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Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:15 pm

What´s the deal with him?!
I saw on the official web site, some rummors about him:
Mortiis lives in a castle in Norway.
Mortiis has had plastic surgery to look the way he does.
Mortiis stabbed his mother to death.
Mortiis is a raving alcoholic and drug-user.
Mortiis died and came back from the dead.
Mortiis is married.
Mortiis can't drink.
Mortiis is not human.
Mortiis and friends sacrifice animals in the forest.
Someone was sadistically murdered in the house he lives in.
Mortiis is a king on the dance floor.
Mortiis OD'ed and had to be resuscitated back to life.
Mortiis eats children.
Mortiis has joined Danny Glover in his quest to stop rascist cab drivers.
Mortiis keeps wolves as pets.
Mortiis has sex with wolves.
Mortiis has been asked to use his nose in a porno movie.
Mortiis has been asked to be in a Disney film.
Mortiis and Sarah Jezebel Deva are the same person.
Mortiis has been involved in inticement to suicide.
Vond sings on The Stargate.
Mortiis' nose falls off during live shows.
Mortiis looks just like Blix from Legend, only taller.
Mortiis' music is bad, because he uses make-up.
Mortiis gave birth to someone's grandmother.
Mortiis is supposed to be a Scandinavian troll.
The Stargate is so bad, everyone displays universal disguist for it.
Mortiis was involved in the Norwegian train crash that took some 30 lives (coincidentally, another passenger was alledgedly saved by aliens).
Mortiis lives in a cave & plays buttmetal .
Mortiis sounds like 80´ies goth ala Bauhaus with bad costumes.
Mortiis is a real no talent moron
Mortiis was voted sexiest man in Norway
Mortiis left Emperor in the end of 91, because his mother wouldn`t let him play in a black metal band (taken from an insanely erroneous Emperor fan-site).
Mortiis´ real name is Bobo Trinkles.
Mortiis has 13 toes.
Mortiis has a cat named Elisabeth Bathory.
Mortiis plays electronic folk music
Mortiis had to leave Emperor because he is a troll.
Mortiis had his ears stolen and had to do the show without them.
Mortiis saw himself dead in a dream and from that dream he recreated the image of himself he saw.
When you say Mortiis five times in front of a mirror, he appears with his army of trolls and slay the living!

It makes me want to listen to him just to check this out!
anyone into him?

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:37 pm
by HvyMtlClickWitch
Holy Fuck.

All i know about Mortiis is what you posted. I kind of want to hear it now too. But.....i can sort of imagine it being very boring, like Marilyn Manson.

"Mortiis' music is bad, because he uses make-up. "

A lot of artists are like that. Like Jennifer Lopez. :)

But i can totally see why he was voted the sexiest man in Norway. :shock:

The blond guy looks like Amy Smart. :wink:

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:54 am
by Painless_Cry

you forgot to say that he was flying in real in his album cover

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:36 pm
i had downloaded some stuff, but it all has some dj eletronics efect that i believe it kind of suck...
There´s an on-line store that is selling his albums for R$9,99, which gives it less than 3 euros...i´m famous for buying cheap garbage, but i´m not sure if i´m that crazy...
I wonder if it was just an unhappy coincidence, or all of his material sound like that...

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:15 pm
by Mormegil
This is supposed to be Mortiis irl (if anyone's interested):

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:49 am
by ladyofeternity
I like his album Stargate 8)

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:29 am
by ~Infinity~
I only like his old dark ambient stuff.

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:07 pm
ladyofeternity wrote:I like his album Stargate 8)
i saw it for sale in, for 9 it really worthy?

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:40 am
by tkbdadsgshim
i don't know too much 'bout mortiis but they are a great band!!!!!

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:50 pm
by iron_thunder
someone should tell him he needs a new doctor... 'cause that surgery looks like a mask, haha....:lol:
(that was a joke. obviously it's a mask!)

This is totally irrelevant, but I just have to get this out of my system... I hate the Laughing smiley... it just looks like chortling, like his lips only are moving. ARGH!

anyway, back to the topic at hand...

Re: Mortiis

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:00 pm
iron_thunder wrote:someone should tell him he needs a new doctor... 'cause that surgery looks like a mask, haha....:lol: