Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:09 pm

browneyedgirl wrote:^^^^^^^^^Are you 2 sock puppets through playing? If you are just bored take a visit to and brush up on your spelling--you need it. Or did you 2(?) come here specially just to bash miditek? ??? Sure seems that way. Run along now, kiddies&play nice. :roll:

Btw, don't be suprised if your 2 hateful bullshit posts were forwarded to the Dept. of Homeland Security, ;) or just maybe they saw them in person. And, won't help you out, either.
Go watch Planet of the Arabs or something. :roll: Or post on the Above Top Secret Forum, Pilsken, they'd probably like it. Birds of a feather.........

Btw, when the Dems take over the White House, they will give Palestine the West Bank, East Bank&the North Bank. Hell, they will give Palestine the whole damn area. Satisfied? Will they STFU&stop bombing Israel then? Or will the Palestinians&their asslickers find something else to bitch&whine about as usual? :?

Nice reply dude, is that really all you could come up with? go brush up on your spelling? lol and im not just bashing miditek i just started with him cuz he is Zionist dont worry ill get to other people to if I have that big of a different view from them. Dude you talk like Palestine is some of superpower that has all these bombs, missiles, tanks, and guns. OH and for your information its ISRAEL THAT SELLS THEM ALL THE WEAPONS THEY USE! They cant get them from anywhere else even if they wanted to. 60 years ago if Palestine got back all its land then yah i would be happy it was all there's in the first place but now things are changed people have been living and been born in Israel its there home to now. All I want is 1 fuking state and i dont care what they call it. Your very one sided and dont even wanna see the possibility that at least something anything small or big just MIGHT be right or could be possible.

So Neonvomit what do you disagree with?

Do you disagree that they came into Palestine kicked people out of there homes and demolished them?

Do you actually believe mothers are telling there kids to kill themselves for a cause?

Or do you think that a one state solution is not possible?

oh and the message from my last post seems to have been misunderstood. I and most Palestinians(and arabs for that matter) dont hate all Zionist, just the ones that are in the army and the government(but media for years made it look otherwise). I know for a fact the people in Israel want the fighting to stop and they dont care to have to compromise for a 1 state solution but the government doesn't want that. Also Palestinians just want the fighting to end to but they first got to stop fighting against themselves then compromise with the Israel government in making 1 state. Because there are sooo much more Palestinians then jews the Israeli government is going to want to have a fixed number Jewish government officials in each section of the government.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by NeonVomit » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:11 pm

I don't think a one state solution is possible. As for the violence, it's a chicken-and-egg riddle, as is in most cases around the world.

If religion was just left out of it, this problem would've been solved a long time ago.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:13 pm

yep i agree if religion was left out of it it would have been solved long time ago. Actually it wouldn't have happened all together.

If Israel and Palestine dont come up with anything soon the only choice they will have is for a one state solution. Also since Israel are really worried about security if it becomes one state with Palestine then they wont have to worry about it much anymore but if not then it will be one country surrounded by arab Muslim country's on all sides. A one state solution should be possible. The people certainly wont have a problem leaving together, before all this ever happened Muslims, Christians, and Jews were all living together in Palestine with no problem at all, everyone was friends. Why shouldn't that cont. if they do a 1 state solution? because of a few years(lol i know its not a few but you get my point)of fighting? One thing though I never wanna see any of the governments both Palestine and Israel that we see now to be in power if a 1 state solution is found. They need to make a new government for it and with different people. Both Palestine and Israel governments fuking idiots and have done so many things wrong, they shouldn't even be in power right now. They just do the same shit over and over again. EPICALLY Hamas they need to be disbanded if there's going to be a one state solution.

As for the violence it is a chicken-and-egg riddle. Boths sides say things to when the hearts of others. Most of the time you cant really be sure what went down.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Carcass » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:30 pm

I'd just move the hell out of there. A piece of arid land simply is not worth all that bullshit. In the long run a people cannot collectively own a piece of land, that's sensless. I'm not picking any sides, both Palestinians and Israelis are capable of horrendous things and vast stupidity. If you can't see that you are blind, in my humble opinion, and for all I care you can join the lot.

Please, don't play that if-it-was-your-country card.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:36 pm

what do you mean just move out of there >.> dude you should go see Palestine and Israel one of the most beautiful places on earth, especially Haifa. But I know what you mean, my parents moved out of there(like every other smart person there did, although later they found out they cant ever come back >.>) and came to the US. Then most of there family followed. Some come to the US and some just went over the border to Jordan. I agree with you both sides have done terrible things and are capable of doing even more so, people should see this but unfortunately a lot dont =/

Oh and i didnt play a if-it-was-your-country card, where did I?

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Carcass » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:47 pm

Oh and i didnt play a if-it-was-your-country card, where did I?
Nobody did, yet.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Dawn_is_Here » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:09 pm

browneyedgirl wrote:^^^^^^^^^Are you 2 sock puppets through playing? If you are just bored take a visit to and brush up on your spelling--you need it. Or did you 2(?) come here specially just to bash miditek? ??? Sure seems that way. Run along now, kiddies&play nice. :roll:

Btw, don't be suprised if your 2 hateful bullshit posts were forwarded to the Dept. of Homeland Security, ;) or just maybe they saw them in person. And, won't help you out, either.
Go watch Planet of the Arabs or something. :roll: Or post on the Above Top Secret Forum, Pilsken, they'd probably like it. Birds of a feather.........

Btw, when the Dems take over the White House, they will give Palestine the West Bank, East Bank&the North Bank. Hell, they will give Palestine the whole damn area. Satisfied? Will they STFU&stop bombing Israel then? Or will the Palestinians&their asslickers find something else to bitch&whine about as usual? :?
Hey, what happened to your objectivity?

First, your comment about the dictionary seems to show your intolerance to non-english native speakers which is absurd being in a forum of a non-english native speakers band and because despite of those "spelling mistakes", his statement is perfectly understandable.

Plisken in no way is bashing Miditek, his post is polite and he just states his point of view, that only happens to disagree Miditek's.

About Naslash, ok, his first sentence wasn't nice, but other than that, he's also saying his opinions on what he beliefs is right for him.

Non of their posts are BS, they are just expressing what they feel and what they know about a situation that we only know from the News (and we have to admit, they will only show what makes the US look good) and I haven't seen any "hate" in their posts, but I do can see hate in yours.

And your comments about the country security, top secret, etc... well, are all people in USA that paranoid? Sad... :?

PS: Sorry if I had any spelling mistakes.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Shurik » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:03 pm

If I were younger, I would bash the fuck out of those two guys who rant about bad zionists killing good arabs, writing very long and very boring posts till one of us quits out of sheer boredom. But after too many years on the web I understood that all discussions related to Israeli/Palestinian conflict are never lead anywhere (except if you like a really colourful language).

P.S. I am a really bad zionist, I was in the army and still doing a reservist service once in a while ...

P.P.S. Some things really never change, there always will be some dope coming to music forum and ranting about politics and nothing else ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by NeonVomit » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:23 pm

Shurik wrote:If I were younger, I would bash the fuck out of those two guys who rant about bad zionists killing good arabs, writing very long and very boring posts till one of us quits out of sheer boredom. But after too many years on the web I understood that all discussions related to Israeli/Palestinian conflict are never lead anywhere (except if you like a really colourful language).
I get exactly what you mean. The whole Cyprus issue gets boring after a while over the net and you think 'oh fuck it who cares'.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:26 am

Shurik wrote:If I were younger, I would bash the fuck out of those two guys who rant about bad zionists killing good arabs, writing very long and very boring posts till one of us quits out of sheer boredom. But after too many years on the web I understood that all discussions related to Israeli/Palestinian conflict are never lead anywhere (except if you like a really colourful language).

P.S. I am a really bad zionist, I was in the army and still doing a reservist service once in a while ...

P.P.S. Some things really never change, there always will be some dope coming to music forum and ranting about politics and nothing else ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well im sure it was boring for you since you probably actually were doing most of the things I talked about. Why bash me? whats wrong with my opinions? what makes you so "superior" to me?

Also you need read everything I wrote before you start writing and making yourself look bad. I never said good Arabs bad Zionist, sorry to disappoint you but this isnt a game of good vs. bad. Anyone who kills for there own purpose is bad in my eyes I dont care who the fuck it is. Since you were in the army im sure you killed a Palestinian or two, next day joked about it with your friends maybe?(or do you actually regret it had to come to it? the later i hope)

Its pretty sad that something like my parents being kicked out of there homes is boring to you, above that you find it funny.... somthing like that I would say is Bad characteristic well at least to me it is. Im being serius here and all you do is laugh? Theirs no doubt you used to be in the army, a lot of the time the troops couldn't wait for someone to make a wrong move or say the wrong thing, just to start a fight. Im just writing what i think and you already and dissing it and laughing at it.

well there will be change in Palestine/Israel one day and you probably wont like(if your not for a one state solution) when that day comes I will have the last laugh(if you are for 1 state solution I guess we will be laughing together huh? =)

P.S I made this short just for you, wouldn't want you to waste your time reading some Arab's opinion now would we =/?

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Shurik » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:51 am

A really short answer:
You have no idea what are you talking about. And since it's pointless to argue with you, I won't. I'm a busy man - work, master's degree, palestinian kids to kill etc ...

Good bye.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:43 am

Shurik wrote:A really short answer:
You have no idea what are you talking about. And since it's pointless to argue with you, I won't. I'm a busy man - work, master's degree, palestinian kids to kill etc ...

Good bye.

wow.... i have no idea what im talking about? ok i guess your right in something it pointless trying to talk to a Zionist about anything cuz all they ever seem to want to do is fight.

goodbye Mr. Busy Zionist

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by NeonVomit » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:23 pm

Plisken wrote:
Shurik wrote:A really short answer:
You have no idea what are you talking about. And since it's pointless to argue with you, I won't. I'm a busy man - work, master's degree, palestinian kids to kill etc ...

Good bye.

wow.... i have no idea what im talking about? ok i guess your right in something it pointless trying to talk to a Zionist about anything cuz all they ever seem to want to do is fight.

goodbye Mr. Busy Zionist
Dude you're the one who came into this forum and just launched into this.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:41 pm

yah thats true and im still waiting for miditek to get on. I know miditek is Zionist but i know he also wasn't in the army. talking to any of those guys in the army is usually pretty pointless they wont even read what you write and reply as if they know what you write(in general sometimes thats not the case). Anyway if he wants to go kill Palestinian kids i cant do anything to stop him unfortunately, talking certainly didn't work.

Unlike Shurik here I actually read and listen to what people have to say. I think about it then form my opinion. All I can say is I hope miditek at least reads what I wrote then gives me all his opinions, answers,etc.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Shurik » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:03 pm

You come here and accuse me of murder, based solely on the fact that I served in IDF. So, who has no idea what he's talking about? Don't expect any serious reaction after such an accusation.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:42 pm

it seems its you who doesnt know what he is talking about. Where did I ever say you are a murderer? where the fuck did that come from? I never even wrote the word "murder" on the this forum.

unless you count me saying " Anyway if he wants to go kill Palestinian kids i cant do anything to stop him unfortunately, talking certainly didn't work. "

Unless you just ignore the IF and just go "Anyway he wants to go kill Palestinian kids i cant do anything to stop him unfortunately, talking certainly didn't work." then yah then I would have been accusing you of murder.

I dont accuse people of murder when all i know about them is that they are Zionist and served in the IDF.

Unfortunately the stereotype for arabs is something long the lines of "omg! he is arab! run for your lives a terrorist!". For an arab it doesn't matter who you are because a few arabs fucked up we got put all on the same fucking boat.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Shurik » Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:39 pm

Since you were in the army im sure you killed a Palestinian or two, next day joked about it with your friends maybe?
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by NeonVomit » Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:58 pm

Plisken wrote:yah thats true and im still waiting for miditek to get on. I know miditek is Zionist but i know he also wasn't in the army. talking to any of those guys in the army is usually pretty pointless they wont even read what you write and reply as if they know what you write(in general sometimes thats not the case). Anyway if he wants to go kill Palestinian kids i cant do anything to stop him unfortunately, talking certainly didn't work.

Unlike Shurik here I actually read and listen to what people have to say. I think about it then form my opinion. All I can say is I hope miditek at least reads what I wrote then gives me all his opinions, answers,etc.
Man, you're being pretty aggressive and making some sweeping generalisations.

I have quite a balanced and even handed view of the Cyprus problem, and I served in the military. Hell, I was nearly killed more times than I can remember. I've helped drag someone from danger with their guts hanging out. I've been soaked blood, my own and that of friends. That was in other situations and I've already said more than I should have, but you get the idea.

And yet, I can read and listen to what people have to say.

As for the other stuff... man come on. You're passing judgement on people YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. You haven't even been on this forum for long enough to get a rough idea. I have frequent disagreements with miditek about a many many things but I've deduced that he's actually pretty cool and knowledgable about music stuff, and since there's a generally peaceful and civilized air on this forum that's what I tend to focus on.

So like, settle down a bit.
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by naslash » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:11 pm

hahahaha, a lot of controversy :P obviously. well, i always found arguments like these pointless in changing peoples views, cuz thats very rare, but its good to express other opinions.
Non of their posts are BS, they are just expressing what they feel and what they know about a situation that we only know from the News (and we have to admit, they will only show what makes the US look good) and I haven't seen any "hate" in their posts, but I do can see hate in yours.
dawn_is_here, thats true about the media :P wen i watch cnn or the worst one which is fox news, its unbelievable. many americans know that its mostly bullshit, or just not the full story, just wat makes americans look good and their enemies look bad. u never see them talking about an arab saving innocent people sumwhere in a war. and there was a documentary i saw, where they talk about how many stories of soldiers were overexaggerated :p many movies made after soldiers to make them look heroic were all overexaggerated, haha i forgot wat the documentary was called.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by naslash » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:17 pm

haha oops, my previous message, my reply is in the quotes thing by mistake :P
o yea, browneyedgirl, i saw that planet of the arabs video on youtube, ive been commenting there for a while :P people missed the purpose of that video. it was meant to show how jews control the media and how hollywood movies make arabs look bad n all, there was that guy in it that was telling people to turn off the television and not listen, cuz it manipulates many people, and that is true.
im just wondering y is there a topic related to politics in a stratovarious forum :P

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Carcass » Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:14 pm


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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:45 pm

Shurik wrote:
Since you were in the army im sure you killed a Palestinian or two, next day joked about it with your friends maybe?
alright Shurik I see what you mean, i wasnt serious i was being sarcastic but i guess how I wrote it was wrong and it didnt get that across. im sorry.

NeonVomit wrote:
Man, you're being pretty aggressive and making some sweeping generalisations.

I have quite a balanced and even handed view of the Cyprus problem, and I served in the military. Hell, I was nearly killed more times than I can remember. I've helped drag someone from danger with their guts hanging out. I've been soaked blood, my own and that of friends. That was in other situations and I've already said more than I should have, but you get the idea.

And yet, I can read and listen to what people have to say.

As for the other stuff... man come on. You're passing judgement on people YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. You haven't even been on this forum for long enough to get a rough idea. I have frequent disagreements with miditek about a many many things but I've deduced that he's actually pretty cool and knowledgable about music stuff, and since there's a generally peaceful and civilized air on this forum that's what I tend to focus on.

