Neverending Story [Game]

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:06 am

Oh gosh! Rainbow-colored bananas all around the house :)

The old man made rain with his long beard and it started to rain white hair. Dandruff rain. God didn't have enough money for shampoo so he used angel soap that made his scalp burn with the fury of Hades. There was a vast reunion in Heaven and God was at the lead table. Zeus came by late as he always did and entered lighting the reunion. "Well! Aren't we getting bald old man?" He said to Judeo-God. "Haha! Look at my wonderful beard instead, this is the true effect of Venussemen. You should start getting with the times! Haha!" Boomkrabroom, another laughing lightening bolt struck the earth. Judeo-God silently fetched a baseball cap to cover his dry glossy head. The room became silent when a downcasted Judeo-God started to scrutinise some of the Reunion papers. "Why haven't we all signed yet?"He said scruffily "Is there someone missing? Did anyone call that Poseidon guy? he was busy with mermaids when I last heard of him..." He lifted his eyes and pored over the whole room just to find Venus fucking a rugged drunk man on the secretary's table

"Hrrm..." He scolded "This isn't a game Bacchus. We can have orgies later. Come here, you need to sign." A naked Bacchus let out a mournful sigh and walked towards the main table reluctantly to sign the papers.. Venus was left alone and very eager in a sexual way. She was a goddess with an immense set of needs. Another sitting deity exclaimed "My lady! I can see that Bacchus folk has a lot of wine-stained penis in his larder. However, you haven't seen Olympus yet until you have tried my cumbersome greek dove that sprays ambrosia over the golden meadows of Lydia..." It was Priapus of course and his elegant way of speaking daubed Venus into a trance. They started fucking in a pandemonium of pure love. Judeo-God frowned at the couple and let out a sigh "Fucking greek deities. They always end up fucking... Butt! Here come our Hindu friends. Full of politeness and many many limbs. Hello there Shiva! How's little Ganesha doing?" Shiva looked pensive when he entered the door "She is fat" he answered "Wisdom fattens the souls.. Irony! look how thin everyone in this room is! When was the last time you all read a book?"

Hestia smiled and springed out of her seat. "ME me!" She said, lifting her arms "Oh, I just read an awesome book on Oriental cuisine. You will die when you try my Kadhi! Oh gosh. I use chicken broth instead of yoghurt though, I hope you don't mind.. Haha!" The hindu group got upset with the thought of that chicken-Kadhi "That's disgusting Hestia" said Vishnu "You can NOT have Kadhi without yoghurt. That's just not right." In the secretaries table the love had adopted a new position and a bolder din. "God have mercy" screamed Beanus. "Butt! the Kadhi is good" said Hestia. "You haven't tried it yet". Kali started to dance on the corner over Shiva's head. "Not again!" Said Shiva...

"Silence!!" screamed Judeo-God, loudly battering a hammer against a wooden table. "This is an important meeting. We have many important matters at hand and all you worry is about food and fucking..." The other gods stopped arguing and took their sits silently, perceiving that J-god was having another andropausal episode. The last one had ended tragically in the mangling of several angels. "The first thing we need to take care of in our agenda.." He said, in a paused voice ".. is! Huh.. There are two mutinous poets down there on Earth that have been twiddling with the reality we have moulded so thoroughly. They have been pulling the strings and it has gone too far now... I will now hear solutions" Hemera was the first to storm in "WE! we burn them with sunlight. Haha! Imagine their skin afterwards. They will have no will to create more stories!! Haha!"

Butt butt! There was a really big noise in the back and it was no love pandemonium. The door had been crushed down with a pipe bomb and there was Freckle! In an Angel-suit. Clutching a big flamethrower. "You will not win never never" she screamed while she ran inside the room and she threw flames at poor hephaestus. Burning his face and melting his skin midst a lot of gut-wrenching screams.

"Oh god!" screamed Hephaestus, while he wallowed. And...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by CCCCCCCC » Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:09 am

swallowed my dick

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:52 pm

:) Jaja! I was sick the day they talked about all that Gods, so I know nothing about their capacity. :oops:

C8. Don't stick your micro, where it is so out of place! :x

"I love it! Burn more! I am an Heppatuss-Masochist", said Heppatuss.
"O no, it is not a lovepandemorium and I will only stop this silly God-meet-and-greet now. Away you go! Burn, burn, flame, flame..."
The firecaster played with the whitedressed angel or goatlike Gods and they fled in all directions, with almost nanospeed. Butt big Thor stayed and thundered,
"Bumkabumbum! Haven't we met before girl? Wasn't I trying to grill you in a Finnish forrest?

"Yes you did and now I will pay you back with this nano-fire-caster I borrowed from Jesus".

And with that she flamed big Thor and his goats (?). Thors big beard burned with a green flame and he grabbed a raincloud to chill it down. Now he was really angry. He flashed with his eyes and raised his Mjölnir-hammer. The goats mäade and bäade and ran away. Thor fell out of his carriage and that didn't make him less furious.

"Bomkabumbbombom. My goats, my goats, my FUCKING goats. I will kill you for that", he thundered.

"Ha, I am not afraid of you anymore", said Freckle. "You are a stupid thunder-God with some silly goats(?) and you can only reign when low-pressure-air meet highpressure. Hahaha! The rest of the time you have to stay home with your silly goats as company. And be very bored. Haha"!

Thor looked subdued. "Ja, you are right! Will you please stop that flamimg and I promise to not bumbabum more".

"Jaja, I understand that you have no pressure to help you and there is not so much nanofuel left in my nanogun, as I need for some other idiots I have an unplucked ugly bird with. So I will stop".

Now Jesus talked again.
"I am with you all days, to the end of time and I can fix you new nanofuel whenever you want. I have a deposit in an exploding supernova in Pinnheel Galaxy not so far from here".

"That sounds great", said Freckle and helped Thor to stand up on his Thor-feet again!

"Thank you", he mumbled,"Now we can...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:15 pm


Take all these goats and make a planet made out of warm soft woool for our poor feet. They have been much mistreated by this cold rigid earth and this deterministic mythological entities that have nothing to do with scandinavian pureness. Let's bääil out of here, my hairy soft creatures. Ha! but.. Wouldn't you like to come to this new Earth, Freckle? With me? I imagine I can make a mountain for you. A big pink wool mountain with a christhmas tree on the top.. and I will give you a throne made of goat horns and a spear made of fossils that will keep you safe against these ruthless beasts. We will rule the goats together and we will eat goat meat and their bäää will mark the rhythms of our new souls.. Fresh milk: Every morning! Just think about it." The thought was beautiful on the freckl. A pink mountain JUST for herself and many other goat accesories. "But butt! the kabooms!" She pointed out after some time "You are a brumtuboom addict and I don't think we are that compatible in the long run. But that particular mountain sounds so beautiful. Personal mountains. Hrrm! Let me ponder about the whole thing for some days..." Butt! Thor was really impatient to leave all the other deities and he wouldn't take no for an answer. He sent a boomkaboom-taxi without any further words to get her to her new home in the cloud-planet.

She woke up in her mountain, with her crown and her wool-jacket. Everything around her was pink and made of soft linings that caressed her freckles. The winds smelled of hircine. And Freckle was really happy! she started to jump around and trampoline her way through her new mountain. It was enormous and Thor was nowhere in sight. The skies were clear and shinning in the abscence of clouds. She used her fossil spear to climb to the top of her mountain and there she found a 130 meters tall pine tree with many christmas garments and ribbons. On the top, it was a compressed little star, Catalog No. L 886-6, that shinned with the intensity of three Earthsuns. She spent some weeks playing with her new wool companions and petting them and hugging them. She ate one every morning, after killing him with the sharp spear, inserting it in their stomachs and twiddling with their tripes. She cooked the goats with the heat that was produced by the christmas star.

Thor never appeared and she started to get bored of the goats. She started to kill them just for fun. Suddenly there was a big pile of goat cadavers in one of the mountain chambers. The goats were running out! She wouldn't have anything to eat later..

But! one day she could make out a very particular lamb on the distance. (I just realized goats are not the ones that have wool :( ) And this lamb had a pink skirt with him. She ran to her new found friend, eager to kill it and steal its skirt. She was just about to stab the poor clueless lamb when it turned around and talked "No no! Don't kill me please!" It said, in a scared yet familiar voice "It is me! The poet. I dressed as a female lamb and I managed to found you here! skimming through all the other goats.. I wonder where all this wool came from.. Goats don't have wool at all! Haha!" Freckle laughed heartily "Haha! Oh, poet, I was about to kill you. Isn't that comical? Also, I don't know about the wool. I just woke up here one day as a goat queen."

"Haha!" Laughed the poet "This is a strange place. How are you here?" Freckle-queen said:..

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:02 pm

:lol: I hate goats. Huh! And sticky goatwool. Huhhuh!

"I can tell you, that I hate this goat-wool-mountain, the silly bleaters and their smell, more than I can say. Look at them! They are sour and morose, with all the reasons, since they know from the grill-smoke, what is waiting them. Would you like some goat-chops. They taste awful, but that is all I have to offer. Some of the Mäers have a disease called "Urinary Calcuri", when urine leaks out in the meat, and it is worse than worst. It is like your horridcoffee, so you will maybe love it". :roll:

"Yes, please, I would like to try it and maybe feel home close in"!

"Huh, ja. Some of the stinking animals are more talkative and they make various moaning and groaning noises. They complain over everything, but most over the wool they have to clump around in. Why did Thor put me and them here?

"But he made you a goatqueen and isn't that great"?

"What do you think? Will you like to sit here as a king over a bunch of complaining, sour goats and a hell of a lot of coarse wool, I am sure it can be arranged".

"Hrm, hrm, I think I understand and I will help you to escape. But there is one condition! You must accept to be a lamb, like me and we can run away together".

"How do I do that and must I learn lambbääääing"?

"Yes, and you just repeat ten times: "I Freckle am now a white little lambbäääää", while you balance on one foot".

She did and suddenly there were two little white lambs. One in a pink skirt, since the poet got his dress back. And look, look, they were holding lamb-hoofs (HLH). Freckles wool was plaited and she had freckles on her lambnose. The poet had a lot of curly wool behind his ears.

"Gosh, how sweet we are", said the curly poet."One could eat us without sugar".

Butt, butt. In the horizon something was piling up. A thundercloud, that was on it's way to the woolmountain. Two eyes looked at the HLH's and they could hear some rumbling.

"Where is my goatqueen and who are those two HLH-lambs. I must put down my thunder-foot and scare them away. Bombbombomkaboom"!

Freckle trembled, but curly-lamb comforted her."He can't recognize us and we can hide among those goats".

But the sour and grumpy goats määäade in wrath and...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:43 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This is something for me!

The Poet said." He will not expect the grammar of quadrupeds to make sense but we can always expect them to open sounds ways of communication just like a mirtful line would connect two birds and two gogs through the grill of a metalcage.

"What, said the girllamb,"What are you talking about?
"I am to much of an even pulse for a plumber must be a doctor. So it is!

"What , said the patient girl and shaked her head. We must hurry now before the Thor takes us somewhere.

We are free and banters. The wingspan of an eagle. Look! The line is drawm. The cage turns to be so wide, we cant see the locked door.

I see no door, here at all!

That is what the silent one says. All the others finally make silence.

What others? I see noone only goats.

"How dare you Freckle? What is this you can't see or hear. Your wool is beautiful. Lustrous and the colour is a trifling matter. But you can't ask for rainbowshit today!"

" Ogh you are mocking me with your vile grin. Will you juggle too? Look how I laugh. So come let us run"

"Don't believe the poets before we run I have to unravel that plumber.

"Who?? what plumber? all right I run myself and thor will take yoou and make you a king of woolplumbers and goats. Good luck poet and bye, bye...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:37 pm

:lol: :lol:

Who are you? AGAGS sister or something? But Neverending needs you, so you are welcome. :lol:

Freckle ran, as fast as her little lamblegs could take her, to the border of Wool-Mountain-land, and there she jumped over to Finland, close by. In the same moment she became Freckle again, and she took a bus to her father at Nokia.

"Where have you been and where is your boyfriend the poet-boy"? asked Öhubble.

"Oh, I have been a not amused queen, on Woolmountain and the poet is still there. I would like to have a more normal life now"!

"Jaja, it has been a little too much adventures, lately. Here you have some ordinary-gray-no-vain-dreams-pills".

In Wool-Mountain the Poet jumped around, among the grim and morose goats. They were pushing and bumping him and the biggest male-goat pushed the most.

"Why do you have a silly, pink skirt, idiot-lamb", said the Bully. "Give it to me! I am the king now"!

Thor heard him! "Haha! What do you think? Freckle is my queen and you are nothing but a stupid, ugly, bläö-smelling goat".

"Haha to you! Freckle has run away and I was her associate, so now I am the queen".

"What? Has Freckle run away? Bumelibumbum. I am going to find her and you little lamb, with pink skirt, can be my queen, untill she is back".

"Hrm, hrm, but I am only a little poetic lamb in a pink skirt"!

"But that little skirt makes you my queen, haha".

The big goat was furious. "That shrimp? A queen? Over my dead body"!

He went after the poet-lamb, that jumped up in Thors arms.

Thor flashed his fucking eyes and rumbled a little. The big goat died on the spot and all the others ran over the woolhills.

"Now you are my queen", said Thor and smiled his thundersmile. "I hope you understand your obligations to me, the king of Thunder and Wool-Mountain..."
"Huh, huh, butt, butt. I am just a little lamb in a pink skirt...

"Haha! That is just what I like. I am the Pederast-Thor, you know. HAHAHA bumbumelibumbum...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:36 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, it is my lucky day. I've always wanted a sister to sing the rainy days away! :)

Thor got out his brumbrum-sceptre in front of the poet. "Brumelibrum" Said thor in a lascive manner, rasing his eyebrow "We're going to vrum. Oh haha, poor earthlings, they are getting a lot of thunder this night.. Come here boy! Let's begin with the fireworks" And his sceptre sparkled more and more shiny.. But butt! the poet was nowhere to be found. He had vanished when the god spoke. Thor turned and turned in the middle of the room with his enormous sceptre in his hand but found no woolgoats. Just a unrequited voice calling for pedesrasterous love. The poet was indeed shivering under the dining table on the other room. On the fetal position. He was scared and he hadn't sufficient intelectual capabilities left to make for a good escape. This because he was a bit frightened and he was now really scared of thunders.

"And what can we say about this tall glass of milk?" said Freckle "Does it have pee in it? I don't really like pee. Can I have milk without pee. Please? This shouldn't be charged.. I think pee is not always expected in your milk. I think you should ask first. No, now it is TOO late. You have already peed in it. Wait. Is it YOUR pee? Or maybe someone else's? If it is indeed someone else's!... how do you know he doesn't have Influenza? Maybe some other virus... moreover, how are you certain YOU don't have any disease? And you go around peeing on the glasses of other people.. Did you pee DIRECTLY on the glass or you have a separated recipient? I think it could be a bit more higienic to pee and then serve. People would feel a bit disgusted if they knew you pee directly on the glass. Do you wash yourself? How come this is legal? Can I sue you now? I think I can. I think I will. No no, I will I will. I drank a sip. And one drop is enough! just one and your life is already ruined! haha, I knew a friend like that before... But that's not what we are talking about. It is the pee. You're in big trouble... BIG trubble.."

"Most of the time I don't know DIRECTLY what to say!" said Hubble, on the other seat "I mean... when I'm alone I can think of many things and demonstrate my points properly.. I mean, to a wall or maybe a fly on that wall. Sometimes maybe a bird, through a window. Because, they get scared if they see you DIRECTLY. Many of the times I let the windows open, they just don't enter. Haha silly pecking birds. Anyways, I don't think this sort of thing fades away. Say! you tie me up to this chair. In a non-hurtful manner, just to refrain me from escaping as soon as the urge starts burning my insides. Then, what would happen? would I be able to complete a string of thought without thinking of something else? Maybe of someone else haha! Many of you wouldn't be interested in this, I know I know. You have lives. But it is something I think of, and quite often now! Not having a strong opinion is like peeing on glasses! haha! You will never know the outcome and you can be sure MOST people wouldn't stand around to ask for your personal recipe. Oh, but they insist on taking sips. It is true. You saw those two dogs on the leash? Right next to the green hydrant? I think... No! I really don't know. And I don't have strong opinions either way. Haha, you see, I never conclude my sentences. This is a shit-tick. Either way, isn't it a nice day? Just talk, I tend to yawn when I am trying to mimic other people. Don't be worried. I can buy you another glass.. If you want! I am... not really sure. Maybe I left my wallet on the bus again! Haha! again and again.. You should be more knowledgeable of your surroundings. Yes! they are right. Never trust me your rubik cubes. Just don't."

"... And and! then comes the best part!" said Jesus, with potent happiness sparkling from his forehead "You see, all those greek guys were only concerned about finding just one thing. One! Just one very simple thing, on whose back they grew a big fucking tree, whose roots descend into circularhell itself and whose branches pierce the butt of most men when they drink cofee. A seed that has grown cumbersome and non-benignant. This is the tree of truth. 'My veins don't end in me but in the struggle of the poor' Of course! Truth is what we look for. With no regards for OTHER things. And I think, maybe, that there is a lot of stuff lying around for us to poke with sticks and maybe pee on them. I would GLADLY pee on a glass made out of truth. Just as a little but meaningful symbol of rebellion against the occidental world. And haha! If you allow me! just as an upsurge of curiosity that this particular table has now injected on the veins that don't end in me... How come you are SOOOO occidental? there is a handful of other cardinal points on a big neverending compass! And many many other things that you could see if you could just refuse a cast when you break some bones.. You did fell of a tree didn't you? The tree of truth! haha! See how it all makes sense. It could be a shaman spell that keeps you awake at nights. But you don't believe in those things... haha! Poor pee-drinking men."

"I am... Well, kind of worried actually" Said thor, blushing on the other seat "It wasn't exactly my fault to stroke him so hard! He had a skirt you know. And I am fond of skirts. Just like any sane man would be. Oh, but this milk is making me happy! Oh, what a beautiful beverage."

Pekka was on his daily watch. He had to take care of the comatose poet every thursday. He had agreed to visit him in order to see freckle every once in a while. It was another evil evil plan... Unfortunately Pekka didn't drank milk at all and he sat alone by the bed. "Huh! This horrible non-speaking goat. I wonder why he doesn't just wake up! This is horrible, horrible. They read the most ridiculous books here. What a shit-literature. And seven months of this!"

Hubble entered the room with some injections and...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:10 am

:x :x What a shitpeestory. I am not your damn SISTER

My nick means GA GA GO and has NOTHING to do with South America. Buh!
I didn't understand a word you wrote and leave this thread. Now.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:29 am

GAGAGO wrote::x :x What a shitpeestory. I am not your damn SISTER

My nick means GA GA GO and has NOTHING to do with South America. Buh!
I didn't understand a word you wrote and leave this thread. Now.
I will miss you :(

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:14 pm

Dont! :cry: I am here. :)

One could see that he, (Öhubble also) was worried.

"Hi Pekka! This catatonic beeing, is not a goat, as you say. It is a little lamb and I wonder what that pedofile-Thor has done to him. They fought over the pink skirt, he says (Thor also), but I have never heard, that anyone became catatonic, over such a trifle. The skirt is now in rags and the lamb-poet holds it, as if his life depends on it. Now I have made a little something, I will inject him with".

With that he pumped the lamb-poet full, and slowly he (the poet) stretched out one hindleg and kicked Pekka hard.

"That was for your treatment of me. You took away the nutritionpump, every Thursday and hoped I would die of starvation. You see me as a rival, even if I am a child, and you can't take it that Freckle cares for me. She put the pump back on Fridays and I survived.

And after some more Pekka-kicks he (the Poet) stood up on shaky lamb-chop-legs.

"Is that so Pekka? You tried to kill the lamb", said Öhubble, and gave Pekka-ass some stonehard thrusts with his German naziboots. Pekka flew and the poet-lamb jumped up and down, määing and bääing, for full throat.

When he danced around, Freckle came in, "Oh you are up and about"! she said, and the nolonger catatonic lamb-poet started to talk with a no-bääing voice.

"Hurray, I am Poet again and I have the pink skirt Thor wanted. He tried to rape me but I kicked him in one of his fucking flasheyes and he lost his appetite for me. He said I tasted wool anyway. But Freckle! I have news. I have found my lovely, long lost sister GAGAGO and I want you to meet her".

GAGAGO, that sat in a corner, with his accordion, blinked with his red eyes and said.

"Huhuh, you must be head-catatonic, you South-American moron. For the thousand time I am NOT your sister, and if you spread those horrible rumours, I must mutilate you. But now I will play for you all".

And he played a Granada-tango, so sentimental, that the accordion-haters softened with tears on their sceptic cheeks.

But, but, from the accordion came not only beautiful music. There was also...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by CCCCCCCC » Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:34 am


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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:13 am

:luv1: I love it here so I am back. :luv1:

the tears came from GAGAGO's eyes when he heard the Granada-tango he played and he felt how his heart broke in his breast. The tears were so salty that they dissolved his instrument and there was a large cloud of sodium chloride so they had to rush out.

There was Thor! Waiting! He was also the king of mineral conglomerates and sandstone Potassium Feldspat, that was sighted in several lascivious sexual activities of Eyjafjallajoekuffs dormant crater.

"Feltspat was well known for his integrity and pure lustre and Thor was interested in discovering what he was up to.

"It is horrible and I have to cover my head with tak", he said. "It is a pubic scandal. Mr Feldspat was actually spinning wool or tvinning as they say here to find concretions of quartz in it's famous magmachamber below".

But now Thor saw Freckle and flashed his eyes. "You ran away and I want you to come back. You can take that poet with you and I will not demand anything from any of you. But Woolmountain needs a queen and the goats will be extrusive when they hear the indecent screams of corundrums coming from the surface.

"Tengo una gran duda espero alguien. Me pueda ayudar", said the poet and laughed.

Thor locked surprised, "Ja,ja, nose ve bien sinceramente. En una mujer...

Bombombom, said Freckle and...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:48 am


asked the Poet,
"Why do you suddenly speak Spanish with Thor? Do you two have secrets"?

"Njae", said the blushing poet, "I just told him that I...ah it doesn't matter. It was a male-thing".

"Aha", said Freckle. "But what do you think about Thors offer? Do you really want to go back to this horrorplace? I will never, ever, stay with those freakgoats. Again! I will live here and be a normal person. This adventures take too much time".

"But, but", Öhubble interrupted, "I have made a new, better pill. Wouldn't you make one last journey, as invisible"?

The poet was enthusiastic," Yes, yes, and we can escape that nasty Thunderthor. And you Freckle can avoid the lurking Pekka".

"Ja ja,that would of course be a blessing", said Freckle. "Ok, papa, give us the pills".

And as soon as they had swallowed, the rather big blue pills, they slowly disappeared. But they could see each other and hold hands. Again!

Thor rumaged outside!

"Bumbum, where are you Woolqueen? Come out, or I burn down the house".

He flashed threateningly, and Freckle shivered when they passed him. But he couldn't see them and Öhubble opened the door.

"She is not here, Thor.She and the Poet disappeared, and I have no idea where they are".

Thor searched the house. He found it empty and the angriest, worst, scaring thunderstorm that ever hit Finland broke out.

"Brumelibruuuuumuuuummm I will find her and ....... then....,...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:11 am


and then I will have another queen. Because the throne is empty and cold and no one sits on it with a sceptre. Imagine! Can you?... Either way, Brumbrumbrum!" One thousand lights were violently ejaculated from Thor's sceptre, making roots in the air and hitting everything they could find, including the poor poet and his sister OAGOGAOO, who was on the corner with her accordion. Freckle was not reached directly because she had a wool helmet on her head, fooling the thunders. Butt! the electro-ejaculation spread towards freckle because she and the poet were HiH. They were a bit toasted after the CrumBrums and they were feeling a little dizzy..

They were a bit stunted because of the light and they had to sit down. After a while they started to throw up on top the goats that were still wandering nearby. Like a salad dressing. They were scared to realize the goats didn't retain the puke as well as, say, a sturdy plastic bucket, and and that it just slipped off and got spilled on the ground. Irresponsible goats.. "Butt, What is happening to us?" asked the poet "After those Thorthunders we should be fried, not dizzy and puking over all the goats.. Oh thor!.." And thor started laughing. "Hahaha! Poor humans" said thor, while giggling "Those were special ejaculation-thunders and now you three are pregnant. You will have to house and feed my children. HAHA! Don't worry, they have the seed of the gods, they will be beautiful, blueeyed and they will boast a beautiful ass." Ohubble was delighted to hear. "Oh, butts." He exclaimed "Finally a positive thing in this story. I will take care of your litter and will give them love in the form of pills. I will be the best Grandfather of them all. Maybe I could even make them listen to some jazz... huh!" The poet was scared. He was too young for this. What would his parents say? They would call him irresponsible and they wouldn't be very supportive. Moreover, would he have a boy or a girl? What sort of names would he choose? What on earth was Thor's last name? Was it pretty?...

Meanwhile Freckle was, oh, so happy. They started making plans with OGAGO on how to dress the children. They would have to get appropriate undergarments for the size of their roughly shaped butts. They planned to make comfortable wool dresses and expandable pants. OGAG said she would make them learn the accordion from a very young age to fatten their souls. The possibilities were endless, like getting a new 4x4 rubik cube to play with.

"Butt! come to my home children." Said Hubble with a rejuvenated happiness in his eyes "You are all growing up now. WE have to have some coffee and then discuss the direction of your lives. Oh, they grow so fast!" And they laughed and smiled at each other in a homely comprehension. Everyone but the poet. He was having unchristian thoughts "Oh, but I never asked for this" He said "It was just ONE light-bolt and and... I was carried away. Thor is kind of an obtrusive person with all those muscles and all those muscles... I think I deserve another chance. I am getting an abortion."

The table got full of frowns and disgust and ugly commentaries about moral dilemmas. Jesus entered the room and gave the poet a hug of godly compassion and friendship. Hubble patted the poet's head and said:...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:05 pm

Hubble said, with a lulling voice:

There was once, at the very end of a fiery constellation, an irredeemable drought that scarred the town where the souls are born. The souls are tricky and tend to live for millions of years in an intricate teather dance with many acts, each one whose main actor is a different set of bones and flesh, many of them ugly and not very pleasant to the eyes. The body represents one mere disposable hopper for the soul and it is treated accordingly. The whole cosmos needs a delicate balance on the number of souls it has, poet, otherwise comes a soul inflation and many of them are left in the middle of a shadow-minglement, floating on the vast empty regions of space with just their light-durance. Little lonely cells with no prisoners. Their non-canalized lustre begins an insurmountable cycle that gives birth to all the stars we see at nights. Many so dim we don't even recognize their presence but there altogether, like silent guardians of a body that was never born. If you look into the sky, when there is no overcasted curse above us, you can actually see the frightening lack of matter for all those souls. And how frightening! Imagine all those tricky souls, bantering around with smiles in a surrogate of Earth. Imagine the immensity of their light in just a couple of lives. Just Imagine poet! What will never be.

The souls come from a shivering cascade of white and it fell from the clouds of our land. No one had ever climbed up there. These drought I mentioned, poet, halted the soul production for millennia. On long forgotten times, the sky was always white. I was born then. I still remember all the light. You young people would be blinded by the syrupy skies that played above us. A million stars to look at, every direction. Just then everyone started to fade away. This obnoxious little planet had been born somewhere. It was called Earth. All my friends started dissappearing. The habitants of soul-land started to get worried when the first night patches were hung up in the middle of the sky, little holes in the middle of our happiness. Like ripped socks when it rains. Then threnody followed through and no one knew who will be next but I was not scared. No one told us what happened to us when we faded out into the distance. I was eager to find out. I was a curious soul from day one! I started to get upset when the lack of light got so bad I couldn't read books at all. The sky looked terse and listless. I decided to do something. The cloud up there just spat out 10 souls a day. Many of which were really fat and not particularly pure.

I climbed up there, poet. The cold on those heights will make your Salvadorean rains shiver on a panic. From there I could see every planet and every star. No wonder why people were afraid of it. It was immense and I was becoming an ice-soul. I finally reached the end of the cloud stairs and I could see the source of all the souls. A man was unmethodically extracting ice from an ice mountain. His callous hands and the naive nailing of his pike into the solid transparent water shocked me. I was just a little soul and I had never seen a man. He had a bucket full of disorderly blocks of ice in irregular shapes, piled together and sweating in a submissive wait. The man walked towards the bucket and picked up a block. With his maroon eyes, he examined it and brushed off a couple of imperfections. He grumped and said after some time "Too weak. It will break in 7 years. Melt in 10" He contemplated it for a bit more and then it crushed with his bare hands. I wanted to ask the man why I couldn't read at nights. Why not to throw all the ice-souls and light up the skies so I could read. All I wanted to do was reading, poet. I wish he could have understood that. But I was freezing and the words wouldn't come out. I was only a little soul with no cold-resistance and that was too much for me.

The man told me:...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:46 am

:shock: :shock: I have to think a bit before I can understand tis so I will be back... :o :o :? :? :oops:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:18 pm

:lol: Jaja! Think on! :roll:

:roll: "Stars spitting souls? Ya, I can understand, that this is heavy to fathom, even with maroon(?) eyes", said the man in a white coat." Mr Öhubble I am afraid we have to put some bonds on you, since you seem to be rather disordered".

Öhubble fighted the air with his thin arms and legs,
"I am not at all ready for bonds, you stupid whitecoated jerkfool. What do you know about souls and stars? NOTHING! But I have pills, that can take me there, and I have been up and about and looked at just that star, that spitted souls in a million-soul-project.
First the old souls come there after the body-funeral and they go directly to the cleaning-room where they will be brushed in antiseptic fluid and displayed on a soul-line to dry. Then they are going to a white-washing and up again on the line for some time.
Butt, bumbkabumb, suddenly the star spits out them to Earth, and a soulmaker places them, in womens wombs, to be born nine month later".

"Jaja" said the White-coat," It is all very well. But come on now mr Öhubble. We shall take our medicine..."

"Huh, never in my life, I take your stupefymedicine. I have my own, hahahahahaha", the scary ecoing laugh went to the door...

And what did he do? Ja, he swallowed one of his big-blue and bumpkabump. He disappeared in front of two White-coats and one blue-white nurse...

"What in red-hot-burning Hell was that", said the Whitecoat, number one, and all three were very big-maroon-eyed and with gaping mouths...

"I have never...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:55 am

seen someone as deeply buried in fantasy-syrup. So deeply that every single crack of life has been invaded by this maroon-colored substance that seems to fall from the innermost gland of his lavish brain. The walls of his life are weak but the fantasy prevents all of it from crumbling down like a salvadorean house when there's too much wind. This is a great opportunity for psychiatry to discover the hidden value of fantasy in the brain of man! Maybe this crazy man is the key. Maybe he is."

Freckle, came in and looked at his father in the corner of the room, wearing a white tight coat and still telling his starsoul experience to the other note-taker. He seemed very happy to see her again and he screamed. "Oh, daughter!" He said, standing up "The souls! they don't understand the souls. They just care about injections and white cushioned walls and just look.. they have me here. They won't let me go. What is this place? I was with the poet having some quiet conversations. It is so good that you are here. But butt! I see there is something on your little head. I think I know what it is. I do. It is a flower and it is trying to burst out to see the world. A red serried flower on its seed that has found the most fertile soil on your plaited head! How beautiful that is.. It is about to come out. Just imagine all the things people would think! if they saw you around with a flower dressed in flashy red! At least they would have to smile, don't you think? Nothing that makes insensitive folks more weak than a flashy red flower. But, daughter, they are taking me in again! Do you come to free me? I will nurture that precious little button. But I can't with this heavy crazymen coats they make me use... Ha! I know. There's money on the cookie jar by the kitchen. On the top shelf. Go fetch it and bribe these men! Do it for your papa"

Freckle hurried up and followed Hubble's directions. There was indeed, many thousand old dollars in the cookie jar, hidden in all the crumbs. She just took it all and handed it to the greedy science-men. "Ha! I think this will do." Said a smiling doctor "Psychiatry can wait. Show the lady the exit and let the men out of the shackles. It is time to get a brand new TV for Anja... Oh yes!" The man hopped out of the room through a wooden door and Hubble appeared with his regular clothes on another. Daughter and Father hugged on the hospital's lobby. "So good to see you free" Said Freckle "My shoulders hurt" Answered Hubble "Let's feed that flower of yours!...And! How come you're not HiH with that poetical friend of yours. There has been a lively lack of poetness from his part this days. Are you not friends anymore?" Freckle let out a sigh "He has been reality-stricken and he finds not much to invest his time positively. Maybe we can pay him a visit to see how he is doing." Hubble agreed and they went on a poet hunt.

The poet was living on geometric shapes those days. He rotated the shape crops and that day he was living inside a maroon-triangle with very sharp edges. Tomorrow it would be a red circle and he was just too excited. He was on the most spreaded angle, combing his hair in front of an oval shaped mirror. "I look so pretty today" He was saying when Freckle and Hubble entered his regularly shaped home. They greeted and exchanged smiles. It was too uncomfortable for them to have coffee inside the shape. One would have to sit by each angle and Hubble's shoulders were sore. They had to get out and go to a nice restaurant nearby. There was no pee-coffee outside on this season and the poet was a bit troubled. However, he was very happy to see freckle with a tiny young flower tiredly sleeping by her freckles. He didn't make too much noise not to wake up flashyredflower and spoil her morning dream.

"That is what they say! One walks slow and gets far. But!!...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Derrick Rose » Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:21 pm


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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:22 am

:? What do you mean with that huh?

A snail walks slow and doesn't got far, said the accordionplayer."Quest ce qu'il a de mal mon message?

"Oui j'es pere bien. I am going home now, said Hubble.

"Yawn, yawn, Mumbled Gagago and played a new Granadasong. This time it was a happy one and everybody started to dance.

The Poet sang. He was so happy over Hubbles telling and he wanted to dream the same dream about stars and souls. He is a romantic kid! But Gagago was sceptic. Stars and souls! So stupid. Everyone knows that they were atoms in a big body. Gods body?

Chewing unhurriedly with a hidden smile he listened to his own music. As a professor that is worried for the drop of stimuli to reach the childpoet.

I can not play all the time for you, he said. "Don't believe the poems and the songs. Many of your rebel youths have come to me and hoping to fill their ears, neverendlingly. But you don't seem to expect that from me so rejoice this is all I have. Let us be friends poet-

The poet was bewildered. "Why do you think so? How is it relevant? There is a dead pig in the livingroom. His heart convulves. The aorta suppurates of course!

"Ah you don't say! We must save him.

And they gave the pig a kiss of life so he jumped up and danced with the poet when Gagago played a spritting polka.

But hubble was morose. "No one believes my dream. But stars are souls. Now I am going to take my invisible pill and go out and kill someone.

Bombombom there was someone at the door he could...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:15 pm

see, that it was Pekka Fucking, that was back in all his aliensplendor. But he wasn't in his best mood.

"Is it you, who sent that Fatto Arnold Something after me", he asked threateningly.

"No, no",answered Öhubble, frightened, "I don't even know the bloke. Isn't he the Leedsterrier my daughter likes"?

"Leedsterrier? Njaaa he becomes a dog now and then and he is a very bestialic male-alien from a planet called Cruxa 3 in Andromeda. They have failed the integration here, since they have a very strange metabolism. They crave to regularly eat mammalian-livers to survive and when there is shortage of those, they change to dogs".

"Huh, I have never heard of them, so why do you think that I am involved"?

"Freckle has an unhealthy relation to some of those misfits in Germany. They are sort of twins with Arnold and are called Aberaber and Goal. I thought that they and Freckle had sent Arnold after me".

"Sorry, but Freckle got some bad injuries in an accident in Sweden and is absolutely innocent".

"So,so, then I will warn you for this beast. He came to my farm and said that Freckle and the Poet sent him, and after I let him in, he started to cut out my liver. I managed to overpower him and throw him out, in the last minute and then he took the livers from three of my goats instead. I have a tin-liver, as you may know, so I am OK now. But he cut me rather badly, and I had to go back to Excessa, for a round-lubrication. That is why you haven't seen me for a while. But now I am after that fatty Arnold and some other Cruxians.

"Oh, good luck with that, they don't seem to be especially sympathetic. Do you, by the way, believe me, if I tell you, that I have seen a soulspitting star"?

"Yes of course. It is called "Gods spitting mouth" and is close to Sirius A...

"I knew it, I knew it...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:58 am

I love this and soon I will think out something for that old papa and his soulspitting planet. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by eternity_strato » Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:13 am

And then MultiTolkki appeared again. Tolkka, Tolkke, Tolkki, Tolkko and Tolkku, to retain ownership of the place.

Undestructable. Unbeatable. Forever.

Prepare to die.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Derrick Rose » Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:51 am

Which one was the fattest>>?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Ilsekena » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:19 am

Derrick Rose wrote:Which one was the fattest>>?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:58 pm

"I must tell Freckle", said Öhubble, "She has to know, that there is a spitting star. But first I have to sort out that screaming Eternity. Wouldn't you Pekka tell him the story of the seven "no names", so we at last can get some peace in this house".

"Of course", said Pekka and draw Eterny, by his ears and nose to the bed. "You have to be silent, or I kill you, you miserable Earthlingjerk".

Eternity jumped quickly under his cover, while he rubbed his, rather darkred, external parts of his head.

Pekka started. "Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, that fell in love and the girl was soon pregnant. She got the biggest stomach you ever saw and the doc told them that there were so many legs, arms and heads that he could hardly count them. "God grief! You are expecting seven sons but they are very small, so I think they are dwarfs. All of them."

"Good Grief", echoed the father that was an echoing man and a Finnish guitarra-master. "What can one DO with seven dwarfs"?

"Vojne, vojne", groaned the mother and started to deliver one little one, after the other. "And what shall we call them? Are there so many names in the book?

"Jaja", said the father. "I once had an idol and we can call them after him. We only change the vowels".

So they all got a "No name, No flame". Grumpy-tölki, Crazy-talki, Sneezy-tålki, Happy-tälki, Creepy-tulki, Scary-tylki, and Angry-telki.

And the seven grow up and started to work in the Finnish music-industry. Everyday on their way to work they sang this song.

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho,
We till our cave now go, Heigh humb!
To hum this tune is dumb,
The words don't mean a thing,
Isn't this a silly song,
For anyone to sing?

Of course it was! But one day there came a singing princess white as snow to the studio. She got lost in the business and the seven dwarfs took care of her. They loved her dearly, but she only lusted after a guitarrahero"...

"Bläää", said Eterny. "No lovestory, please. Who killed who and who fired who? I like when they are fired or kill each other. I like DEATH you know, so please more juicy death or I start to scream. Again".

"Oh, you poor Earthling, when will you ever learn", said Pekka and shook his head.

But Eterny didn't give up. "I wish they could first fire, both the guitarraguy and then that stupid ladysinger. Isn't that what dwarfs do"?

But now Pekka was irritated and and...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:06 am

:lol: :lol: Soon I can go on here but now my time is out for today.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Derrick Rose » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:06 am

We hope to have you back soon, Granadi-en. :)

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:37 am

Ja, here I am!

Pekka shook Eternity very wildly.
You wretched idiot shut up or I will show you what death is. If I tell you a story I tell it as I want. Look around the world you creep. Is there not enough death for you. Eartquacks, floodings, wars accidents of all kind so shut you up before I wring your neck.

Huh, said Eterny. You are a real alien and I am impressed and promise to be silent so you can go on with the dwarfs.
In your dreams. The storytelling is over and I am going to help Hubble to get rid of your screaming so I take you with me to Excessa. You will be a doll to my children. Vous etes sexy. Voulez-vous alter faire un tour to Exessa si?
Cest emascule, non?
Ok we are leaving now.
Maybe I made a mistake, said Eternity, Our pig is to much of a conclusive clause and a selfcentered one too. There is not a single bit of truth in that story. We did not own the pig. Not in a million years. Not even if we cooked it with olive oil. It will not be ours before he said it. And when we renounce his piggish freedom? When will he speak and make a logical statement to give the dwarfs their rights, theit Tölkörights he requires when hell freezes.
God you talk to much. Let us beam up now!
Your story make no sense, said Eternity. Maybe I exaggerate but those dwarfs were dead from the start and the princess never lived and the guitarra was stolen long ago.
Say good bye to Hubble. Here we go.
Nono the door the door...

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