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Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:29 am
by stratohawk
I was in Hungary two weeks ago, and watches

SZABADSÁG SZERELEM (in English they gave it the horrible title "children of glory"

IMO it's a masterpiece!! Very good and historic correct film about the revolution of 1956 in Budapest against the Soviets.

BP, Stratobabius, do you know it?

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:29 am
by browneyedgirl
I bought a boxed set of THE SOPRANOS Videotapes 3rd Season for $10.00 at a Dollar Store.
I was reminded why I hated the Sopranos after watching just 1 tape: Violent, anti-female, dysfunctional families abound, disrespectful, breaking every law in the books! I am aware that there are people like that in the real world&I believe The Mob does exist, but still I do not want such Shit rubbed in my face!!!

I'll just give them to my Dad or his birthday. He likes Beavis&Butthead, so I know he likes Tony&the Gang, too! :D

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:12 am
by Carcass
Quantum Leap
They show it on sunday afternoons here. Perfect time for this series.

Maybe Sopranos is trying to be ironic? Don't know, for some reason I never started to watch Sopranos. BTW, they've had some references to Scandinavia: a Freetown Christiania t-shirt and an Ulver poster, they are a band from Norway.

Now I remember, Sopranos was aired the same time as Six Feet Under, which was good.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:57 am
by stratobabius
stratohawk wrote:I was in Hungary two weeks ago, and watches

SZABADSÁG SZERELEM (in English they gave it the horrible title "children of glory"

IMO it's a masterpiece!! Very good and historic correct film about the revolution of 1956 in Budapest against the Soviets.
I rarely watch Hungarian films, but I checked the trailer, and I think it's something my father's gonna like. :)

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:32 pm
by exe knight
I watched this movie "Lötköjen Yö" one night, it was decent horror/action/scifi/fantasy movie, was really old, by the looks of the styles.

I'll give it 70/100

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:29 pm
by Morgana
browneyedgirl wrote:I bought a boxed set of THE SOPRANOS... Violent, anti-female, dysfunctional families abound, disrespectful, breaking every law in the books!
I liked it a lot what it was on TV... Me and my father wantched it together every evening.... :oops: :roll:

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:44 pm
by NeonVomit
Watched The Departed the other day. Good film.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:10 pm
by browneyedgirl
Carcass wrote:Quantum Leap
They show it on sunday afternoons here. Perfect time for this series.

Maybe Sopranos is trying to be ironic? Don't know, for some reason I never started to watch Sopranos. BTW, they've had some references to Scandinavia: a Freetown Christiania t-shirt and an Ulver poster, they are a band from Norway.

Now I remember, Sopranos was aired the same time as Six Feet Under, which was good.
Actually, the female characters of Sopranos are what kept the show from sinkng into the mire completely, IMO.
Edie Falco, who played Tony's longsuffering wife is a class act, and the lady who plays Tony's shrink is way too talented for this role, IMO.
Then, there is Janice, Tony's feisty&chubby sister who had a permanent answer to the domestic violence problem&Tony had a gruesome answer to her answer! :eek: Never a dull moment with Janice around. :lol:
Then, Tony's daughter, Meadow, who grew from a gangly&geeky kid to a very attractive young woman who gave more depth(and sexy trouble)to the show!
Then, there was Tony's Mom, an outspoken lady with a heart of steel(or stone). It was clear SHE was the one pulling the strings in that family--Mob family, I mean! :D The lady playing the character died suddenly&it was felt she was unreplaceable(I agree), so her character died also. After that, the show slowly went to shit, IMO. ???

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:33 pm
by Mormegil
Reminds me of a poor porn-version of Natural Born Killers. Aims to be shocking, but ends up being ridiculous.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:47 am
by Carcass
Miami Vice
Boring, too long, not as tight as Michael Mann's best films. The plot was too usual. Maybe he's loosing his touch. :?

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:12 pm
by Mormegil
Lord Of The Rings -trilogy (extended editions)
This was about the 100th time I watched them and I still love them all.

The Godfather I & II
Classics with acting so great it makes you forget you're watching movies.

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Just hilarious.
"I'm Sorry Wendy, but I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

"Billy Baldwin: Hey Alec, you know what sucks about being a Baldwin?
Alec Baldwin: No, what?
Billy Baldwin: Nothing!"


Also just ordered from
Shawshank Redemption
Bram Stoker's Dracula

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:05 am
by stratohawk
Blood Diamond

I just can recommend this movie. It's hard to describe... But it's a movie for us Europeans and Americans, to wake up and make us looking at conflicts that don't bother us, because they've become so usual.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:42 pm
by stratohawk

hehe, freaky, bloody, fast movie. not bad. 8)

A History Of Violence

yeah, well, dunno... Somehow it didn't have a real climax, it lacks real tension. Story is not bad, but develops somehow disappointing.

American Beauty

a masterpiece. Not much to say about that.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:55 pm
by Carcass
I really liked A History of Violence, how it all developes into a vicious circle. Aragorn did a great performance, I like how he changed his voice. Did you notice that it's actually quite satirical.

Watched Hard Candy the other day. Made me wonder who's the monster, who's the victim? I don't want to reveal too much...

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:58 am
by stratohawk
Carcass wrote:I really liked A History of Violence, how it all developes into a vicious circle. Aragorn did a great performance, I like how he changed his voice. Did you notice that it's actually quite satirical.

Watched Hard Candy the other day. Made me wonder who's the monster, who's the victim? I don't want to reveal too much...
History of Violence. Yeah, I watched it in original language (English ;-)), IMO it's made well, but it lacks some continuous tension. And the developing in the end, I don't really see sense or even a message in it. But anyways, not a bad movie.

Hard Candy. Saw that one a few weeks ago. Well, very "special" film. And obviously, the director plays with the observers's emotions. Who's bad and who's good? Hard candy, yeah, but nice one. 8) Only the young girl's role is IMO not very authentic. I mean not the actor, but what she DOES!

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:22 am
by miditek
Carcass wrote:Maybe Sopranos is trying to be ironic? Don't know, for some reason I never started to watch Sopranos. BTW, they've had some references to Scandinavia: a Freetown Christiania t-shirt and an Ulver poster, they are a band from Norway.
There are also Russian references on the show, in addition to some very interesting Russian characters. For instance, "Pine Barrens", one of the best episodes, is where Paulie and Chris stupidly turn a routine collection from a Russian mafia type named Valery into a hit that goes terribly wrong. While making him dig his own grave, they didn't realize that he was a former special forces commando who then attacks them with his shovel, and then, albeit wounded, makes his escape.

Valery works for another Russian named Slava, who launders Tony Soprano's money. Tony warns Chris on the phone, "He cannot come back to tell the tale. He's your problem, now deal with it."

My favorite lines from the episode:

Tony> (to Paulie via cell phone) "You idiot, Slava told me that he and Valery were with the interior ministry's special forces in Chechnya!"

Paulie> (to Chris) "Holy shit! He said that they were also interior decorators in Czechoslovakia!" :lol:

A lot of Sopranos fans speculate that Valery and Slava, along with the rest of the Russian mob in North Jersey, may return in the final season to take vengeance on the Soprano crew.

(If I had to choose which gang to be in trouble with, I'd much prefer to take my chances with La Cosa Nostra as opposed to ex-Spec Force Russians!) :shock:
browneyedgirl wrote:Actually, the female characters of Sopranos are what kept the show from sinkng into the mire completely, IMO.
Edie Falco, who played Tony's longsuffering wife is a class act, and the lady who plays Tony's shrink is way too talented for this role, IMO.

I think that Lorraine Bracco (Dr. Melfi) is probably the most talented member of the entire cast, but it's good to see her as Tony's psychiatrist.

One of my favorite quotes from Tony to her "I've met someone special that makes me feel better than all of your pills and therapy bullshit combined!"
browneyedgirl wrote:Then, there is Janice, Tony's feisty&chubby sister who had a permanent answer to the domestic violence problem&Tony had a gruesome answer to her answer! :eek: Never a dull moment with Janice around.

Tell me about it. Do you remember an episode where Janice and Svetlana (Livia's housekeeper) were fighting over her record collection? Janice stole Svetlana's prosthetic leg and offered to exchange it for her late mother's record collection. "Don't fuck with the Russians, Janice," Tony warned her. Later on, two Russian goons came in to her house, beat her ass, and then she finally gave back the leg!
browneyedgirl wrote:Then, Tony's daughter, Meadow, who grew from a gangly&geeky kid to a very attractive young woman who gave more depth(and sexy trouble)to the show!

She also had a smart mouth on her. My favorite line:

Carmella> "Are you looking for your father? He's out in the front yard."

Meadow> "What? Burning a cross?"
browneyedgirl wrote:Then, there was Tony's Mom, an outspoken lady with a heart of steel(or stone). It was clear SHE was the one pulling the strings in that family--Mob family, I mean!
For real. How could you not love a mom that- along with her brother-in-law (Uncle Junior) actually puts a hit out on her own son? :lol:

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:32 am
by Carcass
stratohawk wrote:Only the young girl's role is IMO not very authentic. I mean not the actor, but what she DOES!
I agree, the girl's character is way too unbelievabe. This is why I wouldn't give more than three starts to this film.

Yeah, the director is playing with the audience, he makes you feel sorry for the bad guy.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:20 am
by neonlightchild
Apocalypshit...oh, sorry, Apocalypto....

not that good, not that bad... :roll: :)

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:24 pm
by miditek
I recently saw "You, Me, and Dupree" starring Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, and Matt Dillon, at the neighbor's house.

I mentioned to them, "This guy (Wilson's character) is going to remind you of Oliver, your old roommate."

Oliver is a positively hilarious Canadian that now lives in Calgary, and who got his fifteen minutes of fame after landing making an emergency landing of a Cessna airplane in a Winn-Dixie grocery store parking lot!" :lol:

Oliver and his brother James reminded me of Terrance and Phillip from South Park while recounting the incident.

"Why yes, officer, we did have a bit of technical difficulties with the flight, eh?" :lol:

To which the officer replied, "Well, as far as I'm concerned, you're both in deep shit, eh?"

Wilson's character Dupree is a happy-go-lucky guy that is down on his luck and moves in with an old friend that just got married. Then the insanity begins!

It's nearly impossible not to like Dupree's character, as he always means well, even if the married couple wants to strangle him at times- much like my neighbors wanted to do with Oliver. It was almost like deja vu (minus the fire and explosions, of course).

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:14 pm
by stratovana
I saw Eragon in december Great movie.

And I will going to see upcoming weekend a film I've ordered The Last of The Mohicans from 1992 with Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe. This film won an Oscar in 1992. Director and Co-writer is Michael Mann and the story goes about the colonial history from the VS and about the French-Indian war and the love of two people who are in the middle of that war. I saw some trailers and some pieces from that movie on your tube.
The music is excellent!

And oh yes I forgot to mention that this film was based on the novell by James Fenimore Cooper. music by: Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:11 pm
by stratohawk
Basic Instinct I

Deserves to be a classic! Never thought that Sharon Stone could be so fucking HOT!!! :shock: ...and I never saw Michael Douglas acting so brilliantly before.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:38 am
by Shurik
The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen - Brilliant, as almost everything Terry Gilliam has done (except Brothers Grimm maybe, but even it was damn good) ...
Entire first season of Extras - a brilliant comedy. Here's a small example:

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:41 pm
by stratobabius
Who framed Roger Rabbit.
I loved this movie so much when I was a kid. I saw it after 10 years today. Now it's just a good movie. :)

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:24 pm
by HvyMtlClickWitch
Shurik wrote:The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen - Brilliant, as almost everything Terry Gilliam has done (except Brothers Grimm maybe, but even it was damn good) ...
I have heard of that! I really need to see it!

I just saw "Night At The Museum". Damn, it was cute! I spent the whole time expecting for it to start being awful at any moment, but it never did. It was just constantly funny and...surprising.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:29 pm
by stratohawk
Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind

what a wonderful, romantic, weird comedy! Jim Carrey again proves that he is an awesome actor, and not only some fool playing idiotic roles. The cuts in that movie are masterly, very nice cross fadings. If you liked "Being John Malkovich", you must also love this movie.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:32 am
by browneyedgirl
I've been reading about a movie coming in March titled 300 and it seems to be a cross between TROY&GLADIATOR. Might be good. Stars Gerard Butler--the one who played Attila the Hun several years ago, which was a good TV-movie(reminds me--I have it on tape&haven't saw it in awhile).

Oh, and Terminator 4 is coming out soon! :)

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:13 am
by HvyMtlClickWitch
Terminator 4? You've gotta be kidding! When did they decide to make that?? Do we seriously need another Terminator movie?!

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:04 am
by Equinox
browneyedgirl wrote:I've been reading about a movie coming in March titled 300 and it seems to be a cross between TROY&GLADIATOR. Might be good. Stars Gerard Butler--the one who played Attila the Hun several years ago, which was a good TV-movie(reminds me--I have it on tape&haven't saw it in awhile).

Oh, and Terminator 4 is coming out soon! :)
Yeah, good question. They fucked up the series with Rise of the Machines and now a new Terminator? What's next? A sequel to the Chocolate Factory?

300! I've been waiting for it since Millers' Sin City. I'll be the first in line.

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:51 am
by stratohawk
Equinox wrote: They fucked up the series with Rise of the Machines and now a new Terminator? What's next? A sequel to the Chocolate Factory?
Fucked up the series? I enjoyed Terminator III a lot!! IMO it's a good sequel, good action (not only some CGI bullshit), and very nice irony. 8) But a 4th part? Hard to imagine...

Re: Recently seen movies

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:01 pm
by browneyedgirl
stratohawk wrote:
Equinox wrote: They fucked up the series with Rise of the Machines and now a new Terminator? What's next? A sequel to the Chocolate Factory?
Fucked up the series? I enjoyed Terminator III a lot!! IMO it's a good sequel, good action (not only some CGI bullshit), and very nice irony. 8) But a 4th part? Hard to imagine...
I liked T3, too. Wasn't as good as the first 2, but still T3 was pretty good, IMO.
Oh, T4 supposed to take place after the nuclear war up until the machines are defeated. IMO, it all depends on who plays the characters. Movies are usually as good as the actors portray the characters, plus good special effects&action helps out alot, too.

BTW, Arnold is probably only going to have a cameo in T4, but guess what, that was said about T3, too! :D