Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Holy Light » Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:03 pm

I wonder what happenned with the song?

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Beast_Pete » Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:02 pm


Nothing, I bet. It will be on the album. Don't worry. ;)
(it's not official)
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by TimoTolkki » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:47 pm

That song is called "Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power)" and there
is a bit of Hitler in there.
Götterdämmerung is German and means "The fall of gods" and is linked to Richard Wagner.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by shaz » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:51 pm

TimoTolkki wrote:That song is called "Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power)" and there
is a bit of Hitler in there.
Götterdämmerung is German and means "The fall of gods" and is linked to Richard Wagner.
Thanks for the info! :) Congrats on breaking the 500 post limit.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Twilightsymphony » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:18 pm

TimoTolkki wrote:That song is called "Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power)" and there
is a bit of Hitler in there.
Götterdämmerung is German and means "The fall of gods" and is linked to Richard Wagner.
This isnt criticism, i actually like the title in connection to such a topic, but its quite a pity that people so often have this association of nordic/german mythology and the Third Reich. Too bad those bastards used that symbolism. But maybe its just here, i dont know...
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Aresius » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:49 pm

wow... i think the theme is interesting!

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by luriah » Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:15 pm

JensJohansson wrote:I don't think they will start marching toward the polish border like robots just because they heard the voice of the Führer on a CD.
even if they do, we will fight wit them :!: and it will lead us to pain, destruction and death :cry:
i'm wondering if you heard about Germany band -Landser. they have VERY racist and nacionalitist songs :x and if they songs can be found on net with Stratovarius song shouldn't be a problem :)

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Beast_Pete » Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:25 pm

shaz wrote:
TimoTolkki wrote:That song is called "Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power)" and there
is a bit of Hitler in there.
Götterdämmerung is German and means "The fall of gods" and is linked to Richard Wagner.
Thanks for the info! :) Congrats on breaking the 500 post limit.
Yes, congratulations in that! I hope, I can see you post in the Limitbreakers nonsense-topic. ;)
BTW, isn't Götterdämmerung = Dawn of Gods?

PS: my translation might be false... or maybe both are good ones. :)

Edit: damn, I am stupid. Both means the same, I should have thought, before posting. :twak:
"Mikor az utolsó véred is elfolyék,
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by gerr » Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:33 pm

That was an interesting topic, if anyone here hasn't read it, I recommend it, yep! in my opinion USA wont be the 4rth reich, China is rising now, They are turning to capitalism, and that means they are entering the "World Money War", they will fight against other nations for more Power, thats a caracteristic of capitalism. And they are very very armed also qith nuclear weapons... so the dragon is rising, thanks to the fuking capitalism, this will be a race to rule the world, its always the same...

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Warrior of Hell » Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:02 pm

hm im from germany and i dont want to hear this motherfucker hitler speaking, while im listening to Stratovarius?! And i dont want to be called a nazi, when i hear this song loud in my car and suddenly hitler speaks some shit :x ... then everybody thinks im a nazi? thats not nice...

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Warrior of Hell » Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:04 pm

gerr wrote:That was an interesting topic, if anyone here hasn't read it, I recommend it, yep! in my opinion USA wont be the 4rth reich, China is rising now, They are turning to capitalism, and that means they are entering the "World Money War", they will fight against other nations for more Power, thats a caracteristic of capitalism. And they are very very armed also qith nuclear weapons... so the dragon is rising, thanks to the fuking capitalism, this will be a race to rule the world, its always the same...
usa cant be the 4th reich, neither china.. i think only germany can be a "reich".. Germany had the 1st reich and the second.. thats why Hitlers "Reich" was called 3th reich...but being a "reich" sucks! the 1st and the 2nd reich were monarchy.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by neonlightchild » Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:33 pm

Warrior of Hell wrote:
gerr wrote:That was an interesting topic, if anyone here hasn't read it, I recommend it, yep! in my opinion USA wont be the 4rth reich, China is rising now, They are turning to capitalism, and that means they are entering the "World Money War", they will fight against other nations for more Power, thats a caracteristic of capitalism. And they are very very armed also qith nuclear weapons... so the dragon is rising, thanks to the fuking capitalism, this will be a race to rule the world, its always the same...
usa cant be the 4th reich, neither china.. i think only germany can be a "reich".. Germany had the 1st reich and the second.. thats why Hitlers "Reich" was called 3th reich...but being a "reich" sucks! the 1st and the 2nd reich were monarchy.
Exactly, but i think Gerr meant that a new "Reign of terror" is rising, and he's somehow right, just take a look at China. Everyone is pointing at USA, but there are silent and quite calm countries lurking outside :?

