Rampage at Ft. Hood

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Rebel » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:50 am

icecab21 wrote:Is miditek even a wasp? I don't think he behaves like a wasp at all. I’ve seen him say he would accept anyone under certain conditions and that’s not wasp at all. I’m not sure if his financial situation is wasp either. His job does not seem very wasp like to me.
You think if all wasps pulled their money out of the market that noone would be affected and that wasps play no part in providing for anyone ?
I’m not sure how you are calling him white trash and a wasp at the same time.
Why would wasp represent white when wasp only accepts certain whites
I think you are looking for a different word or have a different usage of wasp than i am familiar with.
The Wasps do a pretty good job of controlling the white trash from what I've seen.
The problems we're getting into is white semi-elite, and White trash, both voting to keep the White super-elite in power while everyone slides further into poverty.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:16 am

Rebel wrote: Most of the, ABSURD, opposition that Barack Obama is receiving is due to latent racism, hell, there are people, in the united states, that were born when blacks couldn't use the same drinking fountains.
Its all about the concept of "seperate, but equal facilities". White people couldn't use the same water fountains as blacks either... :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2:
Even still we have racist fucks who think its plausible to deport 12 million mexicans
Thinking its plausible to deport illegal immigrants makes someone a racist? It might make them naive at best. I'm not sure why anyone would be against enforcing our immigration policies!

It's the America that believes Christianity and Capitalism go hand in hand, that you can campaign under the cross, cheat on your wife, and say that socialism is a sin,
Poor miditek doesn't even have a wife..just a hot girlfriend. :oops: Give the guy a break! Although I am not a Christian I can easily concede that they are more traditional than most other Americans and probably have stronger family values. I don't think that Christianity and immoral behavior are related but there could be exceptions.. :heil:
...[say that] God hates fags
Why is it wrong to say "god hates fags"? The bible makes it very clear that homosexuality is a sin. It seems that "god hates fags" is not an opinion, but a statement of fact. I guess most people don't interpret the bible so literally. I'm not religious but most Christians that I know are quite moderate and "pick and choose" lessons from the bible that are relevant today, rather than obeying it like they're Newton's laws.

I don't hate gays...but can't think of many manifestations of "god" that don't make their views on the issue very clear.

:sex1: :luvstory:
:luvstory: :sex1:
it's immoral to help those worse off.
...Where have you heard this? Conservatives believe that charitable contributions should be done at the discretion of the individual, not by the executive orders of Mr. Husseinovich. That doesn't mean its immoral to help others!


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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:40 am

AAAAAAAAAA and icecab21 are the two best posters in this thread.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:41 am

rather than obeying it like they're Newton's laws.
I disobey newtons laws all the time.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:50 am

Rebel wrote: It's the concept of the W.A.S.P.
White Anglo Saxan Protestant (Or anti semetic, whichever).Take a look at Miditek, and what he claims to stand for on the forum, in the United States, his ilk are far too overpopulated.

Like anti-Semitic WASPs that support Israel?
Rebel wrote: Most of the, ABSURD, opposition that Barack Obama is receiving is due to latent racism,

So what your saying is that Walter Williams, Michael Steele, Thomas Sowell, Alan Keyes, J.C. Watts, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Linda Chavez, Larry Elder, Ben Shapiro, Paul Greenberg, Harry R. Jackson Jr., Star Parker, Salena Zito, Carl Horowitz, Kathryn Lopez, Armstrong Williams, and Dinesh D'Souza (ALL of which are minorities, ALL of which are opposed to many or all of Obama's policies) are racist and therefore prime candidates for your tar-baby treatment like WASPs are?

I think what the actual truth is, is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are simply parroting what you see on left-wing news outlets such as CNN (Communist News Network.) And believe me, they've done a positively outstanding job at indoctrinating you; making you feel guilty, making you feel ashamed, making you feel like you owe blackie something.
Rebel wrote:hell, there are people, in the united states, that were born when blacks couldn't use the same drinking fountains.
Idiot, there are people in the United States that used to lynch them whenever they stepped out of line-people who's grandparents used to own the grandparents of those that couldn't drink out of water fountains a few decades later.
Rebel wrote:Even still we have racist fucks who think its plausible to deport 12 million mexicans
More Communist propaganda, and really the only argument that morons like you have to offer regarding the problem of 12-20 million illegals in this country, and you repeat it over, and over, and over again- with no variations, with nothing to add. You priss around wagging your fucking finger and blurt out "racist" to anyone that happens to have a different opinion- people that believe in enforcing the law, and protecting our borders.

This is America, not Mexico. These illegals are causing way too many financial, legal, and security problems, and if they can't play by the rules and apply for legal immigration status like everyone else that wants to come here- then fuck them!
Rebel wrote: and then bomb the middle east, "Because we're America, Dammit!"
More propaganda, and still more bullshit. You know excactly why we're there- I don't see you crying about Ahmandinejihad threatening Israel and threatening America- and I have news for you; there are undiscovered tribes in the Amazon that have more than a clue that Tehran is pursuing nuclear weapons to use against who else but Israel?

You don't seem too concerned that India and Pakistan nearly had a nuclear exchange during the administration of George H.W. Bush, or that Saddam waged agressive war with many of his neighbors. I don't see many other countries lining up to bear the brunt of what must be done over there. You probably would have danced in the streets and jumped for fucking joy on 9/11 if you lived in Gaza- but that's another story entirely.
Rebel wrote:It's the "America", that all of Europe likes to bitch about.
Really- who gives a fuck what Europe- the continent that butchered 80-100 million of its own people in the 20th century "thinks"?. (As if they have some sort of monopoly on morality!)
Rebel wrote:it's the America that believes Christianity and Capitalism go hand in hand, that you can campaign under the cross, cheat on your wife, and say that socialism is a sin, God hates fags, and it's immoral to help those worse off..
You've apparently taking art lessons from Neon Vomit-who always preaches about how the world is not black and white, but uses broad strokes when he brushes the canvass- sounds a lot like "all or nothing to me.

You're spewing bullshit that even you knows is not true. Do you think that Job was not a capitalist? Or Moses when he was Viceroy of Egypt? Or Solomon? Or David? You claim that Christians believe that helping others is immoral?

Google Results 1 - 10 of about 1,430,000 for american christian charities

That statistic alone disproves your lie...

Rebel wrote:These sound like European Stereotypes, but there is HUGE portion of the population that is basically so fucked up as to believe what I'm describing.
It's reactionary bullshit, and every day its becoming more of a white stereotype, its disgusting
Here's a European stereotype that is more accurate- whiny pussies that can't ever seem to defend themselves- and run at the first sign of danger. Democracy's not worth defending. Capitalism is bad (how many poor people do you know in the People's Democratic Republic of the Congo that have air conditioning, color televisions, high speed Internet connections, mobile phones, and own their own homes and have cars in the garage anyway?)- and then take a look at what poor people in America have when you compare it to other countries.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeverendingAbyss » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:27 am

:) I just bought a canary :)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?!

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Rebel » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:57 am

Rebel wrote: Most of the, ABSURD, opposition that Barack Obama is receiving is due to latent racism, hell, there are people, in the united states, that were born when blacks couldn't use the same drinking fountains.
Its all about the concept of "seperate, but equal facilities". White people couldn't use the same water fountains as blacks either... :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2: :spin2:
Even still we have racist fucks who think its plausible to deport 12 million mexicans
Thinking its plausible to deport illegal immigrants makes someone a racist? It might make them naive at best. I'm not sure why anyone would be against enforcing our immigration policies!

It's the America that believes Christianity and Capitalism go hand in hand, that you can campaign under the cross, cheat on your wife, and say that socialism is a sin,
Poor miditek doesn't even have a wife..just a hot girlfriend. :oops: Give the guy a break! Although I am not a Christian I can easily concede that they are more traditional than most other Americans and probably have stronger family values. I don't think that Christianity and immoral behavior are related but there could be exceptions.. :heil:
...[say that] God hates fags
Why is it wrong to say "god hates fags"? The bible makes it very clear that homosexuality is a sin. It seems that "god hates fags" is not an opinion, but a statement of fact. I guess most people don't interpret the bible so literally. I'm not religious but most Christians that I know are quite moderate and "pick and choose" lessons from the bible that are relevant today, rather than obeying it like they're Newton's laws.

I don't hate gays...but can't think of many manifestations of "god" that don't make their views on the issue very clear.

:sex1: :luvstory:
:luvstory: :sex1:
it's immoral to help those worse off.
...Where have you heard this? Conservatives believe that charitable contributions should be done at the discretion of the individual, not by the executive orders of Mr. Husseinovich. That doesn't mean its immoral to help others!

The idea that anyone would ever suggest "God hates" is disgusting to me.
If God hated sinners, then what was the whole Jesus thing about?

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:54 am

Yes, we can't call miditek anything near anti Jewish. The man pretty much equates giving bread and medicine to a sick and starving Palestinian child, due to Israel taking over the farmer’s land and food supply, with killing a Jewish child.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Shurik » Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:30 pm

icecab21 wrote:Yes, we can't call miditek anything near anti Jewish. The man pretty much equates giving bread and medicine to a sick and starving Palestinian child, due to Israel taking over the farmer’s land and food supply, with killing a Jewish child.
Please, stop listening to the anti-semitic propaganda about evil Israelis who steal food and land from the peace-loving Palestinians. I live here, I know it's a complete bullshit.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:08 pm

miditek wrote: I think what the actual truth is, is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are simply parroting what you see on left-wing news outlets such as CNN (Communist News Network.)
*Head... about to explode.... too much irony....*
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:23 pm


its wikipedia sure but tell me the real story if the whole page is just one big lie.

Tell me that Israel has not created an economic burden on Palestinians and that miditek and others do not call is terrorism to for people try and help neutralize that economic burdon.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:37 pm

Both Palestinians and Israelis are just as guilty as each other of perpetuating this conflict.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Shurik » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:01 pm

icecab21 wrote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_West_Bank_barrier

its wikipedia sure but tell me the real story if the whole page is just one big lie.

Tell me that Israel has not created an economic burden on Palestinians and that miditek and others do not call is terrorism to for people try and help neutralize that economic burdon.
Is the reason for this barrier on the Wiki page? Does it say that suicide bombings in whole region from Hadera to Tel-Aviv basically stopped after the barrier was erected? If it means my life vs the comfort of the people who try to blow me up, I choose my life.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by miditek » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:33 pm

icecab21 wrote:Yes, we can't call miditek anything near anti Jewish. The man pretty much equates giving bread and medicine to a sick and starving Palestinian child, due to Israel taking over the farmer’s land and food supply, with killing a Jewish child.
More propaganda- one of my favorite charities is the Joshua Fund, set up by the author Joel Rosenberg to provide humanitarian and spritual aid to both sides in the conflict.

Now Israeli Naval Commando 13 recently capturing that weapons-laden ship set to make a delivery to Hezbollah- or perhaps Hamas. That is a different story altogether .
There is a difference. There does not even need to be a blockade at all- but as long as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the rest of the gang want to maintain a perpetual state of a war of terror against Israel, then their is little choice but to maintain it. You can thank the mullahs in Tehran for that- they don't give a shit about what happens to the people in Gaza anyway- they are merely Sunni pawns to the Shi'ite leadership.

On a related note- what have YOU ever done to help a poor person?
Besides, there are tons of UN food supplies that sit and rot on the docks in Africa due to UN incompetence and local thugs, but since those kids are black you must be a racist for not showing any concern for them- as your attention is focused too much on hatred for Israel.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeverendingAbyss » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:30 pm

:) I just bought a cat :)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?!

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:05 pm

This is like watching a car crash in slow motion.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:59 pm

Now miditek has made it sound like in the past that he was saying that any aid whatsoever to any Palestinian is sympathizing with the terror acts that some Palestinians commit. There are some peaceful and some violent, it's not like they come out of their mothers womb with suicide bombs attached.

I don't hate Israel, I don't hate Palestine, and I hate violence on either side.

What have I done to help poor, if going to fundraisers, providing food and education, conversation, letters, and donations count, I have done some?

What’s with the "if a person does not mention all injustice in one post, they must be for the injustice that they don't happen to mention" logic?

That first paragraph was one of the most normal paragraphs I have seen from miditek, and then it just turns into some complete off the mark assumption in the third.

Is the reason for this barrier on the Wiki page? Does it say that suicide bombings in whole region from Hadera to Tel-Aviv basically stopped after the barrier was erected?
Yes, but that does not change the fact of my post saying that Israel created a wall between people and their land and cut down a food supply that they replanted elsewhere. As long as people are free to help the Palestinians economically from this burden without being called sympathizers with suicide bombers, then it seems a fair decision for people to be allowed to give food and medicine.

miditek seems to now be retracting on some of his statements earlier and allowing for people to give equal humanitarian aid without calling them hamas lovers.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by browneyedgirl » Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:14 am

The topic is not racism, Israel, or bashing Miditek; the thread is about the Rampage at Ft. Hood! :D

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... rists.html

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:51 pm

It’s about racism if racism played a part in the shootings. I think USA Middle East policies have a big part here so it is about Israel.

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:02 pm

I think racism had something to do with it, but for someone to revert to that kind of activity I'm pretty sure some mental illness had a lot to do with it.
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeverendingAbyss » Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:59 pm

:) I just bought a dog :)
icecab21 wrote:It’s about racism if racism played a part in the shootings. I think USA Middle East policies have a big part here so it is about Israel.
Right! Most Americans have no idea of what happened in the Middle East regarding US anti-Communist policy in the 50s-80s

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by NeonVomit » Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:00 pm

NeverendingAbyss wrote::) I just bought a dog :)
icecab21 wrote:It’s about racism if racism played a part in the shootings. I think USA Middle East policies have a big part here so it is about Israel.
Right! Most Americans have no idea of what happened in the Middle East regarding US anti-Communist policy in the 50s-80s
DUH we've all seen Delta Force, Death Before DishonOr and Rambo III!
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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:06 pm

always multiple facters. the man had his triggers

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Stratowarius » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:15 am

icecab21 wrote:always multiple facters. the man had his triggers


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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by browneyedgirl » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:38 am

Hassan is awake now, and in stable condition. He can also talk. So, wonder what his story is?

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:30 am


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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Stratowarius » Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:27 am

icecab21 wrote:


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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by icecab21 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:01 pm

7 words, how the fuck can that be too long to read?

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by Stratowarius » Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:30 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: One letter! Tooo long...

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Re: Rampage at Ft. Hood

Post by AAAAAAAAAA » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:18 am

icecab21 wrote:7 words, how the fuck can that be too long to read?

:lol: :lol:
