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Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:03 pm
by Jounas86
I just find album on numerous torrent sites :(

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:33 pm
by Ragehead91
Me too. But I'm 99.9% sure that I'll buy it anyway so...I even bought Polaris although I don't like it.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:48 am
by Tero-75
I confess, I downloaded it, and it f****ng rocks :twisted:
It's a "must buy" as soon as it's published

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:55 am
by Ragehead91
Tero-75 wrote:I confess, I downloaded it, and it f****ng rocks :twisted:
It's a "must buy" as soon as it's published
Definitly agree. It sounds fucking awesome!

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:33 am
by VictorTDD
Japan edition on July 22nd, one bonus track, blue cover, ready to go. :lol:

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:38 am
by cainsoffering
sorry guys to come without introduce myself. I'm a long time strato fan, actually from Episode album ( the best one in my opinion), and I always followed Strato, even here in the forum but behind the curtain reading what you guys post(actually I was more present here posting before that damn stunt.

And the last albuns werent much of my taste actually, Polaris is OK, a good album, but far from what I wanted. BUT I got to say...Cain's Offering is something I never expected much but oh boy I was wrong I was. Its beautiful, full of melodies and good and great lyrics. It has everything I like in Stratovarius in a differente way of course.

It made me register here to share this happy feeling that its running through me while I listen this great album. A 100% buy for me. I should say that since years I dont get so happy with an album instantely.

And thats it guys, this album is better than all the albuns that Strato released since elements albuns. JUST MY OPINION, DONT KILL ME GUYS !! :D :D :D

I hope this "project" keep going in the future!!

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:56 am
by Mehida
Yes, in my opinion this seems to be a great album, I have heard only the full versions of the already posted samples, and they sounds exellent!
This does not happen many times, is one of those albums which I could consider it between my favourites.
But I haven't hear the whole recording yet.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:26 am
by mayhem-for-all
cainsoffering wrote:sorry guys to come without introduce myself. I'm a long time strato fan, actually from Episode album ( the best one in my opinion), and I always followed Strato, even here in the forum but behind the curtain reading what you guys post(actually I was more present here posting before that damn stunt.

And the last albuns werent much of my taste actually, Polaris is OK, a good album, but far from what I wanted. BUT I got to say...Cain's Offering is something I never expected much but oh boy I was wrong I was. Its beautiful, full of melodies and good and great lyrics. It has everything I like in Stratovarius in a differente way of course.

It made me register here to share this happy feeling that its running through me while I listen this great album. A 100% buy for me. I should say that since years I dont get so happy with an album instantely.

And thats it guys, this album is better than all the albuns that Strato released since elements albuns. JUST MY OPINION, DONT KILL ME GUYS !! :D :D :D

I hope this "project" keep going in the future!!
You have heard of Sonata Arctica right?

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:58 am
by HinatAArcticA
I allways download, then buy.
Here in México is hard to find some original good metal albums, but I allways buy in the end. All of my metal downloaded albums are also bought later xD...
And if this is as good as it promises to be, then is a must buy, like Polaris or as Return to Dreamspace will be.
Thanks for telling me xD now I'll search to download it.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:13 am
by shg
I like a lot Thorn In My Side. Makes me feel that I'd like to dance. :)

EDIT: I do have not download, I only listen what is in youtube.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:08 pm
by Irinia
A also admit it.. I downloaded it :oops:
It sounds good. Think I need a few listens before I like it 100%.
But I am definitely buying it when it's released in Norway! :)
Timo's voice sounds really nice most of the times, but a few times I think it's almost a little annoying :oops: (When singing very high for quite a long time it gets too much for me).
Haven't listened much for the lyrics yet, just the music itself. Will have to make another report later I think.

Edit: Too few guitar solos I think..
And so far I'm having problems remembering the songs I've heard..

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:26 pm
by cainsoffering

You have heard of Sonata Arctica right?
Yes I have, and this doesnt change the fact the album is great. And Kotipleto is FAR AWAY better than Kakko. This for me does a huge difference.

I dont care if its similar to this or that, I just wrote what I felt and fell when I listen to it! but I can say that I didnt get so excited when I heard Sonata`s albuns, you can say that`s cause there`s Kotipelto`s voice in it, who cares. 8) 8) 8)

I just agree with Irina, there`s a good lack of solos in the album, but its not easy to find a Tolkki ou there :twisted: :twisted: (I`m talking about SOLOS here hehehehe). Even Mathias didnt created great solos in Polaris, if we compare to Tolkki`s solos of the past of course.

But, just MY OPINION and I respect all the opinions of you guys.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:16 pm
by heretostay
Elegantly broken's piano melody at the beginning is very familiar but I can't get it in my head. Can someone help?

