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Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:09 am
by NeverendingAbyss
JensJohansson wrote:
Mr cool Edit wrote:MEEEE!!!!! I WANT!!!!! and this guys will knows the Word "dicipline" amd make one fórum free in art and that whatever can show his tribute to stratovarius with liberty like Sarah and me AND ALL THE OTHERS THAT WANT DO IT AND FOR THIS INSANE GUYS THEY ARE SCARE , and if i see one insult againt his/her art, i advice 3 times and after i banned....
OK.. so we have a volunteer!

Is a "Mr Cool Edit" moderation OK with everyone? (Or maybe someone makes a poll suggesting who should be the designated Nazi mod)
Are you kidding me? He'll ban everyone who says no to him.

I vote for... casting a ballot. I like the idea of stratoforumites voting on who to ban. Just like ancient Greece. And since this is a rather small forum, democracy actually works.

I would keep it without anonymizing the voters. That way we know there are no replicas of the same user trying to cast out one of us.

BTW: By banning I mean banning his/her IP address. In fact, we can have an option of a limited ban and a permanent ban.

Edit: I like the moderated subforum idea. :)

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:18 am
by Mr cool Edit
No toad, well thats to the crazy programation of the programer of this web i see you coment the same..... i thought that this was a bug but isnt!!

you are wrown, toad..... I'm a fair man, just that it happens that you are one of the crazies who insult

The diference that i use a lot my brain.... and I will be fair at all, and hearken to both sides not just one

plus more.... I have 9 years of experience in technology..... I study psychology and cibercrime, apart to music and networking/it technician.

I baneare without three warnings and justifications COPY / Paste harassed messages

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:41 am
by NeverendingAbyss
Mr cool Edit wrote:I'm a fair man
No you're not. You never proved to be fair. All you think is about "muh remixes" and "muh Italian blood".
The diference that i use a lot my brain...
Good. Apply your brain in this forum, then.
plus more.... I have 9 years of experience in technology..... I study psychology and cibercrime, apart to music and networking/it technician.

Might as well drop your resume while you're at it. No one cares what anyone does outside this forum.
I baneare without three warnings and justifications COPY / Paste harassed messages
What the hell did I just read?

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:47 am
by Mr cool Edit
sadly for you and for all the guys like you.... you learn to be good people and leave aside cyberbullying

my method never fails because "YOU JUST ASSUME YOUR ACTS"

in the art of spiritual evolution and psychology is called "mirror"

only you hang or only you saved

I cant be more clear, toad

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:49 am
by NeverendingAbyss
Mr cool Edit wrote:I cant be more clear, toad
Well, fuck.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:16 am
by icecab21
mr cool edit considers stuff as simple as "i don't like it" to be over the line.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:34 am
by Mr cool Edit
listen, if you dont like it, no coment or no harassed to nothing, the World is free, and nothing tell you in your post, how many shit you are like you yes do it,

If you dont have the balls or the capacity to do your own stuff, at least you are not a stumbling block for people who fight for a goal. What you and your pretty friends make the hopes of the people are VERY BAD PERSON


that is the law of coexistence in fair harmony, something that people love every minute break.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:37 am
by Karlheinz Stockhausen
:) Aber doch! I am your man, your German here, and yes I can moderate. I am a moderate moderater, so let me do your boogie.

I will take away all Idiots, all penises, all fourletterwords, all ugly avatars, all silly remarks, all not-art-music.

What will be left? Probably not so much, but it seems that some like that "not so much".

What do you say? :wink:

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:44 am
by Mr cool Edit
you will be a kind of fan mad and this will become an anarchy

with less sense of companionship and freedom of expression within a framework of respect that Mussolini in World War
Karlheinz Stockhausen wrote::) Aber doch! I am your man, your German here, and yes I can moderate. I am a moderate moderater, so let me do your boogie.

I will take away all Idiots, all penises, all fourletterwords, all ugly avatars, all silly remarks, all not-art-music.

What will be left? Probably not so much, but it seems that some like that "not so much".

What do you say? :wink:

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:49 am
by Karlheinz Stockhausen
:roll: You my friend are hanging in a thin thread in my new Stratoforum. Hahaha!

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:57 am
by Mr cool Edit
hahahah let me say you this!!! my life isnt post in a fórum of a good band, and my cd and productions dont will change of nothing.... i continue recording and creatimg my albums, with stratovarius fórum or without then. Poor of you that you life revolves around an internet forum, and worst of all, do you feel super-powerful, threatening to you can not even touch.

I recommend a good psychologist so you take off a little frustration off, or change your beliefs. Nazism absurd and baseless was defeated long ago ......

the order is not what you propose, yours is having a very small brain.
Karlheinz Stockhausen wrote::roll: You my friend are hanging in a thin thread in my new Stratoforum. Hahaha!

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:01 am
by icecab21
mr cool edits posts are great examples for why he should not be a moderator.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:13 am
by Mr cool Edit
and you the perfect example for be banned, but i a correct man, no worries. you will have your oportunity in perfect justice, like others if im selected

icecab21 wrote:mr cool edits posts are great examples for why he should not be a moderator.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:18 am
by Ilsekena


Now get off your butt and go do something useful.
Does it sound nazi-enough? :x

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:23 am
by Rebel
What about setting aside another board for 'moderated discussion'?

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:24 am
by Mr cool Edit
sound like an egocentric. girl that dont supot rejections, is your weak side
Ilsekena wrote::roll:


Now get off your butt and go do something useful.
Does it sound nazi-enough? :x

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:47 am
by foerg
what about keeping the forum as it is? it survived many flames and chaos things, just because of one narcissist maniac and some shitpics we discuss now about changing this place of total freedom?

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:10 am
by icecab21
all fans will go buy mr cool edits music
prog power made a big mistake by having stratovarius instead of mr cool edit headline.
stratovarius will sell much better when they replace everyone with mr cool edits music
mr cool edit should be given the rights to all stratovarius owns so mr cool edit can do right by the stratovarius legacy.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:15 am
by foerg
ehhhm, yes and total control of all arnold layne threads in the other language subforum...

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:16 pm
by Mr cool Edit
ufffff...... I thought that the Germans were Smart but I'm wrong in a horrible way....

Do you need a massive copy paste?, Foerg??

when a person is attacked has only two paths, or leave humiliate or makes it possible for your mood is not thrown to the floor

es un mecanismo de defensa ante ante ataques masivos como los tuyos y los de tus amiguitos

More clear??? ok..... i go more clear......

the artists that you think you have the vices of drugs as alchoolismo and feel the pressures of the environment and your aberrations such as critics, excessive competition and more insane things?

that somehow, has to withstand massive attack in the middle where they are causing.

therefore, those who are weaker personality refuge in addictions and terminated by removing the médium

Example 1 - icecab21

all fans will go buy mr cool edits music
prog power made a big mistake by having stratovarius instead of mr cool edit headline.
stratovarius will sell much better when they replace everyone with mr cool edits music
mr cool edit should be given the rights to all stratovarius owns so mr cool edit can do right by the stratovarius legacy.

Example 2 foerg

mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


well, last time i played one of that youtube clips, my neighbours told me to stop hitting my cat...


and i can write a book with you all......

is typical of the ignorant and little person let alone brave and never evolved to recognize their mistakes and always find the culprit in another

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:30 pm
by browneyedgirl
That settles it, I vote NeverendingAbyss as Nazi Moderator! 8) He can be both mean(in a good way)and cool at the same time.

I mean it! NEA, it is!

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:48 pm
by Bathory Killcraft
I think someone who has lots of posts and he is also current in the forum should be the moderator. But please no more ugly memes, pictures with pink elephants, unicorns and butts, toilets or nonesense discussion! Even now I fail to follow some of the discussion in this topic! While it should be as clear as crystal! OK, maybe some of it is as Jens says internal jokes. Someone like me who is not regular don't quite get it.

Anyway, my dear former arch nemesis (lol) BEG should be OK for the job I think :-) Sadly, I don't know any other person here atm, lol.

As long as he/she is someone serious about I'm all for it.

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:54 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
browneyedgirl wrote:That settles it, I vote NeverendingAbyss as Nazi Moderator! 8) He can be both mean(in a good way)and cool at the same time.

I mean it! NEA, it is!

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:19 pm
by Ilsekena
Bathory Killcraft wrote:no more ugly memes, pictures with pink elephants, unicorns and butts, toilets or nonesense discussion!
Gosh, gosh, Vladimir Putin on Stratoforum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Bathory Killcraft wrote: Sadly, I don't know any other person here atm, lol.
lol indeed :?

Why didnt u wait another ten years? Maybe we will all be dead then and this place will be what it once was -- "Not so much".

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:32 pm
by HinatAArcticA
JensJohansson wrote:
JensJohansson wrote:To me that thread calls for a retarded cat picture
This is the one I would suggest:


Perhaps someone who has a SA forum account can pass this picture on, as a token of the futility of trying to explain or argue about music, with regards from Jens in Stratovarius... let's see what happens


Also, I used to be a mod on a SA fan forum...
I remember I designed the forum SO WELL... that the damn thing was modding itself...

And the Admin was like Midori, you are not really doing anything anymore

And I was like... Um... there's no need, I made it functional

Not that it would work here... but it was a system with categories, and people would post on the proper sub-forum. Of course, we would like allow trolling or pointles flamewars, but I never was as draconian as the official forum... maybe it was just a lucky strike, or maybe I don't know what it means to mod an official band forum :)

I mean, I respect the SA mods for the work they do, even if I don't agree with many policies that they have, but it's not like it doesn't work either.

