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Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:37 am
by browneyedgirl
browneyedgirl wrote:Since blogs are popping up all over the internet about this fan casting, I thought I'd get into the act! Its harmless fun, and the real cast won't be chosen for another month, so...........


KHAL DROGO=Rudy Youngblood



LYANNA STARK(NED's Sister)=Mary Kate Olsen





MELISANDRE(The Red Priestess)=Dina Meyer







HODOR=Jonathan Brewer


PRINCESS SHIREEN BARATHEON(Stannis' daughter)=Maisy McLeod-Riera


Well, thats the first batch. Its a BIG cast! :D

here is another link to a nice dream fancast of ASOIAF

At least she and I agree that Matthew McC would make a fine Sir Jaime Lannister! ;)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:00 am
by Avatar Thief

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:23 am
by browneyedgirl
Avatar Thief wrote:what?
Do you subscribe to HBO? This production is one of the most looked forward to series in a very very long time! If anyone likes sword play, drama, with a tad of romance and sex thrown in,in a medieval type of program, I think this series will hit the spot. I am guessing it will be ready to air about September 2010.???

And if the show does not appeal, there is always the books which soar to the top of the book charts the minute they are released.
I have also started to reread them all.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:08 pm
by browneyedgirl
According to reliable websites the HBO cast for the series will be announced soon. There is a rumor afloat that Gillian Anderson has been chosen to play Catelyn, and Anthony McKenna to play Jon Snow, but these ARE just rumors.
What is NOT a rumor is that Dante Nero has had 3 call backs on the Khal Drogo role, however his post on some board said he was going to probably be chosen for one of the Dothraki Bloodriders, which would mean a several season role. Khal Drogo character gets killed off pretty quickly in the books.

Fictional WESTEROS supposedly is a representation of the world.
Here is MY opinion about nationalities, and families represented in ASOIAF.
DORNE:(Martells)Arab, India, Turkish, or maybe, Hispanic or Mexican.
Northern:(Starks, Tullys, Boltons,Manderly, etc.)Ireland, Scotland, UK, or Canada
STORMLANDS(Baratheon, Seaworth): Eastern Europe, Poland, or maybe Germany
VALE(Arryn): Swiss
SUMMER ISLES: Carribean Islands
BRAAVOS: Pacific Islanders, or Japanese
BEYOND THE WALL(Wildlings):Old style Celts
DOTHRAKI TRIBE: Native Americans or Mongols
IRON ISLANDS(Greyjoy)Scandanavian, Viking
TARGARYEN: These people are said to be a race unto themselves with distinguishing features: Silver hair, violet eyes, slim build and all have an inhuman beauty.(Maybe thats why exist so much hate for these people, they are simply very different)
Then there are the Cranomangonen people who are naturally short of statue, but are very intelligent and fight well. Some are psychic. The REED family in these books, for example who live in the Reach(Marshland).

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:46 pm
by Shurik
Yeah, I've always seen the ironmen as Vikings with a different name. Dorne is Martin's version of Spain ... Dothraki - I've always pictured them as Chengis-Khan era Mongols, but turns out that Martin said that they are more like native Americans.

Has someone spilled the Bean(s)?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:03 am
by browneyedgirl
Sean Bean, that is! :D

There are fucking rumors all over the Net that Sean has been chosen to play NED STARK. Now, Sean is NOT my first choice(I picture him as Edmure Tully, exactly)but, Sean is a good actor, and IF he is chosen, he would do a damn good job representing the honorable Lord Stark! If he and Gillian Anderson(another rumor)are playing the couple, then that alone would pull in many, many viewers to this series.
However, this is just a rumor which has spread like wildfire the past day or so. Maybe people are so desperate for casting news they are starting these wishful thinking rumors!
OTOH, many rumors DO turn out to be true! ;)

Jesus! Even the LOLcats are getting into the act! :lol:

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:43 am
by browneyedgirl
1.)  Rhaegar & Lyanna:
One of the most popular theories is that Jon's parents are Prince Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark.  Here is the timeline for what they believe happened:
1.)  Rheagar and Lyanna fall in love  (At the tourney maybe)
2.)  Rheagar "kidnaps" Lyanna
3.)  Rheagar takes Lyanna to the Tower of Joy where they are
        married and Lyanna becomes pregnant
4.)  Brandon Stark finds out and he and his father go to King's
5.)  Mad King Aerys has them killed
6.)  Robert Baratheon then goes to war against the crown
7.)  This forces Rhaegar to leave Lyanna (with three of his
        Kingsguard to protect her)
8.)  Rhaegar is killed at the Trident
9.)  Jon is born
10.)  Lord Eddard goes to fight the remainder of the Kingsguard at
          the Tower of Joy
11.)  When the fighting is done, he finds Lyanna in the Tower dying.
12.)  He promises to take care of her son.
13.)  He sends Jon north, saying that Jon is his bastard, to save him
          from Robert's anger
Parts of the book point fingers towards proving that this theory may be true.  Though, I think that it has been proven that Lyanna and Rhaegar had a child together, it does not prove that this child is Jon.

Here are some passages from the book that support this theory: "I was with her when she died,"  Ned reminded the King.  "She wanted to come home, to rst beside Brandon and Father."  He could hear her still at times.  Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses.  Promise me, Ned.  The fever had taken her strength and voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes.  Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightl her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black.
                                                          A Game of Thrones
                                                           p. 35   This passage speaks of a promise Lyanna asks of Eddard.  It seems very important to her.  More important than just having her bones returned to Winterfell.  Here is the first mention of roses in the book (perhaps those the Rhaegar gave her).    "Robert will never keep to one bed,"  Lyanna had told him at Winterfell, on the night long ago when their father had promised her hand to the young Lord of Storm's End.  "I hear he has gotten a child on some girl in the Vale.  ...he had assured her that what Robert did before their betrothal was of no matter, that he was a good man and true who would love her with all his hear.  Lyanna hed only smiled.  "Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature."
                                                     A Game of Thrones
                                                     p. 318  
Lyanna knows that Robert will never be faithful to her.  Rhaegar on the other hand was not the type of man that would go out whoring.  Perhaps, then, Lyanna found in Rhaegar a faithfulness that she would never get out of Robert....but Ned Stark kept his vows.  He thought of the promises he'd make Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he'd paid to keep them.
                                                  A Game of Thrones
                                                  p. 318  
What price did Eddard have to pay for keeping Lya's secret?  The loss of his honor from claiming a bastard?...he could hear screaming.  "Eddard!"  she called.  A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death.
     "Lord Eddard,"  Lyanna called again.
     "I promise,"  he whispered.  "Lya, I promise..."
                                                   A Game of Thrones
                                                    p. 355  
Another reference to blood.  Perhaps it's the blood from a difficult delivery that would end up killing her.  And, again, another reference to blue rose petals....Last of all, he came to the tomb where his father slept, with Brandon and Lyanna beside him.  "Promise me, Ned,"  Lyanna's statue whispered.  She wore a garland of pale blue winter roses, and her eyes wept blood.
                                                   A Game of Thrones
                                                   p. 419   Why would Lya's statue be weeping?  For the death of Rhaegar?  Or for the loss of her son?...Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty's laurel in Lyanna's lap.  He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost.
     Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals the thorns lay hidden.  He felt them clawing at his skin, sharp and cruel, was the slow trickle of blood run down his fingers, and woke, trembling, in the dark.
     Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood.  She had loved the scent of winter roses.
                                                 A Game of Thrones
                                                  p. 526   Rhaegar must have know of Lyanna's love for winter roses.  He probably arranged for the queen of beauty's laurel to be made of blue winter roses.  This passage indicates that her death had something to do with Rhaegar.

2.)  Eddard & Lyanna
This theory has been proposed on the internet, though I think that it is highly unlikely.  Lord Eddard was much too honorable for such an act, but there are some indications that Jon is his.
They are:...He had a Stark face if net the name:  long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away.  Whoever his mother had been, she had left little of herself in her son.
                                                  A Game of Thrones
                                                  p. 103  
This is perhaps the only indication that Jon is Eddard and Lyanna's son.  More likely, it was just that the Stark genes prevailed against the genes of the mother, not that Ned and Lya had an inscestuous relationship....Riding through the rainy night, Ned saw Jon Snow's face in front of him, so like a younger version of his own.  If the gods frowned so on bastards, he thought dully, why did they fill men with such lusts?
                                              A Game of Thrones
                                              p. 319   This seems like proof that Jon is Eddard's.  Though, maybe, it's ons of his brother's son and he's just making a general comment.

3.)  Benjen & ? :
This is another weak theory (in my opinion).  And there is really one passage that has anything to do with it.
Here it is:    ..."you are a boy of fourteen,"  Benjen said.  "Not a man, not yet...If you know what the oath would cost you, you might be less eager to pay the price, son."
     Jon felt the anger rise inside him.  "I'm not your son!"
     Benjen Stark stood up.  "More's the pity."
                                                      A Game of Thrones
                                                       p. 46   l. 36This really isn't much proof, but it is just a theory.

4.)  Brandon & Ashara Dayne
This theory is my personal favorite.  Probably because it is the least expected.  And with George R. R. Martin, it quite possibly, will be the least expected theory that wins.  The timeline for this theory goes like this:
1.)  Brandon falls in love with Ashara
2.)  They bribe a septon to marry them
3.)  Ashara becomes pregnant
4.)  Brandon returns home intending to tell his family of his marriage
5.)  Lord Rickard tells him of the arrangement between him and Catelyn
6.)  Brandon goes to Riverrun to break off the engagement
7.)  Instead he duels with Littlefinger
8.)  He leaves, more confused than ever,
9.)  He finds out about his sister's "abduction"
10.)  Brandon and his father go to King's Landing where they are killed,
11.)  Eddard marries Catelyn
12.)  Eddard takes part in the war
13.)  He goes to the Tower of Joy to fight the remnants of the Kingsguard
14.)  He deals with Lyanna
15.)  He returns Arthur Daynes sword to Ashara
16.)  She gives him her son Jon to take care of and kills herself
17.)  Eddard sends Jon north saying that he is his bastard (to preserve his
          brother's honor)
This theory concers with the Lyanna and Rheagar theory, only Jon is not their son.  Lya and Rheagar's son was probably sent elsewhere to protect his identity (Greywater Watch - another theory)

There should be some clarification. Prince Rhaegar was already married(to Elia Martell)when he met 16 year old Lyanna Stark. The Targaryan family believes in polygamy, even if they rarely practice it. However, when the Prince met the pretty and wildspirited Lyanna he fell hopelessly in love with her. And she with him.
So, as love leads people sometimes to do impulsive&silly things, Lyanna and Rhaegar eloped, and since Rhaegar knew what bad fallout would come forth from this bigamious union, he hid Lyanna away in the Tower of Joy, on the border of Dorne. Lyanna was already engaged To Robert Baratheon of the very powerful Baratheon family, and oaths like this when broken are not taken lightly.
Indications are Rhaegars wife, Elia, might have actually encouraged this polygamous arragement, or at least she did not give a fuck. Dornish people seem to be openminded sexually, so Elia probably tolerated her husbands second marriage to the Lady Lyanna.
However, this indiscretion as acceptable as it was to some parties, was a total outrage to others and resulted in one of the bloodiest battles in Westeros(Roberts Rebellion), and would have an domino effect leading to many other tragedies down the road. All because an egomaniac named Robert Baratheon could not stand to be rejected by a woman, a woman who in reality could not stand him.

Yes, I know. Sounds very similar to the tale of Helen of Troy, but in a medieval setting. ;)


Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:35 am
by browneyedgirl

He played in Still Standing which was a comedy that ran on CBS for several seasons, and still shows in reruns. I think he has been in a few movies, too.
Not my first choice, but he fits the role, fat and funny like King Robert Baratheon the character. :D He will probably do very well.

BTW, the guy rumored to play Joffery was not selected in the end after all. Viserys, Joff, and Jon are being played by unknowns. But the rumor about Sean Bean is not a rumor, he IS going to play Ned Stark! Cool! :bigok:

OK, rather than start another post Ill just add the links to the guys who are playing Jon Snow, and Viserys, the Beggar King.

VISERYS: Harry Lloyd Played in a few episodes of Doctor Who.

JON SNOW: Kit Harington An unknown. I think he actored in a stage production or two, though. ... 7K4Fyd.jpg

I have not got a recent pic of JACK GLEESON, who plays Joffery Baratheon. He was the kid in Batman Returns in 2005. I am not sure but I think Jack is Brendan Gleesons son. ???

More announcements of more cast members will be made very soon! ;)


Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:13 am
by browneyedgirl
Jennifer Ehle

She has done some acting work, and she is comfortable doing nudity. So, Jennifer should play the role of Lord Ned Starks wife very well.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:03 pm
by Shurik
The casting is perfect so far.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:52 pm
by browneyedgirl ... ery_21.jpg

Another link to Jennifer pic. She is a very attractive(IMO)strawberry blonde. Almost too attractive to play Catelyn. Jennifer, as far as looks go, could play Cersei. But, Jennifer is the girl next door type actress, it seems. She has a very impressive resume, and has even won some awards!
Jennifer is a Southern USA girl from the Carolinas. She is 40 years old, married, a mom of 2 children. Her mother is Rosemary Harris, an actress, and since one of Jennifers parents is British, she travels between 2 countries and can speak both British and Southern USA accents fluently!
So, another seemingly perfect casting choice for The Game of Thrones! ... ery_18.jpg ... ery_27.jpg

Very pretty woman.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:33 pm
by Shurik
Back to the books - I'm reading them for the second time and they are even better than on the first read. So much small details and hints at future events, it's amazing.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:20 am
by browneyedgirl
Well, GRRM has announced that Dany and Jaime have been cast, but he is not allowed to say WHO until next week, even if he knows WHO is not certain.
GRRM hinted that Dany might be an Aussie.
So, next week maybe more casting news! ;)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:40 pm
by Shurik
Well, George Martin knows at least 6 more castings, he can't say who they are and he throws all sorts of vague clues that lead nowhere. The fandom is insane with impatience :) He is an evil man.

I wonder what would happen if LOTR would have been made about now. The internet would probably explode from all the discussions, predictions, flame wars over the castings and such ...

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:41 am
by browneyedgirl
:lol: Man, the Winter Is Coming Blog, and the main Westeros Forum has been really, really busy the past week! I tried to figure out those clues but it all tends to go in circles! :lol: One of my guesses to play Ceresi was Milla Jonovich(whatever), the girl who played the Fifth Element back in the 90s. lol: Yeah, that was waaaaaaaay out there, stupid, but GRRM is so vague in his clues. After we all are told, we will probably exclaim WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!!!!!! :lol: I think now the theory is Elizabeth Banks(?) to be Ceresi, Tazmin Merchant(?) to be Dany, Toby Stephens is Jaime(?), and Alfie Allen(?) to play Theon. I googled all these guesses and yep, they all look the part, but so could hundreds of others! :D

HBO are a bunch of sadists! :lol:

WAIT a sec! GRRM said he was going out for coffee and a Danish........Is THAT a clue? ???
Could Cersei be played by Connie Neilsen, or Jaime by Nickolaj Coster Waldau???? Thats Danish!

GRRM and his clues! BAH! :D

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:34 am
by Shurik
GRRM and his clues! BAH!
On his blog he said that some people were actually right or very close with the guesses. Of course, he didn't say who was right or with which guess ...

But nevermind that, I want him to finish A Dance With Dragons already! There are summaries of few chapters on forum that make me want this book even more ...

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:17 am
by browneyedgirl
I looked at the Esquire Hot Women list and some of the Ceresi like women included Elizabeth Banks, Kathryn Morris, Leelee Sobieski, Liv Tyler, and Gretchen Mol, etc. Gretchen, I have to say, looks very Ceresi, but I do not think she is in the running. ??? So does Kathryn look like a Ceresi, and she is very bitchlike, but she is still on Cold Case. Maybe EB is the one? ???

GRRM clarified another clue. He said the clue about roses is from Romeo&Juliet, so someone cast in GoT maybe had been in a stage or TV production of R&J at sometime? ???

Yes, I will be so glad when DwD comes out. :)

And, I hope all the fans do not go this wild everytime a cast release is done! :lol: I mean, we might be looking at up to 7 seasons if this series is a success! And I do hope it will be! :)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:12 am
by browneyedgirl
Another casting mystery has been given by HBO for GoT. A knight. And GRRM has given some clues that are strange.........the knight played by someone who was a king in Kingdom of Heaven. People have said (guessed) it was Iain Glenn who had about 2 lines as Lionheart. And, Martin Csokas who played the dumb King Guy. But what about the guy who played Saladin? He would fit the Jorah character as described in the books. And, David Thewlis played a King, just not in Kingdom of Heaven. He would fit, also. Velibor Topic resembles Jorah the character, too in some ways. These guesses are for the Knight Ser Jorah Mormont.
Then, there is Ser Rodrik, who might be the night being cast. ???

I just wish HBO would hurry and announce the cast! :lol:

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:15 pm
by Shurik
Please, don't start that "analyze the vague hints" game that goes on on every ASOIAF board and blog. I've read enough of those on WiC blog :)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:35 pm
by browneyedgirl
Shurik wrote:Please, don't start that "analyze the vague hints" game that goes on on every ASOIAF board and blog. I've read enough of those on WiC blog :)
I know! I go on those blogs just once a day, and thats enough! :lol:
Just wait and see. The people cast will probably be people that the fans have never seriously thought of. :) GRRM pretty much said that himself!

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:31 am
by browneyedgirl
HBO appoints subjects to 'Thrones' ... 3b4bb8e30e

Fine with me! :) I will post pic links later!

The article:

HBO appoints subjects to 'Thrones'
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau joins Sean Bean in pilot
By James Hibberd
HBO is filling out the cast of its fantasy pilot "Game of Thrones" with the addition of former "New Amsterdam" star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and several others.
The group joins the previously cast lead Sean Bean as battle-weary Ned Stark, who leaves his home to serve the king. Mark Addy, Kit Harrington, Jennifer Ehle, Jack Gleeson, Peter Dinklage and Harry Lloyd also star.
In the adaptation of the George R.R. Martin fantasy-book series, Coster-Waldau will play Jaime Lannister, one of the king's guards and a ruthless usurper of the previous king. The actor, most recently seen in Ron Moore's Fox pilot "Virtuality," is repped by WME, Impression and Independent Talent Group.

Another addition is Tamzin Merchant (Showtime's "The Tudors"), who'll play Daenerys, an exiled teenage princess.

Also new to the cast: Richard Madden ("Hope Springs") as Stark's eldest son, Robb; Iain Glen ("Into the Storm") as Ser Jorah Mormont, a disgraced knight; Alfie Allen ("The Other Boleyn Girl") as Theon, Stark's young ward; Sophie Turner ("Doctor Who"), as Stark's eldest daughter, Sansa; Maisie Williams as Stark's young tomboy daughter, Arya.

The group joins the previously cast lead Sean Bean as battle-weary Ned Stark who leaves his home to serve the king, Mark Addy, Kit Harrington, Jennifer Ehle, Jack Gleeson, Peter Dinklage and Harry Lloyd.

HBO still has a few more roles to fill in the large ensemble cast of "Thrones," one of the more buzzed-about titles on the premium network's development slate. The pilot shoots in Ireland in October.
David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Guymon Casady, Carolyn Strauss, Vincent Gerardis and Martin are executive producing.


 RICHARD MADDEN(Robb Stark) ... Madden.jpg
WOW! Very nice looking! No wonder he was on Esquire magazines hot list! Hopefully he is as good an actor. When the Red Wedding happens, alot of hearts will be broken! :cry:

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:47 pm
by Shurik
There's no chance HBO won't pick this show up. It's a done deal, I say, with the amount of the talent involved.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:38 pm
by browneyedgirl
Shurik wrote:There's no chance HBO won't pick this show up. It's a done deal, I say, with the amount of the talent involved.
Looks into crystal ball:
Yes, I see 7 hit HBO seasons(at least), epic DVD sales, and soldout merchandise, especially mugs, Tshirts, and mousepads!
I am very serious when I say that.
Already it has been foretold GoT(the Ice and Fire series)just might be one of the biggest awaited, and then, watched series in TV history. I do not think that is exaggerated.
And, the cast is only half filled! :)

I wish Robert Young(Marcus Welby)was still alive. He would make a great Maester Luwin. Of course, RY would be about 100 years old now :D but, he was Irish, and he had that type personality that would have made a terrific Maester Luwin. Thats just my opinion, of course! :)

I do not care what some think, but IMO Tamzin is an attractive girl and will make a fine characterization of Dany. I can hardly wait for that scene where she tells Ser Jorah to take a hike! :lol: Of course, that will be 3 seasons down the road. :)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:53 am
by browneyedgirl
OK, is this The Hound, Sandor Clegane?
If so I guess they will have to beat him very hard with an Ugly Stick because Rory is not houndish to say the least! :lol:
Good actor though, and large in size like the character he might play.
The hound is green? Rory is a member of the Green Party! ;)

Nice looking fellow to play such a beast! :D
Actually, all of the folks cast so far are very attractive. Lets hope they can act as well as they look! :)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:50 am
by Shurik
browneyedgirl wrote:Image
OK, is this The Hound, Sandor Clegane?
If so I guess they will have to beat him very hard with an Ugly Stick because Rory is not houndish to say the least! :lol:
Good actor though, and large in size like the character he might play.
The hound is green? Rory is a member of the Green Party! ;)

Nice looking fellow to play such a beast! :D
Actually, all of the folks cast so far are very attractive. Lets hope they can act as well as they look! :)
He played in Hot Fuzz, he was the big retarded dude who said Yarp and Narp a lot :) Apparently, he was also in Alexander and considered a very good actor in general.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:50 am
by browneyedgirl
:err: The situation at Winter is Coming blog, and the Westeros Forum is getting more soap operaish every day, but its almost comical! Some folks are promoting a Sansa/Sandor romance. :lol: Actually, I thing the Hound sees Sansa like a replacement daughter, and maybe Arya, too.
It was not revealed until AFfC that Sandor had a wife and daughter in the past who were killed. I think GRRM will backstory that at some point because many ASOIAF fans really like the Hound, and that is something to be curious about, I mean a tragedy like that probably shaped the Hounds character to what it was in the story.

I think the Killer Bitch has been cast!!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:18 am
by browneyedgirl

Oh, those hauntingly beautiful green eyes!!! :D
All hints point to the very attractive Lena Headey to play Cersei Lannister Baratheon in The Game of Thrones, and personally, I hope so! :jump: She can play bitchy as her stint as Sarah Connor proved, she can be cold, yet also sexy and sweet. So, I hope its true that Lena got the job as the possible newest award winning villianess on TV!

>sigh< Yes, her hair will have to be dyed blonde. Lena has no qualms about doing nudity, however.

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:26 am
by Shurik
Excellent choice! She goes from playing a noble queen in 300 and a mother of the savior of mankind in Sarah Connor Chronicles to playing an evil bitch and a mother to a completely insane teenage king. This should be fun :)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:08 am
by browneyedgirl
Shurik wrote:Excellent choice! She goes from playing a noble queen in 300 and a mother of the savior of mankind in Sarah Connor Chronicles to playing an evil bitch and a mother to a completely insane teenage king. This should be fun :)
If Lena can pull this off she deserves an award! :lol: :bigok:

Seriously, the Twins will not look very much like twins. ??? I mean, in the books Jaime and Cersei were almost identical looking. This is going to call for a very talented makeup crew! :err:
Still, the cast is good, and I hope the pilot goes over well so the series will get picked up!

Oh, the insane teenage king:
He just HAS to be Brendan Gleesons son, the resemblance is there! :lol:
People have really been ripping this kid apart, but this is an older pic, I think, and he looks as if he just got back from a tough soccer game! :lol:
Well, he does look the part so I think he shall pull off the part of the little Mad King very well! ;)

Re: HBO is going to adapt George Martin's Game Of Thrones

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:26 am
by browneyedgirl
The right makeup and hairdressers should do it! I have to say, she does make a beautiful Cersei in this photoshopped pic!

Speaking of Brendan Gleeson I would love to see him in this series! Also: Jason Isaacs, Eva Green, Rufus Sewell, Colm Feore, Julia Binoche, Angela Lansbury, Judi Dench, Jeremy Irons, David Thewlis, Martin Csokas, Monica Bellucci, Daniel Benzali, Lance Hendrickson, and even Orlando Bloom as a cameo for Prince Rhaegar(sorry, but I always picture OB in that role). Well, there are many I would like to see act in this series, I got my dream cast fullfilled somewhat in Lena, just in a different character! :)