Saddam's appointment with the hangman

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by Stealth » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:48 am

Kokordilos wrote:
@ BEG: Your words: I said I was glad I was born in USA&not in a third world country----odds are YOU are glad you were born in a civilized country, too!
This comment implies that third world countries are uncivilized.
Now here's a magical thought:
Many third world countries ARE uncivilized.

Definition for civilized:
Not having advanced cultural and social development
(encarta 2006)

And there are many third world countries in africa where everyone lives in huts, and the literacy rate is 5% and many people are dying of horrible diseases . These countries ARE uncivilized ones, and all of us here are glad we weren't born in a country like that..
No, many third world countries are NOT uncivilized. All groups of people have advanced cultural and social development in relation to their environments. And look at you talking about huts; you sound like a 17th century colonial official. What you mention about the literacy rate is relative. Those might be official statistics referring to what a government might consider its official language, but you are forgetting that many people speak and write in languages other than the officially recognized one, so they are not illiterate within their groups, but you don't see that in statistics. And you are honestly close-minded if you think that all of us are glad that we weren't born in countries like that. You are not seeing things from a relative perspective. Someone from an Eritrean village might HATE your lifestyle and would choose to cut his balls with an axe before even considering moving to the U.S. to have what he would regard as a very poor and unsatisfying life. They are not uncivilized, they know perfectly well how to survive in their environments, something you couldn't do for two days. Go to one of those huts, go to Papua New Guinea, go to the Australian desert and live among the aborigines, go to Botswana and Namibia and live among the !Kung san. Your cultural and social "development" would kill you in a matter of days. And in case you didn't know, foraging societies like those of the !Kung are the most egalitarian and democratic societies... Talk about uncivilized.
Oh, and yes, many people die of horrible diseases (probably not nearly as many as you think). But they don't die as often as in "civilized" countries as a result of violent crimes, gun wounds, stab wounds, drug addictions, alcoholism, etc. So your civilized countries might not be as civilized as you think. Just go to South Central L.A. and you'll hear gun shots, you'll see tens of murders, etc. Yeah, civilization in action!
And don't take that Encarta definition as something that was written in stone. Sociology, philosophy and anthropology would have VERY different things to say about that...
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by NeonVomit » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:11 am

Kokordilos wrote:Then if you're convinced these third world countries are all ok, why don't you move to one? Of course you won't, because you're nice and cozy where you are, and you don't want to live there in those conditions. Thats all that needs to be said, you're a hypocrite.

Not to mention the fact that you'll rant about how great third world countries are and how we should show respect towards them, then talk about Alabama like its trash. That is LAME.
Are you saying third-world countries are not worthy of respect? Are you superior to them?

I spend a lot of time in Colombia. I love the place, even though it's a poor country for the most part, it's certainly not uncivilized.

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by Stealth » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:19 am

@ Koko: Of course I won't move to one of those countries, but that has nothing to do with hypocrisy. You missed the point. I couldn't live in some places because I was raised in a different social environment and I couldn't get used to some environments that are extremely different from what I'm used to. It has nothing to do with "civilization". The point is that just like I couldn't live in, say, the Mongolian Gobi desert, someone from, say, the Kalashadesh could not and WOULD NOT WANT to live in a place like Scotland, the U.S., France, or whatever.
My trash-talk about Alabama was intentional and was intended to convey a message, but I see that you don't analyze things beyond the surface. You are the reactionary, "flammable" type who says something like "if you don't like the government in this country, then get out!" Simple and devoid of analysis. You have the critical-thought and analytical capacity of a Neanderthal (the good news is that Neanderthals were actually much smarter than people originally believed :)).
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by Stealth » Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:18 am

Kokordilos wrote:There is nothing wrong with saying you don't want to live in a third world country.
Of course not! The point is that the third world is not uncivilized, regardless of your reasons for not wanting to live there. There are other reasons why I wouldn't want to live in certain places, but the level of civilization has nothing to do with it.
Kokordilos wrote:And if someone from United States hates the Eritrean lifestyle and yada yada.. poor and unsatisfying life, then that makes them some kind of racist monster, right? :roll:
NOOOOO!!!!! Damn! Dude, you are hard-headed. It's perfectly fine if you don't like the Eritrean lifestyle. You may not like the way they do things, the way they build houses, the food they eat, the social customs they practice, the language they speak, etc. But that does not make them U-N-C-I-V-I-L-I-Z-E-D!!! It's useless, the words "difference", "variety" and "relativism" are not in your dictionary... Whatever you don't like must be intrinsically bad or ugly or wrong or whatever.

Kokordilos wrote:I don't want to live inside a hut. Thats why I'm glad that I was born in a country where I live in a decent home, not a hut. And nothing you say can make me change my mind on that!
Again, going back to my point, maybe Papuans would not want to live in your home. Guess what: maybe they think your home is not decent. And maybe they think their "huts" are more dignified than your house. Maybe they think that taking a shit inside your own house like you do is disgusting and "uncivilized" (after all, your house is the place where you sleep, study, eat, take a shower, socialize... why would you want to take a shit there?!? That's gross!!!). This is cultural relativism, but you seem to believe in an absolutist perspective where cultural, social and moral values are universal. Consider that maybe if you would have been born in Kiribati you would not like to live in Germany. But to imagine this, you have to try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and see things from an emic perspective, but I think that's too much to ask of you.
Kokordilos wrote:but fact is, USA is more civilized than some African country. I'm not saying I hate the African country, but if you're trying to argue the bizzare logic that some illiterate people who live in huts are as civilized as Americans just because they're happy with their life, then you're just wrong.
Oh, the sheer stupidity of this comment is truly overwhelming (and strangely amusing). Notice the derogatory tone: "some African country". I can imagine how my logic seems bizarre to you. I think you mistake civilization with technological advancement.
Kokordilos wrote:The credibility of your case continues to rise :roll:
Proportionately to the credibility of yours. :)
Kokordilos wrote:And if I don't want to live in Kalashadesh then I'm an idiot, right? But vice versa is ok! :wink:
For the 20th time, NO! Oh hell, I have already explained this above and in other posts.
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by neonlightchild » Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:54 am

Stealth, i understand your point, and most of the whole problem in here is derivated from such an increasing arrogance from Kokordilos and your lack of patience hahahahahaha.

Now, really guys, think about this, and put away your patriotic instinct for a while and think with that big HUMAN head you have above your you really think that the world need heroes?
I think what we really need is fucking concience, we don't live for a Flag, we don't live for a President, and most of all, is it worth dying for that issues? wouldn't you rather to die for your families and the ones you love and care about you? you may say "at war your families are in serious jeopardy, so it's worth dying"...ok, and who the fuck is the main cause of that jeopardy? your family or a senseless politic conflict? we don't love our countries only because a symbol, an anthem or a shit-like thing, that is just a political identiny, in the end we are all made of flesh and fucking bones; we love our countries because of ourselves, because of our families and friends, and every country is made of the same material, families, friends.

If we all were concious people, if we had tolerance, a good target for intelligence and if we had boundaries when it comes to judgements, then this topic wouln't even exist, or at least be that big :wink:
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:23 pm

browneyedgirl wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote:
browneyedgirl wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote:
Drop in the ocean is what Al-Queda did to/in USA? Are you crazy or just cold-hearted? :( Try telling that to the approximately 3000 people who lost loved ones in 9/11, and I hope you have good dental insurance, baby! :roll:
Yes, drop in the ocean. Or is an Iraqi life less valuable than American life? Because it seems to me that it is. You try to tell that to a child that has lost her legs because of the mass bombings of US to Baghdad, where mostly civilians were killed. And it was much more than 3000. See this is what you Americans don´t get, you are not invincible, you thought you are, but then when something like 9/11 happens, you wake up and cry for justice.
With your money&influence why don't you go to Iraq and help those people you obviously love so much. Put your money where your mouth is if you can tear yourself away from your oh-so cozy life.
I haven´t a faintest clue what you are talking about. Except that you obviously think I am someone else. I´m not rich, but a student. And you did not answer if Iraqi life is equal to American life?
Really? What University do you attend? ??? What do you study? How to plant Waterlilys? ;)
So, You know people in the USA? Yeah, those MILFs were lined up, I'm sure! :D And, "nice" people you label I'm sure are the People who asskiss&sheepishly agree with all you say. When someone does not agree on with you on issues they are immediately labeled as "evil" or "hatefilled". Cute. :roll: Of course you just try to blame their attitude, but we know that is a cover-up. Very cute. :roll:
People, ALL people, have a right to their opinion, not just the ones YOU have.
KOKO is right--you blatantly twisted my words. I said I was glad I was born in USA&not in a third world country----odds are YOU are glad you were born in a civilized country, too! And arrogance defined is someone who thinks that only their opinion matters, only their opinion is right, someone who knows all the answers---a mini-philosopher. MP, If you know all the answers maybe you can tell me the cure for anorexia, how to keep bleached blonde hair looking natural, I have a pain in my left upper arm that won't go away--whats that, and finally, how does a person grow Waterlilys?
And, like koko said, you are so anti-USA it would make a Russian dictator sick yet, you quote USA sources, and criticize NASA UNLESS they agree with you.

koko is also right when he says I am a liberal. But, let me tell you something, Mr. MuchoPhilosopher-- the USA is full of folks who don't like Bush, yet would fight some hatemonger like you tooth&nail to defend this country and its freedoms. But, I don't guess you'd understand that because you are so blinded by your own know-all arrogance.
I await your answer about the blonde question. I really think you'd know that answer. ;)
What a hate...anyway: answer this: Is Iraqi life equal to American life?

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:26 pm

Since it´s pretty pointless, at least from my side, to continue this conversation I will sum up one more time my views on the matter and after that I won´t continue about this topic anymore.

In my opinion capital punishment is wrong and therefore hanging of Hussein was wrong. This makes us the barbarians we are executing and revenge just creates more problems. Those who cannot adjust to our society must be kept under lock and key with the expense of each government, not the taxpayers.

The occupation of Iraq by USA is illegal and must therefore be brought to justice in the International Court in Hague. There is no justification to this war and there is no evidence that supports the invasion. Read the chief arms inspector Hans Blixs´book: Disarming Iraq. The attack did not have UN security counsel mandate, which USA has so far respected.

The role of UN is important and all the countries that have signed the agreement, must follow its rules. This includes especially USA since it has
started to act in a very unpredictable way by attacking Iraq and even making hints that possible invasion of Iran is possible.
It is very dangerous when we step out from democracy and don´t act together as international community against countries that are threat to the civilized, democratic process of humanity. If and when those kind of countries exist, they must be dealt with a common efforts in co operation with United Nations.
If USA thinks it can act in any way it pleases, this will result in consequences that are very bad to it.

That´s all I have to say about this. Now Browneyedgirl can continue with her hair colour and Kokodildos with his support our troops.

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:52 pm

Here is pretty stunning amateur film for those who are interested in what really happened on 9/11: ... g-sl&hl=en

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:02 pm

:lol: You just made my point. When someone does not agree with you, you accuse them of being full of hate when it is YOU who is the guilty party. You have a legacy of that,T-man. ;) A person who is truly tolerant sees both sides of an issue, not just their own side.
And I ws not referring to MY hair color&I think you know that, T-Man. ;)
BTW, those MILFs will await your return. :lol:
And, yeah, Iraqis are as good as Ameicans---what kind of question is that?
Oh, lighten up, Mr. T and have a laugh on me:
Don't take life too serious, especially in matters you have no control over. You will get old before your time. BTW, when/if you retire I suggest you start a prison ministry---you'd make a dandy chaplain with the philosophy you have, but don't bend over!!!!!! :eek:
And you did not answer because most students are proud of the school they attend:
WHAT UNIVERSITY do you go to? I might want to recommend it to someone.
I think it is very easy to see if your posts are full of hate or if mine are. You also really seem to believe I am someone else, that´s weird, I guess you really are paranoid. About the university, I didnt answer because my personal life is none of your business, but I am studying politics at the university of Oslo and I am 24 years old. Weird.

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by browneyedgirl » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:55 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:
:lol: You just made my point. When someone does not agree with you, you accuse them of being full of hate when it is YOU who is the guilty party. You have a legacy of that,T-man. ;) A person who is truly tolerant sees both sides of an issue, not just their own side.
And I ws not referring to MY hair color&I think you know that, T-Man. ;)
BTW, those MILFs will await your return. :lol:
And, yeah, Iraqis are as good as Ameicans---what kind of question is that?
Oh, lighten up, Mr. T and have a laugh on me:
Don't take life too serious, especially in matters you have no control over. You will get old before your time. BTW, when/if you retire I suggest you start a prison ministry---you'd make a dandy chaplain with the philosophy you have, but don't bend over!!!!!! :eek:
And you did not answer because most students are proud of the school they attend:
WHAT UNIVERSITY do you go to? I might want to recommend it to someone.
I think it is very easy to see if your posts are full of hate or if mine are. You also really seem to believe I am someone else, that´s weird, I guess you really are paranoid. About the university, I didnt answer because my personal life is none of your business, but I am studying politics at the university of Oslo and I am 24 years old. Weird.
Sure, anything you say, Mr. Tolerance.
And that threat you made to me in your PM, I don't really care. My life does not center around forums, so you just carry out your threat.
And, as for what really happened on 9/11 were YOU there? Yes, we know about those conspiracy tapes made to try to prove what happened was different. Old trick.
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by NeonVomit » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:35 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:Here is pretty stunning amateur film for those who are interested in what really happened on 9/11: ... g-sl&hl=en
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a load of rubbish.
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:05 pm

NeonVomit wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote:Here is pretty stunning amateur film for those who are interested in what really happened on 9/11: ... g-sl&hl=en
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a load of rubbish.
I think especially the collapsing of the towers and the wtc 7 is weird. I dont buy the substitute planes, but there are some weird things there for sure. And some credible expert testimonies too. Why did WTC 7 (where CIA had offices) collapse and none of the buildings right next to it? At least 5 of them. There are testimonies of officers and firemen who heard and saw explosions on the 7th and 8th floor (the fire was much higher).
This one is even better: ... 3701191665

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by miditek » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:35 pm

browneyedgirl wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:
MetalPlatypus wrote:Here is pretty stunning amateur film for those who are interested in what really happened on 9/11: ... g-sl&hl=en
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a load of rubbish.
I think especially the collapsing of the towers and the wtc 7 is weird. I dont buy the substitute planes, but there are some weird things there for sure. And some credible expert testimonies too. Why did WTC 7 (where CIA had offices) collapse and none of the buildings right next to it? At least 5 of them. There are testimonies of officers and firemen who heard and saw explosions on the 7th and 8th floor (the fire was much higher).
This one is even better: ... 3701191665
:lol: Reading the 'ol Rense site too much, eh? ;)
@NeonVomit, I think we should hear Mr. Platypus out. His credibilty is getting shakier by the minute. After all :D he has freedom of speech. ;) Go ahead, MP, post some more of that conspiracy theory BS---its always good for a laugh&I always want to hear both sides, even if one is totally skewed.

Perhaps WTC 7 was taken down by photon torpedoes that were fired by a cloaked Bird of Prey that was leased to Bush from the Romulan Empire. Traces of anti-matter were found there, so that should be a dead giveaway.

Perhaps MP can then provide us with a link to the sales invoice, although since none of us actually speak Romulan, translations may be more than a bit difficult.
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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:46 pm

It´s a common way to laugh to the conspiracy theories rather than trying to
explain them. Also about 40% of the American people believe that there is more than meets the eye. Of course if you are wearing "support our troops" badge and let nonsense like the "Patriot Act" to give your president and government almost unlimited freedom to do what they want, then you will laugh to the conspiracy theories. So rather than laughing to my questions, explain to me for example how and why did the WTC 7 collapse?

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by browneyedgirl » Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:14 pm

MetalPlatypus wrote:It´s a common way to laugh to the conspiracy theories rather than trying to
explain them. Also about 40% of the American people believe that there is more than meets the eye. Of course if you are wearing "support our troops" badge and let nonsense like the "Patriot Act" to give your president and government almost unlimited freedom to do what they want, then you will laugh to the conspiracy theories. So rather than laughing to my questions, explain to me for example how and why did the WTC 7 collapse?
I guess because the structure was so weak from the impact of the planes that it collaspsed. YOU tell us. And another thing I've wondered about for 10 years---Was David Koresh&Jim Jones really secret members of the CIA, and did the USA government hide them away on a lush tropical island paradise somewhere--along with JFK&Elvis(Man I'd like to go to THAT party!)? Another thing, was Tim McVeigh really an undercover rogue FBI agent who went bad? And, is Hilary really a man under her skirt? :(

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:14 pm

So rather than laughing to my questions, explain to me for example how and why did the WTC 7 collapse?
I guess because the structure was so weak from the impact of the planes that it collaspsed. YOU tell us.
Typical, you don´t know anything about the subject. There was no impact on WTC 7. There were 3 WTC buildings and WTC 7 collapsed several hours after the twin towers. Why that building? Why not the others surrounding it. Maybe you should watch those clips, just to learn the other side´s opinion that you always babble about.

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Re: Saddam's appointment with the hangman

Post by MetalPlatypus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:41 pm

I DID see those clips, and the collaspse of WTC 7 WAS shown on TV when it occurred. Typical--you are like a stuck record about everything. Which brings me circled back to my accusation: If YOU know so much&have all the answers, enlighten us, or STFU about the matter. :roll:
Now, excuse me, I have real life stuff to do-- like make a living.

And, where the Hell is Jimmy Hoffa? ??? :D
Then why are you talking about an impact? And why do you take the subject away from the matter we are discussing about with Jimmy Hoffas etc?
Of course this kind of conspiracy cannot be proven. You think they would leave a trace of evidence? But there are ways to find out things and since even 40% of the Americans believe that something fishy was going on and 65% and increasing is displeased with Bush and since there are so many weird things connected to the events that just cannot happen, it is justified to question the "official explanation" than just blindly accept what you are being fed. With the patriot act the US government can use the most powerful weapon of all to control its citizens: fear.
