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Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:49 am
by browneyedgirl
icecab21 wrote:no public schools would free up a lot of money and innovation for private schools. a lot of poor would be better served with private schools as private schools would be more interested in giving kids a education and a community.
I don't think a school being private makes them totally immune from school shootings.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:38 am
by icecab21
there is no immunity to anything, lightning kills more people.
there are ways to lower risks, but immunity is not in people's power

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:07 pm
by browneyedgirl
There is a saying that gun lovers like to parrot,"When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." I guess that's true because everyone who owns a gun will be an outlaw then. :lol: And, it will be probably 200 million outlaws running around free toting a weapon.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:24 am
by icecab21
if a suicidal person does not have a gun, that does nothing to prevent them from commiting suicide with explosives, which can be made with common household items.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:03 pm
by browneyedgirl
If Lanza's mama had of had steak knives, or a chopping axe(and no guns) would he have went on a rampage at Sandy Hook school? I don't think so.

I remember 20 years ago when that Waco Cult tragedy happened because the government was rightly trying to confisgate a large number of illegal weapons from the cult compound. Gunlovers were asskissing Koresh to unholy abandon :lol: Almost funny to see if the circumstances had not been so tragic.
I mean it is scarey how fanatic people are when it comes to firearms. I imagine there are untold number of children going hungry because their parents purchase guns instead of food.
I'm not a gun hater, but after seeing the extreme lust people have for these deadly things I almost want to vomit. Hunting is one thing, but being so possessed by something that can kill so easily, it's frightening. The founding fathers of the USA did not have semi-or automatic weapons, glocks, or whatever, in mind when they declared a country should have a well-armed militia. And, militia for those who don't know :roll: means, army.

So, Merry Christmas, NRA. 20 families are living in heartbreak this holiday season indirectly because of you, but I know you fanatics will find an excuse to wipe the blood off your grimy hands--you always do. :roll:

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:20 pm
by miditek
browneyedgirl wrote:If Lanza's mama had of had steak knives, or a chopping axe(and no guns) would he have went on a rampage at Sandy Hook school? I don't think so.

Certainly not- school rampages always require guns. Liberal laws on when and under what circumstances that an adult can be institutionalized for erratic behavior didn't help- as well as having a 'twitchy' son in a house with weapons set the stage for this incident.

Man Stabs 22 Children in China ... china.html

Too bad there are no legally armed citizens in China- a double tap from a Beretta M92 could have stopped that psychopath.

browneyedgirl wrote:I remember 20 years ago when that Waco Cult tragedy happened because the government was rightly trying to confisgate a large number of illegal weapons from the cult compound.

The weapons themselves weren't illegal, an investigation by the local authorities and the ATF indicated that parts had been purchased that could lead to the illegal modification of weapons. That was the basis for the original search warrant.

When the warrant was served, the ATF (which always likes to make a big splash regarding its own activities) were conveniently accompanied by the media, and the entire scene turned into a bloodbath.

Koresh and any of his lieutenants could have easily been picked up for questioning by McLennan County sheriff's deputies during trips into town to Wal Mart, grocery stores, and the like- and possibly defused the situation. But since the ATF's modus operandi is playing Gestapo, that was not likely to happen.

browneyedgirl wrote:Gunlovers were asskissing Koresh to unholy abandon :lol: Almost funny to see if the circumstances had not been so tragic.
Then why use LOL emoticons when talking about this? Is it any less tragic for 19 kids under the age of eighteen that were killed at Waco than the ones that were killed in Connecticut? Did the kids ask to be there? Was it their fault that their parents had been brainwashed by a second-rate Jim Jones?

browneyedgirl wrote:I mean it is scary how fanatic people are when it comes to firearms. I imagine there are untold number of children going hungry because their parents purchase guns instead of food.
What is even more scary is to see how fanatical the Feds were when wanting to make a point that dissent will not be tolerated- any perceived threat will be met with brute force- tanks were on the scene there, as were U.S. Army Special Forces and even British SAS were there. It was also scary that an unarmed bystander got her head blown off (while holding her infant daughter) during the Ruby Ridge incident- and how a trained FBI sniper could mistake a mother holding her child for a combatant holding a weapon.

As far as the argument goes that children go hungry because of parents prioritizing guns over other necessities, that is purely speculative. We had an arsenal at home when I was growing up (as did many other family members and friends) and I never once remember going to bed hungry at any of their houses. There are however, plenty of kids in the projects that go to bed hungry at night while their parents waste money on malt liquor, drugs, iPhones, and $2000 rims to go on their cars.

browneyedgirl wrote:I'm not a gun hater, but after seeing the extreme lust people have for these deadly things I almost want to vomit. Hunting is one thing, but being so possessed by something that can kill so easily, it's frightening. The founding fathers of the USA did not have semi-or automatic weapons, glocks, or whatever, in mind when they declared a country should have a well-armed militia. And, militia for those who don't know :roll: means, army.
You're not a gun hater- you're a people hater. Those that exercise their Second Amendment rights have no place in your Utopian world- one that has never existed nor will it ever exist. The argument that the Founding Fathers never intended for citizens to have semi or automatic weapons is farcical at best since weapons technology did not exist at that level during the time of the revolution.

The Colonists and the British were using single-shot black powder muskets as that was the most advanced small arms available at the time. Militias are not regular Army troops, hence the military term for militias is irregulars. Militias formed an essential part of the Revolutionary Forces and without them, success against the British would have been far more difficult. They also were the pioneers of the guerrilla warfare type of combat that would come to dominate the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries.
browneyedgirl wrote:So, Merry Christmas, NRA. 20 families are living in heartbreak this holiday season indirectly because of you, but I know you fanatics will find an excuse to wipe the blood off your grimy hands--you always do. :roll:
If liberals are looking for someone to blame, then they need look no further than the mirror. If this was as bad as the left claims, then 90-100 million armed Americans would be exterminating the rest that are unarmed on a daily basis.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:26 pm
by browneyedgirl
Whatever. :roll:
In about a year, six months, or even less, another mass shooting will inevitably occur in the USA, and the same debates will begin again.
One argument which cannot be denied by both sides of the debate is the fact that guns and unstable people do not mix. So, if a family has someone who is unstable or even a short temper in their midst they need to get rid of their guns or lock them up very securely. I know some extremists are saying they should just institution people who are unstable but would that include people who are just suffering from extreme depression, bipolar disorders, or borderline mental cases which were locked up forever some 40 or 50 years ago? And, don't forget people with short fuses who are not mental. So, that starts another debate entirely.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:06 am
by Lurdi
It is difficult to know what the correct decision and solution should be. You never know how a person can react in a specific moment and nobody can assure you a teacher, parents or school employees would never act the way that fool did, so locking schools and prohibiting any kind of visitors wouldn't be the reight solution to the problem. Furthermore, let us not forget a school is a school and not a prison.
In my opinion, any kind of weapons should be banned worldwide, although if you really want to hurt someone, you can do it in many ways, with sticks, knives or even stones, no matter how, you will find a way.
There should be stricter controls, like frisking visitors etc.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:52 am
by brought2ubyletterC
Why do schools need random visitors throughout the day anyway? Not that it's a deterrent or would make the school any safer, but no one should be allowed on campus grounds without registering at the front desk and given a pass to be on the school property. It's not foolproof, obviously, but maybe it would cut down on folks just wandering about with no real reason to be there.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:21 am
by icecab21
if someone wants to shoot up a school they can also just wait till recess and driveby or when school ends. plenty of schools can be shot at from someones home

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:14 am
by brought2ubyletterC
Exactly; no matter what we do, if a psycho wants to target their prey badly enough, they will find a way. For every wall or barrier we put up, they always find a loophole. Sad but true.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:20 am
by robocop656
Sounds like icecar is about to be put on the feds' watch list.


Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:10 pm
by Alienred
browneyedgirl wrote: This incident is beyond anyone's realm of understanding.
Terrible tragedy, but i am afraid its just the beginning. :cry:

There will be more in the near future. And with the weather too.
:( :cry: :cry:

It's just a tip of the HUGE melting Iceberg. :cry:
browneyedgirl wrote: there has to be a solution within the moral and spiritual make-up of people.
There is.
browneyedgirl wrote: This is an even harder job to accomplish, and sometimes I, personally think it's starting to be too late.
Not too late.

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:11 pm
by Alienred
robocop656 wrote: Image

Re: The Sandy Hook Tragedy

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:16 am
by browneyedgirl
Sounds like icecar is about to be put on the feds' watch list.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I wouldn't think so! :lol: