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Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:30 am
by mayhem-for-all
valo_666 wrote:This is another publicity stunt to make the upcoming CD sell something
That post you made was another publicity stunt to get him attention.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:10 pm
by MetalNat
Good riddance.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:02 pm
by VictorTDD

Napalm Records
2010.09.27 (not sure)

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:54 pm
by Syren.S
that's the cover of Trinity? wow it looks great!
but I'm still sad. I do love AOA very much. VERY much.
maybe Trinity will sell a lot and RR will continue... *sigh.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:55 pm
MetalNat wrote:Good riddance.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:43 pm
by Ragehead91
Well, I don't really like it but it looks better than that stupid AOA Cover. At least you can tell that it actually is a RR Album this time.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:49 pm
by MikeKhalilov
VictorTDD wrote:Image

Napalm Records
2010.09.27 (not sure)
Talk about gay...Image

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:54 pm
by Ragehead91
Wow, someone still seems to be mad. But looking back it is understandable I guess. I found this on the Napalm Records Homepage:
The new Album "Trinity" introduces 2 new members: Magnus Rosen (ex Hammerfall) on bass and Bob Katsionis (Firewind) on keyboards.

Timo Tolkki describes "Trinity", an album recorded in Brazil and Finland, as a "back to the roots" album. Unlike "Age of Aquarius", Tolkki is the sole composer. He received lyrical support from vocalist Gus Monsanto and drummer Bruno Agra.

"I just did what I have always done. I wrote some songs and then we recorded them. The album features ‘back-to-the-roots’ power metal with a strong focus on catchy choruses. It also features the fastest song I have ever composed."

Indeed, the album sees the band going back to Timo Tolkki's roots and its title track, with a playing-time of over 10 minutes, proves that the mastermind is still full of pleasant surprises.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:33 pm
by browneyedgirl
VictorTDD wrote:Image

Napalm Records
2010.09.27 (not sure)
New Age stuff? ??? 3 means alot in all religions, paganism and Christianity especially.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:53 pm
by Rage1979
this is terrible news! I loved A o A and I was loooking forward to see them perforn.

I will get Trinity ofcourse...

I still hope that Tolkki will write metal songs in the future.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:40 pm
by RazielSR
Ragehead91 wrote:Wow, someone still seems to be mad. But looking back it is understandable I guess. I found this on the Napalm Records Homepage:
The new Album "Trinity" introduces 2 new members: Magnus Rosen (ex Hammerfall) on bass and Bob Katsionis (Firewind) on keyboards.

Timo Tolkki describes "Trinity", an album recorded in Brazil and Finland, as a "back to the roots" album. Unlike "Age of Aquarius", Tolkki is the sole composer. He received lyrical support from vocalist Gus Monsanto and drummer Bruno Agra.

"I just did what I have always done. I wrote some songs and then we recorded them. The album features ‘back-to-the-roots’ power metal with a strong focus on catchy choruses. It also features the fastest song I have ever composed."

Indeed, the album sees the band going back to Timo Tolkki's roots and its title track, with a playing-time of over 10 minutes, proves that the mastermind is still full of pleasant surprises.
Now, seemed that the band was really ok and with two new members and a new album. But, suddenly (as we all know, this sudden, strange and absolutely chaotic things has happened a lot in TT's life these past years) now we have a message from TT in his facebook and myspace saying that this is the end of RR.

So, I suppose now we'll have silence, some strange messages, the ex-members of RR saying bad things about everything, TT saying that there was no soul, etc, etc, etc...

The same story over and over again. I think this is not something about music.

And if this is 100% true (you know, today is true and tomorrow could be just another day in TT's thoughts), what about TT? Is he going to have some energy to create some new music or we must just forget the whole thing?

Anyway...IT IS THAT DIFFICULT TO GET SOME GIGS??!?! I just can't understand.

And... :roll: a new user registered just to say this...that is always usual in this kind of messages too... :roll:

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:33 pm
by Ragehead91
I wonder what Jens has to say about this. Maybe he can provide some insight into this mess.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:02 pm
by gnurt_gp
maybe Timo just rethink the decision to make a band and he realize that the idea is not that good. maybe when he decided to recruit members to form R-R, it is something in revenge of the continuation of Strato without him. Now everything calm down, he may look back and see that his new band is not that good and he can't see the way to make it become Stratovarius level. For young musicians they can start from scratch, play opening etc... but for an established musician like Timo he may feel bad to play in this kind of band. It is all sad story for him. I support him but I have to admit that may be it is the end for Timo Tolkki's rock bands career. When everything is messed up like this, it is very difficult to regain publicity. When even R-R messed up, the idea of recruiting new band is obviously impossible. Of course just my thinking and guessing

Not sad to me

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:22 pm
by lalodrums2
I never liked that band (except the album new era) so it's not sad to me but i'm concerned about Timo Tolkki, i hope he find his own voice someday.

On the other hand I'm so happy about the new Stratovarius, it's really awesome the positive vibe that its music sends to me. I love it.

