dirge wrote:Eh what? Kinda lost, an american advert? Do tell more.
Big Seinfeld fan here!

Redmond's (Microsoft's) Public Relations department hired Jerry Seinfeld to star in a series of commercials in an attempt to make it look like he was trying to help Bill Gates be cool and burnish his image as a hipster.
Unfortunately, the intended result (burnishing Windows Vista's somewhat, to put it politely, spotty image) sort of misfired as the advertising geniuses that put these commercials together ended up confusing most people as their were no mentions at all of Microsoft or Windows Vista. Essentially, they were trying to "outapple" Apple's marketing department, but ended up with the intended audience scratching their heads and Microsoft quickly pulled the ad campaign after two weeks.
This is sort of surprising since Microsoft traditionally has had one of the most powerful marketing machines in history, whereas Apple only had cutesy type ads that would have appealed primarily to Mac bigots and a few others.
An added irony is that Jerry nearly always had a Mac on his desk in the living room of his apartment throughout most of the classic "Seinfeld" series. Go figure-
Personally, I think that the soup nazi would have been much more entertaining, i.e. snatching a retail box copy of Vista's predecessor from Gate's hands saying, "No XP for you!"