The Zeitgeist Movement

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Rebel » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:22 am

Rebel wrote:I think that the issue is secondary to the greater proof of Christ's resurrection.
If there was definitive proof of Christ's resurrection, Christianity would not be a would be a science. You've convinced yourself in Gods existence through a combination of poorly documented historical events and so called "miracles" that have no basis whatsoever.
, and the evidence is not 100% indisputable, however it is 100% plausible.
I guarantee, I can find you countless "miracles" proving Elvis is still alive, Sasquatch roams free, and Lady Gaga has a penis. There is ample "evidence" out there... if you really wanted to believe it. That is, if your very livelihood depended on Lady Gaga having a huge dick, it would not take much to convince you.
Right, but if my livelihood, my well being, and in fact, my actual mortal life, depended on my saying Lady Gaga did NOT having a huge dick, and I maintained that I had seen it with my own eyes, one would begin to wonder if maybe she does have a dick.
Take the Loch-Ness monster for instance. It was eventually debunked, but for some time many people truly believed it. There was ample "evidence" and various "miracles" ranging from grainy footage, blurry photos, and testimonies from all sorts of weirdos who were either bored, vying for attention, or completely delusional. If I decide I want to believe it, there is no freakin' way you're going to change my mind. You can tell me that all the pictures are fake, and I'll say its a conspiracy hatched from the pro-bigfoot supporters (who can't handle that another legendary beast is stealing their thunder). Even if you tell me that the original Loch Ness "witness" admitted it was a hoax, I can always gracefully sidestep it by quoting some "verse" from the book of long-necked ungulates. Which leads me to...
Again, there are levels of dedication, I won't be able to provide you with a fool proof argument that Christ was resurrected, what I am trying to show you is the plausibility of Christianity.
Mark 13:22
For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones.
When I read that, I couldn't help but cringe. It just sounds so manipulative, doesn't it? "Here are our miracles...Oh, those other miracles? Those are from the bad people. The nasty people. Don't pay attention to those." I almost could not come up with a more manipulative statement if I tried.
The issue here is to establish that miracles are not a fool proof method of identifying God's work. People can be deceived, and the scriptures are well aware of this. Unfortunately, in modern day, there is no fool proof way to tell what is, or isn't from God. In my journey I've found these 100% answers almost never exist, and that's something that fundamentalists disagree with me on quite a bit. What I've found then, is that the only real way to test a theology, or the validity of someone who claims to be called by God, is to see if it is in line with the message of the Gospels, and of Christ's life.
And even if Christ truly was you really know the full story of how the bible was written? Every sentence? Every word? Maybe the apostles asked some dude to hold the bible while he took a piss, and he added a few lines in the end just for fun? Maybe the guy was drunk on mead when he wrote some of it (what the hell is mead, anyway?).
No, I really don't know it exactly, well, not the gospels. Paul's writings we understand pretty well. What's important here is to understand Jewish culture though, and the culture of the time in general. Literacy 2000 years ago was a completely different ballgame, it was taken very seriously, and especially in Jewish culture, transcription was seen as SACRED. Looking throughout the years at various versions of old testament scripture, we find that the Jewish people are incredibly meticulous in their accuracy of transcription, and in the case of the new testament, archaeology has confirmed that all historical data referenced in the gospels, particularly that in Luke and in Acts (Which was written by Luke), is more accurate than any single document from that era.

Hell, half of our history textbooks (that are based on well documented historical events from hundreds of professors and researchers)...even these textbooks have blatant mistakes, errors, fabrications, and are constantly being revised. To actually base your life's values on the teaching of a book written by unknown authors with unknown motivates at unknown a BIG mistake!
This is also where we get into the idea of implications. The reason I try to boil the issue down to Christ's Resurrection is that if it's true, it, rightfully, implies quite a bit about the rest of Judeo-Christianity, in particular, it's legitimacy. The first thing I always establish is the legitimacy of the Bible accounts, it's not a rock solid proof, but it's a very, very, good one, and as I read more, and I study more apologetics and other material on the subject, that case becomes stronger. Given that, we come to the Lewis Trilemma, that Christ, as described historically, and in the gospels, was either a Lunatic, a Liar, or the Lord. CS Lewis (And others) argue with strong efficiency that Christ was neither a Lunatic or a Liar.

That being established, one of the things that Christians don't really address much is that Christ promises a councilor to his followers after he ascends to Heaven, the Holy Spirit. Part of the reason this isn't discussed much is that it's perhaps the most confusing concept in the entire Bible, I am currently doing a study on it with some other people and I'm learning more, but I still don't grasp it completely. Part of what the Holy Spirit would accomplish though, is to protect the word of God (As accounted in the Bible) From such corruptions.

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Rebel » Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:25 am

I'd also point out that what I'm trying to argue is condensed versions of a mass of information that I've read over the years, and if the historical documentation of Christ, and the legitimacy of the Bible account is something you're actually curious about (And given the nature of the issue at hand, I would hope it's something everyone is at least willing to explore), Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ is an extremely compelling argument, though I am sure there are better out there. It all depends what aspect you are more curious/skeptical about though.

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:44 am

Well, hats off to you. You know your bible!
Not sure if I'm educated or informed enough to dispute any of these claims about the legitimacy of biblical accounts, etc. And I like what you said earlier:
What I've found then, is that the only real way to test a theology, or the validity of someone who claims to be called by God, is to see if it is in line with the message of the Gospels, and of Christ's life.
In any case, I admire your ability to articulate your beliefs...whether or not they are correct- I will leave that issue to our creator (if he exists). If he doesn't, then AGAG can decide. Just because. :)

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by robocop656 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:27 pm

Where did "God" come from? Who made "GOD?" Why is there something rather than nothing? Dinosaurs are real.


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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Rebel » Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:16 pm

Another fascinating insight into some historical perspective on God and the Bible, where the tower of Babel might seem like a story that jewish culture would have invented to explain why different cultures speak different languages, the findings of this study give a lot of credit to the idea that the story might be very historical, it doesn't speak so much to the validity of theism, but it does give validity to the idea that human civilization all came from one "Family" and that the family worshipped the the Judeo-Christian God

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by DAYR TAKIN MA RIGHTS » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:18 am


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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Michael » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:12 am

RazielSR wrote:I'm "amazed" of how people still believing in churches, christianity or other kind of religions.. It is that difficult to understand that religion, churches and beliefs are just a political weapon mainly since 2000 years ago? Why don't you read about the creation and which was the purpose of the Catholic Church?
I live in a country 90% christian (anyway almost nobody is going to churches, it is just christian let's say by tradtition) and I have been baptized, communion and all that. You don't know how FALSE and ABSOLUTELY a disgrace is all that environment, and how twisted is all that "world"... churches, mass, etc, etc...damn...incredible that people around the world is still inside all that things. I suppose it is necessary for the majority. All religions in this world, maybe not at the beginning, were created to control people, that's all. If you feel good going to mass and praying every night, of course you can and you should, but obviously to be here talking about the validity of the bible, the most twisted and plenty of manipulation book in the history (just read how in different councils it was decided which gospels were ok and which ones not) it is just mad.
For me the bible is just a curious book and really good to know about some historic events and important characters...and there are some good stories too.
But if somebody wants to follow that book in real life, he/she should know that the next stop will be a sanitarium.
Anyway, bishops, popes and all that fake human beings laugh a lot about this whole political creation when they are not praying in the mass while they see how people still almost in the same place they were more than 2000 years ago. The business continues, the business stills alive, what a fantastic and confortable way to make money.

¨No Christ, God nor religion
Gave me the answers I was looking for
Arrogant hypocrites
Selling the key to heaven's door¨

i think that resumes it all 8)
there is no knowledge that is not power

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Rebel » Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:35 pm

Michael wrote:
RazielSR wrote:I'm "amazed" of how people still believing in churches, christianity or other kind of religions.. It is that difficult to understand that religion, churches and beliefs are just a political weapon mainly since 2000 years ago? Why don't you read about the creation and which was the purpose of the Catholic Church?
I live in a country 90% christian (anyway almost nobody is going to churches, it is just christian let's say by tradtition) and I have been baptized, communion and all that. You don't know how FALSE and ABSOLUTELY a disgrace is all that environment, and how twisted is all that "world"... churches, mass, etc, etc...damn...incredible that people around the world is still inside all that things. I suppose it is necessary for the majority. All religions in this world, maybe not at the beginning, were created to control people, that's all. If you feel good going to mass and praying every night, of course you can and you should, but obviously to be here talking about the validity of the bible, the most twisted and plenty of manipulation book in the history (just read how in different councils it was decided which gospels were ok and which ones not) it is just mad.
For me the bible is just a curious book and really good to know about some historic events and important characters...and there are some good stories too.
But if somebody wants to follow that book in real life, he/she should know that the next stop will be a sanitarium.
Anyway, bishops, popes and all that fake human beings laugh a lot about this whole political creation when they are not praying in the mass while they see how people still almost in the same place they were more than 2000 years ago. The business continues, the business stills alive, what a fantastic and confortable way to make money.

¨No Christ, God nor religion
Gave me the answers I was looking for
Arrogant hypocrites
Selling the key to heaven's door¨

i think that resumes it all 8)
Song lyrics vs. well reasoned arguments backed up by respected archaeology, and historical information. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by mayhem-for-all » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:43 pm

I believe scientific law is harmonious with Christianity
Oh you do? And you believe in miracles?
That seems weird. If God could indeed change the laws of nature it would affect the world a lot more than in miracles and if he could change them in only in a small area so that the miracle wouldn't get out of hand (as in all the water in the universe turning into wine) he should be powerful enough to change the world in ways that would prevent useless suffering like by stopping the holocaust or instead of sacrificing his son (can an omnipotent spirit even have a son and how is this being a son of his? Does God have genes?)
But you do need to be aware of what clothes are. This if anything, is a terrible argument, because Dawkins is taking a sledge hammer to a broad philosophical concept of blind faith when Christianity doesn't ask for blind faith.
So you object blind faith huh? Well see that in a moment. Dawkins however has quite strictly dedicated singular arguments toward different versions of religious thinking. Against different beliefs you need different arguments. He dedicates most of the book for blind faith and comments this by noting taht if all religous people would not believe in blind faith (as in the blind faith of Soren Kierkegaard) he wouldn't need to write that book but the world as it is has a lot of ill religiousness that is dangearous to the society in many ways.

And you should take into note my argument. You can't then speak of existance without understanding of metaphysics and you can't know anything without understanding episthemology (paradox).
I do believe it might be beneficial for you to understand what exactly a straw man is. Let me explain. A straw man is when you pick out a specific issue in an argument, a belief that somebody holds, and you push that belief to the illogical extreme, then you observe that illogically extreme version of someone's belief, conclude it is false, and as a result, claim that somebody's entire argument is false. I have made no such arguments.
Usually Straw Man isn't aimed at proving someone directly wrong but trying to make their arguments sound illogical by simplifying them.

And IMO this is a Straw Man:
The basic atheist argument that many (Including some in this thread) stop at, is that religion is laughable because people can't rise from the dead.
While this isn't a straw man, it's edging closer,
There was this simple wod if there and the reason it was there was that I wasn't really sure were you trying to prove your point by such simple argument.
What I am arguing is that that the apostles did not die because they believed Christ was the Messiah, they died because, with their own eyes, they saw the risen Christ, walking on earth and preaching, even though he had been killed and placed in a tomb
HOw do you know why they did what they did. For me the whole resurrection thing sounds just like a story made up after christ died because they couldn't believe the man they believed in had died just like that and their long jjourney as his followers (they were known for following him so admiting they had mistaken would have meant losing their status and appreciation.
It would have been easy for them to have died for Christ before the resurrection because there was an element of uncertainty around Christ, there wasn't a way to definitively prove whether Jesus was who he said he was, and therefore the apostles might have been misled, just like millions throughout history have been for whatever causes.
Well yes compared to any other martyrs who have died because of second hand knowledge they indeed are different. But not unique. They may have still believed even though Christ wasn't resurrected. We see the same thing happening with religous sects all over the world. The members live their life believing in some powerful leader who they may see as God even after they have lived out of the sect for years they may still believe in that person and those teachings. The stories of Christs resurrection may have been made up just to make other people believe. The Catholics have been doing the very same thing for a long time with saints.
The point is, after Christ's death, there was NO ROOM for confusion. In his ministry he had told his followers that he would die
Which was told AFTER he had died and it was written by those who believed in it.
Even when he died, even in the gospel accounts, there was dismay, Peter, who was the first disciple called into Christ's ministry, denied his association with Christ 3 times on the night Jesus was captured.
Yes and Christ himself lost his faith while hanging on the cross. Maybe he realised he had been living a lie all his life.
I would argue then, that faith alone was not enough for these men to die, but what's important is what comes next. The stone is moved from Christ's tomb and his body is gone, these are not disputed by history. Never mind the extreme difficulty (Or even asinine stupidity) of implying that this was a plot, this brings us to what the apostles died for.
So any historical proves of the whole tomb? or anything else at all.
or facing the most painful form of execution known to man
Of course this is a bit offtopic but that is nowhere near the extreme executions. People are brilliant when it comes to making other people suffer (luckily military techonology often helps the society as a whole (radar turned to a microwave oven)
Jews were willing to die for their religioon many generations after Moses in
Religion at its best.

Mark 13:22
For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones
So you don't believe in blind faith but you can just simply take up a part of the bible to use as a proof.
Then again. You mght think that your other arguments make using bible justified but still the way you read the bible depends on your own mind (values, moral...) If one needs to study read a book right is the information in the book itself or the studies?
For some reason we only use bible to back our beliefs when we agree with it.
If people are discussing womens rights someone might quote the bible butwhen people are discussing slavery no one will mention that bible says its ok.

In the secularizing society values are changing faster than with religions. The morale of the society becomes the source of individual morale and religous morales are thrown aside and people deny any conflicts between the morale of the society and religion.
The explanation for what was, and wasn't, prophecy in the old testament is a very, very, complicated matter that really isn't worth explaining, but what we do know is that the old testament that is printed in every Christian Bible existed in its complete form before Jesus. We know that the series of Messianic prophecies (Events described in the books of Isiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, and others) were, in parts, very specific to identifying the chosen one who would redeem the gentiles and create the true covenant between man and God. We know that many of these, including the place of Christ's birth, and many things involving events far outside his control, were listed in prophecy and Jesus fit the prophecies. Look for example, with me, to the book of Daniel, in the 9th chapter.
Still we have the Jews to disagree with the prophecy. Many of the "facts about Jesus" were changed afterwards so that he would fulfill the prophecy. Especially his place of birth.
blood is required for the atonement of sins
Now what kind of allloving God creates a world like that.
In order to save mankind, a sacrifice HAD to be made
If he is as almighty as to make miracles (and so on) then there wouldn't be any sense in that. There are many other things he could have done. And if you believe he knows the future and our own thoughts he should have seen it coming before he created the world. For example the creation. If he created people who were stupid enough to earn themselves to be banned from the paradise that was Gods fault. He created us to be able to make such a mistake. And no I don't believe in free will. Just as with Jesus. He could have used his powers to change the world or possibly even start over. The explanations to Gods actions are nothing more than trying to explain the world as it is. Simply a psychological phenomenon.
I need to find the book I have that addresses this issue, the arguments that you are referencing are based in out of date archeological information, within the last 15-20 years, we have discovered quite a bit of finds that have made the gospel accounts seem much more reliable and consistent, in particular Luke's accounts in the book of Acts are regarded by the historical community as the most accurate representation of the various areas described and visited that we have
Yes I would really like to see evidence. Yet often evidence to support religous views is done with some funding from american christian organizations and they don't try to be accurate but to confirm the beliefs. This one for example:
This can't really be considered science by any standards.
Again, out of date information
Or then your corrections aren't simply accepted buy the scientific community.
Israel was an incredibly small nation, therefore things like masturbation and homosexuality were seen as counter intuitive to the growth of the nation
Actually evolution considers homosexuality to be a positive attribute. It helps the community (as well an animal community as a human community) to survive and take care of the children. At least before human culture kicks in. Many of the orders however were a lot more arbitary and absurd than these thumbrules. And couldn't Gd simply remove homosexuality if he didn't want it to happen among his people. Instead he tells one man the rules who tells them to the others.

And then siding with with one people in the world seems quite cruel but once again the society those days wasn't as global so among people it created local religions. Every society believed in God(s) that favored them over the others.
There are a couple ways you could address this issue. I think that the issue is secondary to the greater proof of Christ's resurrection, and being that I believe that, I think that the rest of the world can be correctly interpreted through that. I suppose an interesting question is, have you ever written a story? Made a character in your head? I started writing a story 3 years ago, but some of the characters are much older than that, I didn't start the story with their birth, and then walk them through it, nothing is to say that when God created the earth, He didn't create it with a history.
So he only made the world look old :?
I thought you would (as mots christian scientists do) deny that information.
Does that even sound propable to you? Don't you think the people whp wrote these things donw could have mistaken? Afterall they were just people and people tend to explain things by making up explanations (not just kids or under the influence of hypnosis but others as well)
Right, but if my livelihood, my well being, and in fact, my actual mortal life, depended on my saying Lady Gaga did NOT having a huge dick, and I maintained that I had seen it with my own eyes, one would begin to wonder if maybe she does have a dick.
So a schizophreinic person who sees pink elephants should not believe people who tell him it was just hallucination.
The issue here is to establish that miracles are not a fool proof method of identifying God's work. People can be deceived, and the scriptures are well aware of this. Unfortunately, in modern day, there is no fool proof way to tell what is, or isn't from God. In my journey I've found these 100% answers almost never exist, and that's something that fundamentalists disagree with me on quite a bit. What I've found then, is that the only real way to test a theology, or the validity of someone who claims to be called by God, is to see if it is in line with the message of the Gospels, and of Christ's life.
Thats a epistemological view that thinks that only knowledge that fits the previous view is justified.
This is exactly how you described your way of dealing with new religious information.
It always comes down to Philosophy. (If I had kept my eyes open I could have found more epistemological stances in your arguments but it is not really necessary. Actually it might do some good to avoid philosophical terms for a while)
So the problem (one of them) with Coherentism is that it doesn't correct itself even though new information would be more reliable. The new information is always compared to the old one that is thougt of as the truth. You can also pick anything to be the base of the information that all new information is compared to.
archaeology has confirmed that all historical data referenced in the gospels, particularly that in Luke and in Acts (Which was written by Luke), is more accurate than any single document from that era.
I am still awaiting for you rpoofs on this. Yet it is quite difficult to compare the reliablility of ancient documents if you have a limited number of documents. If you have documents A B and C and A and B say that C is right and C says that A and B are wrong then is document C right? (well not really like this but rather like this) Can any number of less reliable documents convince you that another document is is more reliable? As in A (reliablity 3/10) and B(reliability 2/10) say both that Cis true. Can this mean C is more reliable than there two if they both are unreliable.
Ok this is quite messy I am getting tired of trying to explain my clumsy thoughts on this.

Ok I am going to take a break and return on this later. Just some final words left.
See now THAT is a straw man. You take the idea of blind faith, something that is not essential to Christianity (Although it is regarded as noble, to a degree), extracting it from the whole of the proof I have presented, and then applying it to the illogical extreme, and using that as a counterargument against everything I have said.
Well I admit that was a bit too agressive accusation.
If you feel that I have been accusing you of blind faith then I have to apologize. You clearly have a created a lot more understandable view and while I can't really think of it as the truth (the discussion is on and so far the evidence goes against the existaence of any God)but I have to say hats off to you for actually thinking this through.

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by browneyedgirl » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:45 pm

(Tim Daly playing Koresh in a movie)


I don't think you can classify Koresh's group as a true religion even though it did branch from the mainstream Seventh Day Adventist belief, hence the name Branch Davidians. The lesson learned is what can happen when people put their faith in a man instead of God.


Yep, Koresh was actually a musician. :wink:

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by NeonVomit » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:29 am

And Hitler was a painter!
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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by robocop656 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:36 am

NeonVomit wrote:And Hitler was a painter!

How do we know that Hitler was a painter?

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by mayhem-for-all » Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:21 am


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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by robocop656 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:10 pm

mayhem-for-all wrote:Image[/url]
How do we know Hitler had a painting?

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by mayhem-for-all » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:36 pm

Wll I will be back in a week to write some more and meanwhile you all can whact this great vid:

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by AGAG » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:24 am


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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by JensJohansson » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:00 am

NeonVomit wrote:And Hitler was a painter!
An entire apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by browneyedgirl » Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:54 pm

mayhem-for-all wrote:Image[/url]
Did Hitler actually paint that? :huh: That's very good! how the hell did someone with a worthy talent like that become so sidetracked? ???

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by miditek » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:26 pm

JensJohansson wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:And Hitler was a painter!
An entire apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!


"The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler just like I'd shoot a snake!" - Patton
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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by AGAG » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:38 am

miditek wrote:
JensJohansson wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:And Hitler was a painter!
An entire apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!


"The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler just like I'd shoot a snake!" - Patton
Wise words.

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Ultimo Mordecai » Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:46 pm

The moving process is complete, and I have returned!

So it seems like since I've been gone this has mostly turned into a religion thread....all I'm gonna say regarding that topic is this:

The laws of science MUST apply to god. Until it is proven that there are regions or situations in the universe in which the laws of the universe don't apply, there is no rational way to accept a god capable of breaking these laws at will. Therefore, there can be no supernatural god of any kind.

Feel free to debate this point all you want, but until someone provides me with some scientific evidence that the laws of the universe can be broken or do not apply in some situations, the entire religion debate is moot.

(Don't bother pointing out singularities as situations where the laws of physics break down. The only thing that breaks down is OUR understanding of these laws. Just because our human math isn't good enough to understand them, doesn't mean the laws don't still apply. A unified theory of physics would allow us to understand this situation completely)

Back to the original topic....I should point out right away that TZM is NO WAY a utopianist movement. The very idea is physically and mathematically impossible, since technologies are always improving and ideas are always updating. A 'perfect' society is impossible, since things will always change. But that doesn't mean we can't do a hell of a lot better than what we have right now :)

You can certainly approach infinity, but you can never reach it!

Also I think someone mentioned something about Plato's republic, but I haven't read it so I can't comment. If there's someone more knowledgeable on the topic who wants to chime in, feel free.
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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by AGAG » Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:59 am

What on earth is "Surrey"? ??? :shake: ???

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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Ultimo Mordecai » Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:20 am

'Tis where I live now, yo
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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by Rebel » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:32 pm

In honor of Columbus Day...


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Re: The Zeitgeist Movement

Post by browneyedgirl » Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:03 am

browneyedgirl wrote:Image
(Tim Daly playing Koresh in a movie)


I don't think you can classify Koresh's group as a true religion even though it did branch from the mainstream Seventh Day Adventist belief, hence the name Branch Davidians. The lesson learned is what can happen when people put their faith in a man instead of God.


Yep, Koresh was actually a musician. :wink:
That WAS a good movie! lol

Actually, Steve Jobs is God! :)


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