happy inocent's day

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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by browneyedgirl » Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:22 am

MetalAngel wrote:@Patricia + Paola : thanks that you agree with me. This "joke" really pissed me off and I'm surprised that Jens didn't take a much more severe sentence...
more severe? :shock: What did ya want done? Dave to be tarred&feathered&ran out on a rail? :D Banning for a time is sufficent IMO!
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by neonlightchild » Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:07 am

browneyedgirl wrote:
MetalAngel wrote:@Patricia + Paola : thanks that you agree with me. This "joke" really pissed me off and I'm surprised that Jens didn't take a much more severe sentence...
more severe? :shock: What did ya want done? Dave to be tarred&feathered&ran out on a rail? :D Banning for a time is sufficent IMO!
don't you give them ideas :lol:
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by browneyedgirl » Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:23 am

neonlightchild wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:
MetalAngel wrote:@Patricia + Paola : thanks that you agree with me. This "joke" really pissed me off and I'm surprised that Jens didn't take a much more severe sentence...
more severe? :shock: What did ya want done? Dave to be tarred&feathered&ran out on a rail? :D Banning for a time is sufficent IMO!
don't you give them ideas :lol:

I like Dave--he seems real nice. I just would not like him to be banned permanently over a joke. In the past others have done worse&not gotten banned. I guess we should just "let it rest" and move on.
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by MetalAngel » Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:02 am

Maybe Dave is funny. Okay. But he never should have done what he did. To spread out a false rumour as this one is punishable and could bring bad luck or troubles to Timo... :wink:

Anyway, as it's new year, maybe we could give him a new chance...But, the one to decide here is Jens. :)
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by Pikkusielu » Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:10 pm

I think the joke was a really mean one, but Dave shouldn't be banned for life.

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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by browneyedgirl » Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:17 pm

Pikkusielu wrote:I think the joke was a really mean one, but Dave shouldn't be banned for life.
Amen! Especially since I have been here 3 years&saw lots of things transpire
in this forum. There have been users in the past who have insulted Stratovarius&band members terribly&did not get banned AT ALL! And by insults I mean INSULTS!!! But, I hope Dave learned from this and will be careful from now on. You do not mess with "forum hiearchy".! ;)
And talk of being mean Evangelion was mean to me&did not get banned. ;) Now that I know for sure who it was I can see why! ;)
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by AngelTears » Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:37 am

Ok you guys.

Now let me explain this whole thing from my point of view.

First of all: I see that it was a bad joke, neonlightchild and me should have waited for the "official" day of jokes, the 1st of April, and still then we shouldn't have made a joke that does insult somebody. What we did, was wrong.. for sure.

Seems like some of you don't know exactly what has happended, so let me tell you the whole story:
Late at night neonlightchild wrote me a message in MSN, exactly that false news about Kotipelto using drugs. At first it felt a bit strange, but some seconds later yet i thought that it was just a joke. A quick search with Google made this sure, cause when that was really true, neonlightchild wasn't the only one to know it, for sure. Neonlightchild told me then, that he had already fooled about 4 other people on MSN with that false news, and all of them except me had believed it at first. So i was doing the same, i wrote those news to some guys from the forum on MSN, but nearly everyone found out that it wasn't correct. Neon and me then planned to open a topic on stratoforum, but neon had to leave, so he asked me to open it, he said that he would come back later, and give some "help". So i registered this new user "Baconmaster", which was big fault, too, because maybe in fact some of you guys mixed that up with the Baconmaster guy from tolkki forum.
You know, when you type in the nick on the search page, it gets saved, so you can choose it from a pull-down menu again. I choosed this Baconmaster very uncarefully, i didn't know who he actually was. Some time later I found out that I was chatting with that guy very often on MSN, in fact he's a great and nice guy, and I don't want anyone to think that HE has invented the joke. Well, anyway, I talked with him about that thing yet, and everything's ok.
After creating the account, I opened that new topic, and logged out and logged in as Dave again, and put down some answer to the topic. I thought that at least the guys i told that joke before yet would not that those news were false, but seems like i was terribly wrong.. However, then i had to leave for about half an hour, and when I came back, the topic was closed and I couldn't login anymore, neither as Baconmaster or Dave. Neonlightchild was banned, too, but just for about ten minutes.

I've followed the discussions on that Innocent Day's topic for the last days, and seems like at first there were many oppinions who were supporting my ban, and still there are many, and actually, i think they're right. What i have done was irresponsable, for sure, and actually i'm not begging for an unban. Jens is the moderator, so it's his thing what he's doing with the users. This will be the last post from this nick and I won't register any more new accounts, for example as FiftheaSausage.. We had written some mails some time ago, and he had promised that he wouldn't visit the stratoforum anymore, but seems like he broke his promise, cause just some days ago a new user has registered, his name is "5Tea".. But maybe it's just a fake, who knows :roll:

I'll stay in touch with many of you through MSN and Tolkki forum, as i have started to like many people from this forum very much this year :-)

So, last thing to say from me, is that i'm fucking sorry.. :( I've learned that you don't play with such things, there's always some respect you have to have for some people, and that you should carefully decide about what you're making jokes!

Greetings and a happy new year, may all your wishes come true,


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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by Stealth » Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:07 am

I found out about this joke today. I just can't believe how much attention it has gotten... Yes, it was a bad joke, blah blah, etc., etc. But did ANYONE check the internet for this news or bothered to make sure that the rumour was true WITHOUT A DOUBT? As bad as the joke was, I can't believe how innocent some of you were! You just read the first post and started worrying like hell... I really like you guys, but seriously, some of the reactions were a little impulsive and "hot-blooded". If you would have thought about this calmly and checked other sources, you would have quickly realized that the news were false, even if you wouldn't have realized that it was a joke. Maybe I'm just a heartless robot, but whatever. :lol: I save my sensitivity for other occasions. :)

So, ok, bad joke, but not bad enough to merit a lifetime ban. The guys offered their apologies, let's accept them and move on, PLEASE! :)
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by browneyedgirl » Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:31 pm

Dave, you made a mistake, but do not beat yourself over the head about it!
You did not commit a crime :D Just be careful from now on. Until this ban is lifted, you can post in Tolkki forum or Koti's forum. I can't believe such a big deal is being made over a silly joke. So, I agree with Stealth.
I'm glad you apologized, Dave. :)
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by Beast_Pete » Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:21 pm

I agree with Stealth too. The people who got hotblooded, should chill. There's no need to hate someone for posting a joke like that. The ban of course was a right decision, but I bet it won't be a lifetime ban, it's just the same joke as the topic about Koti using drugs. :)
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by stratoplayer » Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:46 pm

THAT AND the fact that many of us (not to say almost all of us) have posted similar things or even worse, AND do not apologize for it...
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by Cristiane » Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:20 pm

Stealth wrote: So, ok, bad joke, but not bad enough to merit a lifetime ban. The guys offered their apologies, let's accept them and move on, PLEASE! :)
I read it today and thought to myself it couldn't be true... so what? In the end if it was true or not we'd know... besides, Dave didn't mean offense or even thought about the consequences/reactions this joke would cause.
It wasn't nice at all, of course, but once things got clear I think we shouldn't worry about it anymore.
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Re: happy inocent's day

Post by JensJohansson » Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:40 am

ok dave's back in.
hope to be able to post news re the main strato site later.. -sigh-

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