Neverending Story [Game]

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:25 am

:) The namechange is up to Pekka and has nothing to do with me. If he thinks,that Gary is a more appropriate name for him, so be it. Nothing wrong with Gary, so it stays!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:47 am


There was a guy called Pekka,

That met a girl he would decka,

But he had such a shame,

Over his Pekka-name,

So he said "Hi, I am Gary from Mecca".

The girl that was named Rebecca,

Was in fact an Indian-Aztecca,

Said "Haven't I seen you before?

You look a bit like Al Gore,

And weren't you called the non-sushi-Pekka?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by HinatAArcticA » Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:50 am

What's the topic on the forum's history with the most answers ever?
No need to feel so afraid, colors last a lifetime and fade to gray...
Tony Kakko

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:20 am

:lol: I like to hear more about Pekka-Gary. What are his plans for us in December? Does he really look like Al Gore? And many other things that are unclear.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by Stratowarius » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:08 pm

:) To Gary Pekka Fucking Nurmi!

There was a day, and I was twenty years,
I believed in good things, but I had my fears,
And sometimes there were ugly things in my home,
Black walls, shrieking trumpets and thistles in bloom.

My mood was sometimes very dark, I was lonely and scared,
No one could ever love me, that was what I feared,
Then he came, in a cold winter-snow,
And he promised me warmth and love,
He is THE alien, that is what I now know.

Because I had met Pekka, I had met Pekka, and he became my alien-friend,
The star of hope was blinking, and I understand,
That the Universe is more than grand,
When I met Pekka, when I met Pekka, I found the galaxy-love,
He took my hand and he had no glove.

If you are sad and alone,
And your heart feels like a stone,
He will give you comfort all day,
And what more is there to say,
When you meet Pekka, when you meet Pekka, an alien from above,
You know, you meet the true, universe, big love...

:luv1: :luv1:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:07 am

:( I had no idea you were so sad. :cry: :cry: More happy now? :)

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:38 pm

It is a sort of poem, Gagago. A poem!

But here is your frecklestory.

Once upon a time there was a guy, that more than anything wanted to be freckled. He lived on a sunny island, where everyone was nicely sunburned, and where there wasn't a freckle in sight.

One day he met a girl that was strangely dotted all over her face and body, and he stared and stared. Was she ill in some skin-disease? He had never seen anything like it, and he wouldn't embarrass her by asking, but he couldn't help his fascinated stare.

"Aber doch", said the girl, "You are looking at my freckles with wonder? Jaja, I am not called Freckle for nothing, and I am almost born with those little dots. When I was a child the mobbers used to ask me if I had sun-bathed through a tea strainer, and I wept and I wept over my ugly skin. But now I am used to it and don't care in the least".
"But", said the transfixed guy. "I am so envious and would do more than anything, having those dots too. How do I do"?
"You can always sun-bath through a tea strainer", laughed the girl "Or you can beg the Freckle-God. I have asked him many times to take away my dots, and in vain, but he may listen to you.
The guy begged on his knees, and gosh and abracadabra! He was dotted all over! And it was the girls freckles and many more, that sort of, jumped over to him.

"Goddam, how you look" said the girl. "And look at me! Not a single little dot left. Thank you, freckle-God"!

But the poor guy, from the sunny island, was a little pensive. He looked absolutely ridiculous, dotted all over, and what would his friends, on the sunny island, think when they saw him? Vojne, vojne, he had learnt to say, so he said it. Vojne, vojne...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:25 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I would like to know how my mother reacted when she saw me. :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:59 am

:) Don't show this to your mom!

The flight landed late and Gagagos parents waited impatiently for their son. But there he was at last! He looked happy but, something was definitely very,
very wrong! Mama Gagago could hardly recognize her son! His Face! His handsome face, was covered with millions of brown little dots!! HUH!

"Oh, my dear son! What has happened to your face, there in Europe? Are you ill? My dearest son, why do you have those ugly things in your face"?

"Freckles, mom, freckles! I prayed to the freckle-God and he gave them to me. From the beginning they were Freckles, but I got them and some more. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it great? I am a freckle-guy now, so you can call me Freckle"!

"Son, son! What are you talking about? Have you been some sort of mad! Freckle-mad? Call you Freckle"? It was papa Gagago that interfered. "This is the most appalling thing I ever heard of. How could you come up with such idea? Pray to some freckle-God for dots! We must take you to a psychiatrist immediately. You must have got some freckle-bug over there"!

"And who is that Freckle that gave you those ugly spots, if I may ask"? Mom again. "Does she have a proper name"?

"Yes, of course! Her name is Ö10"!

"Ö10? What on Earth is that for a name"? The parents in chorus..."HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:26 am

:lol: :lol: My mother on the dot. So to say. :lol:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:06 am

But what happened then? :? What did they do about their freckled son?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:34 am

:) Sorry I don't have the time right now. I have to step up to the top of the highest mountain in Sweden, Kebnekaise, 2102 meter, and it will take some time and effort, so I will remain there for a while. Stay tuned...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:19 pm

:) This is written from the top of Kebnejkaise where I will stay some days...

The Gagago-parents started to sing,

"What shall we do, with our freckled son?
What shall we do, with our freckled son?
Early in the morning.

Put him in a plan back to Europe?
Put him out of sight, only seen in telescope?
Looking in the stars, for his horoscope?
Put his freckled face, in a big cyclope?
Early in the morning.

"Huh, you must be joking", said Gagago. "I love my freckles, and if you love me, you must love them too".

"Jaja, of course we are joking", said mom Gagago, "But this Freckle-God is a bit worrying. Are there more of that sort, that we don't know of"?

"Sure", said Gagago, "And I have one with me from Europe. Let me introduce you to Gary Pekka Nurmi, from Finland".

Gary Pekka came forward, with an obliging smile."Hi there, your son is exaggerating a bit. I am not some God, only a goatfarmer, allergic to sushi. I have come to your islands, as a representative for ECGD (External Continental Galaxy Development). We are planning to have a conference on Granada, in December, and I am here to prepare the event".

"Aha", said papa Gary Gagago. "Granada? Yes, that have happened strange things there lately. Goats, dinos, bath-ducks, and once the entire island sank to the ocean-bottom, but came up again some days later. Very, very strange, and no one can explain anything of it".

"Right", said Gary-Pekka," And that is why ECGD is interested. Your son is kind enough to help us and his connection with the Freckle-god is important. We are dependent on freckled people, since it is said, that "The Freckled" will possess the Earth"!

What, what? We had no idea! Freckled people will own the Earth??? Is that really so...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:57 am

:lol: I have known that all the time since the Rexes came to Granada. They were freckled you know.

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:07 pm

:) Gagago Junior was happy, and he understood, that he had missed freckles, all his life! There had been an empty space, in his soul, that now was filled with freckle-happiness.

"But what will happen to us freckled now", he asked Gary-Pekka.

"I have only heard, what our Excessa-prophets have said, and that is, that you will be saved before the big bang".

But papa Gary Gagago was worried. There had happened too many scary and strange things on Granada lately and now had the volcanos, on all Hawaii-islands, started to mumble ominously. Fishermen had reported, that the water some miles from Granada, boiled and there were big clouds of yellow-black ashes coming up. It smelled strongly of sulphur and it was like a door to hell had been open slightly ajar. Was this a prelude to something really sinister?

All Hawaii-islands had started to tremble and some volcanos were angry and spitted lava and pumice. But the ocean close to Granada was most agitated, and seemed to be pregnant with something very bad. Magma came up, together with clouds of black ash and when the hot material met the cold water they couldn't mix, so there were heavy explosions. Electrical charges were created and heaven was lightened with hundreds and hundreds of big bolts.

