratosongs, so my vote goes for it. Just check out the first 43 seconds, then 4:21 -> 6:03 and especially Tolkki's beautiful slow solo that comes right after. This stuff blew my mind the very first time I heard it about 6 years ago and s...
- Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:52 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: HOCKEY!
- Replies: 37
- Views: 20144
Congrats, even though I was a split second away from throwing my TV out of my window when the game ended.nefertari wrote:Sweden won!!
3-2 !
Congrat´s Sweden!!
We really, really should have won that one.. damn.
- Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:44 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Sweden vs Finland
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5893
Re: Sweden vs Finland
SWEDEN SWEDEN !!!!!!!! TODAY i AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! thanks finland for a good match maybe next nime... Once again you guys just got goddamn lucky, especially with the first goal. The initial shot was sucky, but the puck bounced off one of our defender's skates and then to the inner thigh of our g...
- Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:04 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: kotipelto at fme
- Replies: 21
- Views: 13289
Re: kotipelto at fme
Damn!! I could've seen the gig! :S My friend asked me if I wanted to get a ticket to FME just today, and I declined because I was feeling really tired.. geez, if only I would've known about Kotipelto playing sooner, I sure would've gone. It would be only a 30min trip to FME from my home.
- Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:00 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Hip Hop
- Replies: 36
- Views: 21033
Re: Hip Hop
From Wikipedia: "Music is an art, entertainment, or other human activity which involves organized and audible sound."Jester wrote:Rap sucks. Plain and simple. They should re-title it "entertainment", because it isn't music. Music requires instruments.
- Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:04 am
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Replies: 166
- Views: 98693
Wow, thanks for that!JensJohansson wrote:

- Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:59 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Stratoforum Awards 2005
- Replies: 56
- Views: 27235
Re: Stratoforum Awards 2005
My vote went to Bruce Dickinson for best album. With 2nd runner up being Helloween. Tyrrany Of Souls is the perfect album in my mind. Plenty of heavy components, a nice acoustic ballad (one of my personal faves), and great hard rock track all brilliantly conceived in the brilliant vocals of the alm...
- Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:32 am
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Maalilaulu leijonille äänestys
- Replies: 72
- Views: 49044
Re: Maalilaulu leijonille äänestys
dragee on jo osoittanut olevansa teini, whinen vuoksi whinettäjä, tai molempia. Annetaan tyypin olla, se on paras keino saada suu kiinni trollilta. Tai sitten ei. Kukakohan tässä on teini ja whinettäjä???? (Figaro1:yhyy, yhyy mun warettamassa pätkässä olikin saksa dubbaus) :roll: Onko sulla -mitään...
- Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:29 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Christianity vs. Paganism, and other Religions
- Replies: 45
- Views: 18755
Re: Christianity vs. Paganism, and other Religions
True, true.Beast_Pete wrote:Hitler was national socialists. It was Mussolini, who was fascist. But what does it matter? The fact is, that these three men made such a horrible nightmare for millions of people, that it cannot be forgiven.shaz wrote:Hitler wasn't a socialist, he was a fascist.. same goes for Mussolini.
- Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:04 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Christianity vs. Paganism, and other Religions
- Replies: 45
- Views: 18755
Re: Christianity vs. Paganism, and other Religions
And here is a thought.....What actually started the wars? Do you know any of the history? Was it all in the name of Christianity in order to convert? I think not....there was actually "reasons". And no conversions were even attempted in the Crusades against Islam. I believe the motives were all abo...
- Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:40 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Ex stratovarius bass player Jari ´s new band
- Replies: 40
- Views: 26381
Re: Ex stratovarius bass player Jari ´s new band
Wow, I really like Mess. Especially the singer and drums. Nice n' gritty. 

- Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:44 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
- Replies: 64
- Views: 42838
Re: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
Stratovarius' music is NOT Devil music---in fact, its the opposite! I have had friends who hear Strato the first time thinking they are a Christian band because of the lyrics dealing with peace, harmony&beauty of the world. Also, on a Website Stratovarius is classified as Christian-Rock&...
- Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:00 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
- Replies: 64
- Views: 42838
Re: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
Stratovarius' music is NOT Devil music---in fact, its the opposite! I have had friends who hear Strato the first time thinking they are a Christian band because of the lyrics dealing with peace, harmony&beauty of the world. Also, on a Website Stratovarius is classified as Christian-Rock&...
- Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:55 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
- Replies: 64
- Views: 42838
Re: Stratovarius... "Devil´s Music"??!!
If Stratovarius is Devil's music, I wonder what your parents would said if you listened death or black metal loudy in your room when you were 15... :?: Mandragora Scream, for example... Or Alice Cooper... Or.. ahem.. Gorgoroth, Emperor, Behemoth, Bathory, Amon Amarth or some other funky polka orche...
- Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:26 am
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Tekijänoikeusvetoomus
- Replies: 129
- Views: 90887
Re: Tekijänoikeusvetoomus
Kuule jos Figaro osaa käyttää, niin varmasti myös sinäkin opit käyttämään. :P Siitä vaan warettamaan, mutta ota myös vastuu miten käy jos julkisesti rupeat hoilottamaan mitä sitä on tultu imuroitua. Figaro ei osaa pitää turpaansa kiinni, pätijä kun on. :twisted: :x Itse en puutu edelleenkään waretu...
- Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:22 am
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Tekijänoikeusvetoomus
- Replies: 129
- Views: 90887
Re: Tekijänoikeusvetoomus
Minua ärsyttää kaikista eniten se että leffoihin ei voida laittaa infoa siitä millä kielellä se on. Pari kertaa on käynyt niin että lataan leffan jota luulen englanninkieliseksi ja ensimmäinen repliikki on "scheisse deutch" ja ei kun Shift+Delete. Mikä on sinulle warettaja apinalle ihan oikein! :lo...
- Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:49 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Stratovarius mediassa
- Replies: 49
- Views: 47517
Re: Stratovarius mediassa
Onhan tuo Timppa joka tossa komeasti laulelee. 

- Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:44 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Suomen kiertue?
- Replies: 198
- Views: 139719
Re: Suomen kiertue?
Mahtikeikka juu, lauloin ekasta vikaan biisiä koko keikan täysin palkein mukana (no okei, slovarikohdissa en rääkynyt niin lujaa) ja settilista oli Season Of Changen ja Coming Homen poisjäännistä huolimatta täydellisyyttä hipova. Äijät olivat hyvässä soittovireessä, ja Porran bassosoolo loksautti ki...
- Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:19 am
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Suomen kiertue?
- Replies: 198
- Views: 139719
Re: Suomen kiertue?
Tänään setti! Koulussa viel, ei jaksais venata.
Huh. Pakko mennä jonottelemaan kultsalle, ku se on tos koulun vieres.

- Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:45 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: 14 Diamonds
- Replies: 34
- Views: 19649
Re: 14 Diamonds
Destiny being no diamond? WTF? :shock: Destiny being a boring song? WTF? :shock: Bo, you guys are totally lost. Get back to your bedroom and listen to Destiny more often. Nonsense. That´s not my fault that Strato has more than half-dozen better epic long songs than Destiny. Of which Infinity is def...
- Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:52 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Stratovarius TV2 Ylen hyvä pe 28.10
- Replies: 47
- Views: 40963
Re: Stratovarius TV2 Ylen hyvä pe 28.10
Joku hitti sieltä tulee varmaan joo.Bowie wrote:Ihan varmasti HHaL.

- Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:18 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Tolkin paras biisi
- Replies: 32
- Views: 36521
Re: Tolkin paras biisi
Tolkilla on pirun persoonallinen lauluääni.
Suosikkeina äijän raidoista on mieleen jääneet We Are The Future, Tears Of Ice, Darkness ja Fourth Reich. Varsinkin tuossa viimeisessä Tolkin laulu pistää väreitä selkäytimeen.
Suosikkeina äijän raidoista on mieleen jääneet We Are The Future, Tears Of Ice, Darkness ja Fourth Reich. Varsinkin tuossa viimeisessä Tolkin laulu pistää väreitä selkäytimeen.

- Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:38 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: Stratovarius @ the Galaxy Theatre; Santa Ana, CA 10/10/05
- Replies: 20
- Views: 11996
Re: Stratovarius @ the Galaxy Theatre; Santa Ana, CA 10/10/05
Awesome story this one. Now I'm really anxious to get to the Helsinki show.. only 14 days to go. 

- Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:39 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius and related bands talk in English
- Topic: tour pictures
- Replies: 77
- Views: 47963
Re: tour pictures
Lauri seems reeeeally drunk in the pic above. 

- Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:45 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1671429
Re: show me your picture.
This is a more recent shot of me, from my birthday (which was on the 8th of October)

- Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:04 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: George W. Bush has finally gone completely crazy.
- Replies: 70
- Views: 37557
Re: George W. Bush has finally gone completely crazy.
everyone is free to defend its personal thoughts, if fifthea likes Bush, what is wrong with that? if i don't like Bush, what is wrong with that? The hard points come when someone missrespects another one ideas, that's why this topic became a war among us. If you want to be democrat so be it, if you...
- Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:13 pm
- Forum: Stratovarius keskustelu Suomeksi
- Topic: Homma jatkuu: Hitler-biisi hyllytetty
- Replies: 116
- Views: 90915
Re: Homma jatkuu: Hitler-biisi hyllytetty
Olen kuullu Zenith of Power-biisin, jossa on se Hitler-alku. Tuosta "demo"versiostahan on tiettävästi myös liikkeellä ns. fan-made video, josta on ollut juttua tuolla enkkupuolella. Valitettavasti itse en ole nähnyt videota, kun sen lataamisessa menisi minulla vaan liian kauan ja koulun koneilta en...
- Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:19 pm
- Forum: Muut aihealueet Suomeksi
- Topic: "Now playing" -topic
- Replies: 1289
- Views: 850312
Re: "Now playing" -topic
Emperor - Cosmic Keys To My Creation & Times