progresive music

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progresive music

Post by Ahlimatainen » Wed May 17, 2006 11:06 pm

Well I'm getting bored no new topics... So I'll make the world a better place (at least the forum) by starting one up.

What is your defenition of progresive music.
Some people think it's the time signatures, some when it sounds weird.

I think that it is when you hear something new, something you haven't heard. Not having heard every single band (not every other band for that matter) it can be hard to judge what's new or not.

Lots of bands I think can be classified as progresive. Bands such as Iron Maiden or Metallica are progresive, but are they only progresive in their own style of music (like heavy metal or such)...

Well what is your opinion about what makes a band progresive...

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Re: progresive music

Post by Kain´s seventh son » Wed May 17, 2006 11:58 pm

Well, my definition to progressive is music that "moves on" through different styles and everything... like, well, the way they put it more "popularryly":
King Crimson, father and godfather of pure, raw Progressive music :D Robert Fripp and the different line-ups he put together have really defined the meaning of Progressive (thoough they claim any real "proge" hasn't been made after 70's :? )
YES... I don't like them, but they are the forefathers of bands like Dream Teather (WICH I don't like either) but this band too, is truely and utterly Progressive
Camel, kings of progressive pop :) this band too was very much defining the word "progressive" :)
Rush, my personal favorite :) more progressive rock than actual proge, but has made some of best stuff in progressive music that has been made in "new continent"
Jethro Tull, the mad wishler and boys, made quite progressive music (and still make!) with their own ways :)
Wigwam (from finland) is in ways, the creator of finnish proge :)
Some new names that can be said to be som sort of "proge" are bands like Tool, A Perfect Circle, Mew, Radioheadand many like these :)

For me, Progressive music is truely something that moves whole music to a different level, adds some complexivity and layers to music, uses wisely exotic instruments ect... but I'm a bit old-school being 70's proge fan and all :)
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Re: progresive music

Post by stratoplayer » Thu May 18, 2006 6:22 am

for me progressive is any band that tries to expand on certain aspects of music in their genre, when they try to implement some other style (a bit of jazz in a rock song, or electronic sounds in metal) or when they play in different structures (not just time signatures, but also phrasing, song structure, compositions, that kind of stuff)

A lot of bands can be called progressive in their own right, but those who do it constantly and in an innovating way are the "true" prog bands.
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Re: progresive music

Post by miditek » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:20 pm

Kain´s seventh son wrote:Well, my definition to progressive is music that "moves on" through different styles and everything... like, well, the way they put it more "popularryly":
King Crimson, father and godfather of pure, raw Progressive music :D Robert Fripp and the different line-ups he put together have really defined the meaning of Progressive (thoough they claim any real "proge" hasn't been made after 70's :? )
YES... I don't like them, but they are the forefathers of bands like Dream Teather (WICH I don't like either) but this band too, is truely and utterly Progressive
Camel, kings of progressive pop :) this band too was very much defining the word "progressive" :)
Rush, my personal favorite :) more progressive rock than actual proge, but has made some of best stuff in progressive music that has been made in "new continent"
Jethro Tull, the mad wishler and boys, made quite progressive music (and still make!) with their own ways :)
Wigwam (from finland) is in ways, the creator of finnish proge :)
Some new names that can be said to be som sort of "proge" are bands like Tool, A Perfect Circle, Mew, Radioheadand many like these :)

For me, Progressive music is truely something that moves whole music to a different level, adds some complexivity and layers to music, uses wisely exotic instruments ect... but I'm a bit old-school being 70's proge fan and all :)
A very good analysis of prog/prog rock- there are many sub-genres in prog music. Some of my prog favorites include:

* ELP- Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

* ASIA- a bit more commerical, but what a lineup of
great players!

* Triumph- often criticized as a Rush clone, but
Rik Emmett is a versatile guitarist and great

* Spock's Beard- great composers and perfomers,
and think that they are a great "newer" prog band.

* Kansas- again, some may debate on whether they
are truly prog, but are still going strong with
most of the original lineup intact.

* Wyzards- a classic prog/metal band, only had one
album, "The Final Catastrophe", but had blistering
performances throughout, and a great production.
They are old friends of mine, and a forerunner to
what is now know as Glass Hammer. Sort of like a
mix of Rush, Sabbath, Deep Purple, and others.

* Glass Hammer- Steve Babb and Fred Schendel's
brainchild- symphonic prog- if you will. They
have also used choirs, orchestras, huge church
pipe organs, with epic compositions and very
impressive productions. The band also uses a
trio of female vocalists (a rarity in prog)
to augument the typical male lead vocalists.

All albums are typically recorded in Steve's backyard studio!

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Re: progresive music

Post by Sin » Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:35 am

very good analysis of prog...anyway I'm sorry (cause I'm Italian :lol: ) u didn't name PFM!!!! they're the Italian pride for prog, and had some collaborations with King Krimson as well.
In the 70s they were pretty well known in England (they published English albums too), and they have an excellent taste :wink: if u like prog check this band too!!! And let me know what u think :wink:
(I really love Rush and Dream Theater too :) )
