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Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:30 am
by TimoTolkki
was the true dictator of STRATOVARIUS.
He was always the one who wanted his way against the majority of the band.
Blind worshipping is not good for you guys!
The truth must be known, Kotipelto is not writing about the reasons of the split because he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, like always.
He is not this guy you read from the statements or even if you have met him.
He is a first class actor putting out a great role and you guys are falling for it.
Reading his"statement" one might think why he left STRATOVARIUS at all.
Everything seems to be fine.
He was pushing everyone in the band that I would take his mediocre songs to STRATOVARIUS albums.
Even the songs that ended up there, are heavily arranged by me.
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
He sang great though, as always.
He is still to me the greatest vocalist of all time!
But even if he would apologize me,Jens, Jörg and Jari and would show his true face and what he REALLY thinks about his fans, I WILL NEVER EVER PLAY IN THE SAME BAND WITH TIMO KOLTIOPETO AGAIN!!!
Put it this way, I will fucking kick his ass in PIORNO ROCK because he disrespects STRATOVARIUS fans by not even coming to rehearsals.
This is what your "good boy" is doing.
He doesn´t even write about the fact that he is not coming to rehearsals in his bullshit statement.
He writes about NOTHING of importance.
And you guys fall for it.
Blind worshipping is here to stay I guess.
Have a good day ladies and gentlemen.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:42 am
by ladyofeternity
OK, Mr.Tolkki nobody is a Saint !
But stop with this man !
This is not good for you !
Why to feel so much hate !?
Just forget about everything & go to take care of yourself !
You're uncontrolled & need Help !
Remember the lyrics from Destiny ?

Let your Spirit Free....
Through window of your Mind...
Unchain your Soul from hate
All you need is Faith......

Was really you who wrote this lyrics?
Why don't you used now to your life to yourself ?
Stop with this, stop to accuse the others & stop to try to put the fans against Kotipelto !

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:43 am
by Speed of Light
Well... I don't know what to say. TT seems to have a lot of frustration and anger towards Kotipelto... And seeing Kotipelto's statement and how he didnt even mention anything about the fight that erupted or anything of that sort, I understand Tolkki's frustration. It's even more clearer now that Kotipelto probably has something to hide. Nevertheless, I won't hate Kotipelto, because like Tolkki, I believe that Kotipelto is the best metal singer out there. I support Timo Tolkki 100% but that doesn;t mean I'm against Kotipelto... I'm just a little dissapointed that he's (probably) decieving us all. A lot of ppl might hate me for saying that, but that's how it is to me. I am not a Tolkki worshipper by any means, or a Kotipelto worshipper for that matter. But Koti is my fav vocalist and Tolkki, my favorite guitarist. The best thing to do right now is to leave all of this stuff in the past and let Timo Tolkki make way for the new Strato, which I know will be as great as ever! Both Timo's have my total support and I wish them both all the best! I liked Koti's first solo album and I know his next one will be great as well! And I know Tolkki will go and make another great Strato album! I'm looking forward to hearing them both. Anyways, I'm out. Peace 8)

JP from Canada

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:04 am
by patrickashe
I don't know, Timo. While i absolutely agree that you're the main brains and talent behind Stratovarius, i would think it best to stick this drama on the shelf. I'm sure it's very personal and hurtful, and that none of us fans can truly understand the extent of it...but i think that now is the time to devote yourself to the band's growth and your own growth. I guess i just agree with ladyofeternity...i'm just now learning the meaning of those lines from Destiny. I mean, Kotipelto's seemingly passive-aggressive style only gets fueled by up-in-arms reaction. I've done the same thing you're doing with a friend/bandmate, and it just seems to get worse. All i can say have other things that are more deserving of your attention right now. Take care...

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:31 am
by browneyedgirl
Please, Timo :~(
Don't do this to yourself.
Please let sleeping dogs lie.
You are doing great with the New Stratovarius.....don't mess it up dragging the past around. Whatever will be, will be......if what you sy is true, it will become obvius as time goes by, but don't become mired down in this blame game.
You have an album to record,and festivals to play in.....keep your mind on your goals/vision,and never look away.
I'm not too good with words,and I'm sorry... but Timo, just think of yourself
and your future,and how bright it will be.....Be happy,Big Guy.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:36 am
by robertodn
hey timo, just forget all that stuff, what is in past is just PAST, come on, you guys are now on the new era of stratovarius, im pretty sure that the reals stratovarius fans are waiting for an incredible album, dont be sad or mad because of the opinnion of people... just make your music as you always have done it... i wish you luck for all you guys, timo, miss k, jens and jari...
just focus on what stratovarius will be and dont make stratovarius what you are being pushed to...


PS: sorry if my english isn't so good... hope you understand what i tried to say..

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:47 am
by Stratoflier
Timo is right. It's very stupid to not go in the rehearsals. I have been in TTs side all the time.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:19 am
by trollGloom
Why does he always react wich this "agressive power" when TK "explains" something...maybe he gets very angry because the things are not presented in the right way, so no matter what really happend, TT feels pissed off when he hears this "reasons", so I can understand why he wants to show the people the truth (no matter if it is just "his" truth). I know situations when nobody listens to you while you telling how the things happened, so in MY opinion, TT has the right and the need to tell his story...I think, that makes u feel better, even if u just can say in the end : "I´ve told you..."

And I also want to say that I´m really happy to read his Germany-report, i think he is getting better. i wish him the best for his future

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:27 am
by Lucid Faia

Love! ...And Peace!

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 11:51 am
by jörggi

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:11 pm
by Luca
TimoTolkki wrote:
was the true dictator of STRATOVARIUS.
He was always the one who wanted his way against the majority of the band.
Blind worshipping is not good for you guys!
The truth must be known, Kotipelto is not writing about the reasons of the split because he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, like always.
He is not this guy you read from the statements or even if you have met him.
He is a first class actor putting out a great role and you guys are falling for it.
Reading his"statement" one might think why he left STRATOVARIUS at all.
Everything seems to be fine.
He was pushing everyone in the band that I would take his mediocre songs to STRATOVARIUS albums.
Even the songs that ended up there, are heavily arranged by me.
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
He sang great though, as always.
He is still to me the greatest vocalist of all time!
But even if he would apologize me,Jens, Jörg and Jari and would show his true face and what he REALLY thinks about his fans, I WILL NEVER EVER PLAY IN THE SAME BAND WITH TIMO KOLTIOPETO AGAIN!!!
Put it this way, I will fucking kick his ass in PIORNO ROCK because he disrespects STRATOVARIUS fans by not even coming to rehearsals.
This is what your "good boy" is doing.
He doesn´t even write about the fact that he is not coming to rehearsals in his bullshit statement.
He writes about NOTHING of importance.
And you guys fall for it.
Blind worshipping is here to stay I guess.
Have a good day ladies and gentlemen.

But I don't think that Kotipelt wrote only mediocre songs, some are very nice, even Jens Glory of the World is the second best of Infinite... By The Way, my opinion. Cheers!

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:18 pm
by Dismembered
Well I dont know who to believe
in this case, but i hope Stratovarius manages to produce good metal
with new line up!I think it good thing
that Stratovarius has new interesting
vocalist.I have got good laughs because of childish fans.I cant wait to
hear lady missk singing old hits :D
Maby Elements records would have been better with female vocals 8)

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:23 pm
by Roger
I don't know what really kappened, that only you know, but in mine mind I believe you TT, TK was always for me a poser, also a great singer (that what matters in a band, but for the members of a band is not only that), so, if you hate each other, or don't tolerate each other, welcome the separation, is the best for you.
TK wrote in his page, but not mention the alcohol and the fist fights, maybe you are right, he don't tell the truth.
I only hope the best for all of you, you make me enjoy an excellent music.

TT, take care of you, I don't like what I read in the last declarations about your state. I know rehab is for quiters, but maybe you need it.

Keep in Metal

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:26 pm
by empi
TimoTolkki wrote:
was the true dictator of STRATOVARIUS.
He was always the one who wanted his way against the majority of the band.
Blind worshipping is not good for you guys!
The truth must be known, Kotipelto is not writing about the reasons of the split because he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, like always.
He is not this guy you read from the statements or even if you have met him.
He is a first class actor putting out a great role and you guys are falling for it.
Reading his"statement" one might think why he left STRATOVARIUS at all.
Everything seems to be fine.
He was pushing everyone in the band that I would take his mediocre songs to STRATOVARIUS albums.
Even the songs that ended up there, are heavily arranged by me.
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
He sang great though, as always.
He is still to me the greatest vocalist of all time!
But even if he would apologize me,Jens, Jörg and Jari and would show his true face and what he REALLY thinks about his fans, I WILL NEVER EVER PLAY IN THE SAME BAND WITH TIMO KOLTIOPETO AGAIN!!!
Put it this way, I will fucking kick his ass in PIORNO ROCK because he disrespects STRATOVARIUS fans by not even coming to rehearsals.
This is what your "good boy" is doing.
He doesn´t even write about the fact that he is not coming to rehearsals in his bullshit statement.
He writes about NOTHING of importance.
And you guys fall for it.
Blind worshipping is here to stay I guess.
Have a good day ladies and gentlemen.
If it's so as you say why have you worked with him over 10 years ???

