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Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:27 pm
by Linnette Gray
Why do other people don't want to wear masks?

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:39 am
by robocop
Seems like we will have a stricter mask rule here after Biden gets in in January. I have no problem. It was hard in the start. Except I was wearing one of those N95 masks back then. Hard to breathe.

Anyway, cases are still rising here. They say Europe is in the second wave and in the US it’s still the first?

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:41 pm
by ZenithMC
robocop wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:39 am
Seems like we will have a stricter mask rule here after Biden gets in in January.
So... does that mean he's going to attempt to mandate the use of masks at the federal level? ??? It'd be a fool's errand, considering that it would be unconstitutional, but he can try, nonetheless. :lol: Whatever. He can try to do that if he wishes to; I don't really care.

However, if he tries to implement a 3-month lockdown like he said he'd do, the virus will quickly become the least of our worries (kiss the economy goodbye and welcome the surge of crime, suicides, &c). I really hope he does not do this. :err: I'd take this virus any day over societal collapse (especially since, in 99% of cases, people recover). People with cardiovascular and/or pulmonary issues should take grave precautions, because they are the ones who might actually die from this disease. I believe that it is better for people to act on their own, regarding the precautions they take during this pandemic. If they are at a greater risk for succumbing to this disease, then they should be locking themselves down. The government telling people how they must behave in response to this is retarded, ineffectual, and authoritarian.

Damn... think about how expensive it would be to have yet another lockdown. Keep in mind that the last lockdown was only for 1 month (though, in some states it lasted much longer). Now imagine that 3 fold. :shock: The government would have to issue boat-loads of stimulus to keep nearly all essential sectors of the economy afloat (such as the food industry). Well, Biden did say that he'd raise taxes, but he's going to have to really raise them to keep all of America fed. :shake: With a total lockdown, I'm not even sure if this would be within the realm of possibility (eventually, the tax money would dry up because of a non-existent economy). If it's not a total lockdown, then what the hell's the point? Just don't do the lockdown at all if it's going to be half-assed. :roll:

This is all assuming Biden does indeed become the next POTUS, of course. It's current year, after all. :shock:
robocop wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:39 am
I was wearing one of those N95 masks back then.
For now, masks are our best bet. However, the masks that most people wear only help somewhat. Of course, it's better than nothing, but if reducing the risk is paramount, one would be wearing masks like the N95, since it can filter out the viral aerosols much more effectively.

Donning no mask is like standing naked in a blizzard.
Donning a loose-fitting cotton mask is like wearing a windbreaker in a blizzard.
Donning an N95 respirator is like wearing a snow jacket in a blizzard.
Donning a gas mask is like wearing an astronaut suit in a blizzard.


Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:25 pm
I'm also not particulary thrilled about Joe Biden, and especially- Kamala Harris, but its 2020 and what do you expect. I'll have to accept it like a big boy.

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:49 pm
by doc_holliday
Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:25 pm
I'm also not particulary thrilled about Joe Biden, and especially- Kamala Harris, but its 2020 and what do you expect. I'll have to accept it like a big boy.
Trump sucks, and I think Biden will suck too (but maybe a bit less). The republicans use the term "left" when speaking about Biden and friends. He's not left. The only left person around is Bernie Sanders and AOC.

Socialism is not a bad thing. It's been given a bad connotation by the right wing media in the US. But that is far from the truth.

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:21 pm
by Motha-faka
doc_holliday wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:49 pm
Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:25 pm
I'm also not particulary thrilled about Joe Biden, and especially- Kamala Harris, but its 2020 and what do you expect. I'll have to accept it like a big boy.
Trump sucks, and I think Biden will suck too (but maybe a bit less). The republicans use the term "left" when speaking about Biden and friends. He's not left. The only left person around is Bernie Sanders and AOC.

Socialism is not a bad thing. It's been given a bad connotation by the right wing media in the US. But that is far from the truth.
Socialism is not bad? why not see to Venezuela? is a fucking disaster :shock:

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:42 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
Motha-faka wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:21 pm
Socialism is not bad? why not see to Venezuela? is a fucking disaster :shock:
A horribly managed, corrupt administration will always be a disaster, whether it's socialist or capitalist.

You can certainly have a working socialist democracy so long as those in power are not drunk by it.

Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Cuba, Venezuela, NK, Lebanon, Phillipines are among those who have corrupted leaders. You don't need socialism to be corrupt.

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:39 am
by robocop
I spray my mask with 80 percent alcohol sanitizer because I lost my other ones. These are washable. Not even much protection.

I'm not going to get into the politics.. :roll: :lol:

It seems like the simplest thing here is to wear a mask. Despite conspiracy theories, politics saying you're a cuck if you wear one..WELL, they can go fuck themselves. I was a germaphobe to a point even before all this. Washing hands a lot and all. I have some medical conditions that could make me susceptible to it. Same as a few other people I see a lot. Not to mention my mom could get it and pass it to my 96 year old grandmother.

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:44 am
by ZenithMC
doc_holliday wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:49 pm
Socialism is not a bad thing. It's been given a bad connotation by the right wing media in the US. But that is far from the truth.
That video had me shaking my head. I wonder what the tax rate is like in Denmark? Hmm... It must be jaw dropping! :shock: I wonder if they have any money left to spend on themselves? :lol:

Okay, I'm against basically everything presented here. Believe me, it was a very surface level view of socialized services which presented only the pros and none of the cons.

Socialized medicine:
1. The claim that it's free -- no, it is not. The citizens pay into the system via taxes in order to fund it. If they don't want to, too bad. They must pay that tax no matter what.

