Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by FakeTolkki » Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:28 pm

in the first hand i never tried to show participating in the compositions i mean by lyrics too, and even that is not happening anymore since destiny...when you do all by yourself is not so good in my opinion...cmon, it doesnt looks like a band anymore...there are several reasons far beyond the ones im sayng, but i think the band would be better if tolkki had given more space to the other bands members...thats all and its just my opinion, im not asking anyone to agree....the band in the last year looks like a tyrany to me, and i was happy when koti said he had talked wiht tolkki and that he aggred that he could came back to the band, but with the condition that he would have more compositions in the future albuns....thats all, and remember ITS JUST MY OPINION AND YOU HAVE TO RESPECT

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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by stratohawk » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:53 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote: Have you seen them live on the last tour? The band has never looked happier on stage or had more fun.
I agree with that. I saw them last november, and it was their best gig I ever saw. Not only because they played good, but because you saw it in the face of every single band member that they really enjoyed it. It was my 6th Stratovarius concert (as far as I remember at the moment 8) ), and I tell you, they never looked so happy on a concert before. About the composing thing: Yes, every one can have his own opinion. I'd also like to hear some songs that they composed together. But in the end I don't think it matters that much. And Stratovarius was always Tolkki's band, and his influence decided about the direction of the music.

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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by IceBreaker » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:19 pm

FakeTolkki wrote:in the first hand i never tried to show anything....thats all, and remember ITS JUST MY OPINION AND YOU HAVE TO RESPECT
Anyway, your opinions etc just sound quite much like a troll... :?
stratohawk wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote: Have you seen them live on the last tour? The band has never looked happier on stage or had more fun.
I agree with that. I saw them last november, and it was their best gig I ever saw. Not only because they played good, but because you saw it in the face of every single band member that they really enjoyed it. It was my 6th Stratovarius concert (as far as I remember at the moment 8) ), and I tell you, they never looked so happy on a concert before.
Many people who have seen them in Finnish gigs, for example in this summer, have said that they´re more better now than last autumn. They actually have played so good since many many years, and all the band look very happy on stage. Furthermore, many have noticed that Kotipelto also sings better than in many last years. I also agree with that as I saw them playing awesome in RMJ in June.

It could be so that the situation in the band is again that only Tolkki wants to compose everything, but it looks TK and TT are still friends. And Lauri makes both happier in some way. :P
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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by Equinox » Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:48 am

IceBreaker wrote:but it looks TK and TT are still friends. And Lauri makes both happier in some way. :P
That just does not sounds good know how Lauri looks.

Hahhahahahahaha :lol:

(Just a joke, dammit)
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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by Luther_Harkon » Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:40 am

Stratofanius wrote:In fact I have to say that I like more Kotipelto's lyrics, Tolkki's lyrics are too... cheesy.
I've heard lots of ppl telling this. I even heard it in their Monster Metal Madness gig here, in Barcelona, when they played United... I think that lots of ppl that listen to metal just want to hear "radical" songs, not so emotional and spiritual songs. From my point of view, that's one of Strato's best point. Their songs make you meditate about our lifes, our behaviour, our world... I find awesome that a kicking ass band like Strato has songs with lyrics like Infinity, Paradise, Mother Gaia, Destiny, Speed of Light, We hold the key...

PD: I'm back :lol:
:headbang: Keep eatin metal & shittin chains :headbang:

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Re: Stratovarius 2006 - What's going on??

Post by browneyedgirl » Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:07 pm

heavydolphin wrote:If you´d like at least some new material in form of photos, you might check, as I´ve been lucky enough to see the guys in Italy and Germany recently :)
Alex, if you take the comma out of that link, it will work!

Alex has a great website! :)
With good StratoPics!

BTW, I was gone for 3 months&I can catching up on topics I missed while I have spare time!
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Archangel Michael: That's OK, Bob, because He doesn't believe in you, either!~Legion~