If you ask me, I think we only have to remember the main rule Jens wrote a while ago for the forum, which I think was something in the lines of... be nice and respectful to one another, and I don't think any user here holds any grudge against another... and there's an ignore button so... I think as long as that's remembered, this place should be good.

It has a very unique feeling, that's for sure :)

In an unrelated note, I'd kindda wanna change HinatAArcticA to plain Midori in this forum but doesn't really matter hehe

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:49 pm
by foerg
don´t talk to me, i´m banned!

Mr cool Edit wrote:ufffff...... I thought that the Germans were Smart but I'm wrong in a horrible way....

Do you need a massive copy paste?, Foerg??

when a person is attacked has only two paths, or leave humiliate or makes it possible for your mood is not thrown to the floor

es un mecanismo de defensa ante ante ataques masivos como los tuyos y los de tus amiguitos

More clear??? ok..... i go more clear......

the artists that you think you have the vices of drugs as alchoolismo and feel the pressures of the environment and your aberrations such as critics, excessive competition and more insane things?

that somehow, has to withstand massive attack in the middle where they are causing.

therefore, those who are weaker personality refuge in addictions and terminated by removing the médium

Example 1 - icecab21

all fans will go buy mr cool edits music
prog power made a big mistake by having stratovarius instead of mr cool edit headline.
stratovarius will sell much better when they replace everyone with mr cool edits music
mr cool edit should be given the rights to all stratovarius owns so mr cool edit can do right by the stratovarius legacy.

Example 2 foerg

mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


well, last time i played one of that youtube clips, my neighbours told me to stop hitting my cat...


and i can write a book with you all......

is typical of the ignorant and little person let alone brave and never evolved to recognize their mistakes and always find the culprit in another

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:54 pm
by Bathory Killcraft
Ilsekena wrote:
Bathory Killcraft wrote: Sadly, I don't know any other person here atm, lol.
lol indeed :?

Why didnt u wait another ten years? Maybe we will all be dead then and this place will be what it once was -- "Not so much".
Actually there is one more reason why I would like for this forum to be well run - so that it doesn't give Tolkki grounds to complain and moan about the band. He'll have no case if the forum is well run, moderated and peaceful.

Having said that, I understand why messageboards are kinda moving towards extinction. People switch to facebook, twitter and more mobile forms of communication so a forum in the traditional sense is pretty much bound to have low traffic.

Another thing is, 10 years ago we somehow knew stuff about each other. Were we are from, real names, interests, profession or studies, sometimes even trying to organise meetings to go see Stratovarius live, etc. Now every member info seems fake or totally hilarious. I doubt anyone knows anything about anyone else in here. Not that we should but this made things easier and there was more connection.

BEG for example, was the self proclaimed Dolly Parton of the forum ;-)

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:07 pm
by RazielSR

Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:26 pm
by HoldenCaulfield
Dear Bathory Killcraft,

Sorry but I'm not allowed to have long conversations, nor reveal important information about me to forum users showing the letter "K" in their nicknames.

Greetings from Heroica Matamoros.


Re: Clean up/moderation of the site.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:55 pm
by Mr cool Edit
if you take more atention, you can discover that jens or the programmer dont programm full ignore list... *** Pokes in your German head*****
foerg wrote:don´t talk to me, i´m banned!

Mr cool Edit wrote:ufffff...... I thought that the Germans were Smart but I'm wrong in a horrible way....

Do you need a massive copy paste?, Foerg??

when a person is attacked has only two paths, or leave humiliate or makes it possible for your mood is not thrown to the floor

es un mecanismo de defensa ante ante ataques masivos como los tuyos y los de tus amiguitos

More clear??? ok..... i go more clear......

the artists that you think you have the vices of drugs as alchoolismo and feel the pressures of the environment and your aberrations such as critics, excessive competition and more insane things?

that somehow, has to withstand massive attack in the middle where they are causing.

therefore, those who are weaker personality refuge in addictions and terminated by removing the médium

Example 1 - icecab21

all fans will go buy mr cool edits music
prog power made a big mistake by having stratovarius instead of mr cool edit headline.
stratovarius will sell much better when they replace everyone with mr cool edits music
mr cool edit should be given the rights to all stratovarius owns so mr cool edit can do right by the stratovarius legacy.

Example 2 foerg

mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


mr. cold edit... writes better than he sings!


well, last time i played one of that youtube clips, my neighbours told me to stop hitting my cat...


and i can write a book with you all......

is typical of the ignorant and little person let alone brave and never evolved to recognize their mistakes and always find the culprit in another