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Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:23 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Poor stranger!
Stranger: This all better have a point or I will be super pissed off!
:lol: :lol:

Excellent story. As I was reading it I also felt the intense pressure the stranger must've had.

Another one-
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: what?
You: why did Pekka Nurmi return?
Stranger: cuz he is very real
You: Fuck!
You: Everything was fine, until he showed up
Stranger: thats not nice for the people who actually go onto this website for good chatting and fun conversation
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Omegle is serious business :lol:

Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:10 pm
by JensJohansson
It appears you all have gone bat-shit insane again!

I am very amused by this thread :lol:

Khello!! I'm gonna crawl back into my feces-brown box now.. bye Pablo!!

Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:13 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
Even Jens says Bye to Pablo~! :shock:
I have a new one-
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I'm infected with E-HIV
Stranger: for real?
You: :(
Stranger: how'd dat happen
You: It's a virus. Make sure you don't talk to anyone online that has E-HIV....
You: Oh.. wait...
You: NOW!!!!
Stranger: its okay i took the swine flu immune injection
Stranger: sure it works
Stranger: besides my proxxies are many
You: :)
Stranger: you shouldhave worn a firewall
You: I have one
You: but Pekka Nurmi jacked my computer
You: Do you think Pekka Nurmi should have stayed in the Russo-Finn border?
Stranger: i liek the mudkips
You: He returned... with a message
You: Apparently thanksgiving dinner was where it all started
You: and his many goats
You: and the ugly bird
You: I feel the A-Family will split up
You: How can I stop this from happening? :(
Stranger: get the A-Team involved
You: You see, that is the thing
You: the A-Family knows nothing about the A-Team
You: if we involve them, there will be confusion
You: too many As everywhere
You: AAAAAAAAA is really angry
Stranger: oh shi... i think someone is breaking into my apartment
Stranger: shhhh
You: call that person a hircismus!
Stranger: shut the fuck up man
Stranger: i think its a nigger
You: You think?
Stranger: its dark and i can't see anyone
Stranger: must be a nigger
You: :rotflmao1: (for the forummers, I typed the actual code for that emoticon)
You: sorry about that
Stranger: okay
Stranger: you a dude?
You: I am the NeverendingAbyss
Stranger: sweet
You: I don't really know
Stranger: i am falcor
You: Great! Can you hunt down some of the goats? I think they are armed
Stranger: i am a fictional character, i cannot hunt
You: then what do you do?
Stranger: thrill in dreams of youth
You: Oh yes! Can you get into Icetray's dream and give him a good scare?
You: He is the one who called Pekka Nurmi
Stranger: i don't scare, i make children happy and fill their hearts with songs and rainbows
You: Oh, no!
You: In that case, can you do that to Pekka so he can be happy and leave us alone?
Stranger: of course
Stranger: i would be honored
You: Thank you!
You: One last thing
You: ...
You: Could you tell that Ukrainian to not smash board to pieces anymore?
Stranger: ok
You: We lost 8 already
Stranger: yes not many left in country
Stranger: must conserve presciouse keyboards
You: But don't talk bad of Ukraine, don't even say that country is a joke! Or else! He will smash your board!
Stranger: FALCOR!!! AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:29 pm
:lol: :lol: :lol: This is your thing Nea!! Your genius is blooming.


Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:33 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
:) Oh no! I am no comedian. I am just an imitator!
:lol: :lol: :rotflmao2: :rotflmao1: :jump2: :laff: :laff: :umbrella:

Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:39 pm
I was running a little low on ideas this morning...its hard to be original. I tried something different this time. Eh, it was ok. :lol:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Good afternoon. May this conversation infuse your soul with purity and light.
Stranger: Mmmmm... Salutations
You: How are you doing this afternoon? I urge you take a deep breath and relax. It feels good to be alive! The Lord is watching over thee.
Stranger: I love jesus
You: God bless you.
Stranger: And you too.
You: Is there something that is troubling you today? Perhaps we may discuss these matters as gentlemen and arrive to some form of higher understanding.
Stranger: I'm a gentle woman.
You: Is that so? May I please ask you a question, fairest lady?
Stranger: Please do.
You: Is it possible that in the midst of this conversation, I have evolved into a completely different animal entirely?
Stranger: Perhaps
You: I have reason to believe that I have become a rhino. I am extremely horny!
Stranger: Ba dum CHH
You: Please speak English. This is AMERICA.
Stranger: Fool, those are the drum sounds that follow a bad joke
You: Why do you say I am a fool? I am your elder and I demand your unconditional respect. Do you know who you are speaking with today, child? I am a reverend and am well regarded in my congregation. I suggest you watch your language.
Stranger: Boo
You: Excuse me? Would you care to revise that statement?
Stranger: Get a life
You: Well I NEVER!
Stranger: LOL
You: I ask you yet a second time to discuss with me in English. We are in the greatest country on gods green earth, after all.
Stranger: I'm kidding around, kind stranger
You: The time for humor has passed. You must cleanse your soul. You need purity.
Stranger: I AM kinda thirsty..
You: Oh, let me see...
You: Ahh yes!
You: Ba dum CHH
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:00 pm
Even I had a try! :viking:
Stranger: hi
You: Hello, I am Priapus. Want to see a pic?
Stranger: sure,
You: ... apus_2.jpg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:39 am
by thefreeone
4939 users onlineYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hi
You: hoe
You: ?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from?
You: male or female?
Stranger: F
Stranger: u?
You: m
You: where u from?
You: and whats ur age?
Stranger: im a japan
You: konichiwaaaa
Stranger: you spainsh?
You: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: si soy spanish
You: de ecuador
You: age?
Stranger: 18
Stranger: do you talk the korean?
You: yeah
Stranger: 안녕하세요
You: totriwaastyamto mukiri tulpi askaray tichino kuriyawa
Stranger: okok
Stranger: you picture
Stranger: i see?
You: no you are a stranger my mom told me not to show my pictures tu strangers
You: and your picture?
Stranger: Et would see?
You: what?
You: send me your picture!!!!!!!!!!11
Stranger: your picture Et would see?
Stranger: Et would see?
You: Et?
Stranger: I was just wondering
You: you were wondering what?
Stranger: Please link to the walking
You: if you could see my picture? you wouldn be able too see it
Stranger: Sign up as a link
Stranger: Sign up as a link
You: no you walk it
You: no you
Stranger: im not have picture
You: and you dont know how to speak in english!
Stranger: sorry
You: neither write
You: do you want to suck my dick?
Stranger: I can not speak English fluently
Stranger: no
You: why?
Stranger: I do not want to eat your vagina
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: Off
Stranger: Off!
You: but i dont have a vagina
You: i have a dick
Stranger: I am very hwanateo
You: and i want you to lick it
Stranger: You very dirty
You: you are very what?
You: no im really clean... i've got a hower an hour ago
You: shower*
Stranger: But I want to have sex with you
You: hwanateo?
You: ok lets have sex
You: send me a picture of you naked
Stranger: nono
Stranger: you first
You: no
Stranger: I do not have nude photos
Stranger: You can shoot me first raise the excitement to satisfy sikimyeon.
You: then take a picture now
You: what is a sikimyeon?
Stranger: 'sikimyeon' is what??
You: que?
You: jaja
Stranger: jaja is what?
You: i dont know waht is a sikimyeon?
You: haha is like i want to make tit fuck!
You: jaja*
Stranger: If you heungbunsikyeobwa me first
You: what the fuck is heungbunsikyeobwa?
Stranger: Soon my breasts and genitals, I'll send pictures
You: no if you want to have sex send me your pictures first
Stranger: I masturbate if you have such a man You want to download photos
You: i really dont understand anything
You: you are a whore
Stranger: I have a penis like a man in a long, wide chest
You: don't you?
You: so you are a man?
You: you have a dick?
Stranger: No, I am a student in Japan is
You: hahaha i didn't ask you if you were a student i asked you if you are a man or a woman
Stranger: I'm always wet, my quality
You: answer my question you korean slut
Stranger: You're like the biggest piece on your finger!!!!
Stranger: Son of a bitch you're fucking mess
Stranger: You have the least thing happens
Stranger: Bullying as a child
Stranger: Do guys like other guys hwolssinna
You: ok stop using the translater
You: translator
Stranger: I'm much more than you'll make a guy meotitneun
You: ok "f"
Stranger: The dirt on your finger, you guys
Stranger: You'll probably be fat

Stranger: Penis erection that will give impact pulrigetji

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: hio
You: ahaf
You: hgafdg
You: afd
You: hgadjadg
You: agwer
You: t
Stranger: KRIS IS THAT U?
You: a<ejhaet
You: jazef
You: gae
You: htaet
You: jaet
You: aersg
You: asfg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:24 pm
by Arkash
You: Hi!
Stranger: i m looking for a horny girl
You: Als?
Stranger: m 18 us
Stranger: urs?
You: M 19 France
You: ...

People dont like France! ^^
Stranger: hi asl?
You: 19 M france
You: you?
You: Hi als?
Stranger: male or female
You: Male
You: you?
You: Hi
Stranger: Are you from Equitorial-Guinea?
You: Nope
Stranger: damn
You: You are?
Stranger: no one is
Stranger: :(
Stranger: nope
Stranger: I'm from the Western Hemisphere
You: Arf, sorry for yiu? i'm from france!
You: Ok
Stranger: what part of France?
You: South
Stranger: the good part?
You: Yeah, I think you can say that!
Stranger: a lot of my family speaks français
You: Great!!!!!!
Stranger: they are quebecois
You: Ok
Stranger: that's all I have to say about it
Stranger: I'm from San Diego
Finally met someone nice:
You: Hi als?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: f/17/eng
Stranger: u?
You: M/19/France
You: the first girl I meet on this site
You: there's only horny guys
You: that's boring! ^^
Stranger: i sick of being asked for a picture
Stranger: you're not gonna ask for one are you?
You: No, I dont think so
You: Not really interested
You: Just here to spend some times
You: And have fun
Stranger: So you got someone special in your life or are you flying solo?
You: You got a, just kidding! ;)
You: Solo
Stranger: lol
You: To my great regret
You: And you?
Stranger: Solo
You: Yeah, kidda sucks, eh?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: So what's your name?
You: Aman
You: yours?
Stranger: That's a nice name. Mine is Kate :)
You: Nice, I love that name!!!!
You: Altough I always thought Luna was the most beautiful girl name ever!
You: But that's just...fantasm I think! ^^
Stranger: So what kind of music are you into?
You: Metal...
You: You?
You: (I know it disturb people usually but all the Metalheads, Metal is life! ^^)
Stranger: Metal is cool. I prefer rock and my favourite band in paramore
You: Yeah, I like them?
You: I study cinema, and you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:00 pm
by Arkash
You: Hi there!
Stranger: so... has your step dad raped you?
You: Nope
You: You?
You have disconnected.
Like that one:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi there!
Stranger: Hi!
You: Where're you from?
Stranger: holland
Stranger: you?
You: Sweden
You: I love Holland!!!!
Stranger: ;) what makes you love holland?
You: Been there for some gigs with the band!!!!!!!
You: Amazing crowd
You: Amazing audience!
You: Good Metal people!!!
Stranger: haha :) i love gigs too
You: Maybe you heard of us
You: Amon Amarth
Stranger: oww sorry i ve never heared about iy
Stranger: *it
You: Dont worry
You: We're a metal band
You: so not that renowded
Stranger: :D great!! ill search your band
You: ;)
You: Gotta go, sorry!
You: bye!
You have disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:20 pm
by Arkash
ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
You: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Silikon pada paduan aluminium tuang dapat menurunkan temperatur lebur
You: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Say hi!
You: Hi!
You: Hi!
You: Hi!
You: Oh fuck!
Stranger: hi
You: Here we are!
You: hello there, my name is James Cameron!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I dont really know if this one truly believed me when i told him I was James Cameron:
You: Hi
Stranger: HI
Stranger: asl
You: I dont really know how this work
You: What?
Stranger: Y?
You: I'm here to promote my last movie!
You: It's called Avatar
You: My name is James Cameron
Stranger: TEAH...
You: Thanks!
Stranger: i love this moive
You: Yeah, I put my heart in it!
Stranger: where aer u from
You: 12 years working in it
You: Canada
Stranger: Avatar...when u can see in the moive
You: po
You: sorru
You: sorry
You: dont really used to the keyboard
You: I'm the director of the movie
Stranger: coolll
You: I've written in and directed it
You: 47
Stranger: who is u fav stars....
You: It was amazing working with Sam and Zoe
Stranger: i love peter...
You: But I must confess, Arnold was not that nice on the set of Terminator
You: I much more prefered Sigourney on Aliens!
You: That's why I took her back for Avatar
Stranger: i want to see it faster as i can
You: Yeah, you must see it in D!
You: 3D
Stranger: 3D....we have no 3D--MIX in my city...T T
You: where do you live?
Stranger: china T T
You: Oh ok
You: well, the movie had had a good start there
You: a lot of people went to see it
Stranger: yeah ...
Stranger: I look forward to him for a long time
Stranger: i mean it...\
You: Thanks a lot!
You: That's this kind of post that gives you the motivation to pursue
Stranger: It\ will be released in January
You: I'm presently in New-Zealand, workinf on the sequel
You: I gotta go sorry!
You: But see you in theathers!!!!
Stranger: workinf ?
You: working sorry, not really used to keyboards!
Stranger: whats that
You: writing the script for the second Avatar movie
You have disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:34 pm
by Arkash
That one is definitly weird!!!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi there!
Stranger: Hello, you have reached the InterCom Online Phone Service. How may I help you?
Stranger: What do you want?
You: I'm James Cameron.
Stranger: Okay
You: I'm here to promote my last movie
Stranger: James....would you like to make a call or purchase
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: And we are issuing out advertisments as you speak
Stranger: What movie is it say?
You: It's called Avatar
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: Is that all?
You: I'm the director of it!
Stranger: Um..yes
Stranger: that all?
Stranger: Please, we have a very busy service madamme
You: Yes, go and see Avatar in theathers!

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:39 pm
by Arkash
Pretty good one!!!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi there!
Stranger: hi
You: I'm James Cameron!
Stranger: hy m decarpio:)
Stranger: :P
You: How are you Leo? ;P
You: Havent see you since the premiere of Avatar!
Stranger: m kool james:)
You: How was it with Martin on Shutter Island?
Stranger: ya ya:)..i missed the show:)
You: Oh, sad!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:42 pm
People love wolfs! :
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: I am a wolf
Stranger: hey
Stranger: ?
You: yeah
You: male wolf
You: with penis and stuff
Stranger: ummm is something wrong with u?
You: no, I am a regular wolf with an average IQ
You: why do you say so brother?
Stranger: idk what kinda wolf can type?
You: a wolf like me :)
You: I am special
You: I kick ass in modern warfare 2 too :)
You: once I got a headshot and the guy was half the way across the map
Stranger: dude wtf?
You: what's wrong?
You: don't you like wolfs? :(
Stranger: i like wolfs but how can u be a wolf?
You: I don't know
You: perhaps GOD creating me had something to do with it?
You: or my mother gaving birth?
You: or me being conceived in my mother's womb?
Stranger: ummm ok sure
You: :)
You: how you doin my fellow friend?
Stranger: fine
Stranger: u?
You: fine
You: I just ate a goat :)
You: the bitch was fierce though
Stranger: nice
You: have you ever eaten a box?
Stranger: no not really
You: it sucks...
You: I once had to
You: I live in new york you know, and there isn't many things to hunt around...
Stranger: ummm r u like a ware wolf
Stranger: or the normal kind
You: nah, I am normal
You: I have a friend that's a werecat though
Stranger: what is that possible
You: of course :)
You: but she's horny all the time
You: she fucks pray before eating them
You: it's disgusting at some point...
Stranger: y the hell does she do that
You: I don't know
You: she has issues :/
You: but she's a good friend
You: she's russian you know, quite trustworthy
Stranger: so she is a cat and u r a wolf
You: yeah :)
You: but she's a WEREcat, I am just a wolf
Stranger: nice
You: :)
Stranger: so what is ur name?
You: I am Gabriel
You: but my fellow friends call me gabe
You: what about you friend? :)
Stranger: steven
Stranger: so what do u eat
You: As I said, I live in new york...
You: so I have to eat boxes most of the time
You: feces-colored ones
You: when I get lucky I can find smoe drunk finnish guy in front of a bar :)
You: last night I found a guy named Pekka Nurmi and I ate it
Stranger: kill birds
You: it's difficult :/
Stranger: y?
You: they... fly, you know?
You: and I don't
You: that's where the hard part comes
Stranger: so they land kill them then
You: it's hard :/
You: and they aren't very friendly with wolfs neither
You: sometimes they shit over me :(
Stranger: ok that must suck
You: yeah, Imagine carrying that smell for days!
You: and I have a better nose than most of you humans
You: I can smell a cat 1 mile away
You: imagine what's to have birdshit on your back, less than one meter away...
You: it smells like goat!
Stranger: sorry for u
You: yeah :/
You: well, my werecat friend needs to find a guy to eat and fuck
You: well, not in that order necessarily...
You: but I gotta go with her
You: so see ya around fellow brother :)
You have disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:01 pm
:lol: :lol: :lol: Why don't you like alabama?!? :x
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
You: Hi sir
Stranger: actually I'm a girl...
You: I see ma'am
You: what can I do for you?
Stranger: where are you from, texas?
You: actually from Alabama
Stranger: oh I knew I heard a hick
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
This one was good:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey, im looking to be an online sex slave. I want to talk on AIM becuase im looking for something more permanent that this. asl if youre interested. if not please disconnect
You: hmmm
You: I am quite interested
You: but I need to know if you mind the fact that I am yellow
Stranger: nope
You: and that I have red cheeks?
Stranger: nope
You: and that my friends call me pikachu?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:30 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
inspired by a thread somewhere around here- :lol:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hai
Stranger: where are you from ?
Stranger: what is this ?
Stranger: i dont know about this
You: kaldsf
You: :(
Stranger: ich hab keine ahnung was da iust !
You: KALDSF!!!
Stranger: say me waht it is !
Stranger: :)
You: D:
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:42 pm

This guy followed pretty well :)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: do you like marimbas?
Stranger: I do
You: great! :)
Stranger: do you like biscuits?
You: I do
Stranger: excellent!
Stranger: uhm, not sure how we could combine the two items though....
You: we definately should fuck
Stranger: oh well, there's always that
You: hmmm
You: maybe we can fuck over a 8 octave marimba while eating biscuits
Stranger: what type of wood is the marimba made of?
Stranger: and what type of bisuits?
Stranger: essential questions; you understand
You: yeah, I get that
You: what about if the marimba is made of oak wood with metal sticks?
You: and you decide the biscuits
Stranger: hmm, metal sticks could be a tad cold on our glistening naked bodies
Stranger: as for the biscuits, scotch finger short bread
Stranger: crumbly, but I think well worth the mess
You: I see, that's great
You: but see... I have something to tell you
You: I am from Ukraine you know? and uh...
You: I need to bring my goat
You: is that okay for you?
Stranger: oh yeah, sure, i could use some milk
Stranger: scotch fingers tend to get a bit claggy after the first few
You: I know, it sucks
You: but be careful with little Igor... he bites... you know?
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: well, I guess i'll get my rabies shot before hand...
Stranger: though that is a really big needle...
Stranger: how bad could rabies be, anyway
You: I have it, it's not that bad
You: you get used to the white thing in your mouth anyways
Stranger: oh cool
Stranger: foam?
You: yeah, and other stuff too
Stranger:, that might not be rabies
You: it depends on the night
Stranger: like... a full moon sort of thing?
Stranger: or...
You: hmmm
You: well you could say so, yes
Stranger: I think you could actually be confusing 'rabies' with 'being a warewolf'
Stranger: though I don't know how you'd have gotten that from a goat
You: yeah, the smell of the chicken shit in a barn makes funny things happen in your underpants I guess
You: besides... goats are furry
Stranger: <_<
Stranger: that's a bit presumtuous, thrusting a generally decried sexuality upon your poor hapless waregoat
You: it's not if it's consentuous...
You: those leers they have are pretty clear when you are bathing them
Stranger: well, I guess that's why they call them goat's eyes, huh
Stranger: that penetrating stare
You: yeah, really "penetrating" so to speak
You: the problem is...
You: Igor doesn't like crumbles on his fur
You: believe me, I've tried
You: so maybe we could have pie
Stranger: aww, so no scotch fingers?
Stranger: i'm not sure a pie would be any less crumbly
Stranger: a pot pie maybe...
Stranger: but then you'd need some sort of eating implement
Stranger: which is just going to make the marimba sex dangerous
Stranger: i don't want to get spooned....
You: I see, I get your concerns dear friend
You: maybe some special ukranian funnels might help?
Stranger: ukranian pie funnels?
Stranger: in what way are they special?
Stranger: like, a good special, or a, uh, 'different' special
You: let's just say they're made in Kiev, that is self-explanatory in some way
Stranger: i see
You: Oh, and maybe a finnish friend could join us, he's quite friendly
You: he's a goatfarmer too
Stranger: ah, excellent
Stranger: more expertise, might help curb the biting
Stranger: and you know....
Stranger: subsequent rabies
You: yeah, that's true
You: you may have heard of him, he is Pekka Nurmi, the greatest goatfarmer of them all
You: so we're going to be quite honored
Stranger: i'm afraid i'm a bit out of the loop with the who's who of european goat farming and husbandry
Stranger: ever since Antonio Belescii was disqualified back in '97
Stranger: just not been the same
Stranger: however, I'll take your word for it
You: It's true, I miss the guy too
You: but most of the goat-petting techniques Pekka Nurmi has learned it was under the great guide of Antonio
You: you may recognize it as soon as he humps on the marimba with Igor
Stranger: oh wow, it's been many a year since I've witnessed the two turn bollock twist....
Stranger: it will be nostalgic to witness such husbandry in action
You: Don't worry I'll be there too for the weeping
You: it will be quite poeting... Igor and Pekka on a marimba...
You: it saddens me already :(
Stranger: perhaps, the end of an era
Stranger: goat farming like this may not be seen again
Stranger: what with all these new machines and goat battery farming and what
Stranger: a dying age, we live in
You: decadent age, I may say
You: but well, bring your camera, we have to remember this moment
You: for future generations
Stranger: I'll have to read the booklet about the timer thing
Stranger: but yes, this needs to recorded
Stranger: so I'll do it
You: ok
You: and you know, out of all the testosterone being haphazardly bursting on the marimba at once
You: you might want to bring juice of some sort
You: apple is Igor's favorite
You: you know, to compensate
Stranger: I spose I could pick some up on the way
Stranger: from goat beverages R us
Stranger: they do some mean bulk deals, I tell you
You: ehmm...
You: do you mind if you squeeze them yourself
You: ?
You: is sort of a family thing Igor has
You: he doesn't like factories or such
Stranger: oh, er, well
Stranger: I could give it ago
Stranger: but, i mean
Stranger: I haven't made juice in so long....
Stranger: not after last time
Stranger: with the oranges
Stranger: ....
Stranger: so many dead
Stranger: they haunt my dream, you know
You: yeah, it got on the news here too
You: but it was the cashier's fault, he was the idiot, good that the blade got his head too
You: so he couldn't harm anyone else
Stranger: yeah, but on bring your 19 children to work day....
Stranger: i'm sure not all his prodgeny were stupid
Stranger: though, I guess we'll never know now
You: yeah, but well... give it a try
Stranger: for Pekka, I will
You: for him! just hold them firmly... and think about Igor and how happy he will be
You: a great moment in history
Stranger: true, history must witness this moment
Stranger: well, I spose I should get juicing then
Stranger: untill the event, I bid you, adieu
You: it's true
You: see you in my barn dear friend!
You: for goats!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:47 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
:) Someone doesn't like Street Fighter :cry:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Heyy!
You: Hadoken!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Neither do they like King of Fighters:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello, my name is Iori Yagami. By any chance, have you seen Kyo Kusanagi around here?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:32 pm
by Arkash
The guy entered the game, I get inspired by Agag amazing chat for the wolf thing:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi there!
Stranger: i feel as if i know you
You: I'm a wolf!
Stranger: no way
Stranger: im a vampire
You: I love eating finnish people in NY!
You: Last night I ate James Cameron
Stranger: we have that in common\
You: but he's not finnish!
You: Great:!!!!!!!
Stranger: i finished him off
You: I feel sorry for James Cameron, actually
Stranger: why?
You: Avatar is the best movie of the decade, but I was hungry
You: I tried to catch a bird, a big one, but they fly and I dont
Stranger: i didnd see it
You: So there's a problem there!
Stranger: lsd
Stranger: much
You: You can fly as a vampire, so you are lucky!
You: I'm actually hunting Pikachu!
Stranger: i love pikachu hes my right hand man
Stranger: dont eat hi
Stranger: him
You: Oh, well, hand me another one over then!
Stranger: squirtle alright?
You: okay!
You: Gimme a rendez-vous point!
Stranger: okayy but my friend ate him
Stranger: hes reguritated
Stranger: regurgitated
You: Arf
You: well, I gotta go!
You: Hunt isnt over!
You: 'm definitly hungry!
Stranger: alrightt
You: See ya on the hunting fields!
You have disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:11 pm
by Avatar Thief
They no like Sonata Arctica? :cry: :cry:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Oh, why are we so sad?
Are we feeling hurt by their evil eyes
and all those empty words?
We are thirsty for payback?
What would we like to do with the town?
Would we like to make it... dance? With the Animal?
Would we? WOULD WE?!
Tell us what we would like to do.
... burn it... burn it all...
Stranger: what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:47 pm
I miss you, avatar thief. :cry:

Here are some short ones.
Stranger: hello
You: My life is at stake. My time is running out!
Stranger: What's wrong?
You: Need to breath, might drown- I can't inhale!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: asl
You: My life is at stake. My time is running out!
Stranger: m or f
You: Need to breathe, might drown! I can't inhale!
Stranger: m or f
You: In the end our tribe was left with nothing...and diiiiiied.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: My life is at stake. My time us running out!
Stranger: Why?
You: I feel like I live my life in constant doubt!
Stranger: Well, stop it!
You: But...the fear of tomorrow, the fear of today!
Stranger: Learn not to fear, and everything will be better.
You: I'm trying to stay, I'm trying to run away...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
To all these people, I ask:

What have I said?

:jump2: :jump2: :jump2: :jump2: :rotflmao2: :rotflmao1: :rotflmao2: :repuke: :repuke: :repuke: :headbang: :nervous: :kiss1: :music:

Re: Omegle

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:56 pm
by Arkash
A9 is just amazing!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:05 am
Arkash wrote:A9 is just amazing!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Count the A's, caprylic! :x
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I know your name.
Stranger: oh really?
You: Yes!
Stranger: what is it?
You: Its called "Mr. Mean".
You: One thing i've learned- you don't know beans.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:28 am
by thefreeone

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi there
You: hellllllllllloooooooooooo
You: asl?
Stranger: want to play role play?
You: ok priapus
Stranger: what you wanna be?
You: hulk hogan
Stranger: ok, i'll be a giraffe
You: and i'll smash you to bitterins
Stranger: damn it
Stranger: how did you do that?
Stranger: i was a mighty giraffe, and now i'm all smashed and stuff
You: i know
You: but i dont know why i'm talking to you... you are dead
You: i smashed you
Stranger: yeah, the giraffe died in the role play, so i have to talk to you in the more real omegle
You: omegle? i tought we were doing a play
You: ....
Stranger: yeah we were, but then you killed me, remember?
You: yeah....
Stranger: i don think it's very politically correct to kill a giraffe
You: no fuck how could i kill a big and mighty giraffe
Stranger: you ask me, you did it
You: but remember im hulk hogan
You: and i am better than chuck norris
Stranger: okey, that's just plain bullshit
You: no, wtf? it is obvious that i'm better
Stranger: come on, that's insulting
You: and i will smash you to bitterins too
Stranger: it's blasphemic to even claim that hulk hogan is mightier than the chuck
You: THE? chuck? thee HULK HOGAN
Stranger: hulk hogan managed to strangle a giraffe, i'll give him that
Stranger: but chuck rorris is the only man who has, literally, beaten the odds. With his fists.
You: i did it with one finger
You: and just to know.. did you train that giraffe? cause it was not-so-mighty at all
Stranger: you're a really insulting guy, you know that?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:16 am
by NeverendingAbyss
I pulled out an Abraham, but in Locke style-
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: My name is John Locke and I was the person who inspired Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence in order to label America as an independent nation and not a British colony.
Stranger: LOST
You: No I don't watch that show
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
:lol: If anyone can talk Shakespearean, do it in Omegle! :)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: For two cents a minute I'd call my brother in Argentina!
