Search found 116 matches
- Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:53 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: RIP Daddy
- Replies: 28
- Views: 16185
Re: RIP Daddy
BEG, I'm so sorry for you :( , and I can truely feel with you. It was the same kind of shock for me when my grandfather died a completely unexpected death back in 2006. He was the familiy member I had always been closest to, he was always there for me and I loved him a lot.... However, time will mak...
- Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:24 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Why don't you have a partner yet?
- Replies: 51
- Views: 18506
Re: Why don't you have a partner yet?
NeverendingAbyss wrote:
Also, why are there so few redheads out there?
:user: :crazy2:
Maybe you shouldn't focus on redheads too much, that might help

(Wow, that's my first post in what seems like almost a year

- Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:42 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: FIFA World Cup 2010 thread
- Replies: 443
- Views: 165895
Re: FIFA World Cup 2010 thread
FUCKFUCKFUCK... :cry: I'm really sorry for your country :cry: I was so hoping for the Dutch to win after Spain kicked us out of the finals... :? Congrats to Spain though, they really were one of the best teams in this Worldcup (besides Germany of course :D) Anyway, Paul is really cute, but his pred...
- Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:33 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
4 Punkte sind doch besser als gar nix
, aber die Molekulargenetik hats ganz schön in sich, bin gerade dabei, den ganzen Mist fürs Abi zu wiederholen und muss feststellen, dass ich das meiste mittlerweile schon wieder vergessen hab
Chemie macht Spass find ich, gute Wahl

Chemie macht Spass find ich, gute Wahl

- Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:24 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
guys...what are you two talking about...?! 

- Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:48 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
thanks ggonza43 
@ NEA, don't you like it

@ NEA, don't you like it

- Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:47 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
this topic seems to be dying...
Anyway, these are my newest pictures, I changed my hair color (though already back in december...

Anyway, these are my newest pictures, I changed my hair color (though already back in december...

- Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:37 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Recently seen movies
- Replies: 2598
- Views: 1235508
Re: Recently seen movies
The Timber Falls
nice one, I just love horror movies
nice one, I just love horror movies

- Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:32 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: What is This World Coming To?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 6958
Re: What is This World Coming To?
How is this any different from how the world's been for the last 4000+ years? Yeah, this is what I was trying to say also, probably didn't express it clearly. The evil, the cruelty, the egoism have been always there, but in the past we were only a few hundreds million people, without massive nuclea...
- Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:42 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: What is This World Coming To?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 6958
Re: What is This World Coming To?
Yeah, this is what I was trying to say also, probably didn't express it clearly.NeonVomit wrote:How is this any different from how the world's been for the last 4000+ years?
- Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:04 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: What is This World Coming To?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 6958
Re: What is This World Coming To?
Probably I am mad, but the end is not so far. Do you mean, because of the way the humans treat each other or because of the way we treat our planet?! ??? Well, sometimes, reading things like these, I really believe that, essentially, the world is absolutely sick. But the problem is just, this has a...
- Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:05 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
A few pages backwards you canggonza43 wrote:Don't waste your time trying, no one canpalarmux wrote:Yea she is really cute but I don't see your face well!

- Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:38 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
- Replies: 44
- Views: 31054
Re: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
Wow...impressive pictures and a breathtaking view....
, must have been a wonderful place to spend your holidays, though I probably couldn't have stood so near to the edge of that abyss, I'm kind of scared of hights...

- Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:15 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
if I recall it correctly she mentioned sometime ago it's Alabama...
- Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:22 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
- Replies: 44
- Views: 31054
Re: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
@ Stealth actually, the quality of that photo is pretty poor cause of the weather... however, I've already posted a pic of the same scene at dusk some time ago in summer, it's right behind our house, love that view. :) @ Babylon Nice place to spend a christmas vacation...makes me kind of jealous in ...
- Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:38 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
- Replies: 44
- Views: 31054
Re: Show me your picture (Geography Edition)
Well, I thought I might revive this topic 
So, this is the first snow around here, not that much yet, but looks like it'll keep on snowing over the weekend.

So, this is the first snow around here, not that much yet, but looks like it'll keep on snowing over the weekend.

- Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:59 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Naja, das haben die GKs irgendwie so an sich, dass es in den meisten fällen derselbe stoff is wie im LK, allerdings sollten die klausuren ja irgendwie leichter sein...Aber immerhin gehörst du jetz auch zu den glücklichen menschen dieser welt, die wissen, was ein endoplasmatisches retikulum is :lol: ...
- Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:21 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Omg, ja, Molekulargenetik, Gentechnik und den ganzen anderen Mist hat ich auch schon...hast du wohl auch den bösen Fehler begangen, Bio als LK zu wählen?
Liefs denn einigermaßen?
Ich wohn in nem äußerst unbekannten Kuhkaff in der Nordoberpfalz
, wo kommst du her?

Ich wohn in nem äußerst unbekannten Kuhkaff in der Nordoberpfalz

- Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:13 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Facebook
- Replies: 47
- Views: 25572
Re: Facebook
I've found you Stealth, am I really not to win anything now....?

- Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:41 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Ah oui, les examen en biologie, c'est méchant. De quel suject se traitera le tien?
- Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:48 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Es ist Deutschland hier ! nix Deutschland...sondern Bayern! @ AGAG Hm..."bumsen" steht in deinem Wörterbuch, aber "ficken" nicht? Schlecht...vielleicht sollest du dir ein anderes kaufen, bei solchen wichtigen Wörtern sollte man sich schon auskennen :wink:. American Sign language...well, no....Te pr...
- Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:50 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
:lol: I'd translate it using google dictionary, but I think I can translate a few words: doch! Douche[?] :shock: tut mir leid King Tut got laid[?] :lol: aber du wirst damit leben müssen Let's see your damn wrist eat mouse[?] :rotflmao1: Hallo! Sprechen Deutsch? :wink: :lol: ok.... are you just kidd...
- Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:20 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Du Du Hast Du Hast Mich :roll: Ich will dir bumsen. Darf Ich? :D Du scherzkeks :lol:. Aber bumsen ist nicht wirklich ein geläufiges wort hierzulande....besser wäre in dem fall so etwas wie" Ich will dich ficken" :wink: NEIN! doch! tut mir leid, aber du wirst damit leben müssen :lol:
- Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:25 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier
Du scherzkeksAGAG wrote:Ich will dir bumsen. Darf Ich?NeverendingAbyss wrote:Du
Du Hast
Du Hast Mich

- Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:50 pm
- Forum: Discussion in other Languages
- Topic: Deutsch Hier
- Replies: 2117
- Views: 967202
Re: Deutsch Hier

- Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:44 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
Stealth, don't tell me you're addicted to Farmville, too... :lol: :lol: It was either Farmville or cocaine... I don't regret my choice! Even though the game doesn't have a goal, my goal is to have a higher level than my neighbours, which makes it a little bit more fun. :D So far, only one of them h...
- Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:59 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: show me your picture.
- Replies: 3695
- Views: 1668410
Re: show me your picture.
Stealth, don't tell me you're addicted to Farmville, too...

- Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:22 am
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Books you're currently reading
- Replies: 31
- Views: 13953
Re: Books you're currently reading
Currently reading the Criminal Law book for my course. I miss reading for my own pleasure :( I can tell.... I gotta read "Effi Briest" by Fontane for my litterature course atm, and hate, really hate it, the way it's written, everything about it. I usually didn't mind reading books for litterature, ...
- Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:53 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Recently seen movies
- Replies: 2598
- Views: 1235508
Re: Recently seen movies
2012 I really liked it, splendid pictures and action scenes, the plot is well developed, though a bit exaggerated. And as Morgana said, it shows pretty well how rich and influential people would be preferentially treated over others if such a situtation should ever occur. If such a situation should...
- Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:55 pm
- Forum: Other discussions in English
- Topic: Recently seen movies
- Replies: 2598
- Views: 1235508
Re: Recently seen movies
I really liked it, splendid pictures and action scenes, the plot is well developed, though a bit exaggerated. And as Morgana said, it shows pretty well how rich and influential people would be preferentially treated over others if such a situtation should ever occur.
I really liked it, splendid pictures and action scenes, the plot is well developed, though a bit exaggerated. And as Morgana said, it shows pretty well how rich and influential people would be preferentially treated over others if such a situtation should ever occur.