People didn't dare to stay inside, because of the quivering ground, so they had to remain out, in the worst thunderstorm anyone ever had experienced.

Even Gary-Pekka was scared and stunned. This wasn't what he had expected. NO not at all!

Something was very, very bad and wrong...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:56 am

:shock: :shock: But the Exsessa-prophets said that we freckled will be safe. :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:48 am



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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:04 am

:shock: :shock: NOOOOOOO

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by AGAG » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:17 am

NOO! NOT the freckles, said the father. sadly, the anti-freckle cream was already in the air.

The pipe bomb was on the double sandwich they had ordered. Now it made sense.. the mayonnaise smelled funny.. it was loaded with freckle-eating bacteria and viruses that cleared the face immediately. Not a single mole, pimple, freckle nor malignant melanoma tumours had a chance to survive. What a nightmare!

In a few seconds, everyone was covered in white cream as in a devilish avant-garde film. "The cream has covered us" stated AGOGA, providing a very different perspective. "It has Vitamin D that will help everyone's psoriasis."

Everyone looked different. The father couldn't recognize their children. "Where is my pigments?" everyone wondered.

Indeed, everyone was ghost-like and they were near invisible... Paler than a Polar Bear on the moon's south pole. On the lunar base, the bears whistled, trying to extemporize a tune on their precarious position. And the moon tried to shake them off "How about I get some fucking dandruff shampoo?"

They knew of the anti-freckle plot. They too had once had beautiful freckles all over their bodies. Some 1,000 years ago, they had been subject of a very very bad experiment. At noon, a drone released a mist cattily through the horizon "There are no cats"

A white storm smahmouthed the horizon and made it a blurry line. Then it started to rain cream. Anti-freckle cream.

Bears roared and roared while their skin burnt like acid on an open wound. They were in pain and they cried while embracing each other with open paws. Papa bears covered their sons and daughters with no success at all.

The cloud spread rapid as bacteria through unprotected watermelons. Every corner. Spotted Dogs lost their freckles through great agony.

How to cope? What to do without freckles?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:28 pm

:lol: Gosh! You are murderous again! What have you been up to, recently? :roll: Really? :roll:

"When the Bacillicus "No-Freckles", are raining, the Non-Freckles have nothing to lose",said Gagago. "But I have lost all my dots and it is irritating. Easy got, easy lost!".

"And who has distributed that bleak-cream in the big yellow cloud over us, if not the damn bath-ducks, with red bleak-cream-spitting beaks. It is the Volcano-aliens. Again!", said Gary-Pekka.

The earth started to shake violently, and this time so far north, as the the islands on Canada's west-coast. A big sunami was on it's way and threatened to drown all Hawaii-islands.

"Vojne, vojne", said papa Gary Gagago, to mama Mary Gagago, "We will be stirred and shaken and then drowned. Vojne vojne!" (He didn't know what "vojne" meant, but he thought it sounded hefty.)

"Yes", said Gary-Pekka. "I think it is time to leave in the beaming-bubble. But first we must fetch my poet-friend in Salvador.(In the story again! He will love that).It is shaking there too, so we must hurry".

When they came to Salvador, the ducks were already there. They quacked and quacked, everywhere and the poet was standing on the roof of his house. No not standing! He was running around in circles, screaming, when a bunch of bloodthirsty ducks were trying to hack him in pieces... But, but...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:59 pm

:) I have never been to El Salvador so I like this. And together with Pekka too... :) :)

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:59 pm

:) Listen up now, there in El Salvador! :)

"Stop that hacking immediately",roared Gary-Pecka. "I ban you, yellow Lava-Misereres. Flap back to your Volcanoes and listen to the, for you so intimidating message, Americas President gives us just now. That is a speech for all the world".

Direct from CNN.

The President: Fellow Earth Humans! It's an incredible honor, to talk to you all, today.

Audience: We are all ears, and we love you, our new-old, dear President.

The Pr: I love you back. But we have serious things to talk about today. We have before us, one of the toughest fights, you can imagine. We have been focused on the worst storm, in our lifetime, and now we have to deal with something even worse. The yellow evil bath-ducks, from the planet Nornan in Taurus, hiding in our Volcanoes, and now invading Earth with their hacking beaks.

AUD: Huhhuhhuh...

The Pr: Yes, I speak not only for us Americans, but for our whole globe, and we Americans will take the lead and fight the yellow hircin-ducks, no matter how many and nasty they are. We are all, Chineses, Japaneses, Europeans, in the same danger to be hacked and eaten, by those alien red beaks, so we will rise and strive to overcome the ugly birds.

AUD: Yes! Kill! Yes! Kill!

The Pr: Ja.ja, don't ask for what your country can do for you, ask what you can do to those yellow scumbags, and throw them out in the empty space.

AUD: Yes! Throw! Kill! Throw! Kill!

The Pr: As long as there is one single yellow bath-duck left, anywhere on our Earth, our fight will go on, yea! Damn those plastic-aliens and God bless America...

But, but...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:05 am

:shock: :shock:
but up flew the White House-doors and a big, yellow red-dotted cloud descended over the auditorium. A dozen quacking and hacking ugly birds gathered on the presidents head, and started to pluck hairs from his skull. They didn't want woolly hair in their food, so they took out that first...
And and... :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by J.S. Bach » Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:37 am

:lol: unfortunately, El Salvador was struck by a devilish meteor yesterday. Using a sharp and also devilish Ockham razor we'd happily conclude that no poet did survive :lol: But don't worry, I write too. :)

Didn't they also peck inside his nostrils? to remove the slippery green snots? The birds seemingly had a sophisticated palate and wouldn't let inncessearities ruin their meal. They took their time.

CIA was running wild to save the screaming president. They were not allowed to use the M9s because the birds were a very rare kind. Memphis redbird Pyrrhuloxia, only a few of a kind. Legend says that a brave argonaut from Thuringen obtrusively inserted them into the new land around the 16th century. Just a couple that then spread through the big big planes of memphis.

One was Maria and the other Hans, they made chewee all day long. The brave argonaut died in a horrible way in the hands of Toltec children. Legends says he lost a football match, afterwards he was hung upside down until his liver failed. A common local tradition for football losers.

The two birds were, then, alone in an unknown sea of green and unbelievable creatures. They reproduced and ate up two small species of hares into extinction. A flock of phyrrhuloxia ravaged small stores on hunt for something that would quench their neverending appetite. Every person with sane judgement would fear them since they supposedly ate children.

One cold november night, a little redbird dared to cross the fence of a cotton field, innocently fighting its insomnia by eating whatever crossed its path. Destiny made it so and he entered a poorly guarded henhouse where african-descended people used to rest. Their newborn child Jean-Pierre, rested as a log in the best hay their fathers could get.

Little redbird was hungry. Who has ever been a bird with such a botomless stomach? We cannot judge such a creature, we have not been in it's shoes, nor flapped the same wings that seemingly consume much carbohydrates from being so cumbersome. But it went like that, the bird found what seemed to be a delicious, tender meal sitting on the middle of a cotton field and swallowed it whole without second thoughts.

This initiated a long-winded carnage between african-americans and phyrrhuloxias that continues to this day. You can imagine the red hot madness they felt when one of them took the world lead, promissing mars missions of conquest and resource exploitation.

Now they must eat eat EAT... after they remove those ugly nose hairs....

This is the truth and so is destiny.. BUT!

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:22 pm

:shock: Dead? In your dreams! Never! :)

In Salvador, Gary-Pekka, on the poets roof, was worried, and sent a SMS to Öhubble.

"Problem in Salva, the poet claims he is stone-dead,
Alien-ducks threw a Nornan-rock, on his poetic head,
Now they are trying to eat his brain, with beaks so red,
Can you liven him up, from your far-away stead"?

Öhubbles answer was prompt.

"Come here at once in your bubble-gas-jet,
And I will prepare a dead-awakening treat-set".

They all went into the bubble, and swish they were in Öhubbles lab, where he (Öhubble of course. Huh!) took the half-dead poet, in his vojneing arms, and gave him an injection with a very secret stam-cell-fluid.

The poet opened his surprised eyes. "So I'm not dead, as Bach said, and I must still write in "Neverending" then"?

"Ja.ja, you will make many poetic texts there yet and even "Green-bird" five and six", said Öhubble. "That questionable fugaist tried to write you out, and it was close, since you have a meteorbump in your head, from those nasty ducks attack":

"Who has a nasty meteor-bump"? It was Freckle that came into the room. (Yessss she is back)
"Oh dear, oh dear. The poet! Oh can I give him a kiss of life"?

"NONO it is not necessary! At all"! said Gary-Pekka, rather acidly. "He was only faking, to get attention, and we have other more important problems to deal with. Those damn bath-ducks are everywhere and I have alerted our Excessa-Military-Attache Gary Fiddle. We must DO something very soon, but I don't know what.

But, but, now it hacked on the door. Hack... hack... hack...
:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:49 pm

:shock: The ducks? Hacking? :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:39 pm


"Don't worry, be happy"! said ÖHubble. "This house is A-bumb-safe, and those hackers can't come in, even if they have beaks of steel".

Now there was a little pip on Gary-Pekkas outer-stellar-receiver and it was Excessa-Gary Fiddler on the line.

"Hallou! We observe great activity in all Earth-volcanoes, and mostly on Hawaii. But the fantastic thing is, that we also have discovered a big construction-fault on those damn ducks (#334). Since there is no water on Nornan (in Taurus)they can't swim and they have a hole in the bottom".

"Huh", said the astonshed Gary-Pekka, "A hole in the bottom, dear Fiddle, dear Fiddle? A hole? And can't they mend it, dear Fiddle, dear Fiddle?"

"No! They sink like yellow stones. So we will let our UFO-fleet suck up sea-water and put it back on them. Look out through your windows".

They all rushed to the A-bumb-safe windows, and saw how a big UFO hovered over Helsinki and sucked up all the water in the harbour. Then came a flood over all the ducks that quacked and quacked in death-panic. "Quack, quack, we are doomed. That thing they call water will kill us. Fucking shit-water..."

"By, by yellow, not-able-to-swim-with-a-hole-in-the-bottom-ducks, said Gary-Pekka, "Once again have we Excessans won and soon we will take over this pathetic globe too".

"Hrm. Hrm". said papa Gary Gagago" I have never seen...
But it is maybe too much to ask, if you, mr Alien, could take us back to Granada"?

"Of course, sire, we will all go there now...

But, but, WHAT?

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by eternity_strato » Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:25 am

And then everybody died.

MultiPorkki had arrived with Victoria and Whoro.

Whoro tried to suck MultiPorkki's tiny dick but it wasn't found.

So she switched from Apple Maps to Google Maps to find anything.

She did not.

She started screaming that Porkki and not MultiPorkki was the dad. Porkki appeared eating pizza.

Porkki fought for ages against itself multiplied by 5, and after defeating MultiPorkka and MultiPorkku, he decided to give Whoro the chance to suck the other ones' dicks. She did and became orally pregnant (i don't know how) from the three of them.

Nine months later, they revealed they had intercourse with her but she was only thinking of Porkki.

Porkki was still eating pizza, by the way.

Mr. Soup appeared and screamed in horror...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by GAGAGO » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:00 am

that silly ETERNITY is on it again. He can not let it go. PENIS-worshiper!!!!!!! :roll: multiporkki-worshipppper, So came pekka in again. I am not dead and i will kill you now in eternity. but...

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Re: Neverending Story [Game]

Post by eternity_strato » Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:05 pm

...gagago died. back to multiporkki story.

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