Stranger: I'm sure you would!
You: And!
You: I'd call my sister stationed in London. She's my best friend!
Stranger: Your sister is your best friend!? Wow!
You: And!
You: My mother in Hong Kong. She makes good fried rice!
Stranger: That's fantastic!
You: And!
You: I can call anywhere in Canada and the US for only one cent a minute!
Stranger: And!
You: I think I have a lost brother in Germany. I can call him for only two cents a minute!
Stranger: That's unfortunate!
You: The two cents make it worthy!
You: ... AND!
You: I can call my Uncle Onkel! He is in Finnland with Pekka Nurmi.
You: For just TWO cents a minute!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I imagine you have watched that commercial? :roll:

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:06 am
I tried the Shakespeare thing. It could have gone better :roll: :roll:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: A horse a horse! My kingdom for a horse!
You: fuck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
And this time the other guy outdid me :lol:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
Stranger: I will not cam, Sam I am, and do not want to eat your HAM! I will not cyber stupid prick, and will not help you rub your DICK! I will not give my ASL, and really hope you burn in HELL! (if this doesn't apply to you, disregard)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
And I think I scared this guy off :rotflmao1:
"Is that a toby keith song" :lol:
You: A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
Stranger: i went to the year 3000!
You: O, how I love thee! how I dote on thee!
Stranger: is that a toby keith song?
Stranger: WTF?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:32 am
This time I decided not to be offensive, rude, or dysfunctional. I just pretended to be OLD! And that was enough to scare some people :lol:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hii
You: hi asl?
Stranger: 18 f usa
Stranger: you?
You: 63, m, alabama
Stranger: 63?
You: last I checked. My memory is shot at this age.
You: do you....
You: do you want some grits...?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi, asl?
Stranger: 17 female..
Stranger: and u?
You: 60, male
Stranger: lol seriiously?
Stranger: do you have webcam?
You: I actually might have rounded down a bit.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:42 am
by NeverendingAbyss
Well, I tried the opposite :lol:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi! Today is my birthday
Stranger: happy birthday
You: I turn 6
Stranger: oh really? im 6 too, looks like you've finally reached :d
Stranger: *:D
You: My mom is calling me... wait
You: she says I should not talk here
Stranger: aww
Stranger: better listen to mommy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:43 am

Ok....back to dysfunctional!!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: horny babe with cam?
You: yews
You: aisdfjp
You: as
You: dpfujl;df
You: yYES
You: YES!
Stranger: msn?
You: wait hold on
You: are you supposed to be the horny babe, or am I?
Stranger: u
You: Well this is awkward.
Stranger: r u female?
You: r u?
Stranger: no
You: no what?
Stranger: no im not female
You: so?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re: Omegle

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:47 am
by NeverendingAbyss
Do we have this obsession to mess with people, A10? :lol: :lol:
You and your "I attempted to give this website a try today."
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: Are u a boy or a girl
You: I am a robot!
Stranger: No for real
You: I'm an R2 Unit, that's real!
Stranger: BOY OR A FILR
Your conversational partner has disconnected.