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by brought2ubyletterC » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:33 pm

Maybe if the record label rejects the song, Tolkki can put the song up on the Strato site and let the fans listen to it themselves? That way if anyone is still offended by the Hitler idea, they don't have to listen to it if they don't want to.

But even still, if that's the case, there's always the "next" button on the CD player.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by gerr » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:50 pm

neonlightchild wrote:
Warrior of Hell wrote:
gerr wrote:That was an interesting topic, if anyone here hasn't read it, I recommend it, yep! in my opinion USA wont be the 4rth reich, China is rising now, They are turning to capitalism, and that means they are entering the "World Money War", they will fight against other nations for more Power, thats a caracteristic of capitalism. And they are very very armed also qith nuclear weapons... so the dragon is rising, thanks to the fuking capitalism, this will be a race to rule the world, its always the same...
usa cant be the 4th reich, neither china.. i think only germany can be a "reich".. Germany had the 1st reich and the second.. thats why Hitlers "Reich" was called 3th reich...but being a "reich" sucks! the 1st and the 2nd reich were monarchy.
Exactly, but i think Gerr meant that a new "Reign of terror" is rising, and he's somehow right, just take a look at China. Everyone is pointing at USA, but there are silent and quite calm countries lurking outside :?
Of course, when I said 4th reich I ment to say the next empire of terror like it was the 3rd reich,

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Aresius » Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:01 am

Warrior of Hell wrote:hm im from germany and i dont want to hear this motherfucker hitler speaking, while im listening to Stratovarius?! And i dont want to be called a nazi, when i hear this song loud in my car and suddenly hitler speaks some shit :x ... then everybody thinks im a nazi? thats not nice...
well if people call you nazi because of that then people are stupid...

I guess that usa and china might be the 4th reich, they are the biggest countrys but i thin usa will be because they practically control the world... just and opinion dont get mad

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Livia Dencker » Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:54 am

I'll try to resist comment something before listen the song...

Luther_Harkon wrote:

2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors...
I just can't stop laugh :lol: :lol:
If someone do that in Brazil, my country will became a big jail....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by gerr » Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:20 pm

Aresius wrote:
Warrior of Hell wrote:hm im from germany and i dont want to hear this motherfucker hitler speaking, while im listening to Stratovarius?! And i dont want to be called a nazi, when i hear this song loud in my car and suddenly hitler speaks some shit :x ... then everybody thinks im a nazi? thats not nice...
well if people call you nazi because of that then people are stupid...

I guess that usa and china might be the 4th reich, they are the biggest countrys but i thin usa will be because they practically control the world... just and opinion dont get mad
Yep, they control the world, but that doesn't mean it will be forever....

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by MaFiaBoY » Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:21 pm

gerr wrote:
Aresius wrote:
Warrior of Hell wrote:hm im from germany and i dont want to hear this motherfucker hitler speaking, while im listening to Stratovarius?! And i dont want to be called a nazi, when i hear this song loud in my car and suddenly hitler speaks some shit :x ... then everybody thinks im a nazi? thats not nice...
well if people call you nazi because of that then people are stupid...

I guess that usa and china might be the 4th reich, they are the biggest countrys but i thin usa will be because they practically control the world... just and opinion dont get mad
Yep, they control the world, but that doesn't mean it will be forever....
For the nazis either it wasn't forever (fortunately :D)
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Warrior of Hell » Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:34 pm

Aresius wrote:
Warrior of Hell wrote:hm im from germany and i dont want to hear this motherfucker hitler speaking, while im listening to Stratovarius?! And i dont want to be called a nazi, when i hear this song loud in my car and suddenly hitler speaks some shit :x ... then everybody thinks im a nazi? thats not nice...
well if people call you nazi because of that then people are stupid...

I guess that usa and china might be the 4th reich, they are the biggest countrys but i thin usa will be because they practically control the world... just and opinion dont get mad
people are stupid... :evil:

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Aresius » Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:02 pm

Livia Dencker wrote:I'll try to resist comment something before listen the song...

Luther_Harkon wrote:

2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors...
I just can't stop laugh :lol: :lol:
If someone do that in Brazil, my country will became a big jail....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i have to say the same thing about argentina :D

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Beast_Pete » Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:43 pm

brought2ubyletterC wrote:Maybe if the record label rejects the song, Tolkki can put the song up on the Strato site and let the fans listen to it themselves? That way if anyone is still offended by the Hitler idea, they don't have to listen to it if they don't want to.

But even still, if that's the case, there's always the "next" button on the CD player.
I bet, we can see it on the new CD, as it has new name... Tolkki wouldn't have changed the title, if it was not so.
"Mikor az utolsó véred is elfolyék,
S a tested is a porba hullék,
Akkor is van még remény,
Mert a lelked továbbra is él."

- Mark Swanson -
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