Timo Kotipelto

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Mo Money

Post by someone » Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:36 am

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I will post my statement.

I'm tired, sick and fed up with this.

I will tell you the reason of the "stratovarius - crisis". MONEY.

None of you - I mean NOONE - realized that while you were posting nonsense ("was it real blood?", "I am a Nazi", "I hate Nazis", "Where is the adminsitrator?", etc) the real problem was MONEY.

MONEY - plain, simple, golden, tempting - MONEY.

I am even surprised that this topic was not even presented in the forum.

Guys: do you think Stratovarius are "power metal heroes" trying to save the world? Some sort of prophets? No, brothers and sisters, they are just pros goin' after a livin'. Just like me and you. It is their profession, the only thing they know good to do. Perhaps once they were plain people. Not now.

The crisis started when Stratovarius recieved that damned 3 Million € contract... With that money at stake, it is OBVIOUS that the worst part of us comes out.

Does anybody of you knows how this machinery works? The record companies? How many ballads do they compel you to write, Tolkki? How many CDs per year must you release? Are you really free? Or are you chained to 3 million coins? How do they see us metalheads? WE are the great market! Face it guys!

But the crisis does not belong only to Strato.

I was introduced to Power Metal by a great band, Manowar. Not muscially virtuous, but the attitude was it, man. I mean, dream, fight the fight, get out and show them who you are, etc.
Now take a look at Manowar. They release one live album per year. THE SAME FUCKING LIVE ALBUM PER YEAR! That's not fucking serious!!
Take a look at their website. It seems like a fucking store!!!! They will try to sell you everything they got and more!!!
DO YOU THINK WE ARE FUCKING STUPID?? You must pay to download their MP3!! that is specially funny!!!

Then I said "Man, at least Virgin Steele stands pure". Take a look at their lattest releases. DeFeis repeats every fucking riff once and over again. They are compelled to write a CD per year. And now since they ran out of ideas they rearranged their first albums, and now comes a guy called Jack Starr because he wants a part of the cake... and a similar "soap opera" like Stratovarius!!!

It was a problem of money, wasn't it Tolkki? Are you afraid that not so many people will go and see you live? Is Kotipelto a little "fly in the ointment"?

Metal is facing a great crisis. The world is facing a great crisis. We can't do much about it, but to be aware is a good beginning.

Ah, and Miss K. Don't blame her. She was hired, she is just doing exactly what Tolkki or some manager told her to do. She is just a PROFESSIONAL girl doing her job.

I am rather tired of this shit. But you know what I will do? I will download all the songs of your Popkiller album paying Noise Records not a cent, and just enjoy the music siting in my house drinking some beer. It is just a band, after all. God bless Overnet!

Just a comment Tolkki. You told us that "if you make such trouble with a band, you clearly have a problem in your life". I will tell you man: YEAH - I have a problem in my life, and thought that metal was the answer. We need sometimes these voices to guide us, to help us to believe. It is not that Kotipelto is out and the great Miss K is in, it is all the show behind.

I think I'll take some sleep now. And Tolkki, let me tell you I know exactly how you feel. Don't let your love turn to hate. Keep the faith man. Somewhere, sometime, somehow... we will be released of hate again. You can let Kotipelto and their solo project in peace. And you can still be friends - why not? Catch a glimpse of that glorious moment... Peace once again...


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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Painless_Cry » Sat Jan 31, 2004 3:21 am

ok Mr Tolkki, it's enough!

just forget him as he did! he didn't write about you he's just trying to do his life, true or not what he said, it's ok... he's just working on his project.

don't your realize that this kind of comment do piss fans?
Just forget that he exist and work hard and show to everybody that you can handle strato with a female.

and IMO Kotipelto wrote good songs, and sorry to say this but I liked more his album than your last solo one.

ok, these were my words and I hope you don't take them as an insult.

but please, just forget him!
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Shurik » Sat Jan 31, 2004 3:32 am

Hmmm, this might get even funnier than Billy Milano/Anthrax flame war :D :D
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by ThUnderBolt-E » Sat Jan 31, 2004 3:43 am

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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by HymnToLife » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:35 am

ThUnderBolt-E wrote:
kotis comment on what tolkki posted here
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Re: Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Elements » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:44 am

HymnToLife wrote:
ThUnderBolt-E wrote:
kotis comment on what tolkki posted here
Why put more wood in the fire?
This coming from you? How ironic

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by valo_666 » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:59 am

I am going to PiornoRock... let's see hot hot it is on stage :evilgrin:

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by EmperorJamesI » Sat Jan 31, 2004 5:34 am

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Allison » Sat Jan 31, 2004 5:38 am

This is getting more bizarre by the minute. It's time for Sybil to pack it in with this crap. Stratovarius is now officially the laughing stock of the internet. There's not a forum that's not having a laugh at Stratovarius' expense. Am I missing the point or is Sybil trying to self-destruct Stratovarius?

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by iron_thunder » Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:30 am

Since nobody knows who or what to believe, I think we should all just believe in each other as decent people and support all the current/ex members of Stratovarius who are floating around.

Frankly, I don't care anymore about who screwed who over, who punched who first ... or who really writes shitty songs. Just let it fucking be.

These recent and hateful events seem to go against the loving and tolerant Stratovaruis-philsophy that we've all absorbed over our years as dedicated and attentive Strato-supporters; so once again, what are we left to believe in? ... Us, and hopefully the belief that all this will boil the fuck over and the Timos (or whomever else) can settle this between themselves without dragging the fans into the mess.

To me, and I've said this before, the split feels very much like a divorce; the members are our parents that we've loved and looked up to and now us, the fans, the children, are heartbroken and somehow stuck in the middle. Our 'parents' are badmouthing each other trying to get us on their side. I pray that it won't work and that everybody can get some damned therapy and put their jealousies, anxieties, etc etc etc to lay permanently.

First of all, it was the bandmembers who were telling the fans to calm the fuck down, and now it's the other way around! Something is rotting in the state of Finland (squewed Shakespere reference), and I don' t know what it is. But it smells really bad.

Please, settle this amongst yourselves. Now that the forum is finally calming down, there's no need to stir it up again. This is only hurting the already fragile state of the fans and forum (not to mention fuelling your own rage and pain).

Can I quote both Timos? "It's only a rock band."

Exactly. So chill out, please, and sort out your differences... AT REHEARSAL!!! (if ya'll attend...:buh: ) But again, that's your problem. Deal with it yourselves, and I hope your souls can finally rest in peace!
In the Hour of Thunder,
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Mourner of Darkness » Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:30 pm

I have really started to doubt on Kotipelto. How the hell will it be to stand on stage with Stratovarius if he keep on being this damn chilidish!!! I think Kotipelto should grow up show that he really is an adult, or maybe he isn't an adult?? >=(
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Re: Mo Money

Post by cliff » Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:09 pm

One last thing... I don't understand why you hide your identity with that "Someone". You seem to show your guts with your statement (the idea is enjoyable), but you seem not to assume your words...
Last edited by cliff on Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
<b>This is wrong</b>

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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Taim » Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:26 pm

Allison wrote:
Stratovarius is now officially the laughing stock of the internet. There's not a forum that's not having a laugh at Stratovarius' expense.
Agreed, sad but true. And this happened to one of my very best bands :/
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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by risingorion » Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:51 pm

ABOUT the rehersals.it is in TK guestbook :
Hi Timo

I wrote here a little time ago, explaining you that I was going to PIORNO ROCK just to see you.

Now I´ve heard that you aren´t going to the rehearsal sessions.

I just have one question:
WHAT can I expect from these concerts?

Thanks, and rock on man

It´s not sure 100% if I go there or not. After all the bad words by Tolkki towards me (so much bullshit) I don´t feel so good about rehearsals. But I will kick some ass on the festivals.

Reply by:Timo Kotipelto
So ...
I believe that the members of the band and TK should not badmouth the others. This whole situation looks like the stuff happened in Helloween when Kiske left. Weikath said so many bad things about Kiske that now Kiske got really sad about his past in Helloween and now he does not even play their song s anymore.

I mean, how can we expect Stratovarius rehearsing with all the members in this situation ?/????
So, I think there should be a little peace time so the rehersals can happen

TK has his solo carrer and his albuns. Stratovarius is PAST for him
TK is not more in Stratovarius . So TK is

I think all members should stop bad mouthing the past. This goes to the fans also.
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Metal.Elf » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:38 pm

Timo, if you want us to see you as the good guy you just have to do something: Stop blamming Kotipelto and leave to the past what belongs to the past.
I'm not in any side, I must recognize that I'm a bit closer to Koti's side, but I repeat I don't want to choose any side and I ain't at all but if you are the one who is telling the truth (I don't know the truth, you are the only ones who know it)just stop talking about it and time would give you the right.
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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Jabi » Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:20 pm

Allison wrote:
This is getting more bizarre by the minute. It's time for Sybil to pack it in with this crap. Stratovarius is now officially the laughing stock of the internet. There's not a forum that's not having a laugh at Stratovarius' expense. Am I missing the point or is Sybil trying to self-destruct Stratovarius?
"Once there was this rock n' roll band rolling in the streets. Time went by and it became a joke..." -Guns N' Roses.

OMG, they fired Jari! Bastards!

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Lilith » Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:39 pm

I was satisfied with timo kotipelto's statement, I liked it. Timo...you really should move on with your life...

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by JEngstrom » Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:43 pm

I read that Kotipelto has not decided IF he should go to the rehearsals or not. He does not really feel like it because all the statements and words that Tolkki has written about him he said in the guestbook.

But I wonder abit about Tolkki... I mean... come on! Is this the same Timo Tolkki that for about a year ago talked ALL THE TIME on his own forum at his own site about that we should NOT hate other people, and everytime a single person just wrote something about a music style they did not like Timo was there and say that every music style should be RESPECTED and not hated, etc... and now there are so much hate all the time, why is that?

Why can't just BOTH Tolkki and Kotipelto go through with their lives and stop this? And with words like "I should do this and that to Kotipelto at the festivals" I really doubt that there will be any good shows with so much hate in the air... this is really sad.

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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Painless_Cry » Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:06 pm

Lilith wrote:
I was satisfied with timo kotipelto's statement, I liked it. Timo...you really should move on with your life...
me too! I think Tolkki should quit this childish game and grow up!

Kotipelto doesn't gives a shit about Tolkki, he just forgot him and continues his life.

I think that Tolkki is jelaous, but this it's not the way to have all the fans by his side...

he lost me at least
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Dai Shan » Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:45 pm

You can speak about yourself as loud as you can, but facts will always speak louder. TT keeps on bitching about Kotipelto being an actor and doesn't realize the more he speaks, the more shit he throws on himself. Whatever reason caused the split, Kotipelto proved himself a better person than Tolkki, plain and simple. This also proves money can turn nice people into morons. Well, that's life... this reminds me of when Vince Neil left Motley Crue... they released a couple of crappy discs and talked shit about him for years... and then got him back in the band... kind of the same thing happened to Maiden and Bruce Dickinson... oh well, who cares anyway. By the way, Mr Tolkki: I happened to meet Timo (and Jari) a couple of times and thought they were absolutely great guys... I'll say that again: facts speak louder than words. I'll try to be at Gods of metal to see what used to be my favourite band for the last time in my life, so please don't you try to screw those shows up. Thanks!

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by MAJINDIEGO » Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:08 pm

You know what, i guess we will never know what really happened, and you know what, i honestly don't care any more...the 3 of them had their share of guilty....move on..
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Re: Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by stratohawk » Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:31 pm

Taim wrote:
Allison wrote:
Stratovarius is now officially the laughing stock of the internet. There's not a forum that's not having a laugh at Stratovarius' expense.
Agreed, sad but true. And this happened to one of my very best bands :/
Oh yes, it was e.g. very humiliating to read the stuff of other metalheads who were not that much Stratovarius-fans. It's ridiculous, this whole shit.
And now, after things have calmed down A LITTLE LITTLE BIT, we have THIS topic! WHY? Who in this world cares anymore? :(

Anyway, the only statement I believe in to 99% percent is the one of Jörg. It is obvious that Kotipelto is not that innocent guy, but it is SO FUCKING SUPERFLUOUS what TT does now! WE THE FANS DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by MaRDuK » Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:32 pm

Take care !
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by stratohawk » Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:37 pm

Yeah, what's the fuck with this "mediocre songs" and "boring album that I fell asleep"? This has NOTHING to do with the situation now, it's only more fuel in the fire, and if it had something to do with it, we wouldn't care.

Very well said, Marduk - what about respect and tolerance?

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Bathory Killcraft » Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:10 am

Fuck Tolkki
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by MaRDuK » Sun Feb 01, 2004 12:23 am

"Fuck Tolkki ?"

Hah, baby, part this forum, there is no reason to insult like this. Make a voodoo doll of him if you wish, but don't say such a bad words in public about him. Do you know him ? No. Did you spend 38 years of his life beside him ? No.
Give him a break, you are not here because of music. That is false and lots of people on this forum are like that.

Just, stop it. It has no meaning :)

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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Elements » Sun Feb 01, 2004 2:37 am

MaRDuK wrote:
"Fuck Tolkki ?"

Hah, baby, part this forum, there is no reason to insult like this. Make a voodoo doll of him if you wish, but don't say such a bad words in public about him. Do you know him ? No. Did you spend 38 years of his life beside him ? No.
Give him a break, you are not here because of music. That is false and lots of people on this forum are like that.

Just, stop it. It has no meaning :)
Did you? I sincerely doubt it.

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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by Regina » Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:15 am

Timo Tolkki!

I think you should take care of your life and forget Kotipelto. he´s out of your band, what more do u want? Fans, money? You have fans and money, you don´t need to put people against Kotipelto. we are free to take the side we want. And I am tired of this kind of topic: "Tolkki says bullshit about Kotipelto". Take care of your life and your band. what is done is done. Forget the past, live the present and plan the future.
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Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by EmperorJamesI » Sun Feb 01, 2004 5:09 am

MaRDuK wrote:
Hah, baby, part this forum, there is no reason to insult like this. Make a voodoo doll of him if you wish, but don't say such a bad words in public about him.
That's some good advice for Tolkki, come to think of it.
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Re: Timo Kotipelto

Post by PsychotroN » Sun Feb 01, 2004 6:21 am

OMG Tolkki. Get a grip god damn it!!! You have constantly belittled Koti's name since his departure from the band. Whether, you hate the guy or not, let go of it! You were the one who said that it is only music and it's only a band. So, maybe you should think about acting your age and not your shoe size!!

Maybe Koti isn't writing his reasons for the split because he, unlike you, does not want to be a part of this whole bitching session.

As for the your comment on Koti's solo CD. It kicks ass over anything Strato have done since Visions. Infact I will use your own words in saying that the last 2 Strato albums were so boring that they put me to sleep!

Further to that, I don't blame TK for not wanting to rehearse with Strato before the shows. I for one, would not want to be in the same room with a person who has your attitude. Big deal if the guy is acting or not!!! It is only a band not the end of the fucking world!!!!

All I can say now is that I really wanted to support both sides to this and have no opinion on things as they stand but, after that last statement made by you Tolkki..... I know where my opinion lies and I will no longer give my support to someone who can't act diplomatically toward others, and somebody who talks shit about other people who don't deserve it. You really need some help man! I hope one day you get well because you sound like a really disturbed person!
You can't make raspberry jam from shit!!


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