Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Wanderer » Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:10 pm

BlackPhoenix wrote:4th reich can be US, but I think it is more like the east, as in Al Quaida, trying to take over the world.
maybe I'm mistaken, but that is where I see the potential to take down the imperfections and to let Islam rule.
I disagree. The big guys of Islam do not support al-quaida or any other terrorist organizations, I think. You forget George W. Bush. There will be no 4th Reich in middle-east while he is in the lead.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Luther_Harkon » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:23 pm

I really think that certainly the 4th Reich (or something similar to the 3rd) could be without a lot of problems in the USA. I'll tell you why, & I apologise if someone gets upset with this post.

1. There's no true freedom of speech. Everything published in the USA has to go through the goverment, and they tell if it's good or not. And what about the delay between the recording of live TV programs and their emition. 3 seconds between recording & publishing, just because they might have to edit something (like a tit or an ass... no comments)

2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors.... :omg:

3. It's legal for everyone to have a weapon at home... :uzi: :shock: I've lived all my life without any weapon (apart from the swords that I collect) and nobody tried to kill me

4. There's a high level of christian fanatism. They criticize middle-east countries because they mention God in all their laws... But which is the last sentence of the president of the USA when he finishes a speech... GOD BLESS AMERICA! Not too many diferences. And there are also groups who pretend to make the 2nd law of thermodynamics illegal, because this physical law makes impossible the existence of a perfect paradise in heaven. :pissed2: (Im studying physics)

5. And finally, a lot of countries just kiss the USA's a*s because of his economic power. Some countries disagreeded with the Iraqi war; but how many of them really did something against that?! None of them. The only important country that has challenged USA is Russia. Would the rest of the world turn against the USA if they continue limiting the freedom of speech? To be honest, I don't know what would happen :?

And well, here finishes this long post. I'm sure that there will be plenty of people who disagree bout that, but IMO those are things that happen in the USA. Mayb if I lived there I would see the things in a different way. I apologise again if somebody got upset with this post!

PD: all that islam fanatism it's just the consequence of centuries of opressions by the "civilized" countries (I include my country in this group)

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Twilight Legionnaire » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:32 pm

MaFiaBoY wrote:Nope, "Reich" means Empire. Hitler wanted his coountry to be like the great German Empire in the 18th/19th century, that's why he called it like that.
Alright then, thanks for clearing that up :D

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by MaFiaBoY » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:33 pm

Luther_Harkon wrote:I really think that certainly the 4th Reich (or something similar to the 3rd) could be without a lot of problems in the USA. I'll tell you why, & I apologise if someone gets upset with this post.

1. There's no true freedom of speech. Everything published in the USA has to go through the goverment, and they tell if it's good or not. And what about the delay between the recording of live TV programs and their emition. 3 seconds between recording & publishing, just because they might have to edit something (like a tit or an ass... no comments)

2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors.... :omg:

3. It's legal for everyone to have a weapon at home... :uzi: :shock: I've lived all my life without any weapon (apart from the swords that I collect) and nobody tried to kill me

4. There's a high level of christian fanatism. They criticize middle-east countries because they mention God in all their laws... But which is the last sentence of the president of the USA when he finishes a speech... GOD BLESS AMERICA! Not too many diferences. And there are also groups who pretend to make the 2nd law of thermodynamics illegal, because this physical law makes impossible the existence of a perfect paradise in heaven. :pissed2: (Im studying physics)

5. And finally, a lot of countries just kiss the USA's a*s because of his economic power. Some countries disagreeded with the Iraqi war; but how many of them really did something against that?! None of them. The only important country that has challenged USA is Russia. Would the rest of the world turn against the USA if they continue limiting the freedom of speech? To be honest, I don't know what would happen :?

And well, here finishes this long post. I'm sure that there will be plenty of people who disagree bout that, but IMO those are things that happen in the USA. Mayb if I lived there I would see the things in a different way. I apologise again if somebody got upset with this post!

PD: all that islam fanatism it's just the consequence of centuries of opressions by the "civilized" countries (I include my country in this group)

Keep eatin' metal & shittin chains! :headbang:
AMEN !!! I agree 110 % to that.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Twilight Legionnaire » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:51 pm

Luther_Harkon wrote:I really think that certainly the 4th Reich (or something similar to the 3rd) could be without a lot of problems in the USA. I'll tell you why, & I apologise if someone gets upset with this post.

1. There's no true freedom of speech. Everything published in the USA has to go through the goverment, and they tell if it's good or not. And what about the delay between the recording of live TV programs and their emition. 3 seconds between recording & publishing, just because they might have to edit something (like a tit or an ass... no comments)

2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors.... :omg:

3. It's legal for everyone to have a weapon at home... :uzi: :shock: I've lived all my life without any weapon (apart from the swords that I collect) and nobody tried to kill me

4. There's a high level of christian fanatism. They criticize middle-east countries because they mention God in all their laws... But which is the last sentence of the president of the USA when he finishes a speech... GOD BLESS AMERICA! Not too many diferences. And there are also groups who pretend to make the 2nd law of thermodynamics illegal, because this physical law makes impossible the existence of a perfect paradise in heaven. :pissed2: (Im studying physics)

5. And finally, a lot of countries just kiss the USA's a*s because of his economic power. Some countries disagreeded with the Iraqi war; but how many of them really did something against that?! None of them. The only important country that has challenged USA is Russia. Would the rest of the world turn against the USA if they continue limiting the freedom of speech? To be honest, I don't know what would happen :?

And well, here finishes this long post. I'm sure that there will be plenty of people who disagree bout that, but IMO those are things that happen in the USA. Mayb if I lived there I would see the things in a different way. I apologise again if somebody got upset with this post!

PD: all that islam fanatism it's just the consequence of centuries of opressions by the "civilized" countries (I include my country in this group)

Keep eatin' metal & shittin chains! :headbang:
Allow me to comment on some of those aspects you pointed out.

1- Yes, unfortunately that is true, but if you take a good look at other countries, from Europe for instance, you can also verify that similar things are happening there. The US are the focus of the World's attention, though, and that's why these flaws in the system are more regularly detected. For example, a couple of months ago, an important and very respected guy who used to give his opinion on a TV channel, quit. He said the TV channel was under pressure from a main government body, to fire him, because his criticism was very... heavy :D Although he belonged to the same party as the Government, the Government was so shitty that every night, and on every newspaper he wrote on, he'd criticise them. Anyway, this "pressure" thing came out, and some people were called by the President to clear this matter up, and I am led to believe that this serious matter was one of the reasons why the President scheduled new elections and dismissed the Government.

2- That's not only in the US either, and I'm pretty sure of that :cry: It's pretty sad, but here the law is very clear about that aswell. Ridiculous, but you have to understand, sometimes it's hard to make sure that the youngster KNOWS what he/she's doing.

3- Totally agree. :D

4- That's pretty shitty. :x That's a very serious matter, and unfortunately it requires a change in the way people think to make it right :roll: Ohwell, we'll just have to wait. Over here, the Government was always talking about God aswell, and on their defeat speech at the election night (yeah, they lost, thankfully :D ) they said God had told them it was time to leave. :roll: :twisted:

5- They couldn't really turn against the US, because the creation of a conflict inside the NATO would be really ... not good. At all. What's done is done, and I reckon the ones who will suffer will be all of us, and not only those who were favorable to the war (my country is among them, unfortunately :roll: )

And about Islamic fanaticism.. It's a mutual thing. There have been crusades and jihads in the past. Who knows when it will end and people will realise that their Gods are probably the same guy looking at himself in the mirror. :roll:

Ahem, anyway, that was my long post.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Wanderer » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:52 pm

Wau... That was a great post Luther_Harkon! I agree with that post totally. Good posts are the soul of this forum :D
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Luther_Harkon » Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:18 pm

Well, Twilight Legionnaire, I didn't mean that those things onle happen in the USA, Unfortunatly the same shit is happening worlwide. I just wanted ro say that, as the 1st economical power in the world, they just give example and be more respectful and tolerant; because other countries would do as them. And Europe is gettin worse with this new constitution; which allows capital punishment, doesn't declare the right for everybody to have where to live, and a decent job. But well, that's what we've got, a very beautiful world...

Anyway, let's try to keep fighting for everybody's rights and make this world a better place to live

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Twilight Legionnaire » Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:11 pm

Luther_Harkon wrote:Well, Twilight Legionnaire, I didn't mean that those things onle happen in the USA, Unfortunatly the same shit is happening worlwide. I just wanted ro say that, as the 1st economical power in the world, they just give example and be more respectful and tolerant; because other countries would do as them. And Europe is gettin worse with this new constitution; which allows capital punishment, doesn't declare the right for everybody to have where to live, and a decent job. But well, that's what we've got, a very beautiful world...

Anyway, let's try to keep fighting for everybody's rights and make this world a better place to live

And keep eatin metal & shittin chains!!! :headbang:
True.. :roll: I hope that the Constitution is rejected over here, when they vote it.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Luther_Harkon » Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:34 pm

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that the constitution will be aproved... Here in Sapin only voted a 40% of the popullation, but of this group, 70% voted yes. And even though there was a majority of No, they would have aproved the constituion; because there was no legal link between the election and the decision... :( :x

BTW, I were in Lisbon some years ago and it's a veyr nice city, I recommend everybody to visit it!

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by JensJohansson » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:29 pm

Luther_Harkon wrote:I really think that certainly the 4th Reich (or something similar to the 3rd) could be without a lot of problems in the USA. I'll tell you why, & I apologise if someone gets upset with this post.
I'm not saying you're wrong.. the problem to me is "the 4th reich is inside all of us". WE (homo sapiens sapiens) are actually the problem, not this or that country.

As far as the USA, of course this has been suggested before by many people but I always had my doubts that "it" could happen here. Well, i live here now but I'm not saying this to suck up to the USA. I think the culture makes it much more difficult than it was in early 20th-century Germany, people here just aren't organized and obedient enough :)

Funnily enough, I think Timo made that song (4th reich) after the German reunification. If that's true, I disagree with him a bit. It could never happen in germany again, I think they have been immunized against it. And at the time, the US was one of the few countries that didn't worry about German reunification. There was much hand-wringing from the British, the French and the Russians. But I trusted the Germans at the time, and so did King Bush the First.. :) The German people seem nowadays to be some of the most dedicated pacifists in the world. They know from bitter experience that starting wars and getting blood on your hands is NOT something you should do lightly. Before you know it 70 million people could be dead. Ooops!

This "hitler" song issue is just one more example. I think I trust the Germans more than they trust themselves! :lol: I don't think they will start marching toward the polish border like robots just because they heard the voice of the Führer on a CD..
1. There's no true freedom of speech. Everything published in the USA has to go through the goverment, and they tell if it's good or not.
This however, is factually wrong! The US is one of the few places on Earth which does have a (to me) very reasonable balance between unrestricted free speech and the laws.

Yes, the TV thing that you mentioned sucks ass! I think Americans can handle seeing an image of a tit arranged on some phosphor dots just as well as any other kind of homo sapiens sapiens. This will change over time, it's due to the power of the FCC to regulate the radio spectrum and it's basically a hangover from the fifties. The FCC can't regulate the Internet and it can't regulate satellite radio for instance. Technology will reduce the FCC's power to censor away those harmful phosphor patterns of breasts. There is no speech law on the books though, just FCC rules because at the time the radio spectrum was a limited commodity and neede to be regulated in an orderly fashion. FCC then just kept gobbling up this power because TV became such a powerful medium. All that is changing in the next few years.

Germany and many other countries in Europe have actual laws on the books which restrict certain political speech. And it was not many years ago that eg Finland had a religious blasphemy law.

The US has nothing of the kind whatsoever, and has never had, laws like this.
2. There are very restrective laws, specially for youth. In some States, if you mantain a sexual relation with a girl under 18, although she wanted, you're gonna go to jail & be in a list of sexual agressors.... :omg:
This is true, the age of consent is a few years higher in some parts of the US than in Europe. In Sweden it's 15. In Finland 16 (I think). (Annoying when you are young and single, but bot so much an issue when it comes to a possible dictatorship however!)
3. It's legal for everyone to have a weapon at home... :uzi: :shock: I've lived all my life without any weapon (apart from the swords that I collect) and nobody tried to kill me
This is true and it's a real problem. But you wonder how this fact would work if a Hitler-style dictator would try to take over the USA? If you want to try to round up all the black people and send them to camps, for instance, it would of course be much easier if they are unarmed. I'm not saying this isn't a problem but I don't think has much to do with the "4th reich USA" question..
4. There's a high level of christian fanatism. They criticize middle-east countries because they mention God in all their laws... But which is the last sentence of the president of the USA when he finishes a speech... GOD BLESS AMERICA!
This is also true! The cristian nuts fight tooth and nail to get god back into government and law but there is real and fierce resistance at every step. Because the whole country was founded on the idea of getting away from that European shit, state church, state religion, no elections, a king which is born to rule, etc.

Founding the US was a very radical political experiment at the time. Indeed, a "left wing" experiment.

If you think King George Bush II will some day rule the USA with an iron fist and put all the black people in camps, you should keep in mind that the US was founded on the idea of getting rid of an Infallible Führer... who was also called King George by the way! :)
Not too many diferences. And there are also groups who pretend to make the 2nd law of thermodynamics illegal, because this physical law makes impossible the existence of a perfect paradise in heaven. :pissed2: (Im studying physics)
Also true. Well I haven't heard much about thermodynamics, but evolution is under heavy attack. Nobody takes these people very seriously though.
all that islam fanatism it's just the consequence of centuries of opressions by the "civilized" countries (I include my country in this group)
I see it as "they didn't have a proper and thorough enlightenment like we did". So in a sense they might have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I myself disagree with the way the US is conducting its foreign policy at the moment (I have even bigger problems with what the Bush administration is doing to the US economy.) But I have no doubt that Islam will have to lose a lot of its "6th century style" belief system -- one way or another.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Electric Eye » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:43 pm

JensJohansson wrote:I don't think they will start marching toward the polish border like robots just because they heard the voice of the Führer on a CD.
thank God! ;)

Jens, :toilet: how could you ? :)
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Holy Light » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:13 pm

Jens, you are a very bright individual. I'm guessing you do a lot of reading.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Fireblade » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:44 pm

Luther_Harkon wrote:I really think that certainly the 4th Reich (or something similar to the 3rd) could be without a lot of problems in the USA. I'll tell you why, & I apologise if someone gets upset with this post.

Keep eatin' metal & shittin chains! :headbang:
I totally agree with everything you have said! But I edited it to keep it tidy... :wink:

I don't know much about Nazis and Hitler, cos I don't really think it's worth obsessing over or fnding out more about.. just my opinion.

What I think of a "nazi spirit" is alive more in USA and UK today. If nation is raised without knowing much about other countries, and everything they intake being edited to how great their country is, and that their way is sooo much better because they are "free", then the natural consequence of that is a sense of superiority, and not giving a shit if you kill thousands of starving Afghanis, "cos we have the right to defend ourselves from terrorism at the cost of other civilians that hate the Talibs more than we do" (200y ago, old UK "empire" kicked USA's ass in war after making them pay taxes and not letting them vote... big deal! We had slavery and allsorts of shit, that's how it was back then! We were barbaric! Hello!?! It's 2005! Get over it!)

(aside - anyone ever heard a Native American song about something other than the white man kicking their ass? I haven't....)

USA hated that "empire" thing when the boot was on the other foot, but now THEY are the new Roman or British empire, the world's police and culture dictators. 2000y ago we had straight roads, the definition of civilised was dictated to us by invasion. 200 years ago we ate cucumber sandwiches at 4pm cos it was Civilised (definition) when UK thought the best thing for the world was to be just like us. Now we drink cola and think USA culture is the pinnacle. TV and cinema is the weapon by which the whole world is being Americanised, rather than armies. They think they are doing the world a favour by making it just like them, that's soo arrogant. That's what pisses the Muslims off.

IMO the Nazi spirit is alive and well in Bush and his brainwashed supporters, who through a lifetime of brainwashing, think that their life is more important than that of some illiterate black person starving in a tent who doesn't love Jesus or drink Coco-Cola, in some backassward country they have never heard of.

THAT to me is the big danger in the world today... ethnocentric arrogance of USA. Infantile sickness is a powerful demon in the human psyche.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Fireblade » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:48 pm

Just read Jens post... we must have been ranting at the same time. And with totally opposite thoughts, it seems... :?

Gotta disagree about something, though... would be boring if we agreed on everything. :wink:
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by JensJohansson » Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:15 am

Fireblade wrote:I don't know much about Nazis and Hitler, cos I don't really think it's worth obsessing over or fnding out more about.. just my opinion. What I think of a "nazi spirit" is alive more in USA and UK today.
Well, I live in the US so I know pretty well that not everyone here is a Bush-loving automaton. [ I'm also quite sure that's true for the UK as well. :) ] I'm also European, so I know that all 500 million Europeans aren't communists, waffling peaceniks, anti-semites, or "wimpy dictator appeasers". These cartoon images (and I don't mean from you Fireblade or anyone else here) don't do anyone any good. The real world is just so much more complicated.

The US unilateral invasion of Iraq was bad. If it's true that 100000 Iraqis died as a result, that's a horror. But to compare it to Hitler? There is simply no comparison. The world wars are taken together the biggest catastrophy humanity has so far arranged for itself. Back in the first half of the 40s, 100000 violent deaths would just be "a piss in Mississippi." I'm reading a book at the moment about the last days of Germany on the eastern front. Germany lost 20 or 30000 civilians just on boats trying to evacuate ahead of the advancing Soviet army. Each one of those boat disasters were much worse than the Titanic. Even the Holocaust is just a small part of the catastrophy of the two world wars.
Now we drink cola and think USA culture is the pinnacle.
No we don't... we drink german beer, listen to Bach and think the baroque was the pinnacle :)
TV and cinema is the weapon by which the whole world is being Americanised, rather than armies.
Well when it comes to TV there is that magical device called the "off button" which I make quite liberal use of myself :)

Anyway.... if I was 16 again and had to choose between Britney Spears and the Qu'ran, well........ :)
THAT to me is the big danger in the world today... ethnocentric arrogance of USA. Infantile sickness is a powerful demon in the human psyche.
Yes, nationalism and xenophobia can be extremely dangerous. What's needed in my opinion is more research into what makes the human psyche so susceptible to these group impulses. And then that political decisions are considered more in that light. Another 100 years and maybe we're there. Unless someone releases genetically engineered smallpox in the meantime..

I also don't doubt that we in the so called "civilized West" (the US and Europe) would be extremely un-gracious about any loss of the power and comfort that we have now.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by NeonVomit » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:42 am

I agree with what you said Jens, but the world's situation is so complex now that people find it much easier to just caricature everyone else to simplify things.

Wait, they've always done that :(
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Freedom Fighter » Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:01 am

Jens wrote:
Now we drink cola and think USA culture is the pinnacle.
No we don't... we drink german beer, listen to Bach and think the baroque was the pinnacle :)
TV and cinema is the weapon by which the whole world is being Americanised, rather than armies.
Well when it comes to TV there is that magical device called the "off button" which I make quite liberal use of myself :)

Anyway.... if I was 16 again and had to choose between Britney Spears and the Qu'ran, well........ :)


That's the meaning of USA control. Example, all South America is invaded by McDonalds, every kind of fast foods, there are million of Cristina Aguilera albums in the stores, a copy of Disney land in the middle of Aborigine lands. And the people is hipnotized by that fucking stuff, I see the youth totally controlled by that imperium. I see other culture Triumphing Everything what my forbears create, In the space of 20 years We will not be another thing that Dolls with little American flags in our hands. And I said South America couse I live here, but anyone knows about what I'm talking. And one proof is that i am here writing in english...if you know what i mean
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by JensJohansson » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:19 am

And one proof is that i am here writing in english...if you know what i mean
Visst för fan, du, vi kan ta det på svenska i stället! :)

Stäng av teven och lyssna på METAL!!!! Fan oxo där slank det med ett engelskt ord i alla fall. Och teve, det är väl nån jävla latin från början... jävla utlänningar att föstöra allt, tom ärans och hjältarnas språk!

Tillåt mig citera den fullständigt helsvenske poeten Johan Ludvig Runeberg:

"Att tänka innan man talar, är som att torka sig i röven innan man har skitit."

Nej fan.. var det inte Arne Anka som sa så!? Glöm alltihop.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Ole » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:25 am

Skjønne du trønderks Johansson? Trøndersk hi faktisk mang likheta med svensk! Ikke nok me at vi dele mang banneord, men i tillegg hi vi arne anka i butikken vi å. Men under navne arne and. Å det va hain som sa derre :) Way to go!

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Wanderer » Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:35 am

Inte svenska här jag ber! Det här er det engelska sida därför jag ska tala svenska inte längare!

Huh, that was hard. My Swedish sucks hard :lol: No surprise that I'm against the "you must study Swedish" rule in Finland. Damn! Ok back to topic then: The US weapon problem is because , ich glaube the that US is a free country. It is true that from the European view some of the US laws are strange. But at least, the Americans don't have to study Swedish because law says so! :evil:
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Prometeus » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:36 pm

Nice to see that there are so much smart guys around ;-)

Jens is totally right :-)

Let me add some funny stuff to that discussion:


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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by MaFiaBoY » Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:03 pm

Prometeus wrote:Nice to see that there are so much smart guys around ;-)

Jens is totally right :-)

Let me add some funny stuff to that discussion:


Okay, back to topic ;-)
HAHAHA That made my day :D :funhi:
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Luther_Harkon » Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:29 pm

Hi again! Well, I totally agree with Jens that the problem is the human being in general, doesn't matter the country. I just was making a list of things that I think are ilogical in the USA, but like I said I've never been there; so I might be wrong.

I don't think that USA would make a dictatorial reign, but they do want to control the world. That's why they go against the "terrorists" of Iraq. North Corea has mass destruction weapons, and Iraq didn't. Then why aren't american troops conquering Corea. Because they really have those weapons. And what bout Russia, the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. Why don't the USA tell them to destroy all those weapons and threaten with atackin? Because they know they can destroy the whole country.

Of course there are countries wich are worse than the USA. But the first worlwide economical power should try to show what other countries should do, cuz smaller countries will do the same as they due to their economical links.

Every civilization needs it's time to go through history. And only Europe and Asia had really that time. America seems to hav had it, just because there aren't any natives. But look at Africa. We (Europeans) tried to make them change their life in too little time. One day they were living in villages, without any technological resources and self-suficients, and a week later they had been converted in slaves, totally dependant of a biggest and powerful country. That caused a lot of social conflicts, and some motherf****** had taken proffit of this, incinting the rise of religion fanatism.

Well, that's all for now. Maybe I continue writing bout my historical-social-political point of view in another moment!

PD1: and look out, because the Red Eastern Dragon is raising... And there are a lot of scales in it's back :crowd1::crowd1:
PD2: very good pic, Prometeus :funhi:

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Lapazeus » Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:55 pm

JensJohansson wrote: Visst för fan, du, vi kan ta det på svenska i stället! :)

Stäng av teven och lyssna på METAL!!!! Fan oxo där slank det med ett engelskt ord i alla fall. Och teve, det är väl nån jävla latin från början... jävla utlänningar att föstöra allt, tom ärans och hjältarnas språk!

Tillåt mig citera den fullständigt helsvenske poeten Johan Ludvig Runeberg:

"Att tänka innan man talar, är som att torka sig i röven innan man har skitit."

Nej fan.. var det inte Arne Anka som sa så!? Glöm alltihop.
My quick translation:
Abso-fucking-lutely, hey, we can speak Swedish instead! :)

Turn off the television and listen to METAL!!! Oh shit, I slipped an English word anyway. And TV, that's probably some fucking Latin originally... damned foreigners destroying everything, even the language of honour and heroes!

Let me quote the completely and genuinely Swedish poet Johan Ludwig Runeberg:

"To think before you speak, is like wiping your ass before you have taken a shit"

Shit, wait...wasn't it Arne Anka who said that!? Forget it.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by NeonVomit » Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:02 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if in 150 years if the world still exists everyone will be speaking Chinese.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Holy Light » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:02 pm

I don't want to be offensive. But, there are some people who make some REALLY stupid topics on this forum.

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by shaz » Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:18 pm

Holy Light wrote:I don't want to be offensive. But, there are some people who make some REALLY stupid topics on this forum.
So true. Before creating a new topic, forum-users should always think about if the topic is actually an informative one.

"Full of fools, this world be." :roll:

EDIT: Just to clear things up: I'm NOT referring to this topic as stupid.
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by iglehart » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:06 pm

That sound really interesting , but that reminds me the history of a friend of mine who his grand father was killed in a camp, just because he was married with a jew............ :x( ihev no problems with jews, my prob its with hitler)
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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Ole » Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:23 pm

To me, 4th reich is about capitalism. "just press more money, don't worry about the inflation" or something...

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Re: Finnish press: Hitler song postponed!

Post by Lapazeus » Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:02 pm

Ole wrote:To me, 4th reich is about capitalism. "just press more money, don't worry about the inflation" or something...
That's just another reference to Germany. Germans were having serious problems paying off the huge war debts after WW1 and suffered from severe inflation after printing too much money. That economic situation and the following unhappiness among people contributed to National Socialist German Workers Party's popularity -> Hitler gained more power -> and so on...

To me that line is a very dark and sarcastic comment about our future prospects. History will repeat itself, if we don't learn from our mistakes. 4th reich is a great song and Tolkki really put his heart and soul into the vocals.