So like, settle down a bit.
yah your right I did rush this, im sure everyone on this forum is pretty cool since we love stratovarius. Thats something we all love very much and im sure we all agree on that. Im just tried to get info out there that so people know 2 sides not 1, THEN they can form there own opinions(i hope at least).

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by browneyedgirl » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:44 am

Plisken wrote:yah thats true and im still waiting for miditek to get on.

LOL! I was right! You came here just to confront miditek. Well, I don't know if he's going to take your bait. ??? A few of us can plainly see what you REALLY are, and the others are so wrapped up in their own "criticizing" USA mindset that your obvious trolling has been labeled "freedom of expression." So, at first they took your side! :lol: Funny. Kinda like the Trojan horse. They thought your USA criticizing was great&you were accepted--now, well, now lets see what we have. :)

Pilsken, you picked the right forum to stir up that kind of crap, I guess. Just criticize the USA&you will get a few allies in here ready to approve of all you say. When people bash or criticize the USA/Israel to Hell it is called "freedom of expression", but when anyone criticizes or points out the truth about any wrongdoing the Palestinians, Iraqis, Arabs, Iranians, etc. do they are branded as "hateful". :roll: Don't ANYONE even try to whitewash that statement because everyone knows its true!

@Plisken&nalash, there are hundreds of forums&messageboards on the internet which cater to your mindset. ( for one) You know, where malcontented people gather to whine&bitch about Zionists, Jews, USA&Israel. Slinging shit, lying&starting rumors all in the name of "freedom of expression." Where people say the Zionists started all the world wars, control all the worlds wealth&even did 911, and Madrid bombing. The list is endless.

You people are so hung up on "freedom of expression" maybe I should post some links, and copy and paste some of that crap Plisken&nalash believe in, huh? Eh? See how pretty it is in its purest form. Right? Some of you already think that N&P's posts are not BS, so let's just reveal totally what N&P probably believe! ;)

Lets start with:
Thats the crap those guys probably believe. But, hey, its "freedom of expression"/just an "opinion". Harmless, right? As long as it criticizes USA/Israel, right? :?
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:21 am

browneyedgirl wrote:
Plisken wrote:yah thats true and im still waiting for miditek to get on.

LOL! I was right! You came here just to confront miditek. Well, I don't know if he's going to take your bait. ??? A few of us can plainly see what you REALLY are, and the others are so wrapped up in their own "criticizing" USA mindset that your obvious trolling has been labeled "freedom of expression." So, at first they took your side! :lol: Funny. Kinda like the Trojan horse. They thought your USA criticizing was great&you were accepted--now, well, now lets see what we have. :)

Pilsken, you picked the right forum to stir up that kind of crap, I guess. Just criticize the USA&you will get a few allies in here ready to approve of all you say. When people bash or criticize the USA/Israel to Hell it is called "freedom of expression", but when anyone criticizes or points out the truth about any wrongdoing the Palestinians, Iraqis, Arabs, Iranians, etc. do they are branded as "hateful". :roll: Don't ANYONE even try to whitewash that statement because everyone knows its true!

@Plisken&nalash, there are hundreds of forums&messageboards on the internet which cater to your mindset. ( for one) You know, where malcontented people gather to whine&bitch about Zionists, Jews, USA&Israel. Slinging shit, lying&starting rumors all in the name of "freedom of expression." Where people say the Zionists started all the world wars, control all the worlds wealth&even did 911, and Madrid bombing. The list is endless.

You people are so hung up on "freedom of expression" maybe I should post some links, and copy and paste some of that crap Plisken&nalash believe in, huh? Eh? See how pretty it is in its purest form. Right? Some of you already think that N&P's posts are not BS, so let's just reveal totally what N&P probably believe! ;)

Lets start with:
Thats the crap those guys probably believe. But, hey, its "freedom of expression"/just an "opinion". Harmless, right? As long as it criticizes USA/Israel, right? :?

wtf? first of all I didnt come here just to just to confront miditek as you can tell I am talking to other people.

Second how on earth did you make the connection that I support all these conspiracy theory's? I dont believe any of that shit, I said my opinions about palestine/israel and thats all I Talked about(only mention of the US was that it supports Israel that's all).

Theres no tricks or a Trojan horse dude you are thinking way to hard about this. You have to stop following these Stereotypes. Just because I support Palestine you suddenly made the assumption that I blame Zionist and Jews for all the misfortune in the world, wtf? get real dude and READ WHAT I WROTE!

I never said Palestinians,Arabs,etc never did anything wrong BUT I did say that Israel and Zionist there fair share of mistakes to.

Oh and just so you know the only other forum I have ever talked politics in was an Anime Forum >.> lol so I have no idea what your talking about with websites like from the name I wouldnt even bother with it.)

P.S next time before you post something like this make sure that it actually apples to the person you are bashing >.> that whole post is pointless since I dont believe any conspiracy theory's.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by browneyedgirl » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:48 pm

Plisken, calm down, I'm not bashing you. Get a grip! :lol:
Anime? Oh, like Yeah, I know of that kinda stuff.
So, you are just a regular poster? Well, please, don't limit yourself to one topic here! We have hundreds on this forum, even on this section. The only reason I mentioned is that there is a Plisken there&he posts stuff like you, about the Zionists&all. But, his profile says he is from UnUnited Kingdom, so it can't be you, I guess. I read forums like that sometimes just to get a laugh, and actually its nice to keep informed of what fringe groups are thinking&believing. Actually, your first post contains many snipets of conspiracy-based ideas, so it SEEMS that you do know about them, in any event. :)

Years ago when I took a Law Enforcement curriculum at University we briefly studied these bullshit conspiracy theories based on anti-Zionism&such. The psychology behind these beliefs is kinda interesting. :)
>sighing< I guess it just all depends how a person looks at things. To some few people, its freedom of thought&expression, to everyone else its just BS.

BTW, what the KKK, Al-Quaeda, Tim McVeigh, etc. believed in&preached fell under the "freedom of expression" umbrella, too.
I just know if you had came in here with the opposite viewpoint, you'd had probably half dozen forum members on your butt accusing you of "hate" speech. :lol: But, instead you got applause, more or less. :lol:

Like I say, if your intentions are good, then feel free to look around if you like. Check out the Spam section&the main Strato section. Its lots of stuff here. Since you play guitar, theres even a Musician section as well! :)

And, you're welcome!
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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:51 pm

yah I well start posting in parts of the forum, im just reading up on the really old stuff in here first.
Now it sort of makes since cuz your last post sort of sounded like you were talking about someone else and it turned out you were lol. Tim McVeigh fell under the "freedom of expression" umbrella? you sure lol?

In my first post I dont think I had anything conspiracy-based. If its Ethic Cleansing your talking about its how you look at it. For Palestinians that how it looks like cuz since the beginning Israel has been demolishing homes and building new ones for Israeli's, thats a fact if they didnt do that they obviously wouldn't have a country. Then there is also the fact the Zionist goal is to have a Jewish only state right? Also that wall going though the middle of the city indirectly helps ethic cleansing sooner or later Palestinians will get fed up it and leave. Now Israel says its for security and it there land now, ok but even if they didnt mean it thats whats happening, maybe not as much today but it did 60 years ago.

Anyway good thing we cleared that little mess up.

P.S im a keyboard player =) the jens addicted kind lol :P but im learning guitar now so thats cool.

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by NeonVomit » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:04 pm

"Beneath the freezing sky arrives Winter's Verge..."

I'm going to hell, and loving the ride!

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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Plisken » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:49 pm


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Re: Report: Israelis blew apart Syrian nuclear cache

Post by Carcass » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:04 am

