Woff, woff, great dogs! I can see them walking you, there in Paenis!
I will now walk myself, on a ski-vacation, and I leave you and the 102page, for a trip to a place, without Internet and other civilization-blessings.
Take care and don't eat to many red trömmings...
A little snowflake-song for you and your winter-blizzard.
Start spreading the news,
I'm leaving today,
I want to be a part of it,
The snow, the snow.
My vagabond skis are longing to plow,
Right through the heart of the deep snow,
I wanna wake up, north of the North pole,
And find that I'm the cool queen, with ice in my soul,
The snow in the south is melting away,
So I have to go North, this very day,
To the snow, the snow, the snow...