Greetings to you all from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Lalodrums. :)

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:28 pm
by ggonza43
And there he goes again :x! Now what about "Trinity"?!

Fuck you Tolkki, you have let me down for the last time :(!!

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:40 pm
by Ragehead91
Read the post again and look through the thread. Trinity will be released.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:44 pm
by ggonza43
Ragehead91 wrote:Read the post again and look through the thread. Trinity will be released.
I was so angry to spend some time reading all the comments. Thanks, I guess :?...Even though I'm not changing my mind about Tolkki

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:51 pm
by Ragehead91
Well, maybe if Trinity is succesful, he'll change his mind. But I doubt it.

Does anybody know if the winner of that contest ever got the guitar?

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:54 pm
by ggonza43
Ragehead91 wrote:Does anybody know if the winner of that contest ever got the guitar?
:lol: Remember that? Totally forgot about thta contest. And I doubtfully think he'll change his mind...Look through his hitory if so :?

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:58 pm
by gnurt_gp
I think TT shouldn't be blamed again just like previous times. it's like he lost everything, not like he destroys his band again. I might think that the idea to recruit R-R at the beginning was not good. His new band can never reach Stratovarius level and to be honest, R-R never appear to be a true band

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:59 pm
by icecab21
Getting magnus, bob k, napalm, and a back to the roots album is something I thought would spark up demand. Guess well see what happens after the release but it looks like this won't be promoted well at all when it’s the one that should be most promoted. Promoters perhaps want to see more stability with the band than they can trust more about the investment.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:02 pm
by ggonza43
gnurt_gp wrote:I think TT shouldn't be blamed again just like previous times. it's like he lost everything, not like he destroys his band again. I might think that the idea to recruit R-R at the beginning was not good. His new band can never reach Stratovarius level and to be honest, R-R never appear to be a true band
I think he does need to be blamed...It's not the first time he's doing this, and no matter how sick or ill he is, that doesn't justify everything wrong he did in his life :?

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:26 pm
by gnurt_gp
ggonza43 wrote: I think he does need to be blamed...It's not the first time he's doing this, and no matter how sick or ill he is, that doesn't justify everything wrong he did in his life :?
Personally I think this result is like he pays for what he did wrong in the past, not like he does a wrong thing again. Maybe Magnus and Bob are only guess musicians just like the ones in New Era, the two guys were never meant to be permanent members. My own opinion and guessing. What I agree is, with all respect to TT, now he seems to be the shadow of himself and I doubt he can regain any of his old talents, unless someone give up a helping hand.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:34 pm
by ggonza43
gnurt_gp wrote:Maybe Magnus and Bob are only guess musicians just like the ones in New Era, the two guys were never meant to be permanent members. My own opinion.
We all knew those dudes weren't permanent, since the first day "Trinity" was announced and Katsionis is still going to be in Firewind working in their next release, "Days Of Defiance"

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:36 pm
by Ragehead91
"Days Of Defiance" is actually finished I think. Can't wait for that. I love that badn and I think Gus G. is probably one of the most talented Power Metal guitarists we have today.

Back to Topic:
icecab21 wrote:Getting magnus, bob k, napalm, and a back to the roots album is something I thought would spark up demand. Guess well see what happens after the release but it looks like this won't be promoted well at all when it’s the one that should be most promoted. Promoters perhaps want to see more stability with the band than they can trust more about the investment.
Agreed. When the news about Trintiy was released I thought that would maybe spark new interest in the band. But It seems it didn't. Maybe it would've helped if Tolkki reponed the RR website and kept the fans and press informed about what is going on. As it is, most people didn't even know that the band still existed until the announcement. The RR news and fan-contact policy in the last few months wasn't really that good.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:06 pm
by robocop656
i eat oreos

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:16 pm
by mayhem-for-all
Well I can understand if something happens in your life that messes it up (yeah music is not all he has) like a divorce for example or something like that I understand if your motivation in a band that just can't get the success you would like to have and it doesn't feel that nice anymore I really understand if he wants to break the band. He did say personal problems alongside the problems in getting gigs.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:36 pm
by Ragehead91
I thought the "personal problems" part was reffering to his illness.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:31 pm
by adrian9
gnurt_gp wrote:I think TT shouldn't be blamed again just like previous times. it's like he lost everything, not like he destroys his band again. I might think that the idea to recruit R-R at the beginning was not good. His new band can never reach Stratovarius level and to be honest, R-R never appear to be a true band
I totally agree, and thats set the demise of the project, I think chances are that tolkki will stop trying to make a BAND happening again. I pray to god he re- joins stratovarius.

Re: Sad news about Revolution Renaissance

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:32 am
by NeverendingAbyss
MikeKhalilov wrote:
VictorTDD wrote:Image

Napalm Records
2010.09.27 (not sure)
Talk about gay...Image
You, sir, made me laugh and close my eyes. Just like this emoticon- :lol: