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Arnold Layne - A Beautiful Life

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:18 pm
by Arnold Layne
Age 0: I am finally born. I do not care for life outside the uterus.
Age 1: I relucantly re-enter my mother's womb
Age 3: I am evicted for nonpayment of rent
Age 4: I discover the joy of Pepsi
Age 5: I begin my wrestling career
Age 6: I steal my first pair of women's panties
Age 7: I retire from professional wrestling and move in to K. Rouster's Kebab Palace
Age 8: The Kebab Palace is destroyed by means of my gluttony
Age 9: I briefly experience a caloric deficit for the first and last time
Age 10: I spend three months on A10's lawn as his watchdog. I bark and bite indiscriminately
Age 11: I meet and fall in love with Karlheinz Stockhausen. He is also quite taken with me. We begin a passionate romance.
Age 12: I discover my sister, Goal, has been living in my stomach for the last 12 years. She is removed by caesarean section. Also, I discover that boogers are, indeed, edible.
Age 13: I meet Flavio Ontivero

Arnold Layne

Re: Arnold Layne - A Beautiful Life

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:06 pm
by Mr cool Edit
Arnold Layne wrote:Age 0: I am finally born. I do not care for life outside the uterus.
Age 1: I relucantly re-enter my mother's womb
Age 3: I am evicted for nonpayment of rent
Age 4: I discover the joy of Pepsi
Age 5: I begin my wrestling career
Age 6: I steal my first pair of women's panties
Age 7: I retire from professional wrestling and move in to K. Rouster's Kebab Palace
Age 8: The Kebab Palace is destroyed by means of my gluttony
Age 9: I briefly experience a caloric deficit for the first and last time
Age 10: I spend three months on A10's lawn as his watchdog. I bark and bite indiscriminately
Age 11: I meet and fall in love with Karlheinz Stockhausen. He is also quite taken with me. We begin a passionate romance.
Age 12: I discover my sister, Goal, has been living in my stomach for the last 12 years. She is removed by caesarean section. Also, I discover that boogers are, indeed, edible.
Age 13: I meet Flavio Ontivero

Arnold Layne
you have 13 yo?????? :shock:

Re: Arnold Layne - A Beautiful Life

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:09 am
by Arnold Layne
Yes. But I am old enough to know that you are the most marvelous, wonderful, talented, beautiful, and generous man I have ever met. :luv1:


Re: Arnold Layne - A Beautiful Life

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:04 am
by Mr cool Edit
Arnold Layne wrote:Yes. But I am old enough to know that you are the most marvelous, wonderful, talented, beautiful, and generous man I have ever met. :luv1:


Re: Arnold Layne - A Beautiful Life

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:29 pm
by browneyedgirl
Awwwwww, what a cute picture! ♥♥♥ But, when the pup grows up he may want to eat the Mama! :eek: