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Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:07 am
by miditek

Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel + 80 million fellow Krauts- cancels plans to attend Berlin Wall 20th anniversary ceremonies ... 23867.html

Well, he certainly duped our Teutonic friends during the campaign- and they couldn't even vote for him. The poor thing has been pouting for twenty years about his beloved barrier coming down and doesn't want to be reminded of one of the final nails in the coffin of pan-European Communism.

If anything, Reagan, Thatcher, and John Paul II should have been awarded Nobels for helping to engineer the fall of the wall, and without having to fire a shot! ;)

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:04 am
by icecab21
Schedule conflict

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:53 pm
by NeverendingAbyss
He's in Tokyo right now :roll: :roll:

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:47 am
by NeonVomit
I like how this wasn't even in the news in Germany. I was there over the weekend and saw not a single headline about it. The death of a football player (quite tragic, actually) was given a lot more importance.

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:34 am
by miditek
NeonVomit wrote:I like how this wasn't even in the news in Germany. I was there over the weekend and saw not a single headline about it. The death of a football player (quite tragic, actually) was given a lot more importance.
Not even a blip on the radar. ;)

Obama Cancels Plans to Attend Berlin Wall Anniversary ... 32,00.html

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:18 am
by NeonVomit
miditek wrote:
NeonVomit wrote:I like how this wasn't even in the news in Germany. I was there over the weekend and saw not a single headline about it. The death of a football player (quite tragic, actually) was given a lot more importance.
Not even a blip on the radar. ;)

Obama Cancels Plans to Attend Berlin Wall Anniversary ... 32,00.html
Yeah, but more people were concerned with the death of Robert Enke. You looked for this news specifically, whereas it appeared on not a single front page. Which sort of shows how bothered people were by the matter. In my experience it generally takes a lot to annoy Germans (maybe that's a Bavarian thing, I was in Munich). Actually being somewhere helps put perspective on things.

I guess Obama being in Tokyo was enough of a reason for people there to be less fussed about it than you clearly are, it never came up in the numerous conversations I had there, including a fair few about geopolitical issues.

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:34 am
by Stealth
I agree with you NV. Let me give you another example (neither American nor German): the fact that Obama did not attend the ceremony was barely mentioned in Argentine newspapers, while Enke's suicide received a fairly extensive coverage.

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:20 am
by miditek
less fussed about it than you clearly are
Not at all- the left doesn't like being reminded of one of its greatest defeats in the past fifty years. Obama could shit on a plate and there will always be some idiot ready to eat it and pass it off as gourmet.


Perhaps you'd be less gleeful about this if Honecker were still in power and Stasi were still kicking people about. ;)

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:27 am
by Stealth
miditek wrote:Not at all- the left doesn't like being reminded of one of its greatest defeats in the past fifty years.
You have this tendency to magnify events, ideas or situations that bother you to the point where you make it sound like those whose political views are opposite to yours are always angry when in fact, you are the only one who's pissed off. Not everything is a conspiracy; not everyone is part of a secret plot.
By the way, there is no person in this forum whose political, social, and religious views are more opposed to mine than yours, so congratulations "comrade". :D (ha, just needed to point that out because it's faster than explaining my views :D).

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:46 am
by miditek
Stealth wrote:so congratulations "comrade". :D (ha, just needed to point that out because it's faster than explaining my views :D).
"Tovarisch" might be a better fit, or a little more specific, at least. Pass the Stoli. <clink> ;)

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:08 pm
by browneyedgirl
Obama could shit on a plate and there will always be some idiot ready to eat it and pass it off as gourmet.
Oh, is Obama a famous musician now, too. ??? :D

A pizza guy delivered a pizza to the White House. Obama gave him $20 and told him to keep the change. The guy replied, I think you already have! ;)

Some people are already asking where is the big change Obama was referring to. I am not complaining, but many people who voted for him are kinda regretful now.

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:18 pm
by Dave
These news are from October,and the celebrations took place one week ago, so it's not that strange it didn't appear on this weekends headlines. All that Ehnke-enthiusasm did really piss me off, though.

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:51 am
by miditek
Oh, is Obama a famous musician now, too

Well, it does seem like Clinton played the sax, and I have no idea if Obama has had an formal musical training or plays any sort of instrument.

At any rate, twenty-years after the wall fell, Obama is a no-show, and then Germany yawns.

Twenty years after one of the greatest victories of the Cold War, and now, and the suicide of one person gets more press,from ungrateful Krauts and Obama gets a pass from our "free" press.


Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:22 am
browneyedgirl wrote: Some people are already asking where is the big change Obama was referring to. I am not complaining, but many people who voted for him are kinda regretful now.
I would like to ask those people what change they were expecting...?
They don't even know!

The USA is the most wealthy country in the history of the Earth! We're secure, we're safe, there are adequate opportunities for everyone. Why this obsession with change? If you can't leverage all the resources we have to accomplish your goals, NO president can help you!

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:25 am
by Mormegil
miditek wrote:the suicide of one person gets more press,from ungrateful Krauts
How exactly are the Germans "ungrateful" for not making a big fuss about Obama's conflicting schedule?

Re: Comrade Obama snubs Frau Merkel

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:54 pm
by Dave
miditek wrote: Twenty years after one of the greatest victories of the Cold War, and now, and the suicide of one person gets more press,from ungrateful Krauts and Obama gets a pass from our "free" press.
I don't know whether you were checking out german press, I was, and I noticed, that in comparison with the Ehnke-case, there were much more reports in the newspaper and much more documentaries on TV about the fall of the wall. Even the left expressed their happiness because of the end of stalinism, but I know, it's just a part of the conspiracy.
I'm quite fed up with all that Obama enthusiasm caused by the media, and quite content with the german press not making a fuss about Obamas scheduling plans, just like Mormegil said.