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:38 pm
by flyingdistantskies
The fact, is that we don't know who to believe and it's not the most important now. There is a new Strato (whith no drummer, but it will be hopefully be fixed soon) and a Kotipelto band. That's the way it is. One thing is sure : Koti should rehearse, it's not only a disrespect for the rest of the band but for the fans too, you're right.
How will you do ? because koti will not even know the tracklist he can forget some lyrics and make mistakes. I will come to Rotonde festival to support my fav' band, as always but I'm afraid to drive 250 fucking kilometers to have a bad gig.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:52 pm
by Vanskapt
Who ever is telling the truth or not!?
the last shows with kotipelto will be both strange and lack of joy for both the fans and the band....but the buisness must go on!

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:55 pm
by Laaka
TimoTolkki wrote:
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
Well you said on the finnish side that it was a good record, but It was a shame that the audience didn't find it.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:55 pm
by StratoHeart
Hatred is speaking louder than everything. Wait, take a breath and think before writing anything.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: SOLO FOTOS!!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:56 pm
by gon
TimoTolkki wrote:
was the true dictator of STRATOVARIUS.
He was always the one who wanted his way against the majority of the band.
Blind worshipping is not good for you guys!
The truth must be known, Kotipelto is not writing about the reasons of the split because he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, like always.
He is not this guy you read from the statements or even if you have met him.
He is a first class actor putting out a great role and you guys are falling for it.
Reading his"statement" one might think why he left STRATOVARIUS at all.
Everything seems to be fine.
He was pushing everyone in the band that I would take his mediocre songs to STRATOVARIUS albums.
Even the songs that ended up there, are heavily arranged by me.
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
He sang great though, as always.
He is still to me the greatest vocalist of all time!
But even if he would apologize me,Jens, Jörg and Jari and would show his true face and what he REALLY thinks about his fans, I WILL NEVER EVER PLAY IN THE SAME BAND WITH TIMO KOLTIOPETO AGAIN!!!
Put it this way, I will fucking kick his ass in PIORNO ROCK because he disrespects STRATOVARIUS fans by not even coming to rehearsals.
This is what your "good boy" is doing.
He doesn´t even write about the fact that he is not coming to rehearsals in his bullshit statement.
He writes about NOTHING of importance.
And you guys fall for it.
Blind worshipping is here to stay I guess.
Have a good day ladies and gentlemen.

Hi Timo!

Well, I don´t know what to think about all this. Since the first time I choiced your side,as everybody attacked you since the split of Jorg and , mainly, Kotipelto. You are a great musician and producer, and sure, algo a great guy. But this fight must stop. There´s a new era for you and your band. Also for Kotipelto. So don´t take care of their opinion, or if he doesn´t want to rehearsal for the upcoming shows ( by the way, I´ll try to go to Piorno Rock as I live quite near, 200 kms!) and would be really sad to see both of you agressive and nasty. If he doesn´t take care of these shows ( I am optimist and sure he will do as best as possible) , Jens, Jari, and you have to take the control of the situation, as you are Stratovarius now...and always!

I will try to see you the 29/02/2003.


Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:12 pm
by Vanskapt
After reading many of your posts i find it both great and quit odd that
you share so much info and personal thoughts with the fans.
Offcourse you wont the truth to get out
but i also get the feeling that the posting is some kind of therapy for writing lyrics! i totally wrong?

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:41 pm
by Diamanthai
It's really nice to know that you care about us the fans, TT.
But do we all HAVE to know all this...

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:51 pm
by Damien Thorn

From what I understand, Kotipelto wanted some of his own songs on the Stratovarius albums as well. However, you felt they were not up to the usual high standards and dismissed his efforts. Now, I am not saying that you were wrong by doing this because, in all honesty, you and Jens are probably the best songwriters in Stratovarius, but it must have made Kotipelto feel a little under-appreciated. People can be very sensitive about their creative achievements, you know. Just try to remember how you felt when you read a bad review in Stratovarius' early years, when reviews still mattered. I'm sure you almost felt as if that journalist was torching your life's work. You guys should have talked about this and, if you were friends, you should have tried to remedy some of Kotipelto's songs if you thought they weren't good enough.

I am very disappointed by all of this. I thought Stratovarius was a little different than Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. Call me naive, but I thought you guys had a far more healthy chemistry and even friendship between you than those groups. Understand me well, Timo, I am not accusing you more than Kotipelto, but I think issues should have been discussed openly (even though this might not be the Finnish way, which I don't believe). Secret agendas are a formidable way to destroy both professional and social friendships. If Kotipelto wanted song credits on Stratovarius albums to buy a new Porsche, he should have said so, and the same goes for you.



Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:03 pm
by Vanskapt
Damien Thorn !

wouldnt U choose to get the best songs on the album....whater your bank account status was?

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:11 pm
The show´s over, man...let´s go home...

Put i still bet that after all these fights one day their destiny will meet again...and this whole confusion will be forgotten past



Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:15 pm
by Allison
It's not fair to your new singer because all you're doing here is forcing her into Kotipelto's shadow and casting a stigma over her. People aren't going to say "wow, look at Katriina go - she's really something" They are going to say "did you KNOW........Tolkki said that Kotipelto this and Kotipelto that, etc." You're undermining the new singer you just hired AND dragging the Stratovarius name through the mire. I personally do not CARE who spoke the truth or not over all this split business. That fight did not happen on the pavement in front of MY house so it's nothing I care to concern with. And I think I am one of a great many taking this attitude towards it. Get on your job and shut up about this shit - you have been whinging for 3 months - that's quite enough now.

Re: Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:45 pm
by StratoHeart
Damien Thorn wrote:
I am very disappointed by all of this. I thought Stratovarius was a little different than Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. Call me naive, but I thought you guys had a far more healthy chemistry and even friendship between you than those groups.
EXACTLY the same to me. That's one of the reasons why Stratovarius turned my favorite band. Maybe they was different in the past, Damien. I WANT to believe it.

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:50 pm
by empi
i thought exactly the same

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:02 pm
by risingorion
TimoTolkki wrote:
was the true dictator of STRATOVARIUS.
He was always the one who wanted his way against the majority of the band.
Blind worshipping is not good for you guys!
The truth must be known, Kotipelto is not writing about the reasons of the split because he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, like always.
He is not this guy you read from the statements or even if you have met him.
He is a first class actor putting out a great role and you guys are falling for it.
Reading his"statement" one might think why he left STRATOVARIUS at all.
Everything seems to be fine.
He was pushing everyone in the band that I would take his mediocre songs to STRATOVARIUS albums.
Even the songs that ended up there, are heavily arranged by me.
His first solo effort was so boring I fell asleep while listening to it.
He sang great though, as always.
He is still to me the greatest vocalist of all time!
But even if he would apologize me,Jens, Jörg and Jari and would show his true face and what he REALLY thinks about his fans, I WILL NEVER EVER PLAY IN THE SAME BAND WITH TIMO KOLTIOPETO AGAIN!!!
Put it this way, I will fucking kick his ass in PIORNO ROCK because he disrespects STRATOVARIUS fans by not even coming to rehearsals.
This is what your "good boy" is doing.
He doesn´t even write about the fact that he is not coming to rehearsals in his bullshit statement.
He writes about NOTHING of importance.
And you guys fall for it.
Blind worshipping is here to stay I guess.
Have a good day ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know what happened in the split and I am not able to tell who has the reason (I am sure of one thing : If the band had so much tension, it is really good that you went now in separate ways).
Now T.Kotipelto can use his songs that he composes in his solo career and you can continue with Strato, doing what you have done over the years.
Both of you have musical talent.You are a great guitarrist (one of the best guitarrists of the 90's and I hope you get the 200' throopy of best guitar).
And TK is a great singer (as you said).

About 95% of Stratovarius songs are composed by you. and about 100% of Stratovarius songs are great.

You don't have to kick TK in the show.. Or tell ppl that he is false or anything. There is a saying in my city that says :
"Um dia a máscara cai". Or "One day the mask falls".

Most imposrtant of all :
Over the years I watchred and listened and admired Stratovarius, I did not think about problems the band could be in (I did no t imagine that you had all these problems).
I don't see Stratovarius as a dictatorship of Kotipelto or Tolkki ...
I see Stratovarius as THE BEST MELODIC METAL BAND FROM THE 90's !!!! I see the great composer and guitarrist Timo Tolkki, and the great musicians TK, JJ, JK and JM.
So Timo, you dont'have to prove that you are better than anyone. You proved the fans that you are great all over the years.
I hope that Popkiller is a great cd.
by the way, do you have plans TT of realeasing another solo album ??

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:09 pm
by Twilightsymphony
I dont worship anyone. But this here was unnecessary  :eyes

Re: Timo Kotipelto

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:37 pm
by Mosh Champion
I dont trust Tolkki. He has suddenly started to think Kotipelto solo-album is bad but in finnish media he said once that he was proud to be in a same band with guy who is capable of doing such a good album as "Waiting for the dawn". You can count me on Kotipelto-side as to me he seems more trustworthy guy.