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Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:49 pm
by sirahvi
EDIT: Paitsi että kun tuota määritelmää tarkemmin luin, kylläpä se taitaa oikeastaan melkolailla kohdilleen napsahtaa... Mutta että TRUE metalhead... ;)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:00 pm
by Padme

You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.

kyllähän tuo... Maiden :)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:26 am
by Garnet
Power metal is an escape from the bullshit of daily life.. :eyes

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:14 am
by janivarius
Power Metal Warriorhan minäki oon...
Nyt minä lopetan se "itseni etsimisen" kun nuin luotettavalta taholta tuli vahvistus asiaan :D :D

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:06 pm
by dwarflander
True Metalhead täällä... hmm... tiedä tuota sitten... IM ei ihan yhtä paljon kolahda kuin esmes Stratot... mut jos powermetallistia ei tullut sen takia että vierasta niitä miekka-lohikäärme-yms. juttuja niin sit osuu hyvin kohdalleen :)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:27 pm
by Cinda
Prog Metal Fan olen.. :red:
Vähän vaan vaikee vastata joihinkin kun en ole kuullutkaan joistain bändeistä. :err:

Re: Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:29 pm
by primal
RD* wrote:
Heh, molemmat tyypit joilla on gamma rayta avatarissaan olivat true metalheadeja...vaikka vastasin vieläpä kai hansen siihen yhteen kysymykseen :D
Vaan eihän gamma ray lopuviimeksi poweria niin puhtaasti olekaan...varsinkin skeletons in the closetia kuunnellessaan saa melkoisen kirjon erilaista musaa osakseen :) Ja miksi minä tätä tähän höpötän? No kun tuli mieleen...ja liittyy tavallaan tähän...ja tuota, I love to share!!! ;)
Itse olisin varmaan muutama vuosi sitten ollut power metal fani (sankari) mutta ei tuo sankarihevi enää iske mutta powermetal kyllä.

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:37 pm
by Venus
True Metalhead :) Ei ollu kyllä aavistustakaan mikä olis testin lopputulos ennen ku katoin sen.. Vastasin kyllä melko kirjavasti sinne! En mitenkään pettynyt :D 8)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:13 pm
by Fleec
You are a Power Metal Warrior. HAIL, BROTHER. Metal isn't just music to you, it's a religion to be followed obsessively - and the temple at which you worship is that of Power Metal. Power chords, orchestral brilliance, epic calls to battle - that's what gets your blood pumping. Power metal is an escape from the bullshit of daily life, and at a concert, you can enter that fantasy as you relive the adventures of your power metal heroes. You're into other stuff too, but sometimes you just don't get what people see in endless waves of monotonous brutality. Some call you a nerd, but you're more than willing to make them regret it. Just make sure you have your broadsword and plate armor...


Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:52 pm
by needled
True Metalhead. Vähä sama onkelma oli kuin cindalla, eli en kaikkia bändejä ollu kuullu. Kaippa tuo tulos kuitenkin ihan paikkansa pitää.

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:05 pm
by ShadowOfSouls
damn... taian olla ainoo death metal örveltäjä :)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:43 am
by Marcus82
True Metalhead!:omg:

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:51 pm
by Figaro1
Power Metal Warrior tuli tänne eikä se nyt mikään ylläri ole

Re: Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:06 pm
by Punapiraija
Ja minä olen ainoa(?) Stratoforumin thrasher. Taitaa tulla siitä, että heavy metallin lisäksi kuuntelen paljon speed/thrash-metallia ja muutakin. Power metal ei jaksa muutamaa bändiä lukuunottamatta kiinnostaa minua. Esimerkiksi Stratovarius on yksi niitä harvoja power metal-bändejä, jotka on mielestäni loistavaa musiikkia. Nightwish on myös kovaa kamaa, mutta sitä ei taideta laskea power metalliksi.

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:30 pm
by Eini
Power Metal Warrior eli aika nappiin kai se testi meni. :)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:41 pm
by Celtica
True metalhead.

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:38 pm
by hevi_man
"You are a Black Metal KVLTist. Black metal is one of the most extreme and advanced forms of metal (or music in general), and you're damn proud of the fact that you have the balls and brains to listen to it. As a matter of fact, it may very well be the only thing you listen to - everything else seems to lose its charm (though that's not the case with everyone). The whole concept of concerts doesn't excite you much - the music sounds just as good on CD, after all, and there's too many morons stumbling around at shows. You're just not a people person; other metalheads respct you to a degree but think you're kind of a dick (and often a racist fucker). You don't really care what they think, of course - you know you're better."

Uskon olevani ainoa laatuani tällä foorumilla, lyökää jos olen väärässä.

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 5:52 pm
by Gallowspole
Joo minäki sain sen Iron Maidenin kuvan :)

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 6:20 pm
by Late-x
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.

Perkele :bandit:

Re: Testaa millainen hevari olet

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:50 pm
by D-Iivil
True Metalhead.
You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.

Eipä tuo kovin kauaksi osunut.