2. They'd better hope there are a lot of doctors, otherwise there will be massive bottlenecks/wait times for seeing a doctor. They need to service the entire population of Denmark, after all. It may take weeks or months just for a check up. You can imagine that, in an emergency, that could be devestating.

Socialized education:
Again, the claim that it's free -- no, it is not. The citizens pay into the system via taxes in order to fund it. If they don't want to, too bad. They must pay that tax no matter what.

Socialized anything:
Why do they always claim that it's "free"? Who do they think they are fooling with that line and why aren't they honest and just come out and say that the PEOPLE pay for EVERYTHING? And if a service that we provide becomes bloated or too inefficient to function properly, too bad! There are no alternatives and you cannot opt out. Maybe that wouldn't sound as appealing... I think the term "free" acts as a Trojan horse to infiltrate the minds of impressionable college-age kids. :roll:
For instance, if you work at McDonald's in Denmark, and you work at McDonald's in the U.S., you make less than half in the U.S. of what a McDonald's worker makes in Denmark.
Of course "the average wage in Denmark is quite a bit higher than [in the U.S.]". It simply has to be, because what he doesn't want to mention is that a sizable portion of that wage is going directly back into the government through massive taxation. :lol: You've gotta be kidding me with that one... This is completely disingenuous and pure propaganda. :shake:

Of course, the Danish people are content to pay these massive taxes because they have a very different perspective than most people in the U.S. For them, working towards collective prosperity (aka the greater good) is their ultimate goal. But, what of personal prosperity? What of individual goals/prospects (like starting your own business and competing against other companies to gain the most marketshare, thus encouraging novel and innovative products that are better than what the competition offers and that consumers can only benefit from)? Under Denmark's system, I believe those are very much discouraged. For that reason, I am prepared to say that I am far more content with the U.S. system.

So, all-in-all, is socialism "bad"? No. But is it expensive? You'd better believe it! :lol: And under a socialist system, how does one innovate? :shock: So much is just handed to you that I'd imagine that no one has the drive to do the hard work necessary to create innovative technology/services. And if someone did have cool ideas from Denmark, they'd most likely move their base of operations to the U.S., where it is much more business friendly.

When taxes are a given, what encourages the government to provide quality services to its people? :? In the private sector, that's called you don't have to pay for services that you are discontent with. You can simply go with a competitor of theirs instead. If the company wants your support back, they need to fix the problem and really work for it.

EDIT: The more I read about Denmark, the more I understand that they actually have a mixed economy. In other words, they don't have pure socialism. It is partially market capitalism mixed in the central planning. So actually, I should say that pure socialism is quite bad, but a mixed system is okay-ish.

Okay, anti-socialism rant over. :lol:

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:43 pm
NeverendingAbyss wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:42 pm
Motha-faka wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:21 pm
Socialism is not bad? why not see to Venezuela? is a fucking disaster :shock:
A horribly managed, corrupt administration will always be a disaster, whether it's socialist or capitalist.

You can certainly have a working socialist democracy so long as those in power are not drunk by it.

Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Cuba, Venezuela, NK, Lebanon, Phillipines are among those who have corrupted leaders. You don't need socialism to be corrupt.
I don't think providing more social services makes a country a corrupt dictatorship, but an overly strong central government without adequate checks and balances could. No truly "socialist" country that has been a halfway decent place to live, at least for long. These countries like Denmark and Sweden are not socialist- though admittedly they have more social services and higher taxes than the US.

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:59 pm
by Pancio
robocop wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:39 am
Seems like we will have a stricter mask rule here after Biden gets in in January. I have no problem. It was hard in the start. Except I was wearing one of those N95 masks back then. Hard to breathe.

Anyway, cases are still rising here. They say Europe is in the second wave and in the US it’s still the first?
Yes, in Europe we're facing the "second wave" but it's less aggressive than the first one if you take in account the raw data.
Here in Italy the country is almost under the second lockdown (we can call it "lockdown lite") with some regions completely closed (there are three areas of risk: yellow, orange and red), the red ones, to prevent the spread of the virus and others are very much limited: mask must be always used, we need a certificate to move from 10 PM to 5 AM, restaurants must stop serving at 6 PM and every event is postponed/canceled.

R nought is rising but the virus is less lethal and aggressive in symptoms, here in Emilia-Romagna: everything is okay since the health system is stable.
We also have less pressure on intensive care and deaths are within very old people, but it's not the time to let our guard down even tho economy is badly contracting

Re: the coronavirus thread

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:26 pm
by adrian9
NeverendingAbyss wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:42 pm
Motha-faka wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:21 pm
Socialism is not bad? why not see to Venezuela? is a fucking disaster :shock:
A horribly managed, corrupt administration will always be a disaster, whether it's socialist or capitalist.

You can certainly have a working socialist democracy so long as those in power are not drunk by it.

Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Cuba, Venezuela, NK, Lebanon, Phillipines are among those who have corrupted leaders. You don't need socialism to be corrupt.
Captain Venezuela here, I agree you don't need socialism to be corrupt. that shit is everywhere, but you do need socialism to ruin a country, starve people to death, and all the stuff you already have seen in the news.

I would say tho' that people seem to believe that socialism in Venezuela or Cuba means or is exactly the same as socialism in Portugal or Norway, and of course, they are not, this is what I think Biden is proposing (socialism a lá European)

Other than that I'm very wary of the word and to be honest, sometimes people say "socialism" but what they really want to say is "communism" which, I don't know how many countries that stupid ideology need to bankrupt before expiring, be wary my friends.