Nightwish parts ways with Anette

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by adrian9 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:23 pm

Rebel wrote:
Ilsekena wrote: P.S Marylin Manson doesnt ask Rob Zombie to replace him when he's ill. And those names are much, MUCH bigger than your Nightwis.
Rob Halford filled in for Ozzy at Black Sabbath shows, because Black Sabbath is Tony Iommi's band.

Elize Ryd filled in for Anette at a Nightwish show, because A. Nightwish is Tuomas' band, and B. because Anette isn't even a definitive voice for Nightwish
I couldnt said that better myself

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:19 am

indeed...such hatred is incredible for "supporters".
Im shocked from the reaction of the "fans"! Ain't this lacking a bit of respect for a person first of all?? A singer just an empty place in this band. Threw out like unnecessary stuff and "we're all happy now".
"we wish him/her all the best for the future" blablabla...
Now I see its better for Anette to stay away from such "lovely" fans and bandmates..
Who ever said I had hatred for Anette? You said yourself you are not a fan, so I don't expect you to know some of the things that happened before the split. And I do respect Anette, I am just saying that some of the things that she did before the split did make my respect for her go down, for reasons that I will try to explain but do not really expect someone who is not a fan to fully understand.

I said my respect for Anette went downhill because she spent more time on her blog complaining about the other bandmembers. This was not the first time. There were other instances where she complained about them. The way I see it, inner turmoils in a band should not be aired to the public and to the fans; at least not before they are worked out in private. From how she made it sound on her blog, she just used her blog as a place to complain about them, rather than: 1) look at whatever she might have done to contribute to the problem, or 2) try to work things out with them in private. I would say this about anyone who did this to their fellow bandmembers; whether it was Jens posting here at the forum complaining about the other guys (which he would never do!), or whether it was the other Nightwish guys complaining about Anette on their own blogs (which I don't even think they have one, to my knowledge).

Just to name two incidents that happened right before the split, Anette complained about an event that the entire band was invited to and not her. And then again when the director of the upcoming movie had a private screening at her house and she was not invited. Don't get me wrong, she had every reason in the world to feel offended by that. But I think after a while, it became like the boy who cried wolf. She complained so much about trivial things that when the time came for her to have a real legitimate complaint where people would normally sympathize with her and rally behind her, most people were fed up with hearing her complain. This is not only my viewpoint, this is what I heard from several other fans I talked to over the weekend at the shows (and trust me, I am not nearly as brutal as some fans can be!).

Or, as Mormegil put it much more succinctly than I did:
And just my opinion, but if you would rather send hundreds(?) of disappointed fans home than have someone fill in for you, even though you're an upstart in band that the other guys have worked their ass off for years to bring from nothingness to stardom, then you are an unprofessional diva and you can fuck off from the band for all I care.
^This. And it just basically sums up the ways in which I lost respect for Anette. She spent more time throwing a tantrum about "being replaced" than she did being humble or thankful that the show went on and she did not have to come back here 6 months from now to make up one single show.

It's no secret that the band has suffered from communication problems in the past, so Anette probably did try and got tired of trying. But also, I think in the end, touring just got to her. She probably wanted to be home with her baby and got tired of having to be apart from him. I see nothing wrong with that at all. Does that make me less of a "supporter" because I understand if this is the reason why she left? Sure, it sucks that she's gone, but as I said when Tarja was fired, I'd rather that both parties move on separate but happy, then to pretend for the sake of the fans all while hating each other behind the scenes. This is just me. Ideally, I would like if Nightwish stuck with one singer and never had to have lineup changes, but right now that doesn't appear to be the case. I hope whoever they find next will stay put for a long while or at least until the band's career ends. But above all, I hope they will find someone that is not only right for them, but someone they can get along with.

Anette just wrote on her blog that she is fine health-wise, so either she used that as an excuse to gracefully leave the band without the oftentimes rabid Nightwish fans jumping down her throat, or she wants privacy at this time and is not going to tell the public what is really going on. Which I completely respect. Some things in a person's life should be private, after all. Just because I am a fan does not mean I expect them to give me every detail of their lives.

Anyway, last Friday and Saturday I went to the shows in Anaheim and San Diego (it was my birthday last Friday!), and Floor did an amazing job. This is not taking anything away from Anette, because I rather think it's sad how quickly the fans have forgotten about her like she didn't exist. This is not an insult towards Anette, but rather it is praise towards Floor on how quickly she was able to step in and integrate herself into the dynamic without missing a beat (pardon the pun). She missed a few lyrics on "Last Ride of the Day", and the night of the San Diego show she was still rehearsing the lyrics to "Higher Than Hope", but for the most part, I did not feel I was cheated out of anything or feel I got less of a show just because there was a replacement singer. Sure, I wish Anette had been there, but it is what it is. I can't change anything about it.

Funny, Anette made the same analogy on her blog about how people don't step in to replace other musicians, but it happens more often than people would think. Even actors have understudies. Why is it such an offensive idea when musicians do something similar?

Far as I know, Floor is only the replacement singer for the rest of the Imaginaerum tour. She has not been named as a permanent replacement, nor has the band said if they will be looking for a replacement after the tour is over. Quite honestly, this thing with Anette happened so quickly that I don't think they know yet what they're going to do next; just motor on through this tour and get to that bridge when they cross it. In any case, it gives them plenty of time to think about it, and fans are so enamored with Floor right now that many of them are too busy raving over her to worry about who the replacement will be. Which is probably a good thing, considering how many crazy fans sent in demo tapes last time, and speculated that any woman who came within a 100-mile radius of Nightwish was deemed the new singer. :lol:

So if anyone wants to see the pictures I took last weekend at the shows, here they are. Sorry they are so Tuomas-centric on the Anaheim ones, but I was directly in front of him and his were the best shots. I got some good ones of the others, but Floor did not even come to our side of the stage except once the entire night. Anyway, here they are. Enjoy.

Burning Reflection: Sorry I missed you at the show! But I'm glad to hear you made it and had a good time. :D

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by Mormegil » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:09 am

Finally, a proper-quality Jansen video:

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by adrian9 » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:10 pm

i think floor is a keeper !!!

(bad metal joke ahead)

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by Shurik » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:59 am

On a slightly unrelated note - did they stop playing songs from the first three albums? I've seen 10 or so of their most recent playlists and they have songs from Century Child and later albums only.

I mean, a Nightwish show without Wishmaster or Sacrament Of Wilderness? :shock:
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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:21 am

I interviewed Tuomas earlier this year and he said the band all took a consensus that "Wishmaster" would be retired from the setlist for a while, as everyone is sick of playing it. And well, let's face it, Anette couldn't really pull off the songs from those first albums.

Now that Floor is going to be around for the rest of the tour, I have a feeling that more of the older songs are gonna start cropping up from time to time in the setlists. Before Anette left, I know they did do "Come Cover Me" at some of the shows on the Imaginaerum tour.

That is the only thing about Anette I am not sad to see longer will I have to hear her butcher "Wishmaster" any longer! :lol: I was never a fan of her "version" of that song; many of the others she pulled off well, but that was definitely one I was glad to hear retired to the vault for a while. Don't bring it back unless you get a singer who can do it right!

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by Shurik » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:28 pm

Yeah, she was rather bad with the old songs. The worst was probably Sacrament Of Wilderness, as far as I remember from their show here about 5 years ago.
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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:49 am

Yeah, I noticed after that, they shied away from as many AFF to Wishmaster-era songs as possible. Anette did well on "Come Cover Me", and they tried to do "Dead Boy's Poem" at one point also. But "Wishmaster" was definitely one song she could never pull off.

The last Oceanborn-era song she did, to my recollection, was "Walking in the Air" at the final show of the DPP tour. That actually didn't sound so bad. She did a nice job on it. But that song has been rearranged and covered by so many different artists, that it wasn't that hard to rearrange it to suit her vocals.

But ever since Floor got on board, the fact that they've been bringing back songs like "Ever Dream" and "Ghost Love Score", indicates to me that if they keep her on long enough, we might be hearing some of those old favorites make a return to the setlist. If she ends up becoming the permanent new vocalist, we might get a lot of those oldies but goodies on their next tour! Let's hope!

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by NeonVomit » Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:29 pm

Well, so much for that.
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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by Kmasters » Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:23 am

Here's the set the band played in their second show in Mexico from the recent tour

Dark Chest of Wonders
Wish I Had an Angel
Ever Dream
The Siren
I Want My Tears Back
(with Troy Donockley)
(with Troy Donockley)
Last of the Wilds
(with Troy Donockley)
Planet Hell
Ghost River
Over the Hills and Far Away
(Gary Moore cover)
Ghost Love Score
Last Ride of the Day

Thats a Good set if you ask me

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Re: Nightwish parts ways with Anette

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:02 am

I was just about to post this...looks like they heard your pleas, Shurik!

Well, like I said, I had a feeling that now with Floor at the helm, more of the old-era songs would start creeping into the setlist. :D

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