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:59 pm
by rikkertje
heretostay wrote:Elegantly broken's piano melody at the beginning is very familiar but I can't get it in my head. Can someone help? :D

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:46 pm
by heretostay
Thanks, but that video was not available in my country. Could you tell me the name of the band and song. :P

edit: I changed the proxy and video worked, thanks!

Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:58 pm
by Irinia
I also noticed that it was very similar.
Took me a little time to figure out if it was a cover song or not. Hehe.
Also I think the melody of My Queen of Winter remind me a lot of SA - My Selene. Written by Jani Liimatainen.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:11 pm
by Rebel_93
Amazing debut!One of my favourites for this year :)

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:02 am
by cainsoffering
rikkertje wrote:
heretostay wrote:Elegantly broken's piano melody at the beginning is very familiar but I can't get it in my head. Can someone help? :D

LOL. My older brother said that and I said "fuck off man" auahuahaua he is damn right :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:18 am
by lalodrums2
I'm stunned at Kotipelto's voice on this album. He is definitely always getting better. He sounds really amazing to me.

Higher we go! :) :beer:

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:08 am
by hiro23
I'm really impressed, this is another album that's taking too long to come out

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:09 am
by Ragehead91
I've listened to the album a few times yesterday. I haven't changed my opinion. It gets better every time I listen to it.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:37 am
by RazielSR
"Thorn in my side" is a song that I like. The album seems a good one, I have to say that listening some full versions of the songs,I have changed a bit my first opinion.

Anyway, the album for me sounds too artificial, a lot of synth and artificial sounds, too "studio album" and too cheesy in some parts. Some songs seems a bit like "disco" songs in some sounds. Other sounds seems taken from a videogame :) . Just my opinion about it, maybe it is not like this.

I have to say that TK's vocals are awesome in this album and I'd like to have in Polaris some of the tones TK is having in GTF.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:05 am
by gazinwales
cainsoffering wrote:

You have heard of Sonata Arctica right?
Yes I have, and this doesnt change the fact the album is great. And Kotipleto is FAR AWAY better than Kakko. This for me does a huge difference.

But, just MY OPINION and I respect all the opinions of you guys.
Koto better than Kakko?
Sorry mate you are way off on this one.
Kakko has a far great range, dosen't sing out of key.
Koto has a terrible accent to his singing, which spoils a lot of songs and refuses to have a vocal tutor to eliminate this.
Not too mention that Kakko is a far superior song writer.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:15 am
by Ragehead91
I actually agree with cainsoffering. I think Kotipelto is superior compared to Kakko.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:23 am
by icecab21
Anyway, the album for me sounds too artificial, a lot of synth and artificial sounds, too "studio album" and too cheesy in some parts. Some songs seems a bit like "disco" songs in some sounds. Other sounds seems taken from a videogame . Just my opinion about it, maybe it is not like this.
Electric guitar is not exactly a natural according phenomenon either.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:18 am
by RazielSR
I think you understood what I meant, Icecab, so it is not necessary to start ironic mode on.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:33 am
by icecab21
The album does have electronic influences and a lot of layers. Lots of stuff from disco and movie score orchestration influence and other influences. I really like all the influences and the way the keys are used.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:02 pm
by cainsoffering
gazinwales wrote:
cainsoffering wrote:

You have heard of Sonata Arctica right?
Yes I have, and this doesnt change the fact the album is great. And Kotipleto is FAR AWAY better than Kakko. This for me does a huge difference.

But, just MY OPINION and I respect all the opinions of you guys.
Koto better than Kakko?
Sorry mate you are way off on this one.
Kakko has a far great range, dosen't sing out of key.
Koto has a terrible accent to his singing, which spoils a lot of songs and refuses to have a vocal tutor to eliminate this.
Not too mention that Kakko is a far superior song writer.
Well its your opinion, so I respect but what you posted dont change my mind about that. I already saw and heard lots of records and bootlegs and I can say Kotipelto isnt perfect live (you are right his accent is strong), but in many live recordings Kako's voice really sucks if we compare to studio albuns. He even said in a interview that he doesnt know any tecnic or something like that, he just sings.

Really, I think Kotipelto is better.

icecab21 wrote:The album does have electronic influences and a lot of layers. Lots of stuff from disco and movie score orchestration influence and other influences. I really like all the influences and the way the keys are used.
Agree with you ICECAB, I liked the way these influeces are used in the album.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:17 pm
by lalodrums2
Kotipelto is way better than Kakko.

Re: Cain's offering has leaked

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:20 pm
by Mehida
RazielSR wrote:
Anyway, the album for me sounds too artificial, a lot of synth and artificial sounds, too "studio album" and too cheesy in some parts. Some songs seems a bit like "disco" songs in some sounds. Other sounds seems taken from a videogame :) . Just my opinion about it, maybe it is not like this.
That's exactly one of the things I like about this album.
Some sounds from GTF seems to fit very well in video games or 80's songs. I really